I don’t think my weight has gone down at all.
25th August 2020
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20th July 2021
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Please ignore the mess in the picture, I was doing a clear out. 
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My work out routine:
20 stomach crunches
20 push ups
60 mountain climbers
60 lying leg lifts
10 second planks x10
60 lying heel touches
50 bent knees windshield wipers
1 hour cross trainer
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More updates on my intermittent fasting. I have no problem admitting that I did stop for around a week. Good news though, I didn't put on any weight in that week.
I posted about my intermittent fasting on the 28th of Feb. I was 184lbs at that point. I had already lost weight. I continued doing it for a week or do and then stopped. I began doing it again in the last 5 days, as well as increasing my exercise to one hour, twice a day.
I have also kept my diet very low carb. Everything made from scratch and almost completely cutting out any added salt as well.
This time round, I've noticed it's been a lot easier to plan food with low carbs.
I have continued to lose weight. I am very happy about that, I saw it on the scales in the first two days, and it has been decreasing everyday since.
So since the 28th of January I have maintained my weight at 184lbs until recently and stepping on the scales this morning my weight is now 179lbs.
So converting that 179lbs= 81kg = 12st 11
My goal at the moment is to get to 156lbs =
70kg = 11st.
I am setting down a time of five months to do that, just to give me date to work towards. It means losing 23lbs in 20 weeks, which should be possible as long as I stick to my diet and exercise.
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If you're looking for a tasty, sweet, fizzy drink but don't want something full of sugar and artificial flavors, this is it.
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It comes in a few different flavors and I guarantee you will love it.
You get the taste of those sweet fizzy drinks without all of the calories and artificial additives.
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Trigger warning ⚠️
This post will be about weight loss, intermittent fasting and weight problems. Please do not read if any of these are a trigger for you. Thank you ⚠️
I have decided to try intermittent fasting. I struggle with my weight for a few reasons. I was a slightly overweight from my early teen's and never really tried to lose that weight. Then when I was diagnosed with epilepsy the exercise I was doing came to a sudden stop due to the seizures I was having, adding on to that, I was put on long term steroids that immediately caused weight gain. Only in the last few months my seizures have been gotten under control. I have been exercising and eating healthier and the weight has slowly been going down. When I received steroids in IV form however that weight immediately went back up. I have been exercising harder and eating healthier then before, completely cutting out carbs,salt and caffeine from my diet. Again the weight has begun to go down slowly, slower than before though.
That is was made me decide to try intermittent fasting. There have been so many positive reviews on this and I wanted to give it a go.
I downloaded an app called fastic to help me with keeping tabs on when to fast and when I can eat as well as water consumption.
I started four days ago. I decided to start with a long fasting period. I have separated my weight loss in to 5 weight goals. This way I can actually feel like I am getting there when I meet each goal, rather then just thinking on the very end result constantly and wondering why it's taking so long.
As I said I am starting with a very long fasting period. I will be fasting for 20 hours and having 4 hours I can eat. So my eating hours are from 12 till 4pm. I decided on this because I have never been a big breakfast eater anyway and I only usually have something very small for my tea.
I started with a weight of 187lbs and in 4 days went down to 184lbs. I do believe a lot of this is due to my increase in the amount of water I have been drinking so therefore reducing my water retention/bloating caused by the steroids.
I have read on a few articles that intermittent fasting can help you lose around 8-10 lbs in a month. If I am able to do that I will be incredibly happy.
It also means that I will be able to get to my over all goal weight in around 5-6 months but I will be happy if I get to my goal weight by the end of this year. That is my plan for this year.
Intermittent fasting is a difficult thing. You have to stick to your fasting hours and even when you are allowed to eat, you still have to make sure you are eating healthy. The first few days/weeks are extremely difficult, it can cause headaches and hunger pains. If you stick with it though the results can be amazing. So I have been told anyway.
I will try my best to do weekly updates on how I am getting on.
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I said in a previous post I would be testing out three "weight loss supplements". Three different items that say they will help you to lose weight.
The items I decided on were simply because they were ones I knew about. There was no recommendations or anything else.
They were all purchased from the same health shop, but all are from different brands. Two are tablets and one a tea.
I decided to take each one for a month as the package directed, that would give them time to work and I would be able to see a result.
I started with the tea.
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This tea is meant to detox your body and help to reduce bloating, therefore reduce your weight and help to kickstart your weight loss. Obviously only working alongside a healthy diet and exercise.
I used it as the box instructed. The tea itself was surprisingly nice. I left the two separate packets (one for morning, one for evening) next to my kettle and just swapped my usual morning and evening cup of tea for these ones.
I kept up with my healthy meals as well as my hour exercise 6 days a week.
Did it actually make a difference though?
No is the answer.
My weight over the month did vary slightly but stayed mostly the same. There was no significant change for me to actually be able to say yes this tea works.
The next thing I tried was a tablet. This tablet is actually labeled stating that it will help you to reduce body fat.
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Again I continued with my healthy diet and exercise. These tablets say to take one mid morning and one mid afternoon, never before bedtime. That direction did concern me slightly, what would happen if I took them just before I slept ?
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These tablets have a chalky texture and could easily stick in your mouth and throat if not taken with a good amount of water.
Due to the time they recommend you take them, it did make it very easy to forget and I will admit I did forget to take about three. I really don't believe it would make a difference on the results though.
During the month that I was taking these I noticed a decrease in my weight of only 1 lbs. Do I think it was due to these tablets? No.
It is possible to lose upto 8lbs in a month when doing it healthily. I think the weight was down to my exercise and healthy eating.
If I'm taking tablets that say they will help me to lose weight when used alongside a healthy diet and exercise, I would expect a lot more then what I did. That is my personal opinion on the matter though.
