torukamacktoyu · 2 months
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He is NOT good at taking group selfies 😤
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
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OOOMMMGG. WHAT… 👩🏻‍🦯… it’s … 🧎🏻‍♀️… this …🐕. Wof wof…
thank you, huandual on twitter, for awakening my animal instincts.
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
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Finally got a better reference image of Quarich's ikran! Much happier with how this turned out: it's still not perfect, but I think it's a lot closer to how the ikran really looks!
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
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Catch of the day
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
Still trying to process the fact that quaritch punched his ikran when trying to make the bond. Like we thought Jake's was unconventional but quaritch deadass threw hands
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
Hello. Can you write about Tonowari liking a omatikaya female reader but he is scared to ask her out? Please
This is long overdue!
Forgive me anon! 😭
Tonowari being too shy to be near reader! Featuring Ronal
(Not proofread)
“You are staring.”
“I am Not.”
“You are.”
“I am, Not.”
“Than what do you call it?”
“It is staring, something that is improper as is an annoyance.”
“I am doing no such thing.”
“For the love of the Great Mother go over and say hello.”
“I will not, she is busy.”
“You are doing it again. Tonowari go greet her or so help me I will not tend to your wounds next time you come to me injured.”
“You will do no such thing unless you desire a painful punishment.”
“Your love struck staring is punishment enough!”
“I am not staring do you understand Ronal.”
Ronal blinked at Tonowari’s outburst, his thumping tail a clear sign of annoyance making her glare.
The subject of this whole argument unaware  despite being rather close to where they were sorting the clan’s catch.
Daughter of the Omaticaya.
Daughter of the forests.
One of the clan’s esteemed guests alongside her fellow warriors.
The woman was tending to the ikran by herself something that would not be of much interest but Tonowari has not looked away once.
Much to the amusement yet irritation of the young healer. 
She was over it.
She was the first to see how the moment their allies arrived alongside the others for their usual trading of goods via their clans, the forest woman turned the heads of many.
Tonowari was no exception.
Ronal snorted at the memory of him stuttering over his own words, nearly forgetting his name as he introduced himself.
From then on, it was the constant quick glances or unconscious actions of correcting his own posture to appear taller, stronger, and prancing around his skills as a hunter like a Tsurak flapping their wings.
Perhaps she was overstating it but once again Ronal could only watch all of this supposed showboating( that reaped no results) would in earnest, have no standing behind it.
At this point, she had seen Tonowari puff himself up with his own prowess only to immediately deflate and  scamper away with his tail between his legs like a child.
It was pitiful.
She inhaled, perhaps she was being too harsh. 
Growing up with the Olo’eyktan heir, she knows that his appearance is not in accordance to his personality.
But his modest nature did not deter the fact on how infuriating it was to see him so shy.
Nor would he gain courage to with the threat of their time running out as she would go back to the forest. 
Ronal would not be the one to alleviate a moping Tonowari who would whine about how he did not do anything.
Perhaps she should intervene.
Perhaps she did not need to as the woman in question looked up from finishing her tasks, waving to them (Tonowari oblivious to it).
Ronal beckoned her closer waving back but did not mention it until she was a few steps away.
“Tonowari compose yourself, she is walking over.”
His head rose quickly,” why would she-“
“Because she waved and I beckoned her closer that is why. Compose yourself.”
He straighten himself just as (y/n) greeted them, hand to her head,” Oel ngati Kameie.”
Ronal returned the greeting, smacking Tonowari with her tail as remind him to do so.
“(Y/n), come sit. The heat is sweltering with the sun high, you must be tired after tending to all the mounts.”
“Thank you, would you like assistance in sorting the day’s catch?”
“That would be much appreciated, indeed Tonowari?”
The man simply nodded, tail lashing behind him wildly, as he resolved to not speaking.
Ronal wished to pull her hair out as the afternoon went by with this awkward air between her clan’s heir and the warrior women.
Not to mention poor (y/n) was trying her best to engage with Tonowari but his nerves had muted his voice.
