tkomina-blog · 8 years
character survey;; t1
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General Information
Full Name: Rhee Minji. Nickname(s): Mina, MJ, Mama Mina. Age: 21. Birthday: August 19th, 1994. Ethnicity: Asian. Nationality: South Korean. Gender: AFAB bigender. Pronoun(s): She/her or they/them. Romantic Orientation: Panromantic. Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. Birth Order: Only child to her knowledge. Home Town: Incheon, South Korea. Current Residence: Seoul, South Korea. Religion: Not religious. Occupation: Main rapper and lead dancer for L:OVELESS, university student. Financial Status: Lower-middle.
Physical Traits
Body Build: Athletic, muscular, slim. Skin: Very light, clear, multiple visible birthmarks. Hair: Brown hair cut below shoulder-blades. Fashion: It completely depends on how she feels that day.  If she is having a feminine day, she will usually wear skirts and nice blouses or light, flowing dresses.  If she feels more masculine, she will wear much more casual street-wear with sneakers.  Here is a lookbook with some of her outfits. Notable Physical Traits: Round face, light complexion, a birthmark on her wrist, ears and bellybutton pierced.
Food: jjajangmyun.
Drinks: green tea.
Books: N/A.
Movies/TV Shows: anything by Studio Ghibli, specifically Princess Mononoke.
Music: rap, pop, r&b.
Video Games: Kingdom Hearts series, Undertale, Animal Crossing.
Animals: foxes.
Plants: plumeria.
Celebrity: Kitten.
Parent(s): While she knows that she has a mother who put her up for adoption when she was three, she knows nothing more about her than the fact that they share a last name. Siblings: Has had foster siblings in the past, but does not keep in touch with many of them. Family: N/A. Notable Relationships: Her relationship with L:OVELESS is the closest thing she has ever had to a family.  While she knows that some of the other members do not feel the same way, she views them as her adopted siblings and would do absolutely anything for them.  She is also very close with Joowon, her former manager, who is like an older brother to her. Friends: L:OVELESS members, Hyeri, Kitten, Minchan, Joowon, Rian. Rivals/Enemies: She does feel a certain sort of resentment toward some of the ACT.6 members, but does not actually dislike any of them without reason. Pets: N/A, although she does want a dog for the L:OVELESS dorms. Other: Kitten is her role model, and her musical inspiration.
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tkoyewon-blog · 8 years
character survey;; t1
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General Information
Full Name: Song Yewon. Nickname(s): Sunshine. Age: 25. Birthday: October 2nd, 1990. Ethnicity: Asian. Nationality: South Korean. Gender: Cisgender female. Pronoun(s): She/her. Romantic Orientation: Biromantic. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Birth Order: Only child. Home Town: Jeju-do, South Korea. Current Residence: Seoul, South Korea. Religion: Raised Christian, currently non-religious. Occupation: Main Vocalist for JEWEL, lyricist for TKO ENT., host of idol television show. Financial Status: Upper-middle.
Physical Traits
Body Build: Tall, slender. Skin: Light, clear. Hair: Currently dark brown hair cut just below shoulder blades with bangs. Fashion: She’s a pretty fashionable person, and has a style that’s in between casual and dressy depending on her schedule.  Most of her outfits are more neutral colors, but she’ll occasionally branch out.  Here is a lookbook based on her style. Notable Physical Traits: She has her ears pierced, and people often comment on her long legs and square jawline.
