tkominchan-blog · 8 years
sometimes minchan wondered how come he was so against becoming a trainee for a long time before he decided giving tko a chance, because seriously three years later it felt like his best decision ever. and even though it wasn’t always very easy to keep going and not give up, he genuinely enjoyed spending time with the other trainees, and on days when the already debuted groups ended up doing their dance practices in the trainee buildings, he liked watching, or more like observing them, hoping it would only help him later when he will be in their place.
he never made it a secret how happy he was whenever act.6 ended up having their dance practices in the trainee building, because who wouldn’t like grabbing more chances to see their - very busy - best friend?  which is why minchan was probably too excited going to the training building after hearing the company’s boyband’s going to grace their day with their presence in preparation for the comeback. however, his excitement only lasted until he actually got there, and one of the first people he noticed was kyungwoo. he internally winced upon seeing him, as out of every people minchan didn’t get along with, kyungwoo was the worst. and not just because his reputation dragged his group’s down which minchan didn’t appreciate too much, because his best friend deserved better than a scammer ruining everything he had worked hard for, but also because he was a complete asshole with minchan for absolutely no reason at all. 
it was too early in the morning for minchan to deal with kyungwoo, so when he inevitedly walked by him, he decided on staring at his shoes while doing so, praying that by some miracle the older didn’t notice him, but obviously, he had no luck with that, as soon as he passed him, he heard him barking at him. amazing.  “i’m sorry, sunbae,” he turned around, trying to supress the disgust he actually felt by having to say the word with a very fake smile on his lips. “i just didn’t notice you because i was thinking about something and i wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings.” He shrugged before turning back again to continue his way back to the practice room. 
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amidst the steady build up to the chaos the comeback of act.6, kyungwoo finds himself more irritated than usual, his glares heavier and words sharper when pushed just a little. with the excitement there’s equal, if not more, stress that goes along with it. in just a few weeks there would be no day offs and no way of going backwards, pushed by the unforgiving public eye and the pressure of the company right behind their heels. he hates preparations, and all he wants is to go up on stage. 
choreographies are learnt to the point of becoming a part of reflex by now but it still doesn’t surprise him that he’s expected to show up for dance practice. this time it’s more about securing that synchronization the group has instead of perfecting it, which means the members will be sweating to their bones until their choreography coach is satisfied. hands deep in hoodie, kyungwoo trudges along, ignoring the greetings made by the trainees. usually dance practice takes place in the other building, but on some occasions it’s where the trainees are at. it all just boils down to chance; at least the vending machines near the practice rooms there have more variety in snacks. he wonders if he should grab a chocolate bar before going into the room, his eyes lingering on the display as he hesitates. 
and that’s when he sees minchan, and his lips curl into a scowl behind his mask. he never liked the trainee the moment he set his eyes on him. no reason. hard, brown eyes narrow when the younger walks past. did the fucker just ignore him? “son of a bitch.” he hisses before turning towards him. 
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“hey,” he barks at him, pulling the mask down to his jaw line. “did you just ignore your sunbae?” 
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
{ txt ; angel noona 🌟 } yeah that’s why i texted you { txt ; angel noona 🌟 } i need you being smarter than i am once again { txt ; angel noona 🌟 } you will find me in my room staring at the bottom of the top bunk in despair { txt ; angel noona 🌟 } i left the door open for you He dropped his phone on his chest after he finished the text, then with a groan he got out of his bed, and went out to the maint entrance, opening the door just slightly, so no one will really notice it being opened, but the girl having no problems in getting into the apartment. Then he went back to his room and flopped on the mattress again, hugging his plush bear to his chest - he got it as a present, okay - before he let out a series of pathetic whines and began eyeing the bottom of the bed above him.  He knew he was kind of overreacting, he knew no one really expected him to hit those high notes far out of his vocal range, but he just couldn’t help on beating himself up over the whole issue, his mind going back to the time he was not chosen to debut while people who got into the company after him were. He doesn’t mind it - that much - anymore, because being in a group with a slightly controversial reputation wasn’t exactly a dream either, but at times like that, when he was questioning his right for having a small chance for making it big later, he would’ve killed for the reassurance of having a secured spot in a group.
