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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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Dammit! She really wants to say the thing. Tiffany knows her too well. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I wasn’t going to say anything,” Hale lies. The smirk tugging at the corner of her lips betrays her, though. She can’t help that she finds the other woman irresistibly charming and beautiful. It’s more than just a sexual attraction, though — she finds herself wanting to be close to Tiff, even if it’s just to rest a hand against the small of her back, or have their legs touching as they sit on the couch watching trashy TV shows. “I can’t believe you’re edging me with my own birthday present,” she laughs. Biting down on her lower lip, she playfully rolls her eyes. “You know what my imagination is like, but alright. For you, I’ll wait until later. I know it’ll be more than worth it.”
Leaning against the doorframe, she watches as Tiff gathers up her makeup. She smiles at the compliment, her heart racing when she hears the second half of it. At first, Hale doesn’t know what to say. Nobody has ever said something so sweet and sincere to her before. “So that’s why I get so many morning kisses,” she finally says, a bright grin lighting up her face. “I’m only going to be wearing eye makeup to make my eyes pop.” She closes the distance between them, pressing her palm against Tiff’s chest. “Take a seat, gorgeous,” she says, gently pushing her down onto the couch. “I think the same about you, by the way. Did you know you have just over four hundred freckles?” she asks, kneeling down in front of her and grabbing the eyeliner.
"Oh, don’t complain, you love the anticipation,” Tiffany says with a cheeky grin. She does know what Hale’s imagination is like -- she just hopes it is worth it, because she’s never really felt beautiful or sexy before. Cute, maybe, but never desirable. Hale makes her feel desirable, though, so it’s a bit of a journey of self-love and self discovery.
Which is nice! But honestly, Tiffany’s favourite part of it all is seeing how happy she can make Hale. It’s amazing watching her face light up with a smile; she’s so expressive, and open, like clay upon which Tiff can leave sweet fingerprints.
Like the brief silence after her compliment, where she can tell Hale is a little overwhelmed. Which is crazy to Tiffany, because imagine being with someone like that and not remembering how lucky you are every morning, and wanting to tell her. It’s a little reminder, that she should say it more. She doesn’t want Hale to ever forget.
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Tiffany’s heart races beneath Hale’s palm as she is guided backwards onto the sofa; does it make her aura pulse and flutter? She swallows, throat tight and toes curling, and she resists the urge to wrap her arms around Hale and pull her closer, or else they really wouldn’t ever make it to the party. The woes of having a succubus girlfriend! Watching Hale kneel down (Tiffany’s thoughts are focused and definitely not wandering!), she breaks into a grin. “You’ve not counted all my freckles!” she protests. “I think you’re just saying that because you know I’ll never count them all myself.” She reaches forward to touch Hale’s chin, fingers briefly cupping it. “Or is that what you do when I fall asleep super early?” That is to say, every night. Tiff’s incapable of staying up late; any time she gets the night shift at the motel, guests get away with just about anything because she’ll be snoozing at the desk.
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
oh, how i wish that there was a way that we could always live for always ‘til we die together say you wanna be here, you wanna be young, you wanna be my love, always be in my love
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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“Next year, huh?” Hale asks. Her tone is teasing but her smile is genuine. Knowing that Tiff is thinking that far ahead fills her chest with a blossoming warmth. “Sounds perfect to me, sunshine. We should definitely do Velma and Daphne one year! We can even dress Vinnie up as Scrappy. He’s a little on the small side to be Scooby.”
Hale glances down as she feels Tiff’s thumb swipe over her lower lip. Her immediate thought is to wrap her lips around it, but she knows they’ll never leave the apartment if she does. Her mind is quickly cleared of inappropriate thoughts when Tiff insults herself, though. “It wouldn’t be lame at all. I’d be more than satisfied with having you and nothing else.” Hale takes the tray from Tiff, carefully setting it down on the coffee table. Holding the other woman’s face in her hands, she shakes her head. “You’re being very hard on my girlfriend, please be nicer. Knowing that you made it is enough for me to know I’ll think it’s perfect. You could give me a rock you found on the ground and I’d keep it forever, so you shouldn’t worry.” She kisses Tiff’s forehead, eyebrow raising at the mention of Hale not wanting to go the party if she knew about the second gift. “Oh, that’s just unfair, babe. Now I’m going to be curious all night.”
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Next year, Hale repeats, teasing, and Tiffany holds her breath but then Hale says it sounds perfect, and she can breathe again. “We’ll have to find a party that’ll let goats in, but I bet he’d love to come.” 
