Time Fuckin Traveller
15 posts
I write many things, but mostly short stories and flash fiction. Fullo for mur
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
He’d won the kidney at auction with a last minute bid against a family in Europe. He didn’t need it, it was business. He’d resell it to the family at a premium, offering a payment plan with interest, a service the black market organ dealers provide, theirs was a far messier business. On the rare occasion that he was confronted by his conscience, he remembered he was providing a service, allowing the desperate to keep more money in their pockets when they needed it most. He was not a good man, but he was one of the better bad ones.
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
The Space trip that got them all
They had finally done it. Earth Space Agency, the only and most powerful space agency on the Earth in the year 2121, had finally discovered a way to travel faster than the speed of light.
They could now travel to faraway places never known to mankind. They could explore everything. All the possibilities were open and today was the day when they were finally going to run their first faster-than-light ship. The ship in theory was perfect. Today was their first flight to test it. They had previously tested it using bots, it worked fine. But today, it was gonna be a human. Also the bots were never sent out of the solar system. But today’s destination was a planet far out in the unknown universe.
10 planets were shortlisted for the destination and this was the one selected. The name? RS-210
The information about this planet was not known much. The only thing that was known is they had received a signal from the planet and that alone was enough to select the planet.
The people to be sent were a team of 5 people. It consisted of three men and two women. Captain Mark was the commander. Joe, Philip, Laura and Sansa were the rest four.
At the launch site The four crewmembers had a talk with their families for the last time before launch. All of their families were very sad but the crewmembers assured them that they’ll surely return. They had so much faith in their ship.
One by one all the crewmembers boarded the ship. The ship’s was then locked and the launch processes were initiated. Captain Mark checked all the ship stats and assured the control centre. The control centre then checked all other things and the countdown began.
3…2…1… and boom the ship took flight and within a fraction of a second, they disappeared. The journey was about 5 minutes long. Wait, what did you expect? A view of the flight? C’mon it’s faster than the speed of light.
The whole world waited for 5 minutes staring at the counter on their screens. Each and every soul on Earth waited for 5 minutes.
3…2…1 The counter came to and end. The silence for the first two-three seconds was like never before seen. All the people looked at the screens, at each other but did not utter a sound.
“Flight control, do you copy.”
“Yes, Captain Mark congratulations.”
And suddenly the whole centre burst out in joy. They had successfully did their first faster than light flight.
“What do you see Captain?”
“I see a beautiful red planet. Looks much like Mars”
Slowly the captain moved the ship towards the planet and somewhat tried to circle the planet, observing it from all sides.
They began circling the planet but as soon as they reached the other side of the planet, the crew fell silent.
“uhhh, flight?”
“Yes captain?”
“We might have a problem here”
Saying this, the captain, relayed the visuals to the control centre and suddenly the control centre was dead silent. What the crew was seeing was a humoungous ship, nearabout 100 times the size of their own. It was all illuminated with bright lights. It was the same doughnut shaped colony concept that we had been trying to make. It was a colony. A alien colony.
There were capsules flying all over and around it. The crew was just awestruck. They couldn’t believe their eyes.
Slowly the Captain tried to move his ship around, but suddenly there were two drones coming their way. They were small drones, about the size of a bucket. They looked way more futuristic than what we had here. The crew didn’t move an inch.
The drones approached the ship. They came nearer and nearer. It turned out that they weren’t normal drones. They were able to travel through things. The drones straightaway entered the ship and flew to the crew members. One of the drones went to Mark and slowly a headset came out of the drone. The drone instructed him to wear it. Similar headsets were provided to each crew member. After that, the drones just floated in midair. They didn’t move at all. The crew members were puzzled.
Captain Mark immediately relayed the audio the the control centre so whatever the audio is gets to Earth.
Suddenly the headsets starting playing a recording.
The audio quickly reached Earth and was played at the control centre. It was instantly telecasted to all T.V. Channels too. The whole of mankind was listening to the same audio at the same time. It was a pre-recorded clip. It lasted for exactly 3 minutes and 32 seconds. Every person sat still.
The crew had a puzzled look on their face after the clip ended. The control centre guys couldn’t believe anything. The drones took back the headsets from the crewmembers heads and started going back. After a few moments, the Captain looked at all the members and simply closed his eyes for a minute.
“I peed my pants after seeing the drones and this is what they give us, huh?”
“This is gonna get a billion views man!” the alien teenager said.
“Yes Rickrolling the inventors of rickroll,whole civilization at a time.” The other replied.
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
I will never, never be the same. I have seen stars. Real stars.
Beth Revis, Across the Universe
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
Stellar Bar
I walked into the bar and went straight to the counter. 
“I’ll have some memory drink”
“Which one sir?”
