“I’m disgusted,” said Professor McGonagall. “Four students out of bed in one night! I’ve never heard of such a thing before!” Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, ch.15 Really, Professor? Like… never ever? What about the Marauders? You’ve never caught them all together? Nice)
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The Marauders Soulmate!AU #1
Soulmate!AU where if somebody listens to a song soulmate gets it stuck in the head
Remus woke up because of loud guitar riffs of “Highway To Hell” rumbling inside his head. “It’s bloody 3 a.m., for the Merlin’s sake!” he moaned. Obviously, Sirius was having a cheerful night right now. “Fine, Sirius,” he thought trying to get back to sleep, “I’ll give you a nice hangover. 5th Beethoven Symphony. At 7 a.m.”
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The Marauders HC#2: Muggle Habits
Since Remus’ mother was a muggle (a real one, not a muggle-born witch) sometimes he prefers to do his housework (like washing dishes, peeling potatoes, sweeping and so on) without using magic. Especially he likes to make tea only with his hands, not his wand. James and Peter usually make a joke about it but Sirius doesn’t. Actually, he loves this habit. Like he loves the other muggles’ stuff. Like he loves Remus.
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The Marauders HC #1: Perks Of Being Prefect
7th year. James tells friends about head boy and head girl privileges: walking around school corridors in midnight pretending it’s a patrol, using prefect’s bathroom for making out and so on. Sirius smirks and throws knowing look to Remus who pretends completely innocent. After James left (to meet Lily probably) Sirius gives Remus “have used these privileges since 1976” high five.
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The Marauders HC#3: Short Ones
You easily can call Peter “Pete”, he likes it. You can call Remus “Rem”, he’s ok with it. You can call James “Jim” or even “Jamie”, he doesn’t mind. But if you try to call Sirius “Siri”… Whoops! You’ve been hexed.
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The Marauders Soulmate!AU #2
Soulmate!AU where if somebody listens to a song soulmate gets it stuck in the head
Lily was sitting in the library reading some Charm book when her head suddenly was filled with “Buddy you’re a boy make a big noise…” and claps and steps. “Damn you, Sirius Black! Not again!” she thought. Not that he was her soulmate, oh no, but he really had a great influence on musical taste of James Potter.
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The Marauders HC#4:Polygonal Love
James loved Lily. Lily loved Snape. Snape secretly loved Lupin. Lupin was suffering and thought that no one needed him. But Sirius also loved him. So he decided to get rid of Snape and sent him under the Willow. No Snape — no problem *shrugs*
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The Marauders Soulmate!AU #3
Soulmate!AU where if somebody listens to a song soulmate gets it stuck in the head Sometimes James could be found hanging around Gryffindor dormitory and gently and quietly singing something like “You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life”. Sirius used to laugh about it until once he’d got caught whistling something close to “Love me do”.
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I’m just curios how many fiction exist where 
Snape: Harry, I’m your father! 
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/*rereading HP series or 1001 things I've forgotten*/
Justin Finch-Fletchley fangerling over Lockhart
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