Istp dood
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Sideblog of an ISTP, dedicated to mbti stuff (Main blog is stevethepanda, don’t go there it’s just stupid humor)
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tisenife · 6 years ago
I'd like if you could help me understand Te and Ti decision making process when it comes to criteria. To my understanding Te looks outside of self to see what can be trusted, so it trusts specialists, known facts and numbers. That's easy to understand, but since Ti would look inside I don't get how that works. Because checking for logic inconsistency or contradictions can't be used as a technique all the time, specially if you're presented with things you've never seen before. 1/3
At one point TPs will have to look outside of self for information. That leads me to the topic of research: Te aligns perfectly with it as it looks for answers outside, but what about Ti? Is it just a matter of TPs questioning the information they find more and therefore the authorities? People make it sound like TJs just accept anything that’s written in a book or said by a professional as fact, but I can’t believe it because that’d make them very vulnerable to lies or wrong inform 2/3
I’m confused because based on what I’ve seen people of both high Te and Ti (when paired with Se, I’d think that’ the reason except Se doesn’t judge anything) can really trust evidence and facts, and question presented information. So I don’t get the difference, since again STPs are also quite pragmatic and practical. Specially ESTPs, I work with a couple and they seem so realistic and concerned with logistics and limitations of things I wonder how they gt like this without Te 3/3
There are a few things to address here:
First, and probably most importantly: MBTI describes people. It’s descriptive, not prescriptive. It is not programming for robots. Practically speaking what that means is that our brains do not say “this is a logic problem so our thinking function will take this.” Multiple functions are involved in pretty much everything we do. We cannot disentangle them from each other. Additionally, the same result can be achieved via different functions - the journey differs but the destinations are the same - which is why it’s so crucial to understand the actual cognition and not just the behaviors involved.
Functions are preferences. A reasonably intelligent person is capable of both deductive and inductive logic; the difference is which one we naturally tend to apply.
Once you have that down, a lot of the other questions you have are answered or rendered moot:
Te trusts known facts and experts. Its logic is inductive: it looks for large patterns and is willing to say “this isn’t true 100% of the time, but it’s not worth worrying about edge cases at this moment.
Ti trusts consistent logic and ideally would like a solution that covers all the edge cases, even if it’s more complicated to achieve.
Neither of these functions are involved in actually gathering information. Assuming we’re talking about thinkers here, the high Ti user gathers information from outside via Se or Ne, and uses Ti to evaluate that information.
Similarly, I don’t know where you’re getting your Te information because I really haven’t had that experience (or at least, occasionally you see that ‘trust anything written down’ for STJs occasionally due to poor understanding of sensing, but I never see that - ever - for the NTJs, and in fact I more likely see that Te users will not listen to questionable sources even if they make good points while Ti users will and evaluate based on logic, not source). However, to address that, Te users still require some level of notability - they trust experts, not any random person, and they still evaluate the information as well - if a typically reliable person says something they’ll be more inclined to trust it, but they still frequently double check. Inductive logic dovetails well with Ni or Si pattern/trend understandings as it requires a long baseline of knowledge with which the inductive logic user can say “yes, you’re right, it does typically work this way so this is a safe assumption to make”. Deductive logic doesn’t require that same baseline - it can take any information and say “does this make sense in my existing system” without thought to the source, because it makes no assumptions.
In general, sensors trust hard evidence and want it - intuitives by definition trust what’s between the lines more than what’s in front of them. So the ST types all are highly driven by evidence because they trust in things in the real world. This also connects back to the larger point that behavior is only an outward reflection of the internal mental processes. xSTPs trust what information they gather in real-time in the real world and evaluate it for logical consistency - does the real-world evidence add up. xSTJs trust what information they have previously experienced in the real world and evaluate their current situation in terms of whether they can make certain logical assumptions based on the similarity of the current situation to those in the past. Both as a result use real-world evidence and often come to similar conclusions, but the exact process differs.
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tisenife · 6 years ago
The INFJ’S Guidebook to People - 2nd Edition
Chapter One: How to Stop Being Turbulent
Literally grow up. This chapter is only for you to worry about when you’re mbs 16+. Just remember to be kind and focus on embracing all your functions.
Stop rejecting your functions. However, given you’ve probably mistyped, you almost certainly don’t know what they are. So here we gooooo.
Stop worrying about mbti and focus on your character.
The Tertiary Function
I’m focusing on this one because I find it’s the one that usually causes the most problems. I’m also going to split the N types from the S types, simply because N types seem to be more controlled by their tertiary Functions than s types, who seem to use them as weapons.
N types
Not that this advice doesn’t apply to sensors, or vice versa, but I THINK these problems are more common for the intuives - so they’re listed here!
- tertiary Se - Being controlled by Se basically means ignoring Ni planning and vibes and just doing whatever the heck you feel like in the moment - even if it costs a lot of money. For you to overcome this temptation, you have to start using Fe properly. You have to control it, which will force you to use Ni. Don’t let your friends pressure you into spending all your money on them, think it through just for a moment - what do you want? Would real friends actually reject you for saying no? How would you respond to someone saying no? Go find some friends who would respond like you, because they’ll allow you to grow your Fe well. The other flip side of turbulent, tertiary Se is ignoring your physical needs. Enfjs are especially likely to do this when in a Fe-Se loop. Again, try developing your Fe for good. If you neglect yourself and get sick, you won’t be able to help your friends out as often - it won’t be worth it. Take care of yourself first, it’s not selfish! Learn that Se isn’t just about partying, it’s about being present.