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Mina couldn’t quite remember when her close relationship with the trainee had formed, but since meeting, she had developed into a form of therapy for him.  It wasn’t that she ever really minded; she was a people-person, and a decent support system for her friends, so why not help him through his problems?  In fact, it often made her feel a little helpful, knowing that she was there for him when training became a little too much.  He deserved to know that he had someone rooting him on, and if it had to be her, then that’s just how it would be.  She was on her way home from a shoot when she received his text messages, reeking of the hopelessness that made her stomach drop.  Minchan had worked too hard to throw it all away, and she would be damned if she let it happen.  She wasted no time before asking her manager to drop her off at the trainee dorm building, readying herself to lend a helping ear.
[ → mini(chan) ] don’t you dare talk that way! [ → mini(chan) ] do you need to talk? [ → mini(chan) ] i’m already on my way, so hopefully the answer is yes.
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
He was determined to not let it be obvious just how intimidating he found the woman at times, so Minchan tried to be really subtle about letting out that breath he was holding in while waiting for her reaction to his weak attempt at using French. “Mhm, I think we should go for conjugation? That’s what I struggle with the most, all those exceptions drive me crazy, and I guess I should get them right in present tense first... Or else I probably just fuck everything up later, and I really don’t want to waste your time.” He hummed, eyeing a few of those verbs written in his notes. He couldn’t decide whether he hated vouloir or valoir more. “Honestly, looking at how spectacular my pronounciation is, probably juvenile books will be the most helpful for me. Do you have same that has those listening exercises too? Guess those would help me a lot? I mean unless the person who reads it mumbles like in half of the English books out there.”
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Part of her was tempted to make a fuss about the youth and their technology dependence, until the sudden realization hit her that she truly wasn’t that much older than the trainee in front of her. What, maybe six, seven years at most? One would expect that it would make it harder for her to be so strict with others, but Minjung had no qualms about reprimanding someone as if the age difference was much greater. She gave a silent nod of approval in response– his pronunciation wasn’t the best, but she still could at least recognize his efforts and correct him on it later. “What’s your aim for today? Verb conjugation, tenses, covering a specific topic?” She asked, eyebrows raised as she browsed through her phone for her studying app. School was always her forte, but teaching was unfamiliar territory for her. “You should let me know beforehand, I’ll try to bring in some books for it. They’re a bit juvenile… My son’s, but it’s a good place to start when it comes to reading. At least until you get a better hang of the words.”
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
Once he got back to his dorm room, Minchan threw himself on his bed and pressed his pillow to this face, trying to to fight back the urge to scream into it. “I really hate this, god fucking damn it.” He murmured, and he was actually at the verge of tears. He just had been through a particularly bad series of vocal lessons, and nothing made him question his right to be part of the company as those. Singing had admittedly never been his forte, and while he is decent enough that his voice - though it’s too high for a boy and he wasn’t sure people would even like it - wouldn’t ruin a song for others, he always had been quite self-conscious about it. So whenever he felt like he fucked up, it was really hard to stop himself from quitting, because what’s the point if he will never be good enough? The only reason why he never actually ended up quitting was one person, Mina. Minchan didn’t really remember how did she end up as his go-to person, but for a good while now she singlehandedly saved his future carreer at least a million times. So it was no surprise when with a sigh on his lips he took his phone out of his pocket and began typing a message to her - the only reason he didn’t call her was that he didn’t want to end up crying.
{ txt ; angel noona 🌟 } noona, i feel like giving up again... { txt ; angel noona 🌟 } maybe this really isn’t for me
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
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151128 Suwon Lotte Mall Super Concert © ♥ㅅ♥ | Do not edit.
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
Minchan loved fashion and had always been somewhat interested in it - with a sister running an entire blog dedicated to said thing it would’ve been hard not to. During the time he spent in TKO, Minchan managed to get close to Soeun, so it’s no surprise he ended up texting her when he wanted to buy a bag for his sister, but he couldn’t choose just which one to get.
{ txt; soeun noona >u< } NOONA { txt; soeun noona >u< } help me plz ; o ; { txt; soeun noona >u< } you know i mentioned going home for the weekend { txt; soeun noona >u< } and i want to buy a bag for my sister but there are so many pretty ones { txt; soeun noona >u< } and i can’t choose one T.T { txt; soeun noona >u< } save my life plz..........