“The Earth one. Those green scenes always help”
“Yes they do help but I’m sorry they’re out of stock today.”
“Ah shit. Okay. Then give me the Mars ones.”
“Sure. Here you go”
The bartender handed me a glass of Mars memory wine and I went and sat next to a window. The stars looked pretty and with the planets revolving around even more. This actually is was a stellar bar. The ones which are like really small planets, so they’ve been carved to form some building inside them. Most of the times these are about the same size as a building.
These bars keep on floating in space which makes the relaxing experience even more relaxing.
They offer a variety of interesting drinks. My favourite is the memories one. It gives you two minutes of feel of whatever flavour you ordered. The Earth one is always the best. Those green scenes. We don’t see a lot of greenery here on our planet. We left Earth a long time ago and now it doesn’t even exist. We then moved to Mars, fucked it and then here we are on a strange planet two galaxies away. We made Mars somewhat green, hence those memories are always my second preference.
I sat there holding the drink in my hand looking out of the window. That close up view of the nebulae always got me, but still what’s better than greeeeeen. 
I closed my eyes as I took a sip and slid into heaven.
by the time fuckin traveller
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
Oh god I’d simp for such a girl.
“She had stars in her eyes and galaxies in her heart. Too bad no one takes much interest in astronomy these days, or else some one would noticed the way her smile was brighter than the sun. Noticed the way her laugh sounded like stars being born. How she danced like meteors shooting through the night sky.”
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
Not everyone has to be the Chosen One. Not everyone has to be the guy who saves the world. Most people just have to live their lives the best they can, doing things that are great for them, having great friends, trying to make their lives better, loving people properly. All the while knowing that the world makes no sense but trying to find a way to be happy anyway.
Patrick Ness, The Rest of Us Just Live Here 
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
I need you to guard this for me
Prompt: I need you to guard this for me...
“I need you to guard this for me’’, these were the last words he said as he slipped through the crowd in the bar. “I’ll come get it real soon from you”
They had been sitting in the bar for the last half an hour. The stranger had been telling rob how the police had been behind him from the last two weeks. The stranger was mostly successful in somehow evading the police and hiding. But was still afraid that they might catch him at any moment.
He told Hussain that he worked alone and has a very precious item that needs to be kept away from the police and the government. If it gets into their hands somehow, it might have unpleasant results for the whole world. Hussain was now quite convinced that this man is not actually a criminal, but a genuine person who is trying to stop things from getting dangerous for the world.
The stranger then told Hussain that this item needs to be kept hidden somewhere but he couldn’t find a proper place to do so. By then Hussain had started wondering as to why the stranger might be telling all this to him. But he had a little tingling in the back of his brain that the stranger wants him to guard the item from the police.
But what lies inside the box? Hussain asked. The stranger’s reply was simple, “Something that shouldn’t be opened”…
Suddenly there was a bang in the bar and the front door was slammed open. The stranger was scared to death and quickly made a move. He slid right below the table and held Rob’s hand.
“I need you to guard this for me. I’ll come get it real soon.”
With that being said, the stranger put a small cube shaped box in Hussain’s hand and started making his way out of the bar. But sadly the police caught a glimpse of him and in a split second they were behind him.
This gave Hussain a good chance to run away with the mysterious object. He slowly and acting casually moved out of the bar.
Today Hussain sat here on his couch, in his cottage in the Himalayas, remembering this incident that happened 50 years ago.
Hussain lived in Venice back then when the incident had occurred. He was 25 then. He was just casually sitting in a bar and drinking when this man had started talking to him.
Though the man said that he’ll come back for it, Hussain hadn’t heard a word from him ever after.
All these years, despite the fact that there was no response from the stranger, Hussain hadn’t opened the box. He sometimes got the urges to do so, but he didn’t.
But today, in the morning, Hussain received a call out of nowhere saying, “Hey, it’s me. I need the cube back.”…
Since then, Hussain hadn’t been able to rest comfortably. 
by the time fuckin traveller P.S. There might be grammatical mistakes. It’s the first draft, directly written and coming here
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
He looked at the stars, sitting in his backyard, sipping fine wine. His wife sitting beside him. He was still looking at the stars, admiring their beauty, wondering how small and insignificant we are. He had always been fond of the night sky.
He had this feeling for the whole day, but now he knew it was time. He looked at her, “Honey”.
“It’s okay, I know.” A single tear welling up in her eye. She smiled. She had known for a long time that this was coming. 
He looked at her closing his eyes slowly but peacefully.
His heart beat stopped, the stars faded away, he died. 
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
A walk in the dark
Prompt:  She was walking silently in the dark, unaware of her surroundings, when a car came to a sudden halt, right beside her.