She huffs dramatically at the notion of being more than enough for Hale -- around her, Tiff finds her more dramatic, playful side comes out. “But you need something to unwrap on your birthday! And don’t say the thing!” She grins, because she knows an argument could be made for unwrapping her. In fact, that’s sort of the point that the secondary gift hinges upon: it’s skimpy enough that none of it is visible around the dress she’s wearing. “And you’re meant to be curious. The anticipation is what makes birthdays fun. Just... use your imagination in the meantime,”
Tiffany sets the tray of drinks down on a side table and begins gathering up cosmetics, which have been rather strewn about the place as she tries to gather everything together. “Are you doing much makeup? I feel like you could look so beautiful as a bare faced angel. That’s...” Tiffany hesitates, because she’s always really shy about saying intimate things. But she’s really trying to be more open, and say the things she thinks. “That’s always when I think you look the most beautiful. When we just wake up and you’ve got no makeup and you’re all sleepy and soft.”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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“You know, the appeal of Halloween has always been odd to me. I mean, who even thinks of something like this?” A giant event full of people dressed in varying costumes and masks. Maybe he was simply deprived of it as a child, and struggled to see the fun it it, but it seemed more stressful than anything. 
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"I know this one!” Tiff enthuses, an excited (and tipsy) slur in her voice. “It used to be a pagan festival called Samhain, when people dressed scary and lit bonfires to scare off ghosts. We don’t really have those beliefs now but it’s still fun to dress up. Are you Men In Black?” She frowns, pondering. “Man in Black, singular?”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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— Abundance, Amy Schmidt (in memory of Mary Oliver)
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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Mari recognizes her almost immediately: The snack girl from Bergen Street. The one shad last some resolve in front of. Mari knows she was in a mask, but she still ducks her head to try and keep the stranger from recognizing her. “Well, you probably don’t wanna be barefoot on this floor.”
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"Oh, for sure!” Tiffany is tipsy enough, and the room dark enough, that she doesn’t really notice the way the woman ducks her head. “I’ve definitely seen at least one glass get broken. I like your costume! Though I bet the claws get in the way a bit, I know my tail does. Are you having fun?”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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      “no, no. don’t be embarrassed about it.” emmeline nodded towards the other. she admired the other’s passion on the topic and would keep on listening. always crying was bound to resonate with the woman, it was something that nathaniel ridiculed her for. “supersonic, huh?” the woman shook her head. she was certainly not that but she had been proven to be dangerous. there was a time when she had dramatised it, when she was the punishment in the essex house - just like she lost herself playing the role of morticia this evening, she had lost herself in that house and would never get it back. she was nine when she was first there… nine…” when she thought of that, her self-pity sent the tears flowing. “sorry.” she sighed. 
        “this sailor moon seems like quite the relatable heroine.” nodding, she shook her shoulders and patted underneath her eyes, not wanting to smidge her excellent morticia make-up. “i think i’m gay. i mean, i felt it at the start of this year but now i’m not so sure.” it was an unexpected confession on her part, one that was hopefully drowned out by the bass. before 1997, everyone she’d ever come into contact with sexually was within the walls of essex house she was ‘awarded’ several names, as you could imagine. it felt like an never-ending question. “sorry if this is strange, but how do you determine it? i thought i was gay but if i’m not then… i don’t know.” her love for morticia addams was a little too strong and the near kiss she’d taken control of earlier in the night was all her but she wasn’t sure she could be so picky. 
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Uh-- oh, wow, okay. Tiffany hadn’t expected things to escalate like this. They’ve not even swapped names, and Morticia is getting tearful. Tiff’s not sure she’s the right person for this conversation; her shoulders are barely broad enough for herself to cry on, never mind supporting other people.
But she gets it; she does. It’s hard figuring out if you’re gay, and since she’s older than Tiff that probably means she’s had a confusing life. At least Tiffany figured out from a pretty young age that she liked girls, and even if it took a while to be sure, she’s sure now even in spite of her youth. “I mean, it’s not like there’s a test you can take or anything...” Tiffany says, careful of her volume -- quiet enough that if the music drops she won’t be yelling, loud enough that Morticia can hear. 