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
All Minchan wanted was to quickly check the text he just got, but once he noticed it was from his sister, he couldn’t stop himself from actually opening it and reply to it, but once he heard Minjung’s voice, he quickly shoved the device into his pocket with a blush on this face. “Uh, sor- Je suis désolé.” He mumbled, quickly deciding against trying to save his ass with saying who he was texting, because he knew the woman couldn’t care less. He still tried to make it better with at least apologizing in French - even though his pronounciation was straight out tragic. “I promise it won’t happen again.” He scratched his nape with an awkward smile playing on his lips before he turned his attention to the notebook.  
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[ ❀ @tkominchan ] “It’s impolite to be on your phone when someone is speaking to you, you know.” Minjung’s jaw tightens once she finishes speaking, eyes boring through the trainee as she waited not so patiently for the undivided attention again. If there’s anything that truly grates on her nerves, it’s the feeling that her time is being wasted. Being at TKO headquarters after hours isn’t something that she treats very lightly– it’s time that she can be spending with her son, brushing him up on his skills for school, instead of doing language tutoring for someone that’s clearly more interested in the device in their hands rather than the notebook laid in front of them.  “You’ll leave me with no choice but to return the sentiment and smash it. We don’t want that, now do we?”
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
“What sarcasm do you talk about, I didn’t use such thing.” He shrugged, letting out a soft chuckle. To tell the truth, back when the chosen trainees for the group were announced, Minchan was ready to die from jealousy. As time was passing by, he realised he really just simply didn’t fit into that group, and it wasn’t because he wasn’t good enough. It still does sting sometime though, to see his best friend on stage while he is still closed in practice rooms and namelessness, but it admittedly originates more from missing Zhao - it’s not easy to get used to barely seeing him after long months of spending nearly all their time together - instead of being envious of the older. 
“No... It still doesn’t sound like an infection for me, but whatever you say, bro, whatever you say.” He snorted, looking at his friend with a raised eyebrow. “But how can I be both Jessie and a Pokémon? That must be violating the rules of Poké-nerds or something.” He hummed with his lips pressed together. “Also I’ll let you know, Mime Jr. is cute as hell and also lowkey looks like you. So uneven friendship where?” He rolled his eyes, pointedly ignoring the subtle whipping the other did. “I know it’s Japanese dude, I speak it on a conversational level. But keep trashing my language skills and I’ll just switch to talking in English. Don’t try me bro. You know I would and could.” He probably sounded as threatening as a 5 months old puppy, especially paired with the huge grin that was spread on his face. “I can’t believe Sharpay Evans is our spirit animal.” He shook his head, the smile not faltering on his lips as he stepped to the stereo and plugged the AUX cord into his player. “I don’t know which is worse though. Us planning to make choreographies for High School Musical songs, or me actually having them on my iPod.”
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Zhao nodded along to the other’s words. “Yeah, exactly. All of that, minus the sarcasm.” He grinned, though, and nudged his shoulder. No matter how they joked about it, Zhao never felt better than Minchan for debuting. In fact, when TKO announced to the male trainees that a group debut opportunity was coming, he thought the dancer would get selected for sure. Maybe he was biased, as a best friend and as someone who’d watched him grow since the two of them started training around the same time, but he’d really been shocked when the six names were announced and Minchan was left off the list. (He’d never completely mentioned this - at first so they wouldn’t get their hopes too high about debuting together, and later because he was worried it wouldn’t come out right, seeing as Zhao got in and all. He wasn’t usually so careful about saying things, but it was the least he could do with a close friend.)
“Hey, shut up, I’m right. It’s like, ‘doctor doctor why am I covered in boils?’ ‘Oh no you’ve got a case of the Bulbasaurs!!!!’ Sounds totally legit!” He held out his arms with his palms out, waiting for a reaction to his shirt skit. “What, you can’t have two nicknames? Don’t worry, you can be both Jessie and Jiéníguī, depending on my mood. And what the hell? I give you something as precious and adorable as Jiéníguī and you give me Mime Jr in return? What kind of uneven friendship is this.” He scoffed and made a tiny, tiny whip motion, just for good measure. “Kokoro is Japanese, bro, is that what Rosetta Stone has been teaching you?” He felt his grin grow in response to the other’s accidental chuckle and tapped his chin. “You’re right. I’ve always felt a kind of kinship with her, now it all makes sense.”
