Fanfic Lobby
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💞💞💞If you go to my likes, you’ll probably find a fanfic you’ll like. Just scroll😂All are welcome🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️She/Her/Hers
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tiktoks-aphrodite · 2 years ago
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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tiktoks-aphrodite · 2 years ago
Ok, hear me out:
Garrett Gates x Outcast Reader
He clearly wasn’t as prejudice as his family due to his obsession with Morticia. Yes, it could have been a ploy and scheme all along, but Garrett wouldn’t have diverted from his punch bowl plan if he hadn’t genuinely felt jealous of Gomez. He also looked petrified of his father in Wednesday’s vision. None of that excuses him, but I thought I would point it out.
So what if Garrett and outcast!reader fall in love during the time of Morticia and Gomez’s school years. It’s angst and fluffy and passionate. Young dumb love. Bittersweet possibly. Preferably a happy-enough ending.
If any of you lovely writers out there would be willing to do this (or feel inspired by this idea and want to do it) that would be great🖤🤍
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tiktoks-aphrodite · 2 years ago
Does anyone know the name or have the link to this one story about alpha Bucky x omega reader where he avoids her and is cold to her. They are true mates. She goes to a bar to forget him. Cute girl bartender flirts with her —> creepy guy try’s to hit on her and she is about to beat him up when Bucky shows up and calms her down.
I cannot think of it for the life of me!!
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tiktoks-aphrodite · 3 years ago
I don’t post much on this site, but I needed to reach out.
Sending love and support to anyone and everyone who feels alone, scared, confused, angry etc. This should not be how our world is. The battles we face should not be battles to be had in the first place. We should all be able to live our lives without fear of basic human rights being denied. The decision made not 24 hours ago is simply one example of many.
I’m here for you. You be there for others. We can and will see a turn around.
Much love 🖤
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tiktoks-aphrodite · 3 years ago
First off:
Happy New Year!! I hope everyone who sees this has a happy, healthy and overall better experience in 2022 than 2021💖
Does anyone know the name / have the link to this one BuckyxReader blurb where they have a friends with benefits kind of set up but Bucky doesn’t quite realize that the reader doesn’t know how much he cares? One time when they are doin’ the deed, he asks “who does this 😸 belong to?” and she replies by saying “not you.” He goes on to prove how much he loves her.
I cannot find it for the life of me.
Lol thanks! 😂🤷‍♀️
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tiktoks-aphrodite · 4 years ago
When it Fits
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⚠️I did not change anything before I posted this. I also did not proofread. Bad grammar and strange writing choices below.⚠️
Rory's POV
I have just told my mom I am pregnant. She looked so shocked and I can only assume upset. Obviously she wasn't disappointed in me for getting pregnant, she must be upset because I'm alone.
"Mom?" I spoke, "Please say something." She looked at me and sighed. But then she smiled. "Oh kid!" She said, tearing up, "Congratulations my baby girl." And she hugged me tight.
It was nice. My best friend was happy for me even though I've screwed up so bad. I started to cry as well.
"Is it Logan's?" She asks calmly, with only some nervousness in her voice. I just look down and nod, sniffling a little. She takes my hand and squeezes it. "It's ok. I'm not mad." She says.
"But Mom. I'm pregnant and the dad is engaged to another women. I had sex with a man I knew was taken. I'm so terrible, I-" I cry some more.
"Shhh. Shh. It's ok. It's ok." She holds me. "Ah sweets, everything will be good." I nod. She's warm and it is freezing out. I want to stay in her arms forever.
"Mom? Can we head back now?" I ask groggily. I've been up since, what like 12 a.m.? I need rest. "Course hun. We need all the energy we have for wedding number two!!" She says with a very happy laugh. I smile wide.
When we get home we find Kirk and Peddles passed out on the couch. I laugh as I think of how this is not the weirdest thing I've seen in Stars Hollow.
For instance, I've seen two troubadours fight passionately about who can sing in our small town. I've seen Kirk dressed like a woman and pretend to seduce Taylor; not to mention his very memorable film. I've seen a dead body outline right next to Doose's Market, which I can admit now was hilarious and even though I caused this one, I saw a beat up old car doused in deviled eggs. 
"Psssst!" I turn towards the noise. "Kid do you want pop tarts or leftover tacos?" My Mom whispers. "Both duh!" I retort. "Oh good, I'm not alone with wanting both." She fake sighs of relief. Count on Mom to always want the lot when it comes to food.
I go to my room and lay down. The mattress is soft and warm. Perfect for early morning napping. Mom comes in and hands me my food. I start getting up to eat at the table, but my mom stops me. "What's the point of me bringing you breakfast in bed if you don't eat the breakfast in your bed? Sit back down missy."
With that she shuts my door and let's me eat in silence. It is always nice to have a calm meal in your room alone. I eat then doze off.
I awake to the sound of knocking. There are footsteps then some muffled talking and then someone knocks on my room door. "Come in." I say. Jess walks in with coffee. "Hey." He says.
What in the world is Jess Mariono doing in my room at 11:15 in the morning? "Hi?" I say. He laughs. "I came by to drop off coffee to Luke, Lorelai and you. I figured you guys don't want to go out before the wedding."
Oh. I feel silly now. I thought he had come to see me. Ehh. It's fine. Not like I care really.
"Oh. Yeah thanks." I say and grab the cup. I start to take a sip but then stop. Your not supposed to have normal coffee when your pregnant I think. I set it on my nightstand.
Jess quirks an eyebrow. "Rory Gilmore did you just turn down coffee?" He says with a shocked laugh. I go red, not knowing how to respond. "It was too hot." I lie.
He comes over and sits on the edge of the bed. "It was made almost twenty minutes ago. I had to walk from Luke's." He says.
I give a small laugh and try to start a different conversation. "Did you read the first three chapters?" I ask. "Well I only saw the paper as you were holding it and jumping up and down. So I have yet to read it." Jess responds. I pull out the papers from my bag and hand him them.
"You can read it now if you like." I say. Jess grabs it and goes to sit in the chair on the other side of my room. He starts reading, smiling every so often.
I can't describe it, but it feels nice to sit with him like this. It fits. Like what my mom was talking about in the Gazebo, how people have to fit. Obviously we aren't a couple and won't ever be again, but we do fit. I'll admit that.
~~~~ I wrote this when I was maybe 15 (?) so go easy lol
There are currently four published parts on Wattpad and a fifth one in the works.
I am not going to promise a “regular posting schedule” so be forewarned 😂😄
Hope you like it!! 💜💖
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tiktoks-aphrodite · 4 years ago
Hmmmm :)
Lowkey want to revive a Gilmore Girls fanfiction I started on Wattpad. Should I post it on here?
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