She was walking silently in the dark, unaware of her surroundings, when a car came to a sudden halt, right beside her. She suddenly realized that a car had stopped besides her and also realized that it’s too late now.
Hold on miss, you got questions to answer.
She tried thinking of all possible ways to run away but couldn’t find any and thus finally gave up thinking. Two agent’s had already got out of the car and now one more was coming outside. They all looked at her. She closed her eyes and just hoped something could happen. Something miraculous, something that saves her, but alas, who was she to win against them. Sabrina put her hands in the air and let them arrest her. They got her in cuffs and took her into the car… The car started speeding towards the outskirts of the town. As she sat in the car, she looked out at the stars and wondered, how someone, so connected to them, would be a deceiver.
She gazed at the stars wondering, whether the secret she knew, will even get out, or people get betrayed, till the end of time. Will the secrets die with the universe itself, or is there some way that it’ll come out?
Sabrina had discovered something today, that would shake all of humanity. She had uncovered some secrets which were essential for everyone to know. But they weren’t. She planned on revealing them to the world, but she couldn’t. Her discovery? N.A.S.A. is a scam. Everything they do is fake. The satellites they send are never in orbit, they go away wandering into space. All the data they showed they got from satellites, t’was fake. Nothing they ever did was real. Not just NASA but every space agency out there was a big foolproof fake. Though, this was the easy to digest part. But what she discovered later on was even more shattering. All of it wasn’t fake. There was a communicator at every space agency that was real. Every such connector in the world was connected to one single planet. Planet 553-B. All of them kept on sending and receiving signals constantly.
YES. They communicated with someone out there. People still thought that no intelligent life has been discovered. They were all being fooled, all of it was just a scam. Also the voyager project wasn’t a hit in the dark. Neither was it like someone would discover it out there. It was all planned. The journey, the destination both. The people out there on 553-B had demanded information that couldn’t be transmitted through signals. Thus the voyager mission was planned. It was always a plan. Not a hit in the dark. 
But then again, she was just a tiny person against the whole scam world and the extraterrestrials combined. She had discovered this as she had suddenly stumbled upon a call recording while
reviewing the daily call records. She worked at an agency which had the task of keeping an eye on NASA. They had to tap all the phone calls and make sure no corruption goes on in there. She had never faced such a call, but today she did and she knew it would be dangerous for her now. Some NASA official, too busy to use encryption, had done the call over a normal telephone and thus the call had been tapped. She had been shocked since then. She didn’t know how to react to this, what to do next. She was completely hopeless. But NASA officials weren’t. As soon as they realized their call was not encrypted, they started looking for everyone who had got access to it. And Sabrina was the only one. They arrested her without any delay. 
And here she was, sitting there in the car, wondering how tiny she is compared to the whole universe. How tiny even NASA is… 
Suddenly, the car stopped and she was taken out. They then escorted her to a secret opening to a secret base. She was then taken inside. They walked through a really long tunnel and at the end, there was a really tiny door. A guard stood outside. “Batch, Mr. Dufresne” The guard handed a batch to Sabrina. It had 221 written on it. JUST 221. She wondered what this was. The agent then opened the door and Sabrina was pushed inside.
“Oh here comes, another one. Hello number 221”, someone shouted from inside the room. Sabrina was surrounded by near about 200 people and all of them had a number batch on.
After a few minutes of looking at Sabrina, everyone settled back and then there were just a few people around her. “What’s your name?”, a girl asked. “Sabrina. Who are you?” “I’m Sally.” “Why are you guys all here? Have you done anything? Have you committed a crime or something? I was arrested for similar reasons. I mean, they call it crime. Okay that’s not important. What’s important is that I’ve discovered something and y’all need to know it. It’s really important. N.A.S.A. is a big scam!”
None of them seemed interested in her talk. They kept on chitchatting to each other. No one even looked at her. 
Suddenly Sally stopped her and said very calmy...
-by the time fuckin traveller
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
It was an eleven-hundred foot drop into the prison cell. From up here it seems like dropping someone into an abyss. We know they can survive the fall, somehow, though whether there’s anyone still alive down there is impossible to tell. It’s been eighty years since the last time such a punishment was warranted, and the first time that a prisoner has been sent back.
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
I got introduced to Tumblr in March 2020 when I decided to start a blog and was searching for platforms. Sounds ridiculous right? Like I didn’t even know about Tumblr before that. Never heard the name either. Here in India it never went that popular. My first social media was Instagram and it was the only one for a long time. The second one is Tumblr. 
At first I thought what might be still alive here. Like it was already kinda out for about 1-2 years. I still signed up anyways. And since then, it has a special place in my heart. I signed up 2 times and deleted it. But this time I ain’t going anywhere. 
When I first joined, I felt like I found a treasure on the internet which was hidden for a long time. I absolutely loved all the content. 