Mental and Physical
Overall Health: Well, but often exhausted. Life Philosophy: Hard work will be rewarded in the end. Life Goal: To become one of the nation’s most loved idols. Describe Voice: Light lyric soprano, has a vocal range of E3-B5, almost never strains. Speech Patterns: Speaks in a Seoul accent but slips into a Jeju dialect when very excited or with close friends, is very enthusiastic no matter what she’s talking about, usually speaks in a formal manner unless she is close to the other person. Habits: Working herself into exhaustion, skipping meals, forgetting to sleep. Daily Routines: Wake up, make breakfast, walk the dogs, go to work, work for longer than necessary, come home, walk the dogs, go to sleep, repeat. Likes: Dogs, vanilla-flavored coffee, candles, sunny afternoons, pianos, wine, ballads, love songs, working. Dislikes: Taking breaks, bugs, humidity, rainy days, sleeping for more than six hours, laziness. Motivations: Knowing that she won’t get anywhere by sitting around, wanting to make sure that TKO and JEWEL both have a positive image, making her mother and Rian proud. Hobbies: Singing, writing lyrics, hosting, working, playing with her dogs, hanging out with Rian. Skills: Amazing singer, charismatic personality, talented songwriter, easily adaptable. Vices: Working too much, drinking one too many glasses of wine on the weekend, skipping means. Fear(s): Losing everything she has worked for, JEWEL disbanding, Rian’s health deteriorating. Phobia(s), if applicable: N/A. Mental Illness(es): OCD, diagnosed at age fifteen. Other Illness(es): N/A. Physical Disability(ies): N/A. Other: N/A.
Parent(s): Yewon is very close with her mother and fully supports her financially.  Growing up, her mother was her main support system and she is the reason that the idol entered the industry in the first place.  If it wasn’t for her mother moving them to Seoul, she would have never become a professional singer. Siblings: N/A. Family: Her late maternal grandmother helped raise her until she passed away when Yewon was nine.  Her grandmother is responsible for the young woman’s work ethic, and still inspires her to work hard to this day. Notable Relationships: Her groupmate, Zhang Rian, is the closest thing she has to a sibling.  The two are practically attached at the hip, and have been since their debut with DIVAZ.  They live together by choice, and although work makes it difficult for them to be around each other, they cherish every moment spent together.  She is also very close with Kim Sunnie, who she views as a younger sister figure.  The two have been friends since meeting in 2007, and share many traits that make it easy for them to be around each other.  She is very protective of Sunnie and shows nothing but support for her. Friends: As she is a very friendly person and a generous sunbae, it is easy for Yewon to befriend people.  Some of her closest friends are Rian, Sunnie, Joowon, Sujeong, Minjung, and Bomi.  Rivals/Enemies: The only people that Yewon truly hates are the previous members of DIVAZ, with a main focus on their leader.  Their reckless actions almost cost her years of hard work and dedication, and she still has a difficult time keeping a pleasant face when they are brought up in conversation.  If possible, she would probably engage in a physical fight with them. Pets: She has two dogs, one named Macaron (who belongs to Rian), and another named Meringue.  They are like her children, and she will do anything in the world for them. Other: N/A.
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tkominchan-blog · 8 years
monthly task #1
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General Information (MANDATORY - 5 pts)
Full Name: Seo Minchan
Nickname(s): Chan, Minnie
Age: 18
Birthday: 1997/07/31
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Gender: cis male
Pronoun(s): he/him
Romantic Orientation: homoromantic
Sexual Orientation: homosexual
Birth Order: firstborn
Home Town: Seoul
Current Residence: Seoul
Religion: agnostic
Occupation: trainee
Financial Status: upper class
Physical Traits (8 pts)
Body Build: Minchan is approximately a hundred and eighty centimeters tall and while he is skinny, he is toned enough that he doesn’t look too thin. Skin:  He has light skin. Hair:  Right now his hair is black, but he also likes changing his haircolor. He prefers his hair cut short, and his pride is how silky it is even though it got bleached a few times in the past year. Fashion: You can’t really describe his wardrobe with one word, he has a lot of clothes with very different styles, from casual and cheap to formal and expensive as hell you can find everything there, because he likes to dress up according to his mood.  Notable Physical Traits: He has a scar above his left eye. 
