thnxfodahllllp · 1 year
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fire walk with me (1992) dir. david lynch // shadow of a doubt (1943) dir. alfred hitchcock
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thnxfodahllllp · 1 year
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Bay of Angels 1963
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thnxfodahllllp · 2 years
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These exercises help you to save time, but still benefit from muscle mass. By performing combination exercises you are safely building mass in half the time of a normal workout. Combination exercises are also beneficial for increasing intensity and burning body fat through post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).
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thnxfodahllllp · 2 years
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thnxfodahllllp · 2 years
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Don’t trust the government or any authority really
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
Methods for Spells
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TO BIND- wrap in black thread, drip wax over, or seal in a jar and hide it in the dark.
TO BANISH- burn an effect to ash and sweep off the back door step, cast it out a window, or bury in the ground and spit on it
TO ENCOURAGE-  plant it by the front door/steps, bury by a window, or place it on a windowsill
TO HIDE- place in a jar painted black, cover with cloth and bury, or wrap with a ribbon
TO CLEANSE- bury it in a bowl of  salt, burn herbs and pass through the smoke, or lay it in a moonwater bath
TO GLAMOUR- leave under the full moon, hold its reflection over a mirror with herbs, or 
TO WISH- place before a candle and blow it out, drown a coin in water, or let seeds blow into the wind
TO COMMUNICATE- (with a spirit or deity) - anoint a candle, leave out offerings, or open the front doors and windows
TO WARD- leave part of the spell in four corners, draw lines around the protected area, or plant an object of projection in the north, east, south, and west edges
TO CURSE- spit on it, drag your nails down it, or stick sharp things in it
TO DISCOURAGE - plant or bury by the back door, or burn to ash
TO JINX- say it three times out loud, or say a word the same time as someone else
TO MANIPULATE - use wax, use poppets, or tie several strings to pieces of an effect
TO BENEFIT - light a candle, charge a crystal, or create a talisman
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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Return to Sender
⭐Preparation and ingredients⭐
You will need a figure candle with name carved into. (or a half red, half black candle and you will need to carve a double headed arrow running vertically through the center of both colors.) A photo (or the person's image in your mind.)
You will need crabs, crab legs or crab powder as crabs are said to walk in reverse and meant to carry things back to the source.
You will need reversing oil, black salt, paper for petitions with the target’s full name and date of birth written 4xs, and disposable mirrors. (Note, you should NEVER, I repeat NEVER look into these mirrors!
You will write the name and date of birth with intent on the back of the mirror. You will place your petitions on a plate, cover with return oil and and place your mirrors facing towards the ceiling over the petitions. You will then fill around them with black salt.
Be sure to cleanse all candles and mirrors with Florida water before beginning, to remove any past energies.
Be sure to add your intent and details.
During a waning moon, a moon in Scorpio, or a moon in Pisces
💥The spell💥
Meditate on the candle flame and focus on your intent to send the energy of the sender back to them. Manifest it going back to them stronger than it was when they sent it your way. Whenever they think of you with ill will, they will feel anxious. If they think themselves better than you, they will feel beneath you. If they have hexed or cursed you, that magick will come back to haunt them. If they’ve gotten between you and someone else, their own relationships will fall apart. Whatever trouble they’ve caused to you and yours, they will feel in their own life.
After your conviction is unwavering, say the incantation:
“Negative energy sent my way,
The mirror reflects, the sender repays.
Evil that was sent to me,
Returns to where it came.
As I will it, so mote it be.”
Let the candle burn down until it is finished, then discard the remnants away from your home (including the mirror).
Be sure to thoroughly cleanse your space afterwards.