Ronal by nature was not a very talkative person but was forced to be as to save his face.
“He does understand that the staring is rather rude yes?”
Ronal rolled her eyes, eating away at her dinner before speaking,” I have told him. He claims he is not. I am this close to courting her myself to get him to admit his feelings.”
“As if that would impulse him to say anything, you know as well as us Ronal that he would let her go all the while chastising himself for not saying anything.”
“By Ewya why must he be like this?”
Oke’po and Aa’lei chuckled at their friend’s dismay all the while munching on their portions of dinner, watching Tonowari send longing glances at the forest woman across the dinner fire.
“Does she have interest in him?”
Ronal shrugged,” I have seen her remain friendly as one would be with an heir, respectfully. I do see how she is disheartened when he simply goes silent with her.”
Aa’lei hummed,” do you think perhaps that she is not even aware that he is available to court? After all the Omaticaya clan has their Olo’eyktan and Tsahik as mated pairs?”
Oke’po chuckled,” That would be humorous entirely. Ronal has been bewitched by her promised.”
“I beg your pardon why am I the topic now?”
“Well she could perhaps have that impression my sister, you two were sorting the days meal alone together.”
“And who is at fault was that?”
Aa’lei smiled,” Take it up with your promised,  he called for us when two of his hunters grew ill.” 
“Exactly, but you would not blame him cause he has your heart. He can do no wrong in your eyes. Where is he anyway?”
“He has to patrol this evening but enough about my life this is about our heir! We must do something.”
All three friends were lost in thought before whispering amongst themselves a possible plan.
Unfortunately for them there always seemed to be a fault.
“Oke’po you are a man yourself and yet you are no help.”
“How is it my fault? I would go directly, what is the point of circling around.”
“Is should be romantic.,” Aa’lei chimed.
“Considering that Tonowari would rather drown that confront the situation that is not a luxury we can think of.”
Ronal huffed,” Great mother give us strength.”
Oke’po fell onto the sand, stretching,” I say that it must be direct, clear intention but you know Tonowari would not be the one to confess.”
Aa’lei picked at the seashells near her feet,” (y/n) would have to take the initiative which is difficult as a Tonowari would rather run in fear.”
“Then if Tonowari sees us all together he will suspect. There is too much. Perhaps I shall go with what my intuition tells me.”
“Which is what?,” both her friends asked.
Ronal stood, determined,” It shall be a great plan, one that will not fail if the Great Mother is truly on my side. I must go.”
Watching her walk away, Aa’lei picked up the shells she liked,” Should we be worried?”
Oke’po shrugged,” Tonowari is as the rest of us. He will either die a warrior in a fight, or older age or simply embarrassment. Either way, he is doomed.”
It took perhaps a few days for Ronal to put her plan in motion.
She had to gather all her bearings before stalking the unsuspecting prey.
(Y/n) was once again tasked with tending to the ikran as well as Tonowari came from hunting, helping to place the nets back. 
It was time.
“Do you believe Ikran can swim as well as a Tsurak can?”
Tonowari’s ear fluttered, turning to Ronal who stared at the mighty beasts.
“Why do you not ask?”
“I am asking for your thoughts. They bathe  but I only see them being fed food.”
“It is most likely because the sea is different from the forests. They most likely have smaller sky creatures that they prefer to catch for food.”
“But the Omaticaya are not the only clan to have the ikran as their mounts.”
“That is true. From what I heard the Kelkunun and the Tayrangi do as well.”
“And the Tayrangi live by the Eastern seas.”
“Perhaps it is the way of life.”
“That would be preposterous, if the the Ikrans of the Tayrangi enjoy water then how would the others not?”
“I believe it is the same way as Tsuraks are solidarity as Ilu are sociable and playful.”
“But Ilu and Tsuraks are the same in all the seas. Besides that is not a good comparison, it is not as if a singular group of Tsurak or Ilu can move on land, even if they adapted.”
“But Ilu jump on sand-“
“For play.”
