Sirius Orion Black III
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He couldn’t handle the pressure, or the critism, or the disgusting drivle that came from all their mouths until he had no choice but to leave. Seeking the comfort of his best friend he found himself at the Potters doorstep in the middle of the night....
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
torva-black · 7 years ago
numbers: ( 1 - 352 ) link to generator: here content: another movie quote meme, some adult content. feel free to change pronouns.
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“Are you ready to go or are you wanting to complain a little more?”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“Honestly can’t say I have.”
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“Have you ever really wanted to do something cool or interesting, but suddenly come to the realization that you aren’t actually good at anything?”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
❝Fair enough, next time I’ll spoil the surprise with a warning. At least then you can wear better shoes.❞ Her chest was burning pleasantly, Sam loved the adrenaline rush. It always seemed to be a bit more pleasing when you earned the victory rather than just zooming up on a broom. ❝I wouldn’t have invited you if you didn’t like stargazing.❞ Sam laughed as she took in the view.
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“Well, I hope you at least brought snacks.” Sirius teased. He honestly didn’t mind the hike. And the view was amazing. He had learned the names of all the constellations as a child. It had almost been like a family history lesson. And to this day he still loved looking at the stars.
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torva-black · 7 years ago
Marlene looked into his eyes and felt herself melt, nodding her head a couple of times. ‘ I am- I’m so bloody ready.I’m going to get used to doing this everyday-’ and before she could even resist herself, she pressed her lips against his into a gentle kiss, it was none like the ones they shared before- this time she wasn’t hurrying, she was staying right by his side.
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Sirius smiled when she kissed him. And, as cheesy as he knew it would sound if he ever said it aloud, it felt like their first kiss all over again. Because nether of them was pretending it meant less than it did. It was real. And she loved him. And he couldn’t be happier if he tried. “That I can definitely get used too.”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
‘Reparo doesn’t work, because it’s alright. As I have pointed out countless times.’ He sighted a run a hand through his hair in a gesture so similar to what James considered his trademark, that it could be almost unsettling. In all honesty though, Sirius seemed to be right too… No matter what they had tried up untill this point, nothing seemed to have worked. ‘ It says here and I quote with a screw number 2000a connect piece A73 with a unit 66BTR… We have both those parts, but no screw that fits the directions…’
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“I’m telling you this is hopeless.” Sirius mumbled as he looked down at the disassembled furniture. He was actually a few seconds away from suggesting they just find a house elf to do it for them. But he wasn’t sure how well that would go down with Remus. “Okay, none of what you just said makes sense.” He sighed. “I vote we just give up and go to the pub to be honest.”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“Do you know what you want to do? Or are you just taking whatever you can get?” she wondered as she topped off his drink. “Maybe you just need a break from all of this job hunting before you get wore out.”
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“I’ve no idea. I never had to think about a job before. My family's money would have been enough to live on if I hadn’t left. And any I had left in my bank is pretty much gone. So yeah, anything I can get sounds good.” He laughed. “I just don’t wanna have to rely on anyone, you know?”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“Almost all,” Andy grinned, shaking her head. “Any reason for not listening this time?”
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“I was just daydreaming really.” Sirius said with a shrug. “I’ve been thnking of maybe writing a letter to home. You know, since it’s Christmas and all...but that’s probably not a good idea right?”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“I have nothing better to do, and you’re still my cousin, no matter what has happened. Just let me look at it to satisfy my conscience, if nothing else.”
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“Alright, if it will stop you fussing.” Sirius teased with a small smile as he sat back. “It really isn’t as bad as it looks.”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
ask my character about anyone in their life!
playable characters, npcs, anything! ask about relationships, current ones, failed ones, poke and prod them for answers about people that mean a lot to them!
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torva-black · 7 years ago
We’ve all got weaknesses. Me, for instance. I’m tragically funny and good-looking.
Sirius Black
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“just sit down and let me take care of you.” ( @bellexetxpur )
“I’m fine though. You really don’t have yo go out your way to look after me I’m sure you have better things to be doing.”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
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Top 5 characters from Marauders’ era: (as voted by our followers) #1 → Sirius Black
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torva-black · 7 years ago
♡angsty/suggestive sentence starters♡
send me a number and a character/ship and i’ll write it! 
“why do you always have to be such an asshole?
“if you’re going to keep running your mouth like that, i can think of a few ways to make you shut up.”
“is there any reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a tuesday afternoon?
“i just don’t want to think for a while.”
“say it again.”
“don’t lie to me.”
“i’m sick of being treated like this.”
“i didn’t mean it like that, and you know it!”
“so this is it?”
“i don’t want to go to bed angry.”
“don’t touch me.”
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
“i’m not saying i want a threesome- but i wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
“just sit down and let me take care of you.”
“is that- blood?”
“i just want to help you relax.”
“does that feel good?”
“i don’t love you anymore.”
“i loved you. past tense.”
“stop lying!”
“jealousy isn’t cute on you.”
“don’t call me ‘princess,’ asshole.”
“i deserve better.”
“you deserve better.”
“you make me nervous and happy and horny all at the same time and it’s confusing as fuck sometimes.��
“you left your underwear back at my place.”
“you just broke the last bit of trust i had in you.”
“i hope you’re happy.”
“does that line ever work?”
“you’re the best i’ve ever had.”
“is that all you’ve got?”
“hit me!”
“tell me this is a dream.”
“let’s keep this between the two of us.”
“is that my shirt?”
“why do you even care?”
“i’m sick of being ‘the other girl/guy.’”
“you love her/him.”
“can you take it?”
“i’m not going to break.”
“we’re not just friends. you know that.”
“friends don’t get each other off.”
“it’s over- and it’s for real this time.”
“i’m not that flexible!”
“you don’t scare me.”
“it’s okay, i’m here.”
“you’re not alone. you never were.”
“i’m in love with you but i don’t want you to hurt me.”
“it’s complicated.”
“you’re the only one.”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
“That’s not necessary. You’re brooding face is actually pretty good,” she teased. Adeline sipped at the water she kept behind the bar. “So, what’s been keeping you busy these days?”
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“It’s just my face in general is pretty good.” He teased in return before shrugging his shoulders. “Not much, been looking for a job but not had any luck.” He told her. “Hense my need for a drink today.”
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torva-black · 7 years ago
Sturge shrugged, “Actually, that’s a good point. I think this is the first time I’ve had Callie out of the house for more than a quick run to the store without Greta being there.” He looked down at the baby in his arms, “One more hour. Then, we will hit the road to get some sleep.”
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“Can always blame my bad influence if she says anything about you being out too late.” Sirius chuckled.
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torva-black · 7 years ago
‘ Oh, I know you’re big. That’s exactly the reason why.’ she teased right back, balancing their hands a little. They’ve held hands before, but it didn’t feel like it felt now for sure- she had just done the scarriest thing of her life: she confessed her love for him and she didn’t run away, she was by his side, smiling. ‘ Are you ready? For our happy time together and our happy ending?’ She didn’t believe in happy endings, but she did believe that with him everything was possible.
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“I’ve been ready for that for a long time,” Sirius said quietly and it was ridiculous how he couldn’t stop smiling. He had grown up thinking love was a stupid concept. That he’d be told who he would marry and it didn’t really matter. But now, he couldn’t imagine loving anyone but Marlene. And it was terrifying but he wouldn’t change it. “Are you ready?”
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