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I can never understand how Snape apologetics can stand up for him when he CANONICALLY does this shit.
I can maybe, maybe, understand those who haven’t read the books standing up for him, because honestly the movies don’t cover all the horrible stuff he does. But those who have read the books and still stick up for him baffle me.
I mean, you don’t see anyone sticking up for the Dursley’s or Umbridge, when they do the same stuff to Harry as Snape. How is Snape any different?
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Everyone lives au where Fleur and Sirius talk shit about their werewolf husbands in french
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I sincerely believe that by 7th year Ravenclaws would just tell the door to their common room to fuck off and it would open for them
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Remus Lupin fell asleep on the Quidditch bleachers in their second year. James Potter and Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew woke him up, and they propped him up all the way up the stairs.
Remus Lupin fell asleep in the middle of Charms class. Peter Pettigrew took notes for the both of them all class and woke him up with a shoulder tap and a smile.
Remus Lupin fell asleep on the moving staircase in fifth year, and Lily Evans laughed so loudly she woke him up. He insisted he was just resting his eyes for a minute. They walked back to the common room together, and he threw an arm around her shoulder and they both pretended it wasn’t because he was too weak to walk on his own. 
Remus Lupin fell asleep in the common room, late in sixth year, and Sirius Black found him curled up on the couch with his Muggle book open on his chest. Sirius took the blankets off both their beds, because Moony got cold so easily, and dropped them over the other boy. He picked up his book and put it on the coffee table.
Remus Lupin fall asleep in the library, on top of his schoolwork in seventh year, and James, who was quite a bit taller than the other boy at this point, lifted him up and carried him to to their dorm room as gently as possible, grinning at his friend and shaking his head. He put him in his bed and turned off the light, heading outside, now late for the Quidditch practice he was supposed to be coaching. 
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So this is my first art of 2018!!!! and it’s a fanart on  “Casting Moonshadows” Fanfic! :D I usually don’t do Fanart on Fanfictions, because I have in my mind my version of Marauders’ story  and I like to represent my interpretation of the events ( which could be canon or not). Anyway, Some days ago a friend introduced me to “Casting Moonshadows"  and I found it awesome. I was so impressed with this chapter/scene. Everything was perfect: the characters,the dialogues, the setting, Remus tenderness (and the idea of the owl following him everywhere is adorable). As soon as I read this chapter, I felt the need to illustrate this. so here you are! :)
 [Here] the chapter from which I was inspired to make this illustration.  I hope the author don’t mind that I have made a drawing on their story!
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/*rereading HP series or 1001 things I've forgotten*/
Justin Finch-Fletchley fangerling over Lockhart
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hurGH have a sleepy remus
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Sirius: Hey Prongs, Moony is doing it again. Remus: What? What am I doing? Sirius: That moony face. Remus: What face? This is my usual face! Sirius: No, That is the “thinking moony” face James: Are you worried, Moony? Why? Remus: I-I’m not worried. Sirius: Moooony! Remus: Well …. Do you realize there’s almost a full moon? Peter: So what? Remus: What if this time it ends badly? And what if I … Sirius: MOOONY! For Merlin’s sake hold your tongue, stop that moony thing and let us have fun. James: we’ll manage it…as always!
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werewolf more like swearwolf
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remus lupin’s patronus is a wolf are you SHITTING me
like can you imagine him doing it for the first time and finally succeeding and it’s a fucking wolf and all his classmates are like “oh that’s cool” and meanwhile he walks over and kicks a desk
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Sirius Black would stare up at the moon every night before he went to Hogwarts, wishing the man living in it would save him from all of this. Wishing anyone would save him.
Remus Lupin would stare up at the stars every night, tracing them in his mind and not feeling scared by them; wishing that he was half as beautiful as they were. Wondering if anyone would ever look at him the way he did at the stars.
The two of them finding one another at Hogwarts, and in the middle of their sixth year, Remus figures out the stars did make him feel beautiful; Sirius realised the man in the moon did save him, and his name was Moony.
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Pads was SIRIOUSLY jealous at the beginning.
(This was supposed to be a single illustration, with Sirius and Moony behind James and Lily. But I found James and lily too cute to be “disturbed” by the poor jealous padfoot so this why I made two different illustrations.)
(I want to thank the sweet @80s-addict for the suggestions and the inspiration )<3 
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december 1976, before christmas
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“You know, the very first time I saw you Harry, I recognize you immediately. Not by your scar, by your eyes. They’re your mother, Lily’s.”
-Remus Lupin
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maybe it’s…. subtle.
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deja vu
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