“And Tsuraks-“
“Can jump on land but struggle to get back into water.”
Tonowari huffed, growing irritated by the second as Ronal would rebuke everything he said.
“Indeed why am I asking you?”
“Now wait a moment-“
“(Y/n)! May I please have a moment of your time?! I have a many things to ask you that this skxqwng cannot answer! Well he cannot intelligently answer!”
“I beg your pardon?!”
Ronal had to fight the small curve of her lips as Tonowari trailed behind her huffing.
(Y/n) greeted them before asking,” What May I help with?”
“I have questions of the Ikran, I should have gone to you instead of asking this skxqwng.”
“Forgive me Tonowari as the adults are speaking, scamper away as you do with the nets.”
Said man was fuming, tail lashing from side to side as Ronal continued to ignore him,” I wish to know if the Ikran are as capable as Tsuraks in the water. I do not see them near it.”
“They do not dislike it but they are not built for swimming, well swimming as much as a Tsurak.”
“But the Tayrangi have Ikrans do they not?”
“They do but their Ikran are much more adapted to water then their structure is different.”
“You could train them could you not.”
“I have never attempted, I could try.”
“It is strange that not all Ikran are one way in mind.”
“Well they are all creatures of the sky primarily bath they adapt. I believe a fair comparison would be the Ilu and Tsurak, both are creature of the water but have adapted to different circumstances.”
Both women jumped, Tonowari’s outburst surprising them both as he huffed and puffed.
Ronal withheld her laughter,” Tonowari you are the heir of the Metkayina, the next Olo’eyktan. Do you feel no shame at such a childish outburst? Infront  of a guest no less.”
Whatever annoyance Tonowari held immediately vanished as he was made acutely aware of who was within his presence. 
His tail fell limp as his ears flattened against his head, face red,” F-forgive me I did not mean to yell.”
He was met with laughter. 
(Y/n)’s wholehearted laughter.
Ronal watched as Tonowari’s face grew more red as (y/n) tried to cease her laughter.
“Forgive me I do not mean to laugh at you, either of you. It was just very abrupt, you both argue like siblings.”
“By the grace of Ewya we are neither siblings nor shall be mates as the Great Mother knows we are born for our respective roles alongside each other as friends.”
Tonowari cleared his throat,” I apologize once again. I shall let you finish the conversation.”
“Wait a moment, (y/n) you said you have never attempted to teach your Ikran to adapt to water yes?”
“No I have not.”
“Would you wish to have help?”
The woman tilted her head,”if you do not mind, I have been curious if our mounts can learn the way of water as you have been teaching us.”
“It shall be Tonowari’s honor.”
Said man went rigid in posture but Ronal grabbed his tail before he could disappear,” you have no excuse to not help, you are done with your duties, your father is out with a hunting party, Oke’po with him, Aa’lei is out foraging with the women, your mother is overseeing the little ones and preparing for new breath ceremonies, and I have to go with my fellow healers to prepare for tonight’s dinner. Consider this as a way to reflect on your childish outburst.”
His lips pressed themselves into a firm line as his ears grew pink once more before she waved to (y/n),” Enjoy the evening and please tell me the results of the training.”
“In the end little shell, without my help, your skxqwng of a father would still be moping about what could have been.”
Ronal’s ears were graced by the coos of the baby in her arms as he pawed at her headdress. 
A snort made the Metkayina Tsahik look up , smiling innocently at an unimpressed Tonowari with (y/n) withholding her laughter.
“You should tell the story again.,” Oke’po hummed as he held a Ilu you making the baby squeal in delight.
“Most definitely.,” Aa’lei chimed cooing at the babe.
“Hand us back our son!”, Tonowari snapped as (y/n) gave way to laughter.
“You had the worst staring problem! I should have simply made the first move!”
Ronal threw her hand up,”Exactly! A skxqwng!”
“I command you to stop calling me that!”