She would know that there’s no test, because she had once searched for one on Lycos. “It’s weird and confusing to figure out, especially because all the movies and TV shows make you feel like you’ve got to crush on guys, so sometimes you see cute guys and think, whoa, am I actually attracted to him? But for me it was just about testing the waters. I had a boyfriend when I was fifteen and he was nice, it was fine, you know? But then later when I first kissed a girl it just felt right; it felt like me, you know? But if you’re really not sure, maybe you could be bisexual or something?”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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     emmeline herself was far from morticia addams, apart from the obvious ease it took to transform into her aesthetic. the woman’s face twitched slightly as an unrecognised subject was brought up. “sailor moon? spologies, but i know absolutely nothing about her.” it resonated with her somewhat, a strong person that cries? practically unheard of in her world. “so, so cries but is still considered strong? please humour me, i’m quite interested.” emmeline meant every word. every time she’d cry, nathaniel saw it as weakness but it never fixed what was making her cry. “wow-” she widened her eyes before laughing. “perhaps i got my outfit all wrong, then.” she chuckled, giving off the impression she wasn’t too serious. “that’s interesting. so you know a lot of interesting facts about film making, then?” her voice is slightly raised over the music.
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“Oh, I mean, I’m not a huge film buff or anything! I just pick up random facts here and there.” Kind of comes with not having a huge social circle; Tiff spends a lot of time at the library on the computer. Club Nyx is probably not the best place for a deep discussion on movie making, with the music muffling voices, details probably get lost. But Tiff’s never really been sure about what you’re meant to talk about in clubs, so... Sailor Moon it is! The woman seems genuinely interested, not just asking to be polite. “Sailor Moon’s a manga, and also an anime, it’s about this girl called Usagi who like, she sleeps in all the time and she always cries and she just really wants to be loved, but she can also do her magical girl transformation and become Sailor Moon, with magic powers! Even in, like the first episode of the anime, she defeats the bad guys because she cries so loud it’s kind of supersonic. Her and the other Sailor Soldiers have to protect the world from evil. And two of the Sailor Soldiers are lesbians, which is super cool.”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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“Birthday cake shots? I don’t think I’ve had those before,” Hale says, giving Tiff a warm smile. She thinks that her girlfriend might be more excited about her birthday than she is — not that she minds. Knowing that someone cares about her enough to want to make her birthday as wonderful as possible makes her love Tiff even more. Taking one of the shots from the tray, she nods. “It’s probably for the best you couldn’t. Alcohol and fire have a rocky relationship, and I don’t have a sexy firefighter costume,” Hale teases.
Bringing the glass to her lips, she downs the shot. The taste of liquor and sickly sweet frosting is heavy on her tongue, but it tastes far better than some of the drinks she’s had at the Veil. “Thank you, baby. This is really cute of you.” Leaning in, she presses a quick kiss to Tiff’s lips. “I promise I won’t fuck up your makeup,” she laughs. “But even if I did, you’d still look hotter than Hell in that dress,” she grins. Hale has silently contemplated blowing off the Satanic Soiree several times since Tiff had changed into her costume. “Best gift I’ve ever gotten.”
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“That could be our costume next year! You be the sexy firefighter and I’ll be the soot covered victim you just heroically saved.” Tiff flushes, hoping it’s not weird to talk about next year because that’s a long time away.
The shots are sweet, and Tiffany doesn’t usually have a huge sweet tooth, but they feel right for the moment and she’s glad Hale likes them. Sidling closer to Hale, she reaches out a thumb to gently wipe a little frosting that had gotten smeared across Hale’s lower lip. “This isn’t your gift! That’d be so lame. You do have a proper gift, but I want to give it to you at the party. I...” Tiff hesitates, biting her lip. “I made it, so it’s not perfect, but I really hope you like it. And if you don’t, there’s a super secret second present but I can’t show you that till after the party, or else you’ll not want to go.”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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         “likewise. wednesday is very likeable.” the woman nodded “odd but aren’t we all? still, she has a lot more confidence than i had at that age and i salute but morticia…” perhaps the woman was going on a bit but if she was committed to a costume, she at least had to act a little out and show her appreciation. “well, she’s definitely an icon. a strong-willed, non-conformative matriarch… which makes her quite hot in my opinion.” morticia addams was everything that emmeline essex was not.
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“Exactly! Although for me I don’t think I could ever be like Morticia, I’m not like... cool enough. My personal ‘strong independent woman’ is Sailor Moon, because she cries a lot but still kicks ass. You know--” It doesn’t take much to put Tiffany into rambling mode, and the drinks she’s consumed tonight are enough to do it. This woman’s older, a little intimidating, but she’s obviously got cool taste in fictional women so Tiffany’s not too shy. “I read that apparently the set for the Addams Family was mostly pink, because on black and white film pinks and reds have better contrast than if they’d just used black for everything. So if you were on set, it would have looked like a total Valentines dream rather than spooky and weird.”