- tertiary Ti - Being controlled by Ti is basically like having your own personal intp jimmeny cricket. Every time you’re upset you hear ‘don’t be ridiculous, toughen up’. Every time you do anything you hear ‘be logical and calm, level headed. Be calculated, make sure no one can read you’. This means infjs are closed off, always acting, and are scared of letting people see who they really are. To overcome this fear, infjs need to learn to use Fe properly. Fe isn’t just there to help you keep the peace, it’s there to help you look after people, and create genuine friendships. If you feel uncomfortable in a particular social group, find a new one on your own and start again, somewhere you’re not scared of people you already know. Use your new Ti powers to cultivate some social independence, and you’ll realise you’re actually a skilled F type after all! Learn that Ti isn’t just about being calm and collected, it’s about doing the right thing.
- tertiary Se - Being controlled by Se means ignoring Ni planning and vibes and just doing whatever the heck you feel like in the moment - even if it costs a lot of money. To resist that temptation, you’re gonna want to sit down and do some Te. What do you want to achieve in life? Where do you want to go? How are you going to get there? You’re probably not on the right path when you’re being led by Se, so make some changes! Entjs are less likely than Enfjs to ignore their physical environment (cos Te), but it’s possible they forget to take care of themselves personally - too busy fixing everyone else! The entj needs to make sure they’re using their Te well to ensure that they take care of themselves first, for optimum efficiency. Learn that Se isn’t just about partying, it’s about being present.
- tertiary Fi - being controlled by Fi basically means intjs are soppy messes, unable to push through and achieve their goals for fear of hurting someone. To overcome this, they need to learn to use Te properly. Te isn’t just there to push your agenda on people, it’s there to find the best way to do it. Is there a way to do what you want without hurting people? If not, is it necessary to do it anyway? If you decide it is necessary, commit, and do it with the most respectful attitude you can. Fi is meant to help you stay morally centred, not guilt trip you into seeing things from other perspectives. Don’t avoid Fi because it feels bad. Learn to use Fi to keep you accountable.
- tertiary Te - being controlled by Te means you want to DO THINGS, and driven by Ne this can be exhausting and destructive. It can also make you hyper critical when you’re a bit upset. You get some control over this function you need to get back in touch with your Fi. Don’t just do things, consider whether or not they line up with your core principles. Sure, ditching work for a week and going around the country backpacking might sound great, but is that really what you want/believe in? Learn that Te isn’t just about doing, it’s about achieving.
- tertiary Si - being controlled by Si basically means you’re stuck in the past and afraid to use your Ne ideas. To get out of this one, you’re going to have get in touch with your dominant Fi. What do you want in life, what are your core values? Is being stuck in the past and afraid of change meeting those goals in life? If not, get your Ne going and work out how to fix it! As well as this, there’s an even more destructive Si-controlled behaviour infps might embrace, and thst is doing whatever they’re told NOT to do - cos you can’t control me! Again, the infp needs to go to their Fi and consider if this is something they actually believe in, or if they’re just doing it because they were told not to. Learn that Si isn’t there to judge you, it’s there to help you learn.
- tertiary Fe - being controlled by tertiary Fe means two things: first, the entp is naturally averse to good Fe, and enjoys being cut throat and mean on purpose. Second, the entp is actually scared of being hated, and will back down the minute things get too real. It also means they can be overly charming, giving the impression they care about people more than they do in practise (cos they enjoy staying distant, cos you know - Fe is ew, who wants to be nice ALL THE TIME). This creates some interesting social problems, as the entp will usually end up the most famously annoying person in the room - who everyone secretly still likes anyway, they’re just a bit over it. To stop being controlled by Fe, entps need to go to Ti. No, not to work out what they want, they’re good at that already, and they’re almost certainly trying to use Fe to manipulate people. The entp needs to work out how people work - and each person is different, so they should basically just get an emotions chart and figure out how people are responding to them. Your Ne is there to back you up in this, and eventually (if you do it right) you’ll be great at knowing what people are feeling, and you’ll stop putting your foot in it - which is handy for getting your way long term 😉 Even better than this, you’ll be able to embrace the fact that you can’t do everything yourself and you need to work in a team - that’s what good Fe is! Learn that Fe isn’t about being nice to people: it’s about doing things for the good of the people. (That’s a big difference, and probs why entps (and people in general) or so surprised when they meet *nfjs by how open and direct they are. Fe is for connecting and helping people, not being all nice-nice!).
- tertiary Si - being controlled by Si basically means you’re stuck in the past and afraid to use your Ne ideas. To get out of this one, you’re going to have get in touch with your dominant Ti. What do you want in life, what do you need to achieve to consider yourself successful? Is being stuck in the past and afraid of change leading you to meet those goals in life? If not, get your Ne going and work out how to fix it! As well as this, there’s an even more destructive Si-controlled behaviour intps might embrace, and that is doing whatever they’re told NOT to do - cos you can’t control me! Again, the intp needs to go to their Ti and consider if this is something that will actually yield fruitful outcomes, or if they’re just doing it because they were told not to. Learn that Si isn’t there to judge you, it’s there to help you learn.
