toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
We know the whole ā€˜sugar, spice, and everything niceā€™ rhyme. But what metaphorical (or literal) ingredients make up MY Muse? Whether it be salt Ā or cinnamon or an unhealthy obsession with crows, let me know in my inbox!
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
@vanishingnightstar x
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ I never said it was about me, now did I?Ā ā€˜ He sighed, but the way he said it, it really did sound like it. He hadnā€™t meant for that. Despite what Stella was saying, however, it was actually more about Noctis than any of them. He was the king, and the one chosen to bring the light back. Nothing any of them could have wanted, nothing they could control either.
Ā  Ā  Ā He could recall most of the events in Altissia, all leading up to a loss. Then another in Zegnatus Keep-- Both of which made his better half feel sympathy for the blond female. He knew that it probably wasnā€™t easy, but he wasnā€™t able to relate as easily. Didnā€™t make him feel any less.
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ You really think so, huh?Ā ā€˜ Even after everything, after the attacks and threats heā€™d made at the group-- His friends. She was still willing to say that he still seemed like him. It was nice to hear, all things considered.Ā ā€˜ Thanks...Ā ā€˜
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
Twelve couldnā€™t help but to scoff a bit, refusing to fall for that lie as well as that false sense of security the MT was trying to lure him into. He had a few grenades on him since they didnā€™t pat him down yet, which did give him a chance to escape if he played his cards right and waited for the right moment. The moment he thought they were going to drag him back to the labs he would glady take that chance of being shot and killed rather than the alternative. ā€œMind if I ask how human you are? Youā€™re clearly not like the other MTs.ā€ A bold question that could very well get him in trouble, but considering he was also a lab rat he just had to knowā€¦
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Originally posted by yugen-ai
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Ā  Ā  Ā He figured from the sound that was given, he wasnā€™t having any of what was being said. And that was fine, expected really, heā€™d been through this more than he could count-- So he knew. As they approached the prison area, Prompto stopped everyone and looked atĀ ā€œTojiā€.Ā ā€˜ Oh, I almost forgot, you donā€™t mind if my guys search you, right? It always slips my mind, but the guys know to do it before we get in there.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā He would be lying if he said it was a constant thing. It wasnā€™t, he just liked to play it off. However, as he let that hang in the air, he thought about the question. How human was he. As far as he knew, he was still more human than anything else. He just had a few fixtures here and there replacing very few parts of his body.
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ How human am I? Well, Toji, I donā€™t mind you asking. I canā€™t give you that information though. Whatever information I give you, I donā€™t think youā€™d really believe it. And Iā€™m not authorized to share it anyway-- Sorry about that. Now, shall we get started so we can get you to your cell and move on faster? ā€˜
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
"So you're the new one around here..." The smaller MT muttered, curiously examining Prompto for a few seconds. Seemed to be built for combat just like the rest of them, which was a bit of a shame considering he could get a tad lonely on his infiltration missions. "Did they give you a name?"
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Ā  Ā  Ā The hybrid didnā€™t initially answer when the other had addressed him. He hadnā€™t really spoken a word to anyone after finally being released from that torture chamber, from Ardyn-- For a while. He didnā€™t really care to meet anyone. Looked like he wasnā€™t going to avoid it forever.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ They didnā€™t, someone else did.Ā ā€˜ He rested his cheek in his hand and looked up at the other.Ā ā€˜ But I have one, and itā€™s Prompto. ā€™
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
@zukawulfy x
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Ā  Ā  Ā Yes, he knew this was an equivalent to a death sentence if they were caught, but he was willing to risk it. If they were lucky, Noctis and the guys might be there to see her get out-- He just needed to slip away into the shadows right away. He took a look around the corner again, letting go of her before signaling that they were good to go.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ I thought there would have been more security at the labs and such, but I guess it makes sense we have some here too.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā He hummed as he shifted in the corners where he knew there was little to no light. After all that has happened, he was sure Ardyn had set all these guards at the front. Preventing anyone from leaving or coming unless you were one of them.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ By the way...Ā ā€˜ He paused.Ā ā€˜ I would have finished what I started, but Iā€™m sorry to put you through it...Ā ā€˜
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
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The smile from the blonde MT was unsettling. Could he actually trust this guyā€™s word? Sure he appeared to have some humanity left but that didnā€™t really mean anything.