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
The best crystals for... Part 1 🤍
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
@lovebyluna on instagram
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
How to improve pronunciation
Salut! How would you recommend someone to improve their pronunciation in French if they don’t have access to a class/live in the country where French is spoken? I’m trying so hard but I struggle a lot with pronunciation but it’s so so important to me to be able to pronounce words properly and speak well because I love this language so much and it’s very important to me but I’m struggling a lot
You don’t have to live somewhere in particular or go to school to get any kind of skill. Practice and hard work will always be enough. Now :
Study this post about phonetics
Study this post about pronunciation
Listen to audiobooks while reading the written version (see below) 
Watch subtitled stuff (Netflix, TED talks, hacked content, TV5 Monde’s Sept jours sur la planète, Public sénat)
Speak to yourself, pretend to be a Youtuber, debate out loud (…) and record it so you can listen to it later
Some resources :
Youtube’s pronunciation channels
The website Forbo (natives pronouncing words)
The website Reverso (translation, pronunciation, context)
The website Linguo.tv (french videos + subtitles)
Phonetic transcription
Audiobook/ebook combo :
Le Petit Prince - Saint Exupéry AU / EB 
1984 - George Orwell AU / EB 
The Alchemist - Paulo Coehlo AU / EB 
The Art of War - Sun Tzu AU / EB
The Call of Cthulhu - Lovecraft AU / EB 
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Caroll AU / EB 
L’Île mystérieuse - Jules Verne AU / EB 
The Bible AU / EB 
The Fellowship of the ring - J.R.R. Tolkien AU / EB 
Pride and prejudice - Jane Austen AU / EB 
Le Horla - Maupassant AU / EB 
Candide - Voltaire AU / EB 
The Black Cat - Edgar Allan Poe AU / EB 
Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde AU / EB 
Hope this helps! x 
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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"It is also clear that, in Chihiro, Miyazaki has created a character who, when confronted with absence and despoilation on both personal and cultural levels, ultimately rises to the challenge. Henry Jenkins has said of the temporary state of childhood that it, "becomes an emblem for our anxieties about the passing of time, the destruction of historical formations, or, conversely, a vehicle for our hopes for the future."
While Spirited Away ultimately refuses to provide a totally reassuring vision for the future, Chihiro's trajectory from near dissolution to arguable empowerment enacts at least the potential for cultural recovery."
"Matter out of Place: Carnival, Containment, and Cultural Recovery in Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" by Susan J. Napier
The Journal of Japanese Studies, Summer, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Summer, 2006), pp. 287-310
(Film Analysis Hours)
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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The Goddess Rhiannon ✨
“Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn’t you love to love her?”
–Rhiannon, Stevie Nicks
In The Mabinogion—a collection of Welsh tales compiled around the 12th century from earlier oral traditions—Pwyll, Lord of the Welsh kingdom of Dyfed, encountered Rhiannon as a beautiful woman slowly and regally riding a white mare.  He tried urged his steed after her but no matter how fast he rode, he could never catch up to her though she never increased her pace.  Finally, he called out to her and she stopped and let him catch up.  When he asked why he couldn’t reach her before she told him he had not asked.  She introduced herself as Rhiannon and stated her intention to marry him.
They were wed and she came to live with Pwyll at his court.  For years she bore him no children and the locals began urging him to take a new wife but he refused.  After three years Rhiannon gave birth to a son but three days later on May Eve, the servants that were charged with watching over the newborn fell asleep.  They awoke to find the baby missing and panicked, to avoid blame they killed a puppy and smeared the blood around Rhiannon’s mouth as she slept to make it appear as though she had not only killed her child but had also eaten him.  
Rhiannon was found guilty of infanticide and as punishment Pwyll ordered her to wait at his gate and tell everyone who arrived her story then carry them to court on her back like a horse.
Meanwhile, at the house of Teyrnon, Lord of the kingdom of Gwent, strange things were happening.  Every May Eve, his beautiful mare gave birth only for the foal to have vanished by the next morning.  Teyrnon decided to solve the mystery by keeping watch all night—just as the mare gave birth, a horrible clawed hand reached through the window to grab the foal.  Using his broadsword, Teyrnon hacked off the hand and ran outside to find that nothing was there despite having heard screams.  When he returned to the stable, he found a beautiful baby boy on the threshold.
Teyrnon and his wife adopted the boy who quickly began showing signs of supernatural abilities and an affinity for horses.  He also began resembling Pwyll.  Teyrnon realized that his mysterious child was Pwyll’s son, not dead at all.  He returned the child to court and reunited him with his parents.  Rhiannon was exonerated and returned to the palace and her place as queen.  She named her son Pryderi (‘worry’ or ‘care’ in Welsh).  
✨ Rhiannon’s association with horses has led her to be associated with Epona, a Celtic horse goddess.
✨ She has also become a popular neo-pagan goddess of love invoked for beauty, domestic happiness, and of course true love.  She may be petitioned to protect against disaster and humiliation.
Favored People:  The wrongfully accused
Sacred Animal:  Horse, bird (Rhiannon has three singing birds who can wake the dead and lull the living into a magical slumber)
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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thnxfodahllllp · 3 years
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