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
monthly task #1
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General Information (MANDATORY - 5 pts)
Full Name: Seo Minchan
Nickname(s): Chan, Minnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 1997/07/31
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Gender: cis male
Pronoun(s): he/him
Romantic Orientation: homoromantic
Sexual Orientation: homosexual
Birth Order: firstborn
Home Town: Seoul
Current Residence: Seoul
Religion: agnostic
Occupation: trainee
Financial Status: upper class
Physical Traits (8 pts)
Body Build: Minchan is approximately a hundred and eighty centimeters tall and while he is skinny, he is toned enough that he doesn’t look too thin. Skin:  He has light skin. Hair:  Right now his hair is black, but he also likes changing his haircolor. He prefers his hair cut short, and his pride is how silky it is even though it got bleached a few times in the past year. Fashion: You can’t really describe his wardrobe with one word, he has a lot of clothes with very different styles, from casual and cheap to formal and expensive as hell you can find everything there, because he likes to dress up according to his mood.  Notable Physical Traits: He has a scar above his left eye. 
Mental and Physical (12 pts)
Overall Health: luckily he is rarely sick, and is very healthy - except for the times he exhausts himself with overworking himself  Life Philosophy: to show he is able to achieve amazing things without any financial help by his family Life Goal(s): close future: to debut and be successful; far future: to be a dance instructor either for TKO or in his own dance school Describe Voice: his voice is rather high-pitched, especially when it comes to singing Speech Patterns: Minchan tends to talk a lot, and to top that when he gets excited, he talks really quickly and loudly as well. Also even though he was born in Seoul, he is really familiar with the dialect they use in Gwangju, because his paternal grandparents live there. Habits: he is an avid nail biter  Daily Routines: after he wakes up he has a shower, then eat his breakfast, then either goes to lessons or does some individual training Likes: dancing, being the center of attention, his sister, history Dislikes: rude people, onion, staying in one place for too long Motivations: his #1 motivation is to show his dick ex he is capable of doing great things  Hobbies: learning choreographies Skills: he is able to memorize most of the choreographies just by watching them, he learns languages easily Vices: he is guilty of being too addicted to french fries Fear(s): disappointing the people he loves Phobia(s), if applicable: astraphobia - he is scared of storms and lightning Mental Illness(es): n/a Other Illness(es): n/a Physical Disability(ies): his eyesight is horrible Other: rarely but he wears glasses sometimes
Personality (25 pts)
Usual Mood/Expression: cheerful (though he has resting bitchface so it often gives off different vibes) Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Jung: ESFJ-T Enneagram: The Enthusiast & The Challenger Four Temperaments: sanguine Common Archetypes: The Seeker/Explorer Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Top Five Tropes: Daytime Drama Queen, Prince Charming Wannabe, Unlimited Wardrobe, Dancing Is Serious Business, The Klutz Five Prominent Traits: self-confident, hot-headed, talkative, clumsy
Favorites (8 pts)
Food: french fries
Drinks: lemonades
Books: he doesn’t have a certain favorite, but enjoys romance books
Movies/TV Shows: running man, the big bang theory, f.r.i.e.n.d.s
Music: hip-hop and r&b
Video Games: he doesn’t like video games
Animals: koalas 
Plants: he doesn’t have any
Celebrity: Cha Sungbyul, Seo Kangjun 
Stats (12 pts)
Memory: 7/10
Courage: 8/10
Confidence: 9/10
Pride: 7/10
Greed: 5/10
Patience: 5/10
Tolerance: 8/10
Passion/Motivation: 10/10
Creativity: 6/10
Education: 7/10
Compassion: 7/10
Empathy: 5/10
Loyalty: 8/10
Forgiveness: 4/10
Sociability: 9/10
Emotional Attachment: 8/10
Physical Attachment: 6/10
Stamina: 9/10
Mental Strength: 7/10
Physical Strength: 8/10
Initiative: 6/10
Restraint: 4/10
Flexibility: 6/10
Leadership: 5/10
Teamwork: 4/10
Wrath: 7/10
Vocal Ability: 6/10
Dance Ability: 10/10
Rap Ability: 3/10
Acting Ability: 5/10
Charisma: 8/10
Relationships (12 pts)
Parent(s): If there’s something Minchan never had to complain about is that his parents weren’t supportive of him, because they were. With them being a professor and the daughter of a CEO for a prestigious company they were possible to give both Minchan and his sister whatever they needed. He loves his parents and he is waiting for the day he can stand on the stage and make them proud - even though they never fail to tell him they’re already proud of him. Siblings: Minchan has a sister younger than him by two years, her name is Minji, and she is the most important person in his life, he would literally kill for her without thinking twice. Family: If he had to choose someone he is the closest to, then Minchan would choose his uncle - his mother’s brother - because he and his wife used to take care of him while he was smaller. Notable Relationships: n/a Friends: Given Minchan is a rather friendly person, he makes friends easily. His closest friend is Zhao, whom he got to know at the beginning of their trainee days. He is also rather close with Sunnie and a few of his old classmates as well as fellow trainees. Rivals/Enemies: He doesn’t have any specific rivals or enemies, but he naturally thinks of every other male dance trainee as something close to being his rivals since in the end they all are fighting for the same thing. (It doesn’t mean he likes them less than anyone else though.) Pets: His family has two dogs, one of them is considered as his, while the other is his sister’s dog. He adores both pets, and wishes he could see them more often, but making dreams come true is worth some sacrifices. Other: A guy he thought he was dating who isn’t worth calling an enemy, but whom still played an important part in his life - he was the one that made Minchan determined to show he is able to do great things too.