S types
While all the above advice also applies for S types, I wanted to give them more personalised advice - and I think it’s pretty accepted that the S types wield their tertiary Function far more naturally than their N counterparts.
- tertiary Ne - Weilding tertiary Ne basically makes you the classic, gossipy bitch, with a perfect threat/manipulation tactic for everything… So turbulent esfjs definitely don’t seem like Fe doms at a glance. From what I’ve seen, this phase doesn’t last too long *phew* but anyway: to avoid this, esfjs need to learn to use Fe properly. Yes, it’s about helping people and doing what’s best for them, but be honest: you don’t always know what’s best. Even worse, sometimes it’s best for you to let people do their own thing and fail. Let Ne open your mind to the possibility that you’re wrong, and sometimes being a good friend means doing nothing at all. Learn that Ne isn’t there to help you cajole people into obeying you, but to help you consider other perspectives.
- tertiary Ti -Weilding tertiary Ti is meannnnn. The isfj also has the infj’s intp Jimmeny Cricket sitting on their shoulder - they’re just better at discussing things with it and taking pure Ti advice. That’s right, isfjs need to learn to renagage Fe and stop trying to be a Ti Dom. It also means turbulent isfjs are likely to rebel by striving for complete independence, which basically leads to the classic ‘make every mistake possible as a young adult’ phase, combined with a refusal to learn from anyone’s experiences but their own. Isfjs need to learn that Fe isn’t a weakness, it’s not a bad thing to listen and learn from other people, it doesn’t make you weak. For isfjs, it makes them stronger, because their Ti is just too low down to work properly. They need to use their Ti to help them look after people, which is what they’re naturally good at, instead of trying to use Fe to manipulate people’s emotions with Ti assistance. Learn that Ti is there to help you do the right thing for people, not to help get people doing the right thing for you.
- tertiary Ne - Weilding tertiary Ne basically makes you the classic, gossipy bitch, with a perfect threat/manipulation tactic for everything… So turbulent Estjs are pretty much a classic Te Dom. To avoid this, estjs need to learn to use Te properly. Yes, it’s about being effecient and organised, but you can’t just organise people. And sometime you have to accept that a person will never reach their potential, and you can’t fix them. Let Ne open your mind to the possibility that you can’t control everything. Also, I know you have Te, but that’s still no excuse for gossiping - make sure you check what’s useful to be discussing and what’s just gossip. Learn that Ne isn’t there to help you cajole people into obeying you, but to help you consider other perspectives.
- tertiary Fi - Wielding tertiary Fi basically means playing really upset and making people feel bad for not doing what you want - aka, playing the tiny violin. It’s a very effective tool, but it’s definitely something you need to grow out of, istjs. Your Fi is there to make sure you’re not being an immoral, manipulative idiot, not to help you Te-control everyone. You have to figure out what your core values are and stick by them, keeping your Te accountable. Learn that your Fi is there to keep you accountable, not to guilt trip people into doing things your way.
- tertiary Te - Wileding tertiary Te makes turbulent Esfps efficious and meannnn. These guys have given Te Dom the incorrect meanings it has. Esfps need to learn that their morals and values aren’t always the only valid opinions, and they can’t just go around enforcing them. Turbulent Esfps use Te to control people and get their way, getting progressively more aggressive if their tactics don’t work. Esfps need to refocus their Te energy on themselves, and figure out what they themselves want/need to achieve in life. Learn that Te is there to help you achieve YOUR goals, not to get everyone else in on them.
- tertiary Ni - Tertiary Ni is like a little duck of doom and gloom that comes up and quacks depressing things in your ear - things that are probably right. Isfps can live their whole lives stuck in this kind of gloomy state, accepting that life is just pain and nothing is worth the effort, leading them to avoid making Se changes in their life. To avoid this, isfps need to learn to use get back in touch with Fi. You know, if the duck of gloom IS wrong, what do you want to be achieving in life? What are your values and morals? Even if life is pain, shouldn’t you try to help others who are hurting too? Isfps need to learn to focus on making Se changes in their life, like - idk - opening an orphanage or making art or something. Learn that Ni is there to support your long term goals, not to depress you so much you don’t make any.
- tertiary Fe - Weilding tertiary Fe looks like a turbulent entp who can actually charm and manipulate people without being obvious. Yes, turbulent estps are master manipulators, they know exactly how people work, and they also know what they want. So for them, getting back in touch with their Ti is about considering what’s going to benefit them long term. ONE DAY people will notice you’re being manipulative, and when they do (and they always do, turbulent estps), no one will like you. You’ll be friendless and alone, and you KNOW that sucks. So if you want to have friends, you’re going to have to use Fe for good. You’re going to have to use it to give back as least as much as you take. Learn that Fe isn’t just a tool to benefit you NOW - using it for others will help you later.