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
location: the satanic soiree participants: ciarán o’connell & open ( @c23starters​ )
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ciarán had made himself at home on one of club nyx’s couches, his feet resting on the table and his arms folded behind his head. the belt of his costume had come undone, revealing the boxers and white t-shirt underneath, but he was simply too relaxed or perhaps too drunk to care. “please tell me you’ve brought me a drink,” he smiled, not bothering to open his eyes to see who’d chosen to join him. “i’m absolutely parched.” 
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“Your, um, robe is open,” Tiffany points out, shifting her weight; partly because her feet are kind of sore from dancing, and partly because she’s not sure how to feel about this. It looks less like a costume and more like a guy that would open their door at the Motel when they need help turning on the heating and don’t care if the receptionist sees them in a state of undress. “I... didn’t know I was meant to bring you a drink...?” She can’t tell if she’s met this guy before and totally forgotten, or if he’s just... kind of spoiled? She’s going to guess the latter, but Tiffany tries very hard not to judge until people give her a reason to.
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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“Jeez, I’m exhausted!” Tiffany flops down into a chair at a table only occupied by one other person. She doesn’t recognise the person, doesn’t connect her to one of the people holding her hostage in the summer. Kicking her legs out in front of her a few times to try and get some blood flowing back into her aching feet. “Whoever invented dancing in heels should go to jail forever,” @marixsanchez​
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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“I love your costume! I used to like Wednesday best but as I got older I came around to the Morticia side.” @hqessex​
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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"Hey, birthday Hale,” Tiff announces her return from the kitchen, nudging the door open with her hip as she’s got a tray in her hand. She’s already partially in costume (the dress and heels), and not feeling terribly confident because it’s a sexy costume and Tiffany doesn’t really dress sexy, but she’s excited anyway because the party should be really fun. Like, statistically there’s got to be zero chance they’ll get taken hostage and almost disembowelled again.
For now she’s pretty steady on her feet, despite the heels. Holding the tray out triumphantly, there’s a little collection of shot glasses each filled with pink liquid (cake flavoured vodka, Baileys, and chocolate liqueur tinted with food colouring), and rimmed with frosting and sprinkles. “I made birthday cake shots, but I couldn’t figure out a way to get candles in them. But I hope you can keep a steady hand when you’ve had a drink because I’ll need your help doing my makeup.” @haleandhorns​
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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With Hale’s help, Tiffany did a more dramatic makeup look than usual - sharply winged eyeliner and dark red lips, with her hair in a messy ponytail (it’s too much effort to do it properly; Tiff’s hair never wants to lie sleekly). It’s a pretty simple costume, velvety red dress and patent red shoes that she thrifted, with sequinned horns and tail that she got from Spirit Halloween. It would’ve been too boring for Hale, with her built-in horns and tail, dress as the devil! The pendant necklace doesn’t strictly fit with the costume, but Tiffany’s not taken it off since Hale gave it to her. Except to shower, obviously, because she’s not going to risk damaging it. Not pictured is a little red purse, for her keys and lipstick and gum and also, of course, a present for Halloween Birthday Girl <3 Catch her at the SATANIC SOIREE !
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
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tiffany-chiba · 2 years ago
Matteo let out a small breath and grinned “True, I suppose part of the magic of everything is not knowing all the secrets of how things happen, huh?” He asked before tilting his head “Maybe I’ll just wait for you to ask me things then? And then you can tell me if you actually want to know or not?” He offers. Matteo knows that Tiffany is a big, big fan of everything Omega related. But he also knows that part of that is probably connected to the idea that the Omega’s are such a almost mythical group, sometimes one wouldn’t want to know things that could make their heros come off as more ‘real’. “Of course, I’ll still let you know all the cool things that happen; because I gotta tell someone and how else are we gonna get through the night shift?”
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"That sounds like a good compromise. But! You can’t keep working at the motel forever, now. If you’re going to be an Omega, you can’t be expected to work at a shitty motel. How cool is that, that you’ll definitely have an out?” One of Tiff’s greatest fears is that she’ll be stuck at the Hello Motel her whole life, doing nothing and helping no one. If Matty can get out, though, she’ll be thrilled for him. “Oh! Hey, let’s go get slushies. You can’t have blue raspberry flavour stuff staining your face once you’ve gotta be camera ready all the time, so let’s get it out of your system--” she nudges Matty’s ribs with a teasing elbow, dragging him towards the slushy stall.
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