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
It took Minchan exactly three minutes to realise how damn lame he looked like with standing there awkwardly, so with a small sigh, he sat down, his eyes deciding on to continue staring at the textbook in front of him instead of his shoes.
He was praying the class would just continue the way it was before Sungbyul arrived, and he could forget about the Best Actress On Planet Earth sitting across the room, but of course the teacher had to make her interact with the rest of the group and assigned them to do a partner work. Now, Minchan never had anything against doing partner works, or anything else during English class, but in that moment he almost felt offended by the idea. Like how does that teacher even dare to make Cha Sungbyul of all people uncomfortable? Plus he already was butthurt she won’t choose him to be partners with - not like Minchan would blame her, he surely wouldn’t choose anyone he witnessed falling on the goddamn floor. 
He looked up from the book, only to witness the actress nearing him then stopping right in front of him. “Sweet Jesus...” he muttered in front of himself. “H-hello. I’m Minchan. And yeah s-sure let’s be partners.” He inwardly cringed from how nervous he sounded like, but also mentally pat his shoulder for only stuttering twice.  “Come, sit down next to me then. Don’t worry, I’m pretty good in English, so we’ll be over this task quickly.” He quickly switched the language he was speaking in, and with that at least a small part of his courage came back, to the point he even smiled at the girl genuinely. “Is there any topic you feel comfortable talking about or should we just choose from the book?” 
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&. let’s pretend this never happened | smc + csb
     THE ONLY PERSON who could actually grab her attention was the teacher that was firmly planted in the front of the room ( who she strangely assumed to be reveling in the fact that an established idol was currently sitting in their classroom. ) sungbyul’s eyes were glued on the other’s moving mouth, but no sound seemed to pass through her ears as she purposely distracted herself from focusing on the conversation as she drowned out her mind with thoughts of what to do for lunch later today.
she had hoped her lack of communication would suffice enough to allow her to be left alone for the rest of the lesson, but alas, to no avail. instead, she could almost swear that sungbyul’s lack of participation only egged the instructor on as they immediately tossed the class into a partner activity of a mock conversation. in english, of course.
( quick question: how do you say ‘ god, please fucking kill me ‘ in english again? )
cursing under her breath, she thought it too much a hassle to actively protest against the teacher’s orders, so her eyes scanned the room for the most tolerable person to interact with until the next few hours passed. her sight settled on the boy who had literally fallen over when she entered the room, and her only reasoning for choosing the other was that at least she wasn’t going to be bored.
pushing her seat backward with a sigh, she placed her hands on the desk that rested in front of her to hoist herself up and mentally motivate her to take the first steps forward. she tried to appear as nonchalant as possible while still being utterly annoyed on the inside, giving the male a polite yet excruciatingly fake smile ( not that he would ever know, of course ) as slightly bowed her head as a greeting. “hi, i’m sungbyul — would you like to be partners with me?” she curtly questioned, with her tone of voice making the sentence sound more like a demand than a question.
ah, i guess she should have said that in english, huh?
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
Out of all the lessons Minchan had to endure through as a trainee during his way to stardom, he enjoyed his English classes the most - besides dancing, obviously. Even though he had literally zero idea why did he even have to take them, given he was nearly fluent in it. His best guess was the teacher refusing to let him go since he actually helped out pretty often, and who in their right mindset would give that up? Nothing else really made sense so he stuck to believing in that. (It felt too nice to be important in his fellow trainees’ education. And so did feeling superior to some extent.)