- tertiary Ni - Tertiary Ni is like a little duck of doom and gloom that comes up and quacks depressing things in your ear - things that are probably right. Istps can live their whole lives stuck in this kind of gloomy state, believing they are always the victim and nothing is worth the effort, leading them to avoid making Se changes in their life. To avoid this, istps need to learn to use get back in touch with Ti. You know, if the duck of gloom IS wrong, what do you want to be achieving in life? What would you like to fix in this world? Even if life isn’t fair, maybe you could fix it? Istps need to learn to focus on making Se changes in their life, like maybe fixing the justice system or something. Learn that Ni is there to support your long term goals, not to depress you so much you don’t make any.
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Grow, my babies 🌿
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tisenife · 6 years ago
if you were to give each mbti type a superpower that ppl with that type would develop eventually corresponding to the themes of each type in mbti, what would they be?
SFJs: empathy/pathokinesis, ability to heal others
NFJs: divination, clairvoyance, charmspeaking
STJs: psychometry
NTJs: telepathy (mind reading AND mind control)
SFPs: invincibility
STPs: super strength, super speed
NFPs: shapeshifting
NTPs: telekinesis
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tisenife · 6 years ago
Weapons for different MBTI types
They are heroic weapons and obviously, only the hero of the heroes are qualified to use them. Swordsmen have various morals to upheld and they take these morals seriously . They are also calm and decisive as they are usually leaders of their own groups, and are responsible for leading their groups to victory.
The people who use knives are either very flashy or extremely subtle. A simple weapon for simple characters, their users like to get their hands dirty and prefer to get up close and personal.  Short weapons are used by crafty and witty people who always think of the best way to complete a job splendidly, while using the least minimum effort. Unlike the honorable swordsmen who take on everything fairly and legally, knives practitioners use any ways they can think of to win, even if their victory might appear a bit dirty.
 A weapon less usable in real life, but very badass in the fiction world. This weapon is normally a sign of doomsday, it is the presence of extreme evil and mayhem, and is usually used by some bad guys, some death gods, some evil overlords… you get the drill. They suggest a personality centered around the awareness of death and are used by antagonists having high level of skill. They can confer a sense of conceited showmanship.
They are generally used to indicate a particularly noble type of heroism, and often a connection to the nature. It is claimed that soldiers would often choose bows over crossbows because the latter offered an ease of use that was unworthy of chivalric values. Characters with composed personalities are archers.
A weapon known for carrying out its job efficiently and swiftly, is likely to be used by people who prefer to do the necessary, with no questions asked. Users have a very unwavering sense of justice which not everyone might agree to but it doesn’t make the user question their decision. They suggest a firm personality with a high sense of self worth.
Chainsaws are a very intimidating weapon usually only wielded by those who are truly Ax-Crazy.  Certain heroes have also made use of them - if you’re fighting something frightful, sometimes you need a weapon that roars and bites back. Users are considered spontaneous and will not think twice before shredding the enemy into pieces.
These are generally used by people with a mischievous sense of fun. The users would want to annoy the victim rather than harm them, in most cases. But if used with the right sense of aim and certain skill, could cause serious harm. They indicate optimism and the value of life in the user.
This weapon symbolizes not only courage, but also the defense of family and community. The users are strong willed, ready to battle for their defense, willing to sacrifice themselves and are tough. The axe is a symbol of pride and responsible, idealistic behavior.
This is the most common sword in the market and is used by people who are practical and use logic. Users prefer to take the tried and tested path. They believe that if something works, there’s no reason to change it. They represent decisive nature and hardworking capabilities.
Martial arts are associated with spirituality and asceticism. Characters who use a specific type of martial arts will usually be calm and controlled. A user of martial arts can have the attitude of not needing any weapons as their own hands are enough for most battles.
They are used by action-oriented, logical people. The users can be the heroes or the villains but are almost always analytical, spontaneous and independent. They represent someone who enjoys adventure and are skilled at understanding how mechanical things work.
These are a necessity in real life battles. They have a vaguely villainous air of uniformity. The smaller shields posses a more heroic personality. The character using them might be an underdog - their shield serving to show that they are actually under protected. The users normally seek to create a personal environment that is both beautiful and practical.
The users tend to have a calm personality, yet there is a part of them that is violent but they are able to control it perfectly. This can be used to tear down the enemy when they please. Khopesh is an ancient Egyptian weapon which was used by brave and fierce warriors.
The mindset of spear users are pretty similar to sword users, aside from the fact that spear users may be a bit less strict on rules and morality. But overall, their undying faith, loyalty and trust are what makes their spears the greatest weapons. Another trait for most spearmen is that they can be quite stubborn.
The users might have short attention spans and are playful, enthusiastic and friendly. They are spontaneous and tactful. Orbs represent strong common sense and an ability to find joy in helping others in tangible ways.
Users don’t like to rely on others for anything. They  want to handle all problems by themselves so that they know it’s done right. They’re not a good team player and have trust issues. Overall, practitioners can be quite hot-headed, sometimes, even going all out at the very beginning. They don’t have the patience to stall and wait, and would rather rush in.
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tisenife · 6 years ago
why the types are holding a grudge
ENFP: you were mean to someone, anyone, without a good reason
ENFJ: you must have killed a butterfly or something, geez, like how do you make an ENFJ hold a grudge?
