Digital diary 02
Dear Diary, seems like ages since I made an entry here. My day has been wonderful following up the new order of the day as I prophesy good things into the start of each new day in my life.
Yesterday was really interesting as I completed watching a series I greatly loved titled, Skinny girl in transit. Which is made up of Four seasons with the lead character not quite as the title of the movie suggests and is not on a makeover spree but instead the movie talks about life and feeling happy with yourself just the way you are not without its own set backs and misdeeds.
The topic I would love to talk about today is The Sorry Factor.
It is funny how some people deem it necessary and near important for them to just hear that certain phrase even with the good thought in mind that the person saying it doesn't mean it. this is a character I always try not to exhibit as I have been often referred to as unapologetic and quite hard of heart. The latter I’ll beg to differ with as I am one that felt hurt when I was abandoned by my friends.
I am an unapologist as I prefer to not bowl over to peoples wants when I know clearly I am right and even if the word is drawn out of my mouth unwillingly I make sure I damn well say it in a way that you know I sure as hell don't mean a word of it.
Is it some sort of way whereby they try to feel good about themselves or superior to the other when they try to squeeze out the word, Sorry. This is a question I cannot answer to.
P.S Today I was confronted by the ring leader seems the other cliques had informed her of the new developments of things. I must say I don’t like acting out this way. I know my mom always tells me I have this I don't care attitude one I rarely show except when it has reached the brim for me. I deem myself a great person at ignoring people perfectly and acting like they don't exist till it hurts them to the extent they report me to someone they feel can caution me, a certain someone that has lost their hold over me so I'm more or less quite uncontrollable now.
My exams are slowly drawing closer I have like three events I have to usher for in the coming days, money is tight and man must survive. I’m in the library now and potluck they are here with me too. I feel like they are suffocating me and leeching on my space.
Till I come in again, Yours truly Evay.
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Digital Diary 01
Hello and welcome you reading this article means you have decided to join me on my online journey of everything happening in my life.
Just last week Friday, 29/06/2018 I had a teeny emotional breakdown where someone I highly respected and looked up to belittled me again.
So long story short I have this friend that used to be my bestfriend till I think life happened and she moved on to having more friends and kinda cast me aside so I withdrew for a while from the general clique trying to find myself along the way surprisingly I did in the most amazing way possible. I made new friends and just lived more for me, did things for me and grew at an alarming pace all in all I learned to have a life without her. So come another day she accused me of giving attitude which I didn't but was the other way around . On the said date as usual thinking things were still rosy between us I asked her to get me something in good faith on her way back that I would pay her as soon as she return and dear me.....voice notes of insults and reporting me to someone I literally didn't expect her to at all. I threw to the back of my mind after like two days but I must confess I was so down and I actually wrote a rant here but along the line it wasn't saved hence I couldn't upload it.
So this a more saner version. I've been getting negative vibes from the members of the clique I was once a part of that she heads over and I have decided in my mind that since it was twist of fate that brought us together. One that would soon expire in a months time so if I just continue with my me time and read as often as I haven't been doing as our final exams are coming up, I'm safe.
Believe me this short fact is really true, if people are talking about you somewhere and you were sleeping you'll wake up.
#Evaysays #Diary #Digital #reality #life #friendship #cliques.
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Night waves
Chapter One The studio was low lighted and time read 11:00pm. Evay, donned in loose fitting slacks and a big black hoodie sat with her legs propped on the table twirling with a ball point pen in her hands as she began handling the airways. Her soft almost bedroom like voice was what made her win anchoring this segment of the show. She was level-headed, as was what one of the interviewers had called her. "Good evening lagos my name is Evay and you're welcome to Night waves on your Number One talk show on matters of the heart and on your heart all on your favorite station 97.5 Vavy fm. So hit me up and lets talk,lets talk about your day, what's bothering you, lets talk about everything and nothing. Today's the song request show and the numbers to call are; 07065870975 or 08148694975. I'd like kick off todays show with a little something from Labrinth titled Jealous, enjoy. (Soft music filters through the airways) Evay: Hello, what's your name and where are you calling from? Caller: Good evening Evay. My name is Kevin and I'm calling from Ikeja. Evay: Good evening Kevin how was your day? Kevin: My day....my day was perfect. Evay: Oh really that's great. So what made it perfect cause some of us are looking for a bit o perfection? Kevin: It's my wife o, she decided to cook my favorite meal. Evay: (Taken are you?) And what meal was that? Kevin: Pounded yam and Egusi. I'd like you to play me shape of you by Ed Sheeran. (Dear me...Evay thought to herself as her tongue began to