He didn’t think anything ever could crown those lessons, but - oh boy - he was so damn wrong.  It all happened on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon - it’s not like he wrote it into his diary, please - and he was currently reading out loudly from their book while the teacher was correcting some test when the door opened and someone stepped into the room. Minchan looked up from the text with raised eyebrows, and when it registered in his head just who had joined them, he wanted to stand up so quickly to bow he lost his balance and fell back with the chair he was sittng on. Smooth. 
There was a side of him that not many knew about, and that was being obsessed with watching dramas and movies. He wasn’t exactly proud of that, considering his only legitimate reason for it was ‘This is literally the closest I’ll ever have to an actual love life, because as if being a trainee wouldn’t be enough, I’m also into guys so. I’m like destined to die with seventy cats eventually’ when his sister asked him about it.   And to say Minchan’s a fan of actress extraordinaire Cha Sungbyul is an understatement. He adored her. So when said girl stepped into the same room he was at, the world seemed to stop for him and he couldn’t not stare at her, his eyes following her as she made her way to a seat that was like the furthest away from him them.
He only managed to realise the situation he was sitting - quite literally - in when the teacher asked her to come closer to their group, because ‘sitting so far would make it hard to work together’. With a very apparent blush on his face, Minchan quickly stood up from the floor and began staring at his shoes, not daring to look at Sungbyul again.
Minchan had always been very prepared for a very wide variety of things that could ever happen to him, but fucking up in front of his favorite actress was not one of those. He really just wanted the ground to open under him and swallow him so he wouldn’t have to live with that kind of embarrassment haunting him for the rest of his life. 
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&. let’s pretend this never happened | smc + csb
( @tkominchan. )
     EMBARRASSING. THAT’S WHAT this was: downright embarrassing. fourteen straight years she had been in this industry, and nothing — not even her previous lawsuit — could measure up to the internal shame that was boiling inside her right at that moment. i mean, what exactly did they take her for? an idiot?
( watch out, folks — shit’s about to hit the fan. )
granted, she should have expected this conspiracy to hit her in the face sooner than later. with her old company, she was able to subdue any preposterous suggestions or opinions because she still landed the label jobs which, in turn, regarded her as a profitable enough to product herself however she wanted … but it’s not like the standards were that high there in the first place, however. turning over a new leaf at tko, management figured out a way or two to deflect her stubborn tendencies of avoiding all responsibilities that weren’t associated with acting. bummer.
thus, her inability, for the first time in her goddamn life, to get what she wanted led her to be fuming in a spot in front of a certain door that rested in the wing of the company she never ventured into. ( did she forget to mention that she had been standing there for at least five minutes now? ) her mind was spinning with thoughts, and she even considered just walking out of the building right now. no one would ever know … right?
( she knew full and well that the odds were more in favor of her manager dragging her back to the hellhole than of him letting her get away with the whole ordeal. )
tucking away the tiniest bit of dignity she had left in her, sungbyul forcefully pushed the door open in front of her with a sigh. eyes immediately darted to her figure as she entered — the room reeked of must and sweat, and she assumed it was from the teenagers clad in practice-wear. she seated herself away from the rest of the crowd, head held down the whole time. her only other motion was a slight flinch at the sound of the chair next to her squeaking against the floorboards, with the mantra of ‘ don’t talk to me ‘ echoing in her brain. don’t talk to me. don’t fucking talk to me.
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
Trevor Takemoto Choreography “Worry” by Jack Garratt
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
“Would you do it if they asked?”
{ starter sentences ; open } 
“Maybe?” Minchan pressed his lips together in thought. “I mean. Yeah it would be a big thing, substituting for a missing member, but then again, I don’t know if I would be really the right person for it? Even if it’s only dancing their parts and I know I could do it, I’m literally as confident in my dance skills as someone could be but… I’m not always sure if I’m good enough for being on stage yet.” He hummed, turning his gaze away for a moment before looking back on the girl, scratching his nape with an awkward smile playing on his lips. “But I guess it kind of would be a once-in-a-lifetime chance so I probably would grab it after some thinking. I need to beat my anxiety in the ass sometimes I guess.”
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