thindulgence · 4 years
WHY did i ever think recovery was a good idea for me, my disorder gave me a routine, and balance. I've never felt more on track than i did when i was at the my worst. I don't think im ready yet.
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thindulgence · 4 years
Haha recovery lasted long.
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thindulgence · 4 years
If you think men and boys can't be raped or sexually assaulted, fuck off and fuck you.
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thindulgence · 4 years
I will reach my goal, i will lose this weight and i won't let myself feel like shit anymore.
It ends here.
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thindulgence · 4 years
Dient conk SENT ME
Me, reading the ingredients on everything: corn syrup? Absolutely not! I will not put that disgusting shit in my body!
Me, drinking a diet coke and forgetting the chemicals in it: mmMmmm dient conk.
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thindulgence · 4 years
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Pov: you're breaking lockdown rules with your ol pal and ruining your lungs listening to sad songs at a windowsill.
Photo is yours truely ;)
Dm me bbies x0x0x
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thindulgence · 5 years
7th jan 2020, 02:18
My birthday, and im only a stone and a bit away from my goal weight. A nice bday present if you ask me :)
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thindulgence · 5 years
Oct. 22 02:19
I never realised loosing weight would make me feel like utter shit. My body hurts, random aches n pains but im still not fucking happy with my body. I need to be skinnnyyyyyyyy :(
Ana pals pls xxx
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thindulgence · 5 years
active ana blogs in october
please reblog if ur an active ana blog as of October 2019!!! I’ll check u out I need more ppl 2 follow please
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thindulgence · 5 years
Active thinspo blogs in September 2019 pls reblog I’ll follow you
My dash is dead, theme doesn’t matter. I prefer if you post majority thinspo
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thindulgence · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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thindulgence · 5 years
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Cillian Murphy for Esquire
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thindulgence · 5 years
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i’ll play god
i’ll play god
i’ll play god
i’ll play god, today
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thindulgence · 5 years
hey guys i didn’t lose 5lbs overnight after reblogging ur spells. i’d say u owe me money but i’d just spend it on fast food and binge it all in 4 minutes. ᵍᵒᵒᵈⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ
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thindulgence · 5 years
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thindulgence · 5 years
Reblog if you hate your body 🤪
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thindulgence · 6 years
i love it 😂😂😂
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