salivate, she was on the slimmer side and contrary to what people thought she loved eating....alot.) Evay:That really nice, Kevin. I sure will (call ends) . Evay: Hello what's your name and where are you calling from? 2nd caller: I can't believe this. She picked, she finally picked my call. Evay: (chuckles) Yes I did. 2nd caller: My name's Dipo, calling from Akoka. Evay: Good evening Dipo, how was your day? Dipo: My day was stressful, work was hectic and my only free day is Saturday and sunday. I really love listening to this show, especially your voice it lulls me to bed easy. Evay: Awwn pele dear. Maybe you should try to get a massage appointment one of these days. Dipo: I think I'll do just that so I'd like you to play me something from Tjan to you. Evay: Thank you Dipo it's been a while someone has dedicated any song to me. Dipo: Happy to make a beautiful woman happy. Goodnight Evay. Evay: Goodnight Dipo thanks for calling. (call ends) Let's take this last call before we go down to twitter. . 3rd caller: Hello Evay. Evay: Hello to you too. 3rd caller: Bola calling from Akute. Evay: Hey Bola been a while since you last called Bola: I know right, how have you been Evay? Evay: Good good, you? Bola: I'm not fine o. Evay: What happened? Bola: No light since morning and now that they've brought it the tv is refusing to turn on. I'm going to miss BBNaija. Evay: A die hard BBNaija fan. Welcome welcome, so what's your take on the house mates? Bola: I like Efe, he's so cute. I so so don't like that Gifty. Evay: (chuckles) Why, what has she done to you? Bola: She just has this two faced character I don't like. Evay: Oh...well (I'm not about to indulge a full blown war tonight on my twitter feed) so what would you like me to play for you? Bola: Let me see....Keith Urban, Blue ain't your colour. Evay: Okay ma Bola, big fan of BBNaija I would, have a great night. Bole: You too Evay. . "So down to twitter we have Daddyslittegirl asking for Bambi by Jidenna Kvngpaula; I bruise easily by Natasha Beddington. Norex: Beautiful by Mylie Music. Tintin asking for Castle by Ed Sheeran. I got an email today I'd like to share after the song break. And I'd really love to hear from you all, what your take is on the matter. (Whilst the requested songs are playing. Evay twirls in her spinning chair as she chats with the Dj in the house while chomping on a snicker bar in one hand and sipping from a big bottle filled with an orange colored liquid in the other hand.) So dear listeners that are still awake it's time for the Heart to Heart segment and I remember saying before the song break about how I got an email recently from a man who complained about his partner here goes; An unmarried couple have been living together for the past two years blessed with a child. The man complained his partner had been acting out without speaking and sending bad vibes his way. He got home one day and discovered yet again, his partner was not at home bringing to light this had occurred before. Further search caused him to find her in her parents house again. The man was so confused he asked them, her father specifically as to why they readily accepted their daughter back home. The question was met with a pointed look. And the man in question said he offered to marry their daughter only on the count she changes her haughty behaviour. The man said he works away from home 6 days a week to the exception of sundays when he comes home to his family. The man has complained that her whole character changed towards him after she gave birth to their first child who at that time further revelation from the man said the wife told him she did not want to have a child at that moment and she tried every possible thing to flush out the baby. The man is so confused and does not know what to do again. He's really fed up of not meeting his wife at home and her aloofness towards him and even when he tries to talk to her she just shuts him out. So Lagosians, Nigerians what is your take on the matter? 4th caller: Good evening Evay it's Dupe calling from Ipaja. Evay: Good evening to you Dupe so what do you think? Dupe: Honestly all this talk sounds one sided to me. If the man can try to call in and lets hear from both sides I'll have a better judgement and besides the man admitted to leaving his unmarried fiancee for Six days out of Seven in a rented apartment with their child expecting her that when he comes home she performs her wifely duties to the T. I don't blame her parents for accepting her back home without a problem. He said he has the intention of marrying her but it's been two years and you can't expect her to continue being his baby mama. Evay: Well that's a good point you drive Dupe. I really hope the man is listening and can try to call in. Dupe: You're wel(call abruptly ends) Evay: Oh we lost her. Okay someone else is calling. Hello what's your name and where are you calling from? 5th caller: Hello my nam(call ends) Evay: Okay please try to call back. Hello what's your name and where are you calling from? 6th caller: H (call ends again) Evay: Seems like its a network thingy lets try one more caller and go on a short commercial break. 7th caller: Evay Evay....Do you know what you do to me? (the hair on Evay's arms begin to rise as the distinct male voice filters in). With your little chuckles and body movements anytime you are live on facebook I know you're waiting for me. I am for you too. And when I do get you I'm going to have my sweet time with you before I peel your skin right from your body and watch you rise like a phoenix in a new flesh to live with me forever. (that was it, someone's pulling a prank on me) Evay:I must commend you on the prank you just pulled. You actually got me in the beginning. Really you should go into writing specifically horror novels. 7thcaller: (chuckles darkly) Till we meet Evay, he drawled out. (At that moment even if I tried to douse my fears physically I knew it was no prank. It was real. I was being watched and I'd been singled out.) Evay: So hotshot what's your name and where are you calling from? 7th Caller abruptly ends the call. And the dial tone is heard audibly. . Listeners at home and beyond I think that's a sinister way to end the show tonight Goodbye. ****** ********** ******** Whilst writing this part the OAP(On Air Personality) I had in mind was Joyce on 96.9 cool fm. Drop your comments about the little one sided story I put in it and the opening chapter itself. #Evaysays
