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Masterlist 1 I‘m a CandY/ Takuya Terada BiasedIn love with GOT7 A new EXO-lover A SHINee supporterA new Monbebe
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thewriterofkpop · 8 months ago
Countdown | Jackson Wang Imagine
Pairing: Jackson Wang x Pregnant!Reader
Requested by @ilovemyapopbaby: Hey may I request a one shot with Jackson Wang where the reader is pregnant and she's due any day but Jackson hasn't made it back home from his tour and you make a guest appearance as the reader best friend? Love your writing!! Endit however you would like!!
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1,095 words
A/n: this one has had me excited since it came through in my ask box. jackson has been on my fyp for so damn long man. ujksfxhnjskfdhjkvfdsiuxjk. anyways, i hope you all enjoy this imagine
Tunes: criminal minds
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Jackson checked his phone for who knows what time as he shrugged his blazer on for his final set of the night. You’d just sent a picture of your bump - a chance image of your little one’s foot pressing against your belly. God how he hated not being there with you to experience these moments, forced to see only photos and videos of the pregnancy he’d found out about while he was already on tour. It had been his greatest fear, not being there for the pregnancy or possibly missing the birth of his first born. But at least you weren’t entirely alone, especially as you neared the due date, something he was dreading with every passing day. Your best friend had recently begun staying with you at your shared home, something that had put him at ease a bit.
A video came through as he looked at the image. Pressing on the message he raised the volume as your friend’s face popped into view proclaiming how active and strong you “godchild” already was before panning to you. An aerial view showed the intense movement that was happening inside you. Your hands running over the surface of your stomach gently, as your soft laughter came through the speakers.
“It’s like he’s performing just like his Papa is,” you said.
“She,” he said without thinking. “It’s a girl my Love.”
That was another factor in his urgency to keep in contact and hope the tour ended before you went into labor. You hadn’t found out the sex of your baby due to Jackson not being able to make it back home the day of the appointment and you didn’t want to know without him there, so it was going to be a surprise for the two of you, provided he get home in time.
“I think he’ll be coming soon,” your voice comes through again. “Finish your last shows and get home safe alright Jackson?”
The video ended with a shot of your face, a bright smile planted on it. He found himself smiling at the phone screen, only looking away when he heard someone call for him. It was go time for the final time of night.
Stepping off the stage, Jackson felt exhausted as the night ended. His hand immediately flew into his pocket as he entered his dressing room, pulling out his phone and seeing a message from you.
Without a moment of hesitation he tapped on your contact, lifting the phone to his ear and listening to the ringing. It rang twice before you answered.
“Hi, you,” you said, a smile evident based on your tone. “How was the show?”
“It was great,” he started. “I miss seeing you in the audience though. Having you backstage… How are you feeling? Anything happen yet?”
“Other than our little guy being more active than normal, I’ve been good. I do wish he’d stop kicking my bladder though.”
“Don’t you mean out little girl?”
“Nope. We’re having a boy. I can feel it.”
Jackson laughed as he relaxed in his seat, “How so?”
“Don’t know I just can. Something tells me we’re having a boy.”
“I had a dream the other night, you know. Us and our little one. I saw a little girl. She looked identical to you. You have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow right? Just to make sure everything’s okay?”
“Yeah, I really wish you were here for that one. It’s the last one before we have to wait it out for me to go into labor.”
“Me too. Only one more show after tonight though and then I’m home free for a long while. Time to spend with you and our new little family.”
The two of you continued talking until Jackson heard a yawn escape you. He was quick to have you settle down for the night, not wanting you to be tired the next morning. It was too important for you to be well rested and get proper sleep for him to keep you up solely because he missed you. With a sweet goodnight being wished to you, he hung up, his mind on the sound of your voice and the thought of knowing that when he got back home he’d either have a new addition to his family or would be welcoming said new addition soon after arriving. Either way, he couldn’t wait.
‘Call me ASAP!’
That was the message Jackson was greeted with as his final show of the tour ended. Panic tore through him as he pressed their contact waiting much longer than he would like for the line to connect.
“Jackson! Oh my gosh! We’re at the hospital.”
Jackson took a second to wrap his head around the statement as you continued speaking explaining what had happened in the middle of the night. You’d been admitted into the hospital in the early morning hours after having awoken with some pretty bad abdominal pain - not labor related fortunately - but upon further checks doctors had found out your were six centimeters dilated. You hadn’t been allowed to leave.
“She hasn’t dilated anymore since but she is in active labor. No one can tell us how much she’ll be like this since everything is so different with each person.”
“I’m getting on the first plane back. Is she awake?”
“She is. I’ll put her on the phone.”
He heard some shuffling as he rushed around the dressing room and grabbed some of his things rushing out and towards his manager mouthing something before he finally heard your voice.
Gosh you sounded tired. “Hey, I’m getting on the first flight I can find. The show just ended. I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
“Jackson, I can’t do this alone.”
He sighed deeply, giving you every single word of encouragement he could as he made his way to his hotel room to grab his things before heading to the airport. He needed to get to you and he needed to get to you fast.
Jackson ran into the hospital as soon as he had put the car in park in the parking lot. He was frantic as he gave your name to the receptionist only running off again once he got your room number. He burst into the room immediately moving to your side as you groaned in pain. Your friend jumped as he entered the room, not expecting him to have burst into the room as strongly as he did.
“I’m here! I’m here!”
Tears welled in your eyes as you finally saw him. “Let’s have this baby.”
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thewriterofkpop · 3 years ago
GOT7 with their pregnant wife/ gf who has strict bedrest
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It was already 10 PM when you called your boyfriend from your bedroom.
The young man immediately rushed to the room when he heard your panicked voice call for him.
,,Y/N, what’s wrong?’’ he asked you as he switched on the light to see you crunched over the bed, your right hand holding your abdomen.
You were 35 weeks along so it was still early for your child to come.
,,I… I don’t know. I suddenly woke up in pain…’’ you said as you began to breathe quicker. You were scared.
,,Stay calm, mh? I will call an ambulance, don’t worry…’’ he mumbled, maybe trying to calm himself down too with his words.
And so, while the both of you waited for help to come, he laid back in bed with you, stroking your head and trying to calm you down.
It didn’t take long until the paramedics took both of you and brought you to the hospital.