ā€œToji.ā€ If he gave out his number that would be a dead giveaway that he was a run away lab rat. At least with an alias that would buy him some time. but gods if they took his finger prints and ran them through the system he would likely be in trouble.Ā 
ā€œI take it if I try and run thatā€™s when youā€™ll shoot?ā€
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ā˜  ā˜£ ā˜ 
Ā  Ā  Ā His smile actually softened to a degree, looking like a genuine smile opposed to something sinister.Ā ā€˜ Toji, great, Iā€™ll be sure to have the boys put it down as soon as we get there.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā Prompto knew very well what they would have to do later. And considering how curious he was about this guy, he probably would let them go through with it. Though his other half was telling him it probably was a bad idea. With a shrug, he let those thoughts rest in the back of his mind. They would just have to see how things progressed.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ Bingo, so I wouldnā€™t slip up and do so if I were you.Ā ā€˜ He cooed and glanced over his shoulder at the other.Ā ā€˜ Youā€™ll be fine, donā€™t worry. We donā€™t treat all our prisoners badly.Ā ā€˜ Not a total lie, but anything to ease the tension some.
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
stay with me tonight (lol late. #stella no don't)
Spend the night
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good idea, Stella.Ā ā€˜ He said quietly.Ā ā€˜ Iā€™m a rough sleeper. Plus, Iā€™m on watch duty tonight, so why donā€™t you spend the night with one of the other guys.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā Plus he didnā€™t want to run the risk of having an argument with Gladio if Stella should get any bruises from hisĀ ā€œheavy sleeping.ā€
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
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Twelve had no choice but to obey and hope for the best. Sure he was armed, but knew that they would likely take away both his grenades and gun so he wouldnā€™t try anything. Thankful that he hadnā€™t removed his colored contacts yet, he just quietly prayed to the six that both his red eyes and the tattooed number on his arm would go unnoticed. It was all over if they put two and two together and realized he was a fugitive lab rat.Ā 
If it came down to that Twelve was almost certain heā€™d rather be shoot and killed, same went for if they tried to pry information out of him. Nothing was going to make him rat out Nine.
ā€œIā€™ll cooperateā€¦ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ Good, thatā€™s what I like to hear.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā He knew itā€™s easier to go about things without a conflict. And if all things went smoothly, then he wouldnā€™t have a reason to kill the guy, just let him off as he promised a moment ago. With a bit of a smirk coming to his face, he directed the Nifs behind the other to move him along.
Ā  Ā  Ā Admittedly, something was a little off. Most of the people that came to infiltrate and take down any base or even the keep, well, they usually resisted to the point they HAD to kill them. And some were even lucky enough to be brainwashed and turned onto their side-- Then there was the alternative to that. Something he didnā€™t really want to think about right then.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ You got a name we can use while youā€™re here?Ā ā€˜
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
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Iā€™m aware that you are watching
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
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Hey so gonna be active on here tomorrow. To get it kick started, Iā€™m dropping an inbox call. Like this and Iā€™ll drop Prom in your ask tomorrow.
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
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Hey so gonna be active on here tomorrow. To get it kick started, I'm dropping an inbox call. Like this and I'll drop Prom in your ask tomorrow.
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
Cont. w/ @toolostxtobesaved
erhmagawdz heā€™s touching my face. why is he creepily touching my face? actually why am ā€œiā€ creepily touching my own face face? i love myself sometimes but not that much. ā€¦damn i look good though. sort ofā€¦ iā€™m still confused.