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Teachers are the third in trinity in any childs life. They help mould us ethically and book wise. They help us realise what we actually want to be in life and guide us accordingly. They continually test us to make us surpass our limts. Here's a wonderful teacher; a gold mine that's trapped under the cold and uneasy fingers of a terminal illness. Mr Ekurumeh, the gem of commercial students class of 2015 is currently diagnosed with Brain tumor and needs to undergo a surgery worth 500,000 naira. We need your financial help to help us save this wonderful man don't let what he has to offer for coming generations go to waste in the graveyard, the hub of many unfulfilled dreams. Use the #Savemrekurumeh join the movement rebc on all your social platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, etc. . Proudly supported by Ticklishbutts234 on Tumblr. - FCA CLASS OF 2015 #Evaysays
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A 👗 sewn by me. Check out the full post on Instagram @Evaysays. . Don't forget to ❤
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Be timeless Not like the boy beneath, But like the tree behind. . P.S I take my pictures with my phone.
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Happy mind. Great skin. #Healthymonday
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How to have a honey facial.
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3 Amazing uses of Aloe Vera.
Skin Care:
Aloevera is a great moisturizer and helps in clearing up black heads(spots),White heads, pimples and great for dry skin.
It basically is a good natural easy to get plant for all skin types as it restores the skin back to its normal PH levels. But avoid getting exposed overtly to the sun when you have this mixture on your face as it can react to the UV rays of the sun.
In some cases we get kitchen accidents like hot water burns,hot oils, burning the pad of your fingers, fire outbreaks, etc because of the cooling sensation the aloe plant gives it's very good for inflammations and basically all types of first to second degree burns.
Sometime last month my roommates were having incidences with hot oils(you can say we love our golden brown plantains) so they got burnt and well I'm like a home remedy health freak so in my own African way I poured salt on the burn(trust me it hurt as hell) and when it wasn't working I went out, I remembered I'd seen an aloe plant somewhere I traced it, split open the plant and told them to rub the gel on the affected parts since they were wiggling too much. Their reaction was instant(its so nice, cooling the burn fast).
After a while they washed it off and I applied Shea Butter(raw) on it. They did that for like 3-5 days and Voila! no scarring.
Hair and scalp treatment:
The aloe plant is like a walking ball of goodness as I am living testament to it.
Its great if you want to have fuller and longer hair. Its a great conditioner and helps keep the hair stronger and silkier.
When applying this mixture on your hair to get the best out of it avoid washing your hair till after the mixture has settled it. And I mean you extract the gel and massage gently into your combed hair (make sure to detangle locks for people with curly African hair like mine) leave it in for 10 mins or longer and you can also wear a plastic wrap over your hair (make it like you went to set you hair in the salon).
Its relatively colourless as it has this transparent and gooey feel to it so less cleaning for you but beware if it drops on the floor you could slip.
General wellbeing care:
The aloe plant can be taken in form of tablets as it is the most safest option but if you'd like to be natural in the entire sense you could also consume the gel raw but be sure to take in small amounts as it could lead to indigestion (taking in ones that have yellowy veins on the gel that's not entirely good for gestation).
You could also add some to your smoothies, its a sort of health drink. Good for weight loss, detoxifying and general body care.
Best of luck and well, a little heads up its actually very bitter....and I'm out.
As I would always say, All things in moderation.
Don't forget to tap on the ❤ pad.
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My FontCandy was acting up so I got this new app Text on photos.
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There's always that one crazy woman that catches the bouquet in a funny way.
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You get confident. Is it the attachment that comes with being called a Mr./Mrs? Sexually you’re willing to try new things, even in all aspects, there’s a newborn self esteem that just blossoms.
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You may get sidelined out of dating escapades of your friends cause you’re now “HITCHED”.
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You start to compromise. You have now more than your own self to think about.
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You finally realize you’re an actual adult in all its entirety.
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