,,She’s having premature contractions. She needs strict bedrest or else the baby will be born prematurely,’’ the doctor informed him outside of the room while you were sleeping.
The young leader decided to inform his members who immediately offered to come to the hospital.
,,I need someone to pick us up. We came with the ambulance,’’ he wrote into the chat and it didn’t take long until Jinyoung, despite his busy schedule, informed him that he would pick you guys up as soon as you were discharged.
,,I wish I could help you guys,’’ Mark commented.
,,Jinyoung-oppa, your driving skills improved!’’ you laughed when you sat in the car, making him smirk.
At home, two more boys surprised you. Youngjae was cooking for you guys. He was trying at least while BamBam was doing the cleaning.
,,You need strict bed rest. I will do everything so just rest,’’ JayB mumbled as he led you to the couch to lay down.
Due to your history, the doctor decided early in your pregnancy that you needed strict bedrest, making it impossible for you to even lay a finger because of Mark. Ever since he heard, he was overprotective of you.
Your high blood pressure sometimes gave him sleepless nights as well as nightmares once he could fall asleep.
,,I’m sorry that you moved back with me and are now without your family…’’ he whimpered as he held your hand.
,,It’s okay. Besides, your mother is so nice to me. I actually feel bad that I can’t give her anything in return,’’ you mumbled, stroking his cheek.
,,You’re giving her a grandchild. I believe that she is happy enough,’’ Mark laughed and kissed you.
,,Your parents will come in two weeks and then you won’t be alone so much anymore,’’ he mumbled.
,,You’re always by my side, Mark,’’ you laughed and slowly closed your eyes.
,,What’s wrong?’’ he immediately asked you worriedly.
But luckily you could calm him down soon enough, telling him that you were just sleepy. The reason why he then laid back in bed with you was to make you rest enough...
If Jackson had to tell someone when he was the most scared, he would tell them for sure it was the day he got the call.
You were 25 weeks pregnant when his mother called him from home, telling him that you and her were currently at the hospital because you had vaginal bleeding.
No one saw Jackson cry that much more than on that one ride to the hospital.
He felt at fault because he wasn’t there when you needed him. He couldn’t support you when you needed him the most.
If you would have lost your baby at that time, he would have hated himself forever no matter the reason.
But luckily his mother could calm him down once he arrived.
,,It’s okay. We could stop the bleeding,’’ the doctor said, smiling.
Jackson bowed six times and thanked him before he let him finish speaking.
,,We would like her to stay for the night and afterwards she needs strict bed rest.
She is allowed to take quick showers and go to the bathroom. She is also allowed to sit on a chair for up to one hour but nothing more so please make sure that she doesn’t move around,’’ the doctor said.
Jackson promised that he would make sure before he entered the room.
You had red puffy eyes when you turned your head towards the open door.
,,Jackson…’’ you began to sob again.
,,It’s okay, Y/N. I’m here, it’s okay…’’ he whispered and quickly hugged you, kissing your head.
,,You know that you now have to stay in bed the whole pregnancy, yes? So our baby will come to us healthy and well,’’ he whispered as you slowly nodded at him.
,,I was so scared,’’ you whispered as you took his hand in yours.
,,I know, baby, I know… this was the last time, I promise…’’
,,Congratulations, you guys will become parents of triplets!’’ the doctor said, shocking both of you.
When you first found out that you were pregnant, he was overjoyed and so were you.
But this news changed your feelings.
Your lips began to tremble as you asked again, ,,Triplets?’’
The doctor nodded and pressed her lips together as she noticed how the atmosphere changed.
,,I read that women go into premature labor when they are pregnant with more than one child,’’ you whimpered, making Jinyoung look at you in panic.
,,Yes, that’s true. To prevent this, or better said, to make the pregnancy last longer, we need to put you on bed rest. You are allowed to go shower, to use the toilet, to take short walks of thirty minutes a day in your home, but other than that you need to rest,’’ she explained.
You could feel Jinyoung’s hand entangling yours stronger as he nodded at you. ,,We can do this. Let’s not worry about things that may not happen,’’ he smiled, making you feel assured.
,,You’re right.’’
With that visit, you guys returned home while Jinyoung immediately informed his members.
,,We need two more godfathers,’’ he typed and sent a picture of the babies.
,,Our Jinyoung did so well ~’’ JayB teased him.
Indeed, he was kind of proud, especially when he saw you, his beautiful wife, stroking her belly and looking so happy.
And then it hit him. He needed two more cribs and perhaps a bigger home…?
Your husband smiled sadly at you as you laid on your back, your daughter on his lap as they both observed you.
,,Mommy, why are you always sleeping? Don’t you wanna play with me?’’ she asked her with a whiny voice.
,,Of course I want to, baby,’’ you said and smiled at Youngjae.
If she just knew that three days ago she almost lost her little sibling in your womb…
,,You know, Uncle BamBam said that he had a present for you. He will be here any moment,’’ Youngjae quickly said to change the topic.
And quickly enough, the little girl was overjoyed and even agreed to go and clean up her own room as a lot of toys were around.
,,BamBam… is he coming again to clean?’’ you laughed as your hand rested on your belly.
,,Yes, I told him that I could manage it, but he started arguing with me and so I just accepted. While he is here I will go to the agency quickly and return with groceries and dinner,’’ he told you.
The truth was that three days ago, the both of you had a little argument and so when he went outside to cool off his head, he returned home with your body on the floor.
He felt as if his heart stopped beating that day and when the doctor told him that it was something more than just some dizziness and that you needed bed rest, Youngjae couldn't help but feel bad.
And so he never left your side or let you stay alone for a single moment.
That was one of the reasons why the house wasn’t that clean.
,,Okay, thank you for everything,’’ you sighed and looked at your belly.
,,We both are so grateful, right?’’ you asked your belly and in the next moment, you could see a little foot, making Youngjae chuckle.
,,Why the heck are you up?’’ BamBam asked you when he saw you standing in front of the bed.
,,’Cause I went to pee,’’ you answered, kind of annoyed because of your moods.
BamBam nodded and helped you lay back down.
You were currently 37 weeks pregnant and experienced premature labor a few days ago, leaving him scared that anything could go wrong, something he didn’t even want to picture.
,,Actually, BamBam, I’m craving strawberries with ketchup,’’ you whispered, making him look at you in disgust. ,,Really?’’ he asked you again.