ENTP: you deceived them (be warned, the chaotic energy runs high in this one)
ENTJ: you contradicted their argument without a logical reason
ESFP: you ignored their obvious endeavors to please you
ESFJ: you made a very ill-timed “yo mama” joke once
ESTP: you acted like they were attacking you for offering advice
ESTJ: you willfully spread misinformation
INFP: you disrespected one of their core values, knowingly or unknowingly
INFJ: you were probably just a bully, INFJs are pretty understanding
INTP: “I was mad at you? What did you do?” you didn’t take the school project seriously
INTJ: you ignored their caring advice and did it anyway (INTJ is glaring at INTP)
ISFP: you’re determined to make everybody else unhappy with you
ISFJ: you were rude to the well-meaning worker
ISTP: you won’t shut up and do something about it
ISTJ: you were stupid on purpose and want to complain about it to them
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tisenife · 6 years ago
Introverts As Smiles
INFP: that cute, shy little smile, framed by rosy cheeks and daisies in their hair
INFJ: the large and gentle beaming smile a mother gives her cooing baby
INTP: that large, joyful grin that jolts out from beneath Wayfarer glasses and surprises everyone, even them
INTJ: that mechanical smirk that fades into this gorgeous twinkle around those they trust
ISFP: that barely-there grin that, if you catch it, promises hidden adventures and mysteries
ISFJ: the soft smile the gleams in their eyes and says, relax, it’ll all be okay
ISTP: that will-o’-the-wisp smile–you can never catch it or understand it
ISTJ: the breathy sigh and ghosting grin that washes over you when you’ve finally accomplished your goal
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tisenife · 6 years ago
The types as element benders from Avatar
Our extroverted function is the one we use to interact with the outside world, and the one I think would best represent the type’s bending skill:
Firebending-SPs: Flashy, expressive. Most of Firebending moves resemble dancing, and there’s even a dragon dance in it. Firebending is very destructive and can go wrong pretty easily, so it goes well with the thrill-seeker Se.
Earthbending-TJs: Not only useful for attacking but also for building, shielding and moving around, which Te would appreciate. Good at holding their ground, most stoic postures and moves of all the benders, require firm footing and a strong will to command the earth.
Waterbending-FJs: Water is the element of change, just like Fe is able to adapt in order to accommodate different needs from different people. Also, healing ability, just like Fe is concerned with the wellbeing of others.
Airbending-NPs: The world is full of possibilities and the sky is the limit. Able to see the bigger picture from above and detaching themselves from earthly problems. Value personal freedom highly.
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tisenife · 6 years ago
Fun fact, I’ve always thought of IxTP’s as if they were in a sibling relationship. INTP’s are the dreamy, witty, younger siblings with minds that go at a hundred miles per hour, seeing unlikely connections everywhere and letting their imagination fly. ISTP’s are the pragmatic, clever, older siblings, with that all-knowing face and attitude, very aware of their surroundings and looking out for their little siblings, kicking anyone’s ass in their defense.
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tisenife · 7 years ago
No mercy, I like it.
Okay but for real why does every INTJ superiority blog have the same exact list of posts:
I am very smart and driven towards my goals no matter what (which is why I haven’t lifted a fucking finger towards learning the most basic forms of human communication, instead expecting people to read my mind so they will leave me alone)
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, you stupid sensors (which is why I never learn how to communicate and keep expecting people to read my mind even though it keeps failing)
I’m not like *~other girls~* #intj female
aesthetic post: black and white chess pieces and marble statues and an expensive suit and a desaturated picture of a building
never hide or apologize for who you are
I demand everyone who has made small talk apologize for who they are
I don’t want to know what’s up. Tell me your deepest secrets
why won’t anyone tell me their deepest secrets #intj problems
I am the only person who dislikes last minute schedule changes #introvert problems
WHY DOES NO ONE BELIEVE WE HAVE EMOTIONS. I feel so deeply #tert fi problems
I have no emotions and I hate people who do: a post about stupid people
i was informed an ENFP was supposed to find me and love me unconditionally, why has this not happened
First, plan. Then execute. We are the visionaries who create a new world.
WHY INTJs ARE LIKE CATS: we sleep 22 hours a day and spend the other 2 in bed getting lost in our gigantic minds
aesthetic post: slytherin but like, goth
My Mom is an ESFJ and I Hate Her: Read This Conversation That Makes It Clear She’s An ENTP
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tisenife · 7 years ago
Bold of you to assume high Ti plans things. Okay but seriously, at least in my case I just figure things on the go. Ti is not as result-oriented and schedule-loving as Te, it’s more about rationalizing the info you get from either your Se or Ne and coming up with something.
For example, recently my ENFP friend asked me to fix her nerf gun (more like I took it from her to fix it cause it seemed like a good challenge but anyway). The process went like this:
- I loosened all the screws to open it, but one of them was stripped beyond fix.
- What do I do now? I took a thin saw and literally saw through the screw and some of the gun, nothing major tho and pretty unnoticeable unless you’re looking for it.
- okay, the thing is open, now what? Guess I should go through the motion of loading the bullet and firing to see how it works.
- Did it, the trigger is getting stuck somehow during the last part of the process, but everything else seemed alright.
- Searched the parts that are moved by the trigger, found one that isn’t moving all the way like it’s supposed to (a safety lock of some sort), moved it all the way by hand and boom, it fired.