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Prompto knew the truth about himself. He knew during the incident where he had been taken to Zegnatus Keep. Finding out his true nature, Prompto feared for himself, but prayed his dear friends would come to save him as much as he loathed the idea of it. He feared of losing control of himself when he had found the whole truth about himself. What if he had turned into the MT he was meant to be in the first place? What if everybody knew the truth about him? But now that his friends know the truth about him, they still accepted him as a friend and a brother. Stella on the other hand however, was Promptoā€™s main concern, despite how much he had been hurt with knowing the truth about himself. He feared about doing any harm to her if he had lost control of himself if he had turned into an MT. He feared about doing harm to his best friends, every living being. Prompto didnā€™t want to turn into an MT or a daemon, and he didnā€™t want to know any more about himself, but the truth is literally right in front of him. His true nature, perhaps.
Right away did Prompto knew he was trembling in fear of himself to be reminded again of his true nature. He tried to look away but only to be facing his ownĀ ā€œreflectionā€ again. Ruby-red eyes, a smile that wasnā€™t an actual smileā€¦ He still looked like himself, yet was the opposite of his usual cheerful self that everybody knew.
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ā€œY-Yeahā€¦ Youā€™re rightā€¦ā€ his heart beated rapidly while he spoke. Deeply inhaling and then afterwards exhaling, he continued on with his words to his MT-self.Ā ā€œWeā€™re the same. Youā€™re me and Iā€™m you. If youā€™ve been defeated, then so will I be. Ifā€¦ If Noct, Stella and everyone didnā€™t come for us, weā€™ll just be lost and have no where else to go. Iā€“ We were ready to give up, that is true. Give up on waiting for someone to come get us, but somewhere deep inside of usā€¦ā€
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Prompto paused for a good moment, hesitating to speak up again. When was his negative demeaner going to go away and just stay where he belonged? Clenching his fists and looking into his other selfā€™s eye once, he continued once more with his words.Ā ā€œDeep down my friends would never do anything to betray me. Noct, Gladio, and Ignis made a promise to me that if I were in any danger, theyā€™d come for me; for us no matter the case. Stellaā€¦ she kept her promise like they did too. A-At least thatā€™s what I always believed.ā€ In reality Stella never spoke of making any sort of promises to commit to unless it involved her older sister.Ā ā€œI mean she never did any harm to us, has she? No matter how much Iā€“ we got on her nerves, she never pulled any literal punches on us. Actually she always had my back as well as the other guys did. She tends to be harsh, but thatā€™s her way of showing that she has our back. Soā€¦ donā€™t you understand? Nobody loathes us. Itā€™s only us that loathe ourselves.ā€
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ā€œEven though weā€™re still scared, everyone accepted us for who we are, MT or just human. Do you think nobody would really like wellā€¦ me if I turned into you?ā€ He thought he must have asked a dumb question, and knowing that this other him was indeed him, full of all the negative emotions that couldnā€™t bare to show, he didnā€™t even know what to refer to his negative nature as. Was he just an illusion? Could anybody else see his literal negative self or was it just him?
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Ā  Ā  Ā Prompto normally wouldnā€™t think anything of this kind of talk. However, the fact it was coming from himself-- A version of him that was still free of the empireā€™s control. He wasnā€™t sure he could listen to it another minute. With a scoff, he let his hand drop to his side, giving his double a once over before looking away from him.
Ā  Ā  Ā He had wanted to believe that everyone was going to come for him, simply for the purpose of finding their friend. Nowadays, with the fact he is what he is, he couldnā€™t help wonder if now they were keeping him like a prisoner, with a little more free reign than what one would get. And after the things he was told, he found it hard to eve trust anyone anyway.