But all he saw was your happy face nodding at him.
Indeed, he came back a few moments later, sitting down on the chair next to your bed as he gave you the plate with the strawberries.
,,I think I’ll miss this taste,’’ you laughed, meaning the time once the cravings would stop.
,,Honestly, ever since I saw you last week eat your muesli with zucchini, I wish for these cravings to stop,’’ he told you.
,,Ya! It was so good!’’ you kept teasing him, enjoying the strawberry.
,,Aren’t you sleepy…?’’ He asked you when you yawned the second time, stroking your face.
You nodded and as soon as he began to stroke your hand, you closed your eyes and fell asleep with his soft touch...
,,You do so well,’’ you teased him as Yugyeom massaged your swollen ankles.
He was actually proud of himself that he was doing so good.
,,I’m happy to help you and our baby,’’ he grinned.
Telling him that you were pregnant was still the happiest memory of this pregnancy.
You told him after work when he came home and his plate said ,,Hello Daddy’’ with Ketchup.
However, this wasn’t an easy pregnancy and so, you were ordered to stay in bed, resting and sleeping.
But since he was allowed to stay at home more than usual, laying down wasn’t as bad as it seemed.
,,My incompetent cervix,’’ you whined, making him look up.
,,It’s okay, we can prevent any risks if we do well. I’m so proud of you!’’ he told you honestly and ended his massage.
,,I will go and bring you some food, okay,? Stay here!’’ he asked you, making you roll your eyes.
,,Ya, Kim Yugyeom-ssi, where the heck am I supposed to go?’’ you asked him, almost yelling at him as he walked away.
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thewriterofkpop · 3 years ago
Please make more cross Gene stuff!!! (Takuyaaaa)
Thank you for the message! I will! I am currently writing a GOT7 scenario but I will soon write more about Cross Gene and the other groups! Feel free to ask something!
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thewriterofkpop · 3 years ago
I got a request the last time and trust me - I‘m working on it.
I just have an upcoming exam so it takes a bit more but I will try to hurry up ~ please wait for me
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
GOT7 with a Y/N with stretch marks in/ after the pregnancy and who feels bad with them
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This man was the happiest man.
Because his wonderful wife was pregnant.
Pregnant with the fruits of your love.
This was so meaningful for the young leader that his new solo album was actually named ,,Appa‘s baby-happiness“
He was currently working on the cute lullaby he planned to sing for the little person you were carrying below your heart.
When he suddenly heart sobs, which made his brain stop working.
He immediately tried to figure out where the noise was coming from when he suddenly found you half-naked.
,,Let’s go to the hospital! Where are you hurt? Tell me Y/N....“ he begged, stroking your belly.
,,Noo.....-" you whined.
,,Nowhere....“ you responded.
,,Look! My skin looks so ugly! I‘m becoming fat and the baby oil doesn’t help....!“ you sobbed, making your partner‘s heart become crushed.
He felt so helpless.
But Jaebeom took your wonderful body in his arms and put your head on his chest and assured you, that you looked beautiful and you had nothing to worry about.
Something he always said at concerts was that the male audience shouldn’t make his fans cry and Mark was living like that himself.
He always tried his best to not make you cry, to make you feel happy and cheerful.
Especially now after you gave birth to his whole happiness, a baby girl.
But sometimes you simply cried, even already while you were pregnant.
Of course, he knew that these were just your mood swings. 
His mother and sister had told him about them but still, he couldn’t handle it.
He hated it.
He hated that no one was at fault.
That he couldn’t influence the reason‘s for your tears.
Like these tears.
You looked at the red skin on your belly, the stretch marks getting more and more.
But even though he couldn’t influence the reasons, he always managed to make you feel better.
Like now, where he simply began to kiss every single stretch mark just to make you feel better, while his baby girl slept happily in her bed.
And while you tiredly laid in the bed and were about to fall asleep, he kept whispering that you were so beautiful...
There was no question that Jackson was thrilled about this pregnancy.
The first one.
The young man was so happy that he didn’t put away his phone for even a second.
He just wanted to capture every sight of you.
And besides, he wanted to send the pictures to his beloved mother who couldn’t be there too.
,,Aish!“ you cursed loudly with a whiny voice, turning your boyfriend‘s attention to you.
Tears slowly found their way out and made Jackson‘s heart stop.
,,Why why why?“ he whispered and cupped your cheeks.
,,My skin....“ you kept sobbing.
Jackson looked at your skin, you already had stretching marks from the past.
Mixed with the pregnancy stretching marks this must have looked really ugly in your eyes.
But for Jackson, it was still beautiful.
You were still beautiful.
He quickly grabbed the baby oil and kept massaging your belly, making you chuckle and moan a bit.
,,Huh? You enjoy this, huh?“ he asked you and took off your bra and began to massage your breasts too.
This whiny situation now turned to a moaning one...
Like always it was impossible to read what Jinyoung was thinking.
His expression was unreadable.
People would claim that he was rather uninterested, but you knew the truth.
He felt just as bad as you, seeing that you were unhappy.
He was so thrilled about the pregnancy, you were expecting the fruit of your love, how couldn’t he be happy?
But seeing you being so depressed about your own body made him sad.
And so one evening, he decided to prepare something nice for you.
The room was illuminated with candlelight and smelled like roses.
He intended to massage you and help you feel good about your body.
,,Mhh…my feet were so swollen…it feels good…’’ you chuckled.
But as soon as he tried to put baby oil on your belly you frowned.
,,Don’t, Jinyoung. It’s embarrassing. The stretch marks are so big…’’ you whined.
,,I never saw something so beautiful. I mean it.’’ he said and made you blush, stroking every single one with so much love that you had the feeling that you were melting below his touch.
This man was indeed the most beautiful and romantic husband.
,,Let’s go to the beach!’’ he exclaimed and looked at you.
You were currently six months pregnant with his baby and you kind of didn’t understand if he was being serious.
Even Coco was irritated.
Well two women in the household and one single man, he just had to give not only 100% but 200% to make you both happy.
,,Do you think that I can go like this….?’’ you asked him, pointing at your belly.
You were in your jumpsuit, your pregnant belly made it impossible for you to see your own shoes by now.
,,Are you embarrassed because you’re carrying a human’s life…?’’ he asked you, kind of hurt.