- Tried reloading and firing again, yup still gets stuck in the same place. Look around for what makes the stuck part move during the reload process.
- Found it, something was out of place and didn’t fully make contact with the safety lock that got stuck.
- Put it back in place, get the bullet in the chamber, safety lock moved all the way, pulled the trigger, it fired.
- Repeat the process to make sure it’s a permanent fix, everything seems alright, I’ll screw everything back up.
- Fire the gun now that it’s assembled to make sure it’s still working, and it did. Ta dah, problem solved.
Okay that was pretty messy, but I hope the point came across. When faced with a situation, Ti doesn’t plan, it improvises. Get external info, rationalize the best/most logical option, try it, analize the result: all good? Good, didn’t work? Figure out why it failed (IMPORTANT), look fore more external info and come up with another solution. Repeat till it’s fixed. Ti has no problem in following a plan if it makes sense, but won’t go out of to follow steps they deem unnecessary or improveable. Those are my two cents, hoped it helped.
Hello ! Question, how would you say a Ti user say ENTP or ISTP plans things out in contrast with a Te user say, ENFP or ISFP ? Thanks !
Okay, can’t shed insight into STP/SFP (maybe someone will reblog) but I asked ENTP to describe her writing and editing process for a contrast.
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ENTP says: I was doing a creative writing project for a friend. First, I thought I would do a one shot but then I kind of fell into it and a one shot turned into a LOT of pages. I often edit as I write so it becomes easier for me to sand off the edges of my final product. The story was set in Lebanon and I had the perfect thing planned for my characters except of course NeTi is not just imagination running wild. Ti demands precision, accuracy and logical consistency. So when I write, I make sure that there are no plot holes. Seeing as Lebanon is a country I have never been to (but has since been added to my Pinterest board), I didn’t want to just wing it. I did so much research like I was actually going there.
I had my characters going on a two wheeler so the distance between the female protagonist’s apartment and the pub had to be believable and consistent. I pulled up Maps and found three equi-distant places. Looked at pictures and reviews for each because in the end, I want the reader to see through my lens and feel what my characters are feeling. So I winged the plot mostly based on the expectations of the individual who had commissioned it. While doing so, I still require a certain flow that makes sense . If it doesn’t make sense, it is out the window. Also, I use the Ti to refine and make concepts more accessible to people, I use it to engage with the minds of readers rather than hand it to them on a platter. I use it to make connections between multiple ideas and make sure they fit right within the framework of what I am trying to create/do/say.
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ENFP says: Whenever I write anything longer (like say a book), I put tons of effort into the research and see what materializes. I halfway plot it, halfway “pants” it – often I have the twist in mind and/or a climax scoped out in my mind, and keep that at the back of my writing process as I move toward it, but allow the main and subplots to organically come together during the writing process. I keep practicality in mind and try to be consistent, threading dialogue and action together in a way that holds your interest. (Never starting multiple paragraphs with the same word or letter, alternating opening them with action and dialogue, etc). The characters tend to take me where they will.
Now, the editing process is a whole other ball of wax. I print out a list of all my chapters with sub-headings for each character’s POV, then cross them off with a pink marker after editing each section, so I can see my progress, plan out how long I think the entire process is going to take, and motivate myself. I set small goals for myself (one chapter today, five by the end of the week). I note the word count throughout the process, since I want all my books about the same length (95,000 words). I read it aloud to catch awkward phrasing and redundant words, I try and note multiple uses of the same descriptions. I used to do it all by hand, but now I use ProWritingAid to check my grammar, avoid sticky sentences, vary my sentence length, and avoid slow spots. I spend a lot of time tightening and re-wording things to sound better. I sometimes re-work or re-write a manuscript three or four times to tighten the whole thing up, make sure I have no unfinished plot threads, and ensure it’s focused in one direction.
Clue: look who is more abstract / theoretical and works in their head (ENTP) and who lines out a clear set of directions for her editing process and keeps track of her progress on paper (ENFP). ;)
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tisenife · 7 years ago
the trust you put in the mbti blog whose post you just reblogged after only reading your type’s information
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tisenife · 7 years ago
The Most Lovable Thing About Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type
Their easy laugh. Their rebellious streak. The way they adapt to any situation seamlessly. The way they charm others around them. The way they geek out on everyday events. Their relaxed presence. Their adventurous nature. Their competence and practicality when something goes unexpectedly wrong. The force of nature that is their protectiveness.
The whirring, restless nature of their minds. Their busy hands. The way they tap on floors and surfaces to remind you that their thoughts are always flowing. Their open-minded attitude. Their decisiveness in moments of panic. The undercurrent of competence and ability that surfaces when others are uncertain. Their laid-back nature. Their easy smile. The way their hearts open completely to the people they love and feel protective toward, despite the stony attitude they put on for the world.
Their quick, analytical mind. The enthusiasm they pour into a story. Their refusal to stop before a task is done or relax when something needs fixing. Their perseverance. Their steadfast competence. The way they devote themselves fully to the communities they invest in. The way they demonstrate care within the realm of healthy boundaries. The rules they sometimes break. The confident decisions they make. The way others can always put their trust behind them. The sheer force of nature that is their love.