Mental and Physical (12 pts)
Overall Health: luckily he is rarely sick, and is very healthy - except for the times he exhausts himself with overworking himself  Life Philosophy: to show he is able to achieve amazing things without any financial help by his family Life Goal(s): close future: to debut and be successful; far future: to be a dance instructor either for TKO or in his own dance school Describe Voice: his voice is rather high-pitched, especially when it comes to singing Speech Patterns: Minchan tends to talk a lot, and to top that when he gets excited, he talks really quickly and loudly as well. Also even though he was born in Seoul, he is really familiar with the dialect they use in Gwangju, because his paternal grandparents live there. Habits: he is an avid nail biter  Daily Routines: after he wakes up he has a shower, then eat his breakfast, then either goes to lessons or does some individual training Likes: dancing, being the center of attention, his sister, history Dislikes: rude people, onion, staying in one place for too long Motivations: his #1 motivation is to show his dick ex he is capable of doing great things  Hobbies: learning choreographies Skills: he is able to memorize most of the choreographies just by watching them, he learns languages easily Vices: he is guilty of being too addicted to french fries Fear(s): disappointing the people he loves Phobia(s), if applicable: astraphobia - he is scared of storms and lightning Mental Illness(es): n/a Other Illness(es): n/a Physical Disability(ies): his eyesight is horrible Other: rarely but he wears glasses sometimes
Personality (25 pts)
Usual Mood/Expression: cheerful (though he has resting bitchface so it often gives off different vibes) Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Jung: ESFJ-T Enneagram: The Enthusiast & The Challenger Four Temperaments: sanguine Common Archetypes: The Seeker/Explorer Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Top Five Tropes: Daytime Drama Queen, Prince Charming Wannabe, Unlimited Wardrobe, Dancing Is Serious Business, The Klutz Five Prominent Traits: self-confident, hot-headed, talkative, clumsy
Favorites (8 pts)
Food: french fries
Drinks: lemonades
Books: he doesn’t have a certain favorite, but enjoys romance books
Movies/TV Shows: running man, the big bang theory, f.r.i.e.n.d.s
Music: hip-hop and r&b
Video Games: he doesn’t like video games
Animals: koalas 
Plants: he doesn’t have any
Celebrity: Cha Sungbyul, Seo Kangjun 
Stats (12 pts)
Memory: 7/10
Courage: 8/10
Confidence: 9/10
Pride: 7/10
Greed: 5/10
Patience: 5/10
Tolerance: 8/10
Passion/Motivation: 10/10
Creativity: 6/10
Education: 7/10
Compassion: 7/10
Empathy: 5/10
Loyalty: 8/10
Forgiveness: 4/10
Sociability: 9/10
Emotional Attachment: 8/10
Physical Attachment: 6/10
Stamina: 9/10
Mental Strength: 7/10
Physical Strength: 8/10
Initiative: 6/10
Restraint: 4/10
Flexibility: 6/10
Leadership: 5/10
Teamwork: 4/10
Wrath: 7/10
Vocal Ability: 6/10
Dance Ability: 10/10
Rap Ability: 3/10
Acting Ability: 5/10
Charisma: 8/10
Relationships (12 pts)
Parent(s): If there’s something Minchan never had to complain about is that his parents weren’t supportive of him, because they were. With them being a professor and the daughter of a CEO for a prestigious company they were possible to give both Minchan and his sister whatever they needed. He loves his parents and he is waiting for the day he can stand on the stage and make them proud - even though they never fail to tell him they’re already proud of him. Siblings: Minchan has a sister younger than him by two years, her name is Minji, and she is the most important person in his life, he would literally kill for her without thinking twice. Family: If he had to choose someone he is the closest to, then Minchan would choose his uncle - his mother’s brother - because he and his wife used to take care of him while he was smaller. Notable Relationships: n/a Friends: Given Minchan is a rather friendly person, he makes friends easily. His closest friend is Zhao, whom he got to know at the beginning of their trainee days. He is also rather close with Sunnie and a few of his old classmates as well as fellow trainees. Rivals/Enemies: He doesn’t have any specific rivals or enemies, but he naturally thinks of every other male dance trainee as something close to being his rivals since in the end they all are fighting for the same thing. (It doesn’t mean he likes them less than anyone else though.) Pets: His family has two dogs, one of them is considered as his, while the other is his sister’s dog. He adores both pets, and wishes he could see them more often, but making dreams come true is worth some sacrifices. Other: A guy he thought he was dating who isn’t worth calling an enemy, but whom still played an important part in his life - he was the one that made Minchan determined to show he is able to do great things too.
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