He was so happy that both of you finally got the chance to be parents, after all, why would you think like that?
But you just laughed and quickly explained what you meant.
,,What? I don’t see anything….’’ he laughed when you showed him your stretch marks, no clothes on you by now as he touched your body with his finger, softly, giving you so much love with that act.
,,By the way, I read that with the sun they become whiter.’’ he said and tried to make you change your mind, of course, he planned to stop if he noticed that you would feel way too uncomfortable.
But you really changed your mind and with his help and you changed into your swimsuit and got ready to go.
You even forgot for a bit about your stretching marks and had fun with the father of your unborn child.
,,They look so cute, right?’’ Bambam asked his family as he facetimed with them.
,,I can’t wait until you guys finally come,’’ he said to his mother who smiled as she held his brother's baby.
,,How is your wife?’’ his sister in law asked him.
BamBam turned his head to your room.
,,She is crying, I don’t get it, how can I help her? She hates her stretch marks…’’ he whispered, maybe the two women could help him in that situation. 
Indeed they told him to hug you, rub your body in baby oil and keep saying you that you did well.
Indeed he did what he was told, and so you both laid in your bed, your head nuzzled against his bare chest as he rubbed your belly with the oil on his hands. 
,,I understand that you are depressed because of the marks, but you did such a great job, you gave birth to twins, you had them for such a long time in your belly, these marks are the marks for your fight, don’t be sad over them, please…’’ he whispered, making you feel better.
,,You don’t think that I am ugly?’’ you asked him, your lips were trembling as you asked him, still feeling a little bit sad.
,,No, I don’t think that, I think that you are the most beautiful girl and that I love you so much…’’ he gave you his honest opinion, making you feel at ease...
You laid in your bed in the middle of the night when Yugyeom arrived home, your hands on your belly as you listened to your baby's breathing sounds next to you.
,,What is wrong?’’ he asked you as he went below the blankets to hug you.
,,Mh,, Y/N?’’ he asked you again, kissing your cheek as he waited for your response.
And then you finally began to cry, tell him everything that pilled up so far.
,,I feel ugly,’’ you admitted.
,,The stretching marks make me feel ugly. My belly is fat, my baby is here and I am still such a bad mom….’’ you told him and turned your body towards him.
He suddenly kissed you and then stroked your head.
,,You just gave birth, I can understand that you are sad but nothing you say is true.
You take care of your baby, you did the best for your body, it’s just the nature that these things are here but I know that you can change them, so don’t worry too much, ,don’t cry too much,’’ he whispered and kissed you again.
,,I feel so bad…’’ you went on, now Yugyeom was patting your back, trying to make you feel better as he told you how jealous he was of you.
,,You are so amazing, you still don’t see it…’’ he whispered and dried your tears for you.
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
GOT7 members with a Reader who is stressed out due to work
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Credits to the owner of the GIF
He knew how busy you could get with your work, especially because you were the manager of a shop in the centre of Seoul.
You worked in a medical house and even though he didn’t expect it, you had a lot of things to do there.
And this busy work life stressed you out.
You came home daily, nervous, and went out of the house even worse.
Both of you couldn’t talk that much anymore since you were so busy.
But one day, when he saw that you skipped a meal and couldn’t even rest at the weekend he decided to approach you.
He knew he was kind of too late when he saw that you actually had a breakdown in your room.
,,Y/N, you are working too much...can I somehow help you…?’’ he asked, hugged you and patted your back.
You just sobbed in his arms and shook your head in his chest.
,,There is nothing you can do, except from finding me new workers, they all fell sick and now I have to run that shop by myself! Everyone is stressed out and I am too, it’s...lately, it’s been so hard...and I don’t know what to do...there is so much work!’’ you sobbed into his chest.
,,It’s okay, let it out, tell me everything, Y/N, it’s not healthy to have everything to yourself,’’ he whispered.
You looked up to your boyfriend and nodded.
,,I will make you relax and find a way for you,’’ he whispered and helped you to get up.
He gave you a warm tea and a big blanket before he searched on the internet for a solution, your head against his shoulder to rest for a bit.
,,Thank you,’’ you whispered before you closed your eyes for a little nap while he smiled to himself.  
You slapped your hands on your face as you regretted your choice.
Well, Mark, your boyfriend always told you that beginning to work in a big company was a mistake, back then he told you to begin working in a small company ,,They take care of their workers more than a global company does,’’ he had warned you.
But you didn’t want to listen to him, you wanted to move back with him, away from Korea and stay by his side, but apparently, you thought too highly of you.
The papers of your movement were in your way, the papers were piling up and personal problems were sucking your energy.
Even worse was that you barely had time for him even though you moved back to the states with him…
By now you were sobbing harder in his room and suddenly threw your pen on the floor.
,,AISH!’’ you hissed and wanted to smack your head against your desk when you felt something soft.
,,Ow!!’’ you heard Mark who looked at you with a concerned face, he just put his hand on your desk in order to make you not hurt yourself.
,,Wanna talk?’’ he asked you in a calm voice.
You nodded ,,But first you need an ice bag, my dumb head is pretty heavy filled with stuff, it may hurt,’’ you choked on your tears and got up.
However he pulled you towards him and hugged you ,,No need, I can handle your head,’’ he laughed and patted your head.
,,You work too much,’’he whispered and pulled you towards your shared bedroom.
,,First of all,’’ he began, ,,forget the papers and let me do it, secondly you don’t get paid for the work you do at home, if you can’t finish it at work, it’s their problem for handing you too much,’’ he told you.
You nodded and nuzzled your head against his chest.
,,Rest with me, Y/N’’ he whispered and felt you relaxing between his arms…
,,I can’t understand how you can be so stressed out if you work for your boyfriend,’’ someone told you, making you think about their words for a long, long, long time.
Of course you were stressed, the reason was that you worked with him. You wanted to make him proud, things had to be perfect and not because he demanded it from you but because you wanted to show him that you were a worthy girlfriend.
Jackson never made you feel as if you weren’t worthy but you were always scared that he would realize that you were just not at great as he was, that he deserved better.
Besides, it wasn’t just the work, but also your personal life.
You guys were moving in together in a house with his parents, of course, you would live separately but you still had to finish the design of the house, you still had to cook, clean and do other chores.
You still had to take care of things.