The diligence they bring to their commitments. The firm, decisive nature of their speech. Their quiet competence. Their community-mindedness. The warm look they get in their eyes when they’re surrounded by people they love. The determined look they get when they’re up against a challenge. The practical nature of their decisions. Their refusal to demand recognition. The energy they pour into improvement on a steady, unwavering basis.
The honesty they bring to each encounter. The soft and calming presence of their minds. The virtues they can pull from any vices, and the artwork they can make from any pain. The fierceness they apply to their convictions. The way they live and die by their beliefs. Their ability to weave the chaos and the suffering of humanity into an intricate tapestry of understanding. The shame they alleviate through sharing their own.
The thoughtfulness they bring to each encounter. The depths their minds dive into with ease. The way their eyes light up when they’re discussing a new theory that excites them. Their interest in debating every side. Their boundless compassion. Their timeless joie-de-vivre. The way they can pull strength out of the greatest destruction. The way they see the best in themselves and others. The way they never stop fighting to help it prevail.
The careful thought they give each passing question. The whirring, reeling look inside their eye. The raw and childlike energy they exude when the people who they love are truly thriving. The way they let their weirdness out in bursts. The measured nature with which they plan the future. The hurried nature in which they share their thoughts. The way their eyes light up when they’re engaging with their passion. The even, tempered consideration they give to each new perspective that comes their way.
The presence they bring to every room they enter. The glimmer of joy behind their eyes. The way they engage their full bodies when they talk, like every sentence is telling its own story. The way they don’t avoid eye contact when they laugh. The interest that they take in the obscure. The confidence with which they share their visions. The inspiration they never want to stop distributing. The way they smile when they are saying someone’s name.
The sunshine that they bring to every moment. The joy inside their laugh. The way they’ll answer their phone at 2am because the people in their lives are worth every effort. The honesty they dole out when it’s time. The way they talk about dreams like possibilities. The damper that they never put on hope. The way they bring people together. The way they never stop trying to help you shine.
The way that they sit with you in silence. Their vastness of their compassion. The tiny details they take in and remember. The space they make for others to shine. The practicality they exercise through bad times, and the humility they exercise in good. The way they live their lives with both feet on the ground. The care and love they pour into every new place until they turn it into a home.
Their sudden and unexpected wittiness. The easy, soothing lull of their voice. The offbeat nature of their interests. The gentleness with which they share their thoughts. The deep consideration they give to moral quandaries. The careful nature with which they express concern. Their spontaneous joy. The way they turn ordinary objects into masterpieces.
The way they love so loudly. The commitments that they’re happy to keep. The way their stress is centered on happiness and the fear that someone else will miss out. The thoughtfulness they put into every action. The joy and warmth they bring to every room. The way they’re never afraid to break a silence when it needs to be broken. The proactive attitude they take toward making the world a better, more harmonious place.
The measured, thoughtful nature of their speech. The wild, unstructured pattern of their thoughts. The way they break down every pre-determined concept. The way they question and cast doubt onto themselves. The curiosity that fuels their every action. The open-mindedness with which they approach people. The patience they apply to deep complexities. The biases they recognize within themselves.
The structure they can implement on chaos. The way they push themselves to reach great heights. Their decisive attitudes. Their emotional intelligence. The autonomy they promote for both themselves and other people. The way they lift the people they love up. Their commitment to questioning everything. Their ability to see their visions through.
Their acceptance of unconventional theories. The enthusiasm with which they tackle each new school of thought. Their unwavering competence. Their firm moral code. The deep and patient analysis they apply to the people and topics they love. Their willingness to always learn more. The passion they apply to sharing their intricate worldview. Their commitment to never cease questioning.
The way their eyes light up with every new idea. The way they pace excitedly around a room forming a plan. The communities they bring together seamlessly. The awareness that they bring to every thought. The devilish grin they get when trying to win your thoughts over. The piercing insights they unveil about mankind. The unexpected childishness within them. The unexpected wisdom that child can possess.
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tisenife · 7 years ago
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tisenife · 7 years ago
the types as bad advice i’d give
INTJ: do they question you? stare them down. say nothing. glare at them until they shut up and are filled with awe of your evil presence. nothing beats that.
INTP: be natural be social be cool – damnit, you made it awkward again? do what everyone else is doing. smile like them. laugh with them. now you’re one of them.
ENTP: throw genius side comments and weird crap. don’t laugh until someone else does. bask in the feeling of your cool awesomeness.
ENTJ: whatever happens, ask: can i make money out of this?
INFJ: remember, moral outrage is a great tool for avoiding personal responsibility.
INFP: just say sorry: it de-escalates a lot of things
ENFP: when all else fails, smile apologetically for 2 seconds then change the topic quick–
ENFJ: gently say “i understand what you mean when you say” and basically summarise what the other person said, then pat their back
ISTJ: if you keep measurements and lists and schedules of everything, nothing can go wrong. nothing.
ISFJ: they’re bound to give you credit eventually. just keep doing your thing. keep going. they’ll notice eventually. they’ll be sorry they ignored you.
ESTJ: make a powerpoint on it. that makes everything clearer. 