The final item was another tablet. This one is slightly different as the packet itself does not say it is for weight loss or bloating. It is however well known to help in this department.
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This green tea supplement was bought solely because I saw a doctor on tv talk about food that can actually help with weight loss.
I don't like the taste of green tea so I bought it in tablet form instead. I wanted to see how something that apparently helps but ISN'T sold as a weight loss supplement compared against things that ARE sold as weight loss supplements.
I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. This did actually seem to work.
It did not work wonders I didn't loose a stone in a month taking this tablet. It did however help with bloating and I saw my weight go down by 4lbs. I know it doesn't sound like much. I have always struggled with loosing weight though so this was a significant amount for me.
I read a few articles about green tea before taking these tablets and all of them say the best time to drink green tea is right before you exercise, then you will see a difference.
One study on a group of men said that the half that drank the green tea lost 17% more body fat then the half that didn't.
I feel like out out this whole trial of mine I have learned two things. 1) The items I used labeled as weight loss supplements did not work. 2) I need to start drinking green tea.
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Day 1
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Time for my first cup of detox tea.
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Decided the best time to drink it was before my exercise, I get up between 7 and half 7 a.m. so it's the first thing I do in the morning.
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All pretty and herbal.
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This is when the water is first added
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This is it after the three minutes as it says on the bag.
The taste of it is nice. It has a slight liquorice flavor, I like it.
It isn't too strong and if this was just a normal herbal tea, not meant for weight loss, I could see myself drinking this a lot.
First day of it and as expected nothing has happened, I expect it will be at least a week before I notice anything, if there is anything to notice.
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I said on a previous post I would try out three different shop bought weight loss supplements.
The first one I am trying is a weight loss tea. I will take it for the full month, as it says.
I will update on how it is working or not working, side effects it gives me and just generally how it tastes and makes me feel.
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I will be starting this tea in the morning. It says to drink the morning tea everyday and the night tea every second day.
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I have an idea on what this tea may do, I will wait until the month is over before I say anything though.
I have two other weight loss supplements to try after this and I will give my honest opinion on each one
Remember any reviews I give are my opinions and how things have worked or not worked for me and me alone. It does not mean these items will not work or will work for you. Always check with your doctor before taking any weight loss supplements or anything in general.
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I'm so happy with the amount I have exercised. Look at the distance I have gone. 🥳 I still have a long way to go to complete my two unfinished challenges
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Hello again everyone,
I will be doing something slightly different.
I have, like most people, heard so many things about different weight loss tablets, smoothies, shakes and teas.
What seems to be the most common reviews on these things are either " it worked great I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks" or " it didn't sto anything, don't take it"
I thought, why not try them and see how true the reviews are. Does it do anything, does it do nothing, is it somewhere in the middle.
So, I bought three different items, two are tablets and one is tea. Also to shake it up a bit, one is not actually labeled as a weight loss thing, it is however well known to help loose weight.
I am going to try each for a few weeks and see, what works best, if they work at all or if it cause any bad side effects and so on.
As you all know, if you decide to take any of these, you must read the ingredients and read the warnings. If you have any illnesses or take medication, talk to your doctor first. Also everything works differently for different people, just because it hasn't worked for me doesn't mean it won't for you and the other way as well.
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Completed 🥳🥳
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Getting so close now. 🥳
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I'm so close to finishing, plus it's got me really focused on exercising.
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Look at the exercise I've done just yesterday and today. I'm very proud I've managed to keep doing it.
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I have spoken briefly about this app. It is call, 'my virtual mission'.
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With every 20% of the race you complete a tree will be planted. This helps us restore the tree's as well as getting/keeping healthy.
You do have to pay. it is a different amount depending on which race you choose. You can pick the length of time you give yourself to complete the race. You can also put in the method of exercise you use. It is not solely running or walking. I use both walking and the elliptical machine.
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This is how my race is getting on. I love this, it's a great way to get you exercising and to keep exercising.
At the end of it all, all if you still need a little push to do it, you get a medal if completed in the time you have given yourself.
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I have started using a weight loss/tracking app called noom.
It can be used both for free and if you pay. Obviously you get more if you pay, but the amount you can do for free is still perfect.
You must log in your food, which will automatically log calories and also show you if it is in either the green, yellow or red section each one giving recommend daily amounts you should eat.
You also must log your exercise so it can keep record of the amount of exercise you do daily
As well as logging in your Weight. This is shown on a graph. You must also input your goal weight and they show on the graph the date you should get to that goal weight if you both exercise and eat healthy.
It has been extremely helpful to me so far. I have found it so much easier to count the calories I am eating in a day as well as cutting down on my calorie intake.
There are food that are high in calories and fall into the red section that I believed were going to be in the green section.
If you pay for a subscription you also get to join a team of others like you as well as getting your own personal coach.
You also complete little 1 minute lessons on ways to re wire your brain into this new healthy lifestyle.
So far it's been the best weight loss app I've used. As it's not just a quick weight loss guide and then you put all the weight back on. The one thing they repeatedly say and talk about it that this is a guide to a healthier lifestyle. This is for the long term. If you stick to the lessons you are taught you won't put weight on again.
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My weight this week, I have really failed to keep updating this but I'm back.
Tuesday 3rd Nov :12st 9.6lbs
I did say in a previous post that due to the medication I have started my weight went up. It is a side effect I can do nothing about.
I have however managed to begin loosing the extra weight from the medication.
I went up to 13st 4lbs from my previous 12st 4lbs and in the last week I have managed to loose a good bit.
So continuing with my new workout and meal planning I should get back to the 12st 4lbs quickly and from that point begin to work towards the goal of 10st.
Wish me luck. I hope everyone is doing great and those working to get to their goal. I'm rooting for you, you can do it 🥳🥰
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