This was all...stressing you out…
You felt lonely, and so, one evening when you were alone you began to cry to yourself, or so you thought.
,,Y/N…’’ Jackson mumbled and laid on top of you, hugging you strongly.
,,I...I can’t breathe,’’ you gasped and began to laugh as he tickled you.
,,Why are you crying?’’ he asked as he moved to lay next to you.
Facing you he stroked your hair and observed you.
,,Nothing, just stressed out…’’ and so, you told him everything.
Jackson hugged you and nodded, he could understand your fears and problems ,,I will try to help you with the chores, you don’t have to do everything alone, I like cleaning too!’’ he laughed.
Then his nose touched yours ,,You make me proud, you do your work so well, you’re even better than me, be a little more proud of yourself,’’ he whispered.
,,I KNEW THAT THIS MORNING WOULD BE SHITTY!’’ you screamed from the bathroom, capturing the attention of your boyfriend, who was in the kitchen.
A glance at the clock made him understand that you were stressed out.
,,Y/N, can I somehow help you?’’ he asked you and entered the bathroom.
But you just sat there, crying.
Your hair was messy, your blouse was wrinkled and he knew that you still didn’t have your coffee.
,,If you can finish a project that usually takes a year in five hours, yes! Or maybe explain to the others why they have to come in today too and not just me! Or it would help me if the shitty water would turn on!’’ you hissed.
He knew that work was stressing you out.
,,I will try my best, can you breathe for me?’’ he asked you and took a brush to brush your hair.
You tried your best to stay calm and breathe in and out.
,,Mh, Park Jinyoung, you are good at this,’’ you finally confessed when you saw that he actually tied your hair together.
,,I know, now, give me the jacket and go drink your coffee and eat the breakfast I made, I will iron your blouse,’’ he said and opened the buttons.
,,I can’t, my bus will come in -’’
,,I will drive you,’’ he said and kissed your cheek.
And so with a nod, you did what he said while he ironed your stuff.
,,As a woman, I must have failed today, huh?’’ you asked him while you stuffed your food in your mouth.
,,Just today, tomorrow you will be the same again,’’ he teased you and gave you a hickey on your neck before he gave you your blouse.
Your boyfriend patted your back as you cried.
You were stressed out and couldn’t handle it anymore.
,,I still need to clean, I need to tidy up, I need to prepare my lesson for tomorrow and I still have some exams to look over, and as if this wasn’t enough already, I still need to finish my workout ahh…’’ you sobbed..
He nodded ,,I will clean and tidy up the stuff while you do your workout, then you will tell me how to help you prepare your lesson and afterwards, you will go through the exams while I massage your shoulders, okay?’’ he asked you.
With a teary face you looked at him ,,Will you really help me, Youngjae-ah?’’
,,Of course!’’ he laughed ,,Coco, you will help us too, right?’’ he asked his dog, who began to lick your leg.
,,You need to learn that stressing yourself out won’t help you, instead it will hold you back, you just need to ask me for help and I will be here, Y/N’’ he assured you.
You were so thankful to him, even though he had enough to do on his own he was still willing to help you.
,,I love you so much,’’ you whispered and kissed him, ready to begin what you had to finish tonight.
,,Did you have to work overtime again?’’ he asked you as you came back home. 
Even he was home earlier than you.
But working in a boutique wasn’t always easy.
Some VIP Customers came late and of course, you had to stay there too.
You nodded and took off your shoes.
You were hungry, stressed out and annoyed.
But you still had to work for the ad that had to be ready yesterday, and so you simply had no time.
Or so you thought - because your boyfriend BamBam would never let you go like that - not without having a good meal.
,,Eat first, the ad can wait,’’ he said and dragged you to the table.
,,BamBam, I need to finish this or -’’
,,I understand, but if you don’t eat you won’t be able to make a good ad, so, first fill your belly with some food and then you can go and keep working,’’ he said, and it was clear that he didn’t accept a no as an answer.
But in the end, you were glad ,,What would I do without you?’’ you sighed.
,,Probably sit in front of your desk being hungry and whining even more,’’ he laughed and indeed you could picture yourself like that, he just knew you too well...
Both of you were very busy with work and to be honest, at first, he didn’t notice that you were stressed out.
He was also used to stress, so the hard schedule didn’t affect him that much.
But since you changed company and things worked a lot different there, you were totally devastated.
At some point, you thought about giving up.
But luckily Yugyeom noticed before you could really give up so, while you were writing your resignation letter, he stopped you.
,,Why are you doing this? You just changed!’’ he said.
,,It’s so hard...I am not fit for this!’’ you whined.
,,Y/N, if this really is hard on you, I will support you, but I believe that you will overcome this. Every beginning is hard, why don’t you try to talk to a coworker to get some help?’’ he asked you, stroking your head.
,,What if I embarrass myself?’’ you whispered and looked at him with teary eyes.
,,You won’t,’’ he chuckled and kissed you.
,,Everyone was like this, come, let’s get a warm shower so that you can relax,’’ he smirked and lead you to the bathroom.
And after all, he was just needed some more time.
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
EXO with Y/N at a fair
So, this is for my lovely friend who wanted to have some fluff, here you are my baby! Enjoy!
,,I’m so excited!’’ you giggled as you prepared the sandwiches, putting some salad on the soft bread.
You heard your boyfriend laugh from the bath where he was currently preparing the first aid kit.
,,Junmyeon?’’ you suddenly called him, feeling his hands around your body a few seconds later.
He put his head on your shoulders as he looked at the fruits you prepared and the muffins you baked.
You put something in his mouth which he gladly began to chew before you told him your worries.
,,Will they like it?’’ you asked him.
Suho kissed your cheek when he gulped your food and assured you that they would go crazy for your snacks.
,,But isn’t it too much work?’’ he then asked you, but quickly realized that it was something that made you happy.
A few hours later, you all stood at the entrate and you were just so nervous.
The bag was on your boyfriend’s shoulders while he held your hand.
Half of the members carried the bag, making sure to change so that it wouldn’t get too hard to carry.
,,Let’s go there!’’ you laughed and tried to run towards a shop.
,,So crowned,’’ you heard Chen laugh as all nine members were in the shop, fooling around with the merchandise.
It was a funny day and it felt like a big family journey.
,,No! I don’t want to get wet!’’ you complained as you tried to take your boyfriend to a calm drive while he tried to make you change your opinion.