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torukamacktoyu · 2 months
drabble: sweet creature ✩ tonowari 
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 
summary: in which tonowari loves how different you two are, tonowari x omaticaya!reader, wari being bbg <3 fluff
word count: 253
comments: ronal and co. are nonexistent in this bc i said so
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
A hand enclosed around your tail, tugging on it playfully and it caused a small laugh to fall from your throat. Tonowari had always found your differences so interesting, the dark blue of your skin, your big honey colored eyes, how tiny you looked compared to him. He loved it all.
So it was no surprise when you learned he was obsessed with your tail. The way it curled around his wrist, or his leg. He especially enjoyed when your tail wrapped around your own, or thumped wildly at something he did. So when your tail began to swish away from his fingers, Tonowari could not help but chase after the appendage.
Thick fingers trying to catch you, but anytime he was close you just swished it in the opposite direction. Far too quick for him. Another laugh ripped from your throat when you turned to look at him, his brows pinched together in concentration. “You and that tail are going to be the death of me.”
You hummed happily, finally putting him out of his misery and letting him grip onto the end of your tail. He gently pulled you towards him as he tugged, his big hands landing heavy on your hips as he pulled you towards his chest. Your tail flicked happily, wrapping around his thigh to pull him closer. “I do not know why you are so fascinated by it, you have one too.”
He huffed quietly, and nipped by your ear gently, “Yes, but yours is so pretty.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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torukamacktoyu · 3 months
Let's chat about avatar
Any topic, I mean any (except for sexual maybe I think there's enough simping in this fandom already lol)
I can start if you want
For example, I always wondered, is it required for a na'vi to be a warrior? Like yeah, they only become one of the people when they become a warrior, or do they? Can you be just a gatherer and just chill, raise kids, weave? If not, it must mean that every na'vi is a warrior, even Mo'at is a warrior, and she has an ikran! And it also mean, that if you were born disabled, you will never be part of the clan, and just a burden for you people.
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torukamacktoyu · 3 months
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My boys!! I think they go on lots of fun adventures together <3
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torukamacktoyu · 3 months
It’s National Pet Day so I’m obligated to say that Jake Sully boops Bob’s snoot and gives him belly rubs.
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torukamacktoyu · 3 months
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Kiss on the nose!
If I had an ikran i'd be doing this every. single. day.
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torukamacktoyu · 3 months
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Pìwopxtsyìp and his babies! I honestly wish we knew more about the physiology and behavior of pandoran creatures. In the mean time, I think that Ikrans actively defend nesting sites as a pair, taking turns to hunt and guard a clutch and offspring till they fledge. So here's my boy with the kids while Atanzaw is off hunting <3
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torukamacktoyu · 3 months
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Another comission for @ph03n1xr151ng201101 of their wonderful character Taw txep. Very happy with it!
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torukamacktoyu · 4 months
@anxious7sami gave me a great idea about western frontier clans' dialects/accents and it's sad that it's only my headcanon and we can't actually hear NPCs in game speak na'vi :(
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Starting with my favorite clan! I immediately thought that their kx, px, tx, ts could sound more like Xhosa clicks?? (which makes sense since they are inspired by several African tribes)
It makes them sound more loudly and pronounced to communicate on long distances and shout over the howling of the winds. And Zeswa are just loud in general, speaking loud is in their blood and it's making other clans uncomfortable x)
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Unlike Zeswa, Kame'tire are very soft and quiet, they hide in the fog and are used to almost whisper while talking to each other. They rarely use their full voice. All hard sounds that are in the na'vi language are softened even 'rr sounds more like purring. (cozy :3)
Also they might shorten sentences and words to communicate faster or just to speak less lol
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This might be just my personal view of Aranahe but I can imagine them using a lot of slang and like make up new words all the time just to forget them on the next week?? They have at least twice as many names for colors as it is in other clans. As for pronunciation, I don't think it's very different from other forest clans, except for PASSION! They speak with feelings! Very emotional very open.
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torukamacktoyu · 4 months
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Jake #2 (because i can’t get enough)
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torukamacktoyu · 4 months
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Messing with procreate brushes 🖌
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