But there’s one thing to tumblr that gave it a special place in my heart and made me like it instantly. What is it? It’s small community. Honestly having a small user base made me like it. It’s like having your own community all to yourselves. No intruders.
Instagram is just filled with people. Every person out there (be it an asshole or a good one) is there on Instagram. But here it’s different. There’s limited but good people here.
Also there’s very less cringe here. Cuz the cringe resides where the large chunk of people resides. And there’s not many people here so the cringy content doesn’t receive any appreciation here. 
So yeah every time I come here, it feels like coming home. Little people, but highly good content. That makes me love Tumblr. I hope it stays the same forever.
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
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A one-page short story.
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
-Jon- (My first try at short stories)
Rope fixed. Doors closed. Note written. I am all set, Jon thought. The room was dimly lit only by the light of a single candle. Curtains were pulled down. The room had a gloomy look around it. Jon stood up on the table and began to put the rope around his neck. He still remembered how he had been rejected for jobs numerous times only because he was hearing impaired. He was very talented and highly educated. But inspite of all this, he couldn't get a job. Bzzzz! The bell rang suddenly. Should I go for it? Or just end it here and now? Who could be there? What would they want? With a million questions flooding his mind, Jon came out of the bedroom and closed the door so that no one can see inside and slowly he went to the door. He opened the door "A letter for you sir." The old mailman said. "For me? You must be mistaken my friend. No one wants me." "No, its for you, Jon D'silva, isn't that you?" Jon took the envelope and started opening it. "Sir, Can I get some water please?" "Yeah sure, why not? Come in." The mailman entered and sat down. Jon brought him a glass of water. The mailman suddenly stopped drinking and said - "Hey son come here... I'm here for a special reason." "Wh-what special reason?" "My son is a entrepreneur and he wants you for a special job." "Wh-what? Are you serious?" "Well Yes. They have encountered an ancient manuscript that requires high understanding of sign language. And who better than one with a hearing impairment for sign language." Jon was delighted and shocked at the same time. Slowly with trembling hands, he opened the envelope. And there it was. He was being offered a fortune. "Be there at 9 am tomorrow." "Y-yes", stammered Jon. "And yeah, take that rope down". With that the mailman left and Jon kept looking at the closed door of the bedroom.
                                                         Written by the time fucking traveller
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time-fuckin-traveller · 4 years ago
This is pure creativity. Absolutely loved it.
Hi! I absolutely love your writing! It's beautiful! I was wondering if you could write one where the villain crashes a Hero's party? That would be splendid! Thank you!
“You…you can’t be here,” the hero mumbled. 
“You’re drunk.” The villain’s head tilted. “Happy Birthday.” 
The hero blinked up at them, uncertainly. Their mind was stuck somewhere between ‘what the hell are you doing here?’ and ‘why the hell are you so beautiful?’ 
“How come you’re skulking outside at your own party?” 
“How come you’re skulking outside my party?” the hero pointed an accusing finger. “You better not be planning something. Wait. Did you say ‘happy birthday?’”
“I got you something,” the villain said. 
The hero shot to their feet, eyes wide, expecting a bomb or something horrible and - 
“What’s wrong with the chocolates? Have you poisoned the chocolates?” 
“I would have to be truly evil to poison the chocolate,” the villain said solemnly. There was a hint of a smile on their lips. 
“You’re mocking me.” 
“I wouldn’t dare.” The smile was even bigger now. 
The hero accepted the box of chocolate, with a wary brand of touched. They smelled delicious. They ripped the ribbon off and stuffed one in their mouth. 
The villain raised their brows. 
The hero offered them one. 
The villain took it, before sitting down on the back garden patio next to them. The sounds of the party, warm light, filtered through the windows. Music thumped. 
“The - the person I like,” the hero said. “They like someone else. Got together. Kissing.”
“That sucks.” 
“What’s your excuse for lurking in my garden?” 
The villain shrugged and took another chocolate. 
“…do you want to come in?”
“No. That would ruin my reputation as a gate crasher.”
“Just come in. You can be my bad decision for the night.” 
The hero glanced over at them. It was a poor idea, but the villain was - well, the hero knew they weren’t that bad. At least not all the time. They seemed softer tonight. And they gave the hero potentially evil chocolates. And the hero’s chest hurt because they’d thought - they’d thought - 
They turned and kissed the villain, hot and clumsy. 
The villain froze.
The hero cleared their throat. “Thank you for the chocolates.” They stood. “Come inside. At least then I can keep an eye on you.”
The villain followed. 
It occurred to the hero, later, that perhaps the villain had just wanted one night to belong. To be another ordinary teenager. To not be what they were. 
One night. 
After that, everything went back to normal.
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