,,Dear guests, in a few minutes our animal show will begin. Everyone who’s interested please feel free to enter the hall in the southern side of the park!’’ a woman’s voice said.
Both of you looked at each other before you quickly entered the entrance hand in hand, getting the best spots.
Dolphins did acrobatics with other people and amazing water shows were shown.
Penguins were shown, which at some point made your boyfriend clap his hands, making him look as if he was one of them.
Honestly, his face amused you more than the show did.
Your boyfriend at first was a totally obsessed boyfriend.
He never let go of your hand, made sure that no one bumped into you, and even carried the stuff you brought along.
But it was less than a minute until you guys entered the fair.
,,WAHHHHH!“ he happily laughed and threw the bag on the floor, letting go of your hand and running to hug the mascot.
You had to laugh too at his funny behavior and quickly picked up the bag.
,,Y/N! Y/N! Let’s eat the candies back there!“ he exclaimed as he pulled you along, making you giggle again.
The both of you did everything and were even more childish than the children around you.
,,Baekhyun, come on babe.  You don’t have to win the teddy bear for me!“ you tried to convince your boyfriend who never gave up.
And after he lost almost half of his money and spent more than double for the teddy bear, he finally gave it to you with a smile brighter than the sun and told you that he loved you a lot.
Hand in hand, you walked through the fair.
You two just spent half an hour on a bench, trying to dry in the sun after you got wet from the last ride.
It was funny because the ride itself wouldn’t make you that wet, but people could spend money from the outside to splash you with water.
And that’s why the both of you were resting on a bench, trying to dry your clothes.
But finally you could go on, looking at the different stations and enjoying the sight of the children having fun.
,,Know what I thought of?“ you asked him.
He looked at you and gave you a sign that you could tell him everything.
,,Maybe later on in the future, we can come here as a family… or we could take along Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They would be just like children!“ you laughed and made him chuckle too.
,,Let’s do it…!“ he nodded.
Suddenly you stayed firm in front of a haunted house and grinned at him.
,,No, Y/N, let’s do something else…“ he almost begged you.
,,Pleaaase!“ you whined.
,,No, let’s go…“ he said as he tried to pressure you. However, he lost and got pulled in by you. He was shocked a few seconds later on after a zombie tried to pull him into a corner.
,,HAHAHAHAHA!“ he laughed at you when he saw you with the silly clothes the staff made you wear.
You and Kai wanted to play paint ball, however you quickly noticed that the game looked easier than it actually was.
Instead, you hid yourself and observed your boyfriend shooting at other players. 
,,Aish, Y/N, we wanted to stop fangirling over him,’’ you hissed to yourself as you felt hot watching him.
However, due to you watching Kai, you didn’t see that some player was about to shoot you.
,,WAHH!’’ Kai laughed and shot at the person behind you, making you quiver at his action.
In the end, someone else still shot you.
,,At least I could take revenge,’’ he laughed as the both of you licked the ice cream he bought.
,,That’s true, you were so cute!’’ you laughed and took his hand.
It was already dark and the parade, which walked down the street, began.
A lot of colors came up, making you gasp at its beauty.
,,Y/N,’’ suddenly he whispered, making you turn your head to Kai.
,,I love you,’�� he whispered and kissed you while the fireworks began to show their beauty in the sky.
,,Oh no no no no no no no!’’ he laughed as you showed him different haunted houses.
,,Okay,’’ you laughed and kissed Xiumin.
Today it was your anniversary and so Xiumin finally made your wish come true and brought you to the fair.
It was a beautiful day.
The sun was shining, but it wasn’t that hot and the atmosphere was really good. 
There were so many things you and your boyfriend wanted to test out.
,,How about we go on the horses back there?’’ you said as you pointed to the carousel.
Xiumin looked at you and strongly nodded.
Laughing, the both of you ran over there.
He got on a white horse and you got on a pink unicorn next to him.
You kept chuckling on the children's carousel and took a lot of pictures, sending them straight into the EXO group chat.
,,Oh! Look there!’’ you suddenly exclaimed after both of you finally stood on the ground again.
Xiumin tried to follow your finger as you pointed at a big doll which represented Spongebob.
Since Spongebob was his favorite cartoon, both of you followed the yellow man and managed to take a picture.
,,Thank you for being my boyfriend,’’ you finally mumbled as you both sat on the green grass and kissed each other.  
,,I’m sorry,’’ you whispered as your boyfriend put a wet towel over your face.
,,It’s okay, don’t worry, Y/N,’’ he said to try to make you feel better.
,,Come here, you need to drink,’’ he mumbled and tried to make you drink as he wet his own lips.
A few seconds later, you finally fell asleep.
The day began perfectly fine.
Both of you were having a lot of fun at the fair.
You kept walking around, taking pictures as you saw a lot of beautiful flowers.
You went on a few drives and even sat down below a beautiful tree to eat the food Kyungsoo prepared for the both of you.
However, you suddenly fainted when you wanted to get up again and found yourself on the bed in the medical room of the fair.
When you suddenly collapsed in his arms, he forgot what to do.
Luckily, people around him helped out.
,,I’m so sorry,’’ Kyungsoo himself mumbled as he observed you.
He actually wanted to make your birthday perfect, however, he forgot how weak you were against the warmth and how quickly you could faint if you didn’t stay hydrated.
,,Can we go on one last ride?’’ you asked him as both of you were about to go home.
You just wanted to go on the magical ride which drove you through the park.
Kyungsoo was hesitant, but then agreed, making sure that you would drink a lot of water.
,,I love you, my considerate boyfriend,’’ you laughed and kissed him when you were on your way home.
,,Oh!’’ you exclaimed and looked at the shop which was filled with little souvenirs like caps, shirts, or pens.
Both of you suddenly had the same thought as you looked at the funny and beautiful souvenirs.
,,We need to get something for the members!’’ both of you said at the same time.
Your laughter echoed through the shop as you began to choose what the members may like.
,,Okay, we spend our money on presents for our dear friends,’’ you began.
,,Should be we drive some carousels?’’ you asked him, which made him nood.
He followed you around the whole time and smiled to himself whenever he saw your happy face while watching some rides.
The day unfortunately went by quickly, but both of you were more than happy.
You went on every ride, even the ones which were very scary and totally risky for the both of you.