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ Scared? No, I was never scared. And it depends, you have no idea how many times Iā€™ve had people come after me. How many fights I got into with Gladio because he canā€™t trust me. And, looking the way I do, I donā€™t blame him. Consider yourself lucky, you made it through ZegnautusĀ Keep without becoming a monster.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā He couldnā€™t be mad about Stella, they hardly talked much as far as he knew, until Lunafreya passed, anyway. He was more indifferent. What he was concerned most about, was Noctis. He knew Noctis still somehow managed to find the time to trust him, when he was so sure heā€™d be the one to trust him the least.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ So donā€™t tell me weā€™re the only ones that loathe US. No one loathes YOU. If it wasnā€™t for Noct, I could have been torn to pieces by civilians.Ā ā€˜
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
itā€™s a sleepover~
send me:
crush stories
your tumblr crushes
tell me about your pets
have you evers
would you rathers
ask my advice
tell me a story about you
a n y t h i n g (ā–°Ė˜ā—”Ė˜ā–°)Ā 
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
Lyric Starters - Simon Curtis
(some of these are nsfw, but it's the lyrics.)
Flesh ~
1. This is not the way into my heart.
2. This is just my way of unleashing my feelings.
3. There's a spark of black inside my that I seem to love.
4. We can get a little crazy, just for fun.
5. Don't hold it back, just let go.
6. Tie me up and take me over.
7. I'm ready to blow.
8. Push up to my body and sink your teeth into my flesh.
9. Bite into me harder.
10. Hold me up against the wall
11. Give it to me 'till I beg for more.
12. Make me bleed, I like it rough.
13. Hold my arms above my head and push my face into the bed.
14. I'm a screamer, baby, make me a mute.
15. You put your hand upon my neck and feel my pulse beating.
16. You can dominate the game 'cause I'm tough.
17. I don't play around that often.
18. I'm a freak, so you better believe I like it rough.
19. Hold me down and make me scream.
20. Lay me on the floor.
21. Turn me on.
22. Make me beg for more.
Diablo ~
1. Here's the thing, we started out friends.
2. Everything that I thought about you was lies.
3. Thought that I knew you, but you were disguised.
4. Everything I thought about you was bogus.
5. I speak for the both of us; It's time to say bye.
6. Get out of town!
7. You're a nutcase! You're really freaking me out!
8. I'm sorry that you hate me.
9. You're the Devil!
10. You're a filthy piece of trash!
11. Gonna brush him off my shoulder; gonna make him kiss my ass.
12. You're a Diablo!
13. You're so damn evil/Your shit is evil
I Hate U ~
1. I hate you, everything about you.
2. I don't want to be in love with you anymore.
3. I don't want to be around you, fuck you, touch you, don't want to see you ever come around my door.
4. Don't try to touch me, ever again.
Super Psycho Love ~
1.You're driving me crazy, lately.
2. I struggle to get your attention
3. When I call you, I feel apprehensive.
4. Texts from you, and sex from me are both things not uncommon.
5. Flirt with you, you're all about it.
6. Tell me why I feel unwanted.
7. If you didn't want me back, why'd you have to act like that? It's confusing to the core, and you know you want it.
8. If you don't want to be something substantial with me, why do you give me more? Babe, I know you want it.
9. Say that you want me everyday. That you want me everyway
10. Say that you need me, because you got me trippin' on this Super Psycho Love.
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toolostxtobesaved-blog Ā· 7 years
"stay with me tonight"
Spend the night
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ You really think you want that, Noct? Because I canā€™t guarantee a safe night.Ā ā€˜
Ā  Ā  Ā He couldnā€™t help but laugh just a little bit, he was sure by this point, the prince knew the dangers and implications of being so close to him. Surely, he had to. Prompto know that if he didnā€™t keep a check on himself-- There was a small chance heā€™d have his hands around him. And there were no promises the prince wouldnā€™t end up with a few scrapes or something.
Ā  Ā  Ā ā€˜ You know what youā€™re asking with this, right?Ā ā€˜
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