ESFJ: the best way to spread news is to make people promise not to tell anyone
ISTP: avoid stress by not caring in the first place
ISFP: okay– okay– uh– everything’s going to be fine– yes– uhm– look, the leaves! read their veins. the birds. what are they trying to tell you. sniff the river. it gives your life meaning
ESTP: do whatever the fuck you want to do. consequences be damned.
ESFP: caffeine is the life hack of the universe. boom. you’re invincible. 
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tisenife · 7 years ago
Spotting mistypes
In general: comes off as very tryhard
Mistyped high Ni: over reliance on the psychic or mystical stereotypes. If NTJ, over reliance on all of the “rational” “evil overlord” stereotypes. If NFJ, double the psychic/mystic/I love everyone but no one understands my true soul stereotypes. If the mistyped person’s true type is a sensor, they will almost definitely say “oh yes I know I’m young but I just have REALLY GOOD inferior Se”.
Mistyped high Si: pretty uncommon, but when it happens it’s almost universally a case of someone attributing genuine past psychological trauma and the aftereffects to MBTI; for more on this see my PSA post. As a result, they’ll usually be really down on Si because they think it’s Si and not like, literal PTSD.
Mistyped high Ne: hahaha I’m so random and crazy!  This can get a little harder to see in high Se users in that they’re genuinely good at divergent thinking (unlike mistyped Ni or Si doms who are pretty transparently mistyped) so for that you need to focus on the fact that they have good sensing (look for, again, “I just have amazing inferior Si despite being 15″).
Mistyped high Se: also pretty uncommon, to the point that I can’t think of any examples other than fairly low key examples of SJs who are kind of messy mistyping as SPs. 
[Note that this is for mistyping yourself. People do mistype their parents as sensors all the time as code for “I think I’m smarter than my mom” (see: that dumbass post about parents mistaking limes for lemons as if that’s not the most high intuition shit I’ve seen in my life).]
Mistyped high Te: typically have a very overinflated idea of how logical and organized they are. Think the friend whose life is a disaster but says in all seriousness “I could be a life coach.” Rarely happens with TPs but pretty common in both FPs overestimating low Te, or FJs (especially type 3 FJs).
Mistyped high Fe: usually high Fi users with an inflated idea of how good they are at reading people (or to be fair a misunderstanding that Fi doesn’t equal selfishness). Prepare for “I’m so so so good at reading people” statements. (Note: as frequently said here, even high Fe users often kind of suck at reading people from my perspective, or rather they pick up on my emotions accurately but then completely fuck up the response and at that point is reading people useful if you can’t act on it in a useful way?) Occasionally you’ll get looping/gripping thinkers as well (TPs who got the functions right but the order wrong and TJs who got the perceiving axis right but got their low Fi wrong).
Mistyped high Ti: sometimes high Fe users who think they need to be nice 100% of the time to be an Fe user, sometimes high Fi users who think Ti is about convolution rather than simplification, and occasionally high Te users who are a little messy and relied too much on dichotomy typing. Regardless of their actual type a mistyped high Ti user will a. start arguments they are incapable of finishing and b. mistake individualized logic systems with pulling information out of one’s own ass. As a result many also give off cp6 vibes even if they’re not one because they’re like “debate me bro” and you’re like “no”
Mistyped high Fi: I also don’t see this very much but occasionally you get it in type 4s from other types conflating the two; usually relies entirely on the “I’m an individual!” stereotype without any of the other Fi qualities. Occurs in true high Ti users who think that high Ti looks like mistyped high Ti.
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tisenife · 7 years ago
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tisenife · 7 years ago
Has this already been done? Never mind.
1.      What is your type?
2.      How long have you known your type for?
3.      How helpful is MBTI in your daily life?
4.      How obsessed are you (if you are too ^^)?
5.      What types do you love the most, in theory?
6.      What types do you like the most, irl?
7.      Are there types that you just don’t like?
8.      What type do you think is the most misunderstood/neglected, and why?
9.      What type would you have liked to be?
10.  What types did you think you were before typing yourself?
11.  How good are you at typing other people?
12.  Do people get your interest in MBTI?
13.  What are some things you really enjoy about your type?
14.  What are some things that suck about your type?
15.  What is your favourite function in your type?
16.  What is your favourite function out of the eight?
17.  What are your friends’ types?
18.  What’s your mother’s/dad’s/siblings’ type?
19.  What’s your crush’s type?
21.  Are you the kind of person who also types their pets????
22.  How do you use/explore your auxiliary?
23.  How long have you been interested in MBTI for?
24.  What means do you rely on when typing people (tests, the dichotomies, the functions, vibes,…)?
25.  Has MBTI helped you improve yourself as a person?
26.  Do you type characters in books and movies too?
27.  What fictional characters do you feel share your type?
28.  What cliché type things do you do concerning your own type?
29.  How do you feel about the clichés concerning the types?
30.  How do you feel about the clichés concerning the dichotomies?
31.  What type do you encounter the most irl?
32.  Is there a type you have yet to meet?
33.  What types do you find the easiest to spot?
34.  What types do you find hardest to tell?
35.  What do you like about the MBTI fandom?
36.  What do you find annoying about the fandom?
37.  How well do you understand Ni?
38.  What is the most controversial typing you have ever made?
39.  How do you spot your tertiary function when it comes to life?
40.  If you had to describe your type in five words, what would that look like?
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