,,It feels so good to know that you tried to overcome your own fear, right?’’ you asked him.
Sehun nodded.
It was true that thanks to you, he got to do things that he wouldn’t have done if you would have done it alone.
,,Thank you,’’ you suddenly said before you were ready to head over to the parking lot.
,,Here,’’ you mumbled when you finally succeeded at fishing out the scarf from the bag.
Sadly, the day was kind of windy.
And since you knew that he was sensitive to the wind, you made sure that he was warm.
Hand in hand you walked down, looking at different rides.
,,Let’s first look through them and then decide which one we will ride first, okay?’’ you asked him, unsure if your idea was a good one.
But your boyfriend quickly nodded, making it seem as if he was okay with it.
A few minutes later, both of you sat in various rides or played some mini games. 
,,AHHHHHHHH!’’ you screamed when you rushed down in the big car.
Both of you were currently having a lot of fun, especially after you finally got the picture they took of you while riding the carousel. It was funny.
Lay also made a few jokes about you and then finally took your hand before walking on.
After all there were a few things to do, like feeding the animals and having a beautiful lunch with you for free.
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
Requests are open
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
I miss you - Build a bear
Pairings: Chanyeol x Y/N 
Summary: Your boyfriend is about to go to the military but before the both of you part, he wants to bring you to a special place...
,,Tomorrow is the day,’’ you whispered as you looked up to your boyfriend, Chanyeol, who laid in your cozy bed next to you with you in his embrace as your fingers were entangled with his. ,,Mhm,’’ he agreed in a humm. His eyes were still closed, but he was awake. Chanyeol, one of the EXO members, decided to go to the military a bit earlier which was something you were totally okay with. The earlier he went, the earlier he would come back, right? But still, thinking about not seeing him for such a long time made your heart ache.
No one to cuddle with, no one to talk with after work, no one to kiss, no one who would buy you pads for that time of the month. There was so much about him that would make you miss him. Especially his voice, his smile, and the laughter that was just like music in your ear. You were already feeling the emptiness in your heart and he was still next to you. ,,Hey, Y/N,’’ he whispered, making your teary eyes look up at him. ,,I… I have plans for today. I want to take you somewhere, okay? So, don’t cry,’’ he smiled and gave you a kiss on your nose, making you nodd. You were excited to see what he planned for you…
And so, after you prepared breakfast for the both of you, the two of you got changed and of course kisses and hugs were part of the routine to get changed. ,, look so good…’’ he gasped as you stepped out, your make up a bit darker while your red hair was smoothed. You put on your black heels and checked if your black jeans were sitting well. Chanyeol smiled as he observed you. You were wearing the white blouse he made you buy a few weeks ago, even though he knew that you prefered black clothes. Again, he took your hand in his and walked to the street where the cab he called for was already waiting for the both of you.
,,You...really?!’’ you asked him, overjoyed. Your mask made it difficult for him to see your beautiful smile. ,,Yes, Build a Bear,’’ he laughed and entered the shop with you. It all looked just like you imagined it would look. The entrance welcomed you with a sign. Seven steps were written on how to proceed to build a bear. ,,Hey, I will be your assistant for today. Want to start building a bear?’’ the young woman asked you both, her warm smile making you both feel reassured as you nodded. ,,Okay, Y/N, let’s do it so: you will build a bear for me, I will build one for you, and we both are allowed to check it out tomorrow evening,’’ he explained. ,,Huh? Oh, but I…’’ you wanted to change his mind, but he was already set with his idea. And so you guys began. Both of you chose a teddy bear, deciding on a white and brown one. ,,You need to go away or you’ll hear my message!’’ he whined and made you pout. ,,Okay, the next step is to stuff your bear. You need to press the pedal and decide how fluffy you want it,’’ the woman explained. ,,They also wash them, I’m positively surprised,’’ you laughed as you laid your head on his shoulder while Chanyeol’s arm was resting on your waist. You both enjoyed your last moments in the romantic atmosphere. ,,I will dress mine super cute,’’ you teased him as you put a dress on your bear, pretty shoes, as well as a little hat. ,,Oh, your’s looks good too!’’ you laughed when you saw his bear, making him very proud about his first bear. And so, after you both registered your bear’s name and ,,birthdate’’ you both left, two bags with your new made bears as you walked towards your favorite pizza restaurant to pick up some lunch before returning home.
,,I love you,’’ you whispered after you helped Chanyeol pack his last bag. Actually, you felt like crying the whole time, but you stayed strong for him, not wanting him to feel bad as he left. ,,I love you more,’’ he whispered, slowly taking off your jacket and shirt to enjoy your skin one last time until you both would see each other again. Your hands rested on his warm, almost hot skin as you closed your eyes…
,,I will upload it,’’ Baekhyun laughed as he was ready to post the pictures they took for EXO-L’s. He smiled at them as he thought back on those times when they all were together. ,,Take care of her for me,’’ he said and looked at you, talking to his Hyung’s. ,,We will,’’ Xiumin said and patted on his shoulders. Your hand was holding the bag with his bear tighter as you suddenly couldn’t contain your tears anymore.
,,Take care, don’t get hurt, and I will miss you,’’ you began to sob, hugging him tightly. ,,You have my mini me. You don’t need to miss me,’’ he laughed, but you could hear how much his voice was trembling. And so, after a few cries and a few kisses and hugs more, you finally let your bald Chanyeol go...
,,See you soon,’’ you whispered.
,,But Y/N, what’s that?’’ Sehun asked you, pointing at your bag. ,,Oh,’’ you hiccuped, drying your tears with your finger and pulling out the bear. You pressed on the button when Chanyeol’s voice began to speak out of it. 
,,I already miss you. I love you,’’
,,Such a dork,’’ you laughed to yourself, wondering how he would react after finding out that you said exactly the same thing. ,,I will wait for you…’’ you whispered before your friends lead you to the cars.
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
Hiyaaaa! I was wondering could you do a Shinee Minho imagine in which reader is his new PR manager and he can't help but fall for her!!!! Please and thanks!!!
Minho x PR Manager Reader - Can't help but fall in love with you
Hey! Sorry that this took longer than expected! I hope you like the OneShot! Please give me your opinion! 
,,I can’t wait to see how the new PR Manager is,’’ Key said ironically and walked into the conference room where you were expecting the boys. ,,Well, what do you think of me now that you saw me?’’ you asked him, putting your long black hair behind your ear and crossing your arms in front of your chest. You were wearing a long black dress with white sneakers. The red lipstick made your lips look full, ready to be kissed. You pressed your lips together as you let your arms fall and walk around the table, sitting in your seat. The table was already set. Each member got a few papers, something to write with, and drinks in front of them. ,,Please close the door behind you,’’ you said, looking straight into Minho’s eyes. You were brave, he thought. Usually all women blushed in front of him. Never would someone tell him to do something. But you did.
,,Please have a seat,’’ you asked after Minho closed the door. Onew, as the leader, began and sat down, his other three members did the same. ,,Hello, my name is Y/N and as of today I will be your PR Manager. I studied abroad in Germany, moved to America, and came back to Korea. Please take care of me and let’s work together. I already know you a bit - however, I would like you to tell me more about yourselves in person. So, from the oldest to the youngest?’’ you asked, looking into Onew’s eyes. After everyone said their names again and a few basic things, you began to take over again.
,,I want to change a few things,’’ you began. Immediately, you saw how Key looked at you in disgust, making you rephrase what you just said. ,,Not only in this group, but in the whole company. I will be honest,’’ you began, crossing your legs and acquiring Minho’s attention. ,,I am currently your PR manager, but my aim is to become SM Entertainment’s PR Manager. I want to change this company. It’s a good one, it’s big, famous, you get to learn a lot here, but every idol can open an entertainment. There are more and more Idols who get mistreated and open their own entertainment companies. Other idols know that they will have better treatment and will change company. I want people to realize here that we have to fight for our place. For the first place,’’ you said. ,,And of course you want to get a lot of money,’’ Key laughed. ,,Yeah, I want to make a lot of money. I love money,’’ you said, rolling your eyes and putting your leg down again. ,,I love money so much that I would do anything. I will make a lot of money and know what I will do with it? I will help people in need such as orphans, to give them a better life,’’ you told him, making Key feel a bit uncomfortable, but he was still proud of himself. ,,So,’’ you began to open the first page, making the members follow you, except for Minho, who was kind of attracted to your moving lips. ,,I want you first of all to get an English class - I will teach you,’’ you said. English. This was the keyword that made Minho look up from your red full lips and instead look into your eyes.
,,I already know English, and Taemin is learning,’’ Key said. ,,I know, I follow his Instagram lives,’’ turning your head to the maknae ,,you are doing so well! But you all have to get better. I looked at your schedule and freed you from a few things. For the future, these conferences will be held in English. I will give you a week to learn the basics,’’ ,,But why?’’ Minho asked since he was looking somewhere else and his ears didn’t listen. He couldn’t follow you at all. ,,I represent the company and I want to do a good job at what I am doing, just like you for your fans. SM wants to show fans that their idols care about them and so you guys need to get better at communicating,’’ Going on with the conference, you made the boys realize that they actually had a completely different picture of you. Instead, you could make everyone feel hyped for the new stuff that was about to come.
Weeks and months passed, and the more it passed, the more famous they became. With you by your side, they were finally free to show fans what they wanted. They just had to ask you and you would make it happen. You created wonderful Instagram posts, translated them into every language you knew, posted regularly and about everything that was new. And by now, you all became good friends.
,,Welcome to my home,’’ you said, inviting them in. ,,It smells so good…’’ Minho said, actually meaning the good smell from your clothes. ,,Thanks, it’s bulgogi,’’ you smiled, misunderstanding. Taemin laughed at his hyung, who just looked around himself, ready to implant every little detail from your house into his head. ,,Please place your stuff wherever you want it and make yourself feel at home, I will bring something to drink,’’ you said. The boys walked round the house, finally finding the living room and waited for you until you brought something to drink. ,,Let’s make this a funny evening,’’ you laughed and sat down next to Minho. You looked at him and smiled brightly and he couldn’t take his eye off of you. Your lips touched the glass and took a little slip, making Minho gulp. He just realized that he had fallen in love with you. The love you had for your job and what you were doing and how you were doing it. It made him develop strong feelings for you. Both of you wanted to archive something in a different way. ,,So, Y/N, the rumor about you being in love with someone from our company, how true is it?’’ Taemin asked you, wanting to know if the gossip he heard was true. ,,True,’’ you simply said, laughing again and looking at Minho’s reaction, who misunderstood and looked at you. You were in love? Was there someone else in your mind? ,,Who? The CEO? That’s why you want to get up there?’’ Key laughed, teasing you. ,,Yeah, as if that’s my only wish to achieve,’’ you laughed, making Minho feel sad… Was everything he thought about you false?
,,I need some fresh air,’’ he said as he placed down his cocktail and walked outside. It didn’t take long until you followed him with a jacket. ,,Minho, what happened? Are you okay?’’ you called him. You called his name once, twice, and a third time until you could finally grab him by his hand. ,,What’s wrong with you!?’’ you called, making him finally turn around. ,,I...I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!’’ he yelled, his eyes showed agony. ,,Why?’’ you asked him, not understanding his feelings. ,,Everything I knew about you… I thought you were different and fell in love with a totally-’’ without making him finish the sentence, you grabbed his cheeks and pulled him to you, giving him a kiss on his lips with yours. ,,I don’t know what the heck you are talking about, but man, I’m trying to get your attention and achieve stuff for you,’’ you said, waiting for his response. ,,Oh. OH! I thought you-’’ ,,Don’t think too much! You have other strengths!’’ you teased him and kissed him again, explaining afterwards that no one was in love with the CEO. ,,You just overreacted, like always. If for once you would listen till the end, this wouldn’t have happened,’’ Key sighed and began to eat the rice, shaking his head.
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thewriterofkpop · 4 years ago
Hiii! Can I request a Shinee Minho imagine in which he and reader have just started dating. Reader is secretly learning Korean to impress him and Minho is secretly learning her language to impress her?! Thanks!
Minho and Y/N learning each other's language secretly
Awweee! That’s too cute! I hope you like it! I hope you enjoy it!
This was supposed to be a student exchange year; you in Seoul, Korea’s capital. You were supposed to learn a lot about the culture, but instead, you ran into a handsome, young man by accident and suddenly your heart couldn’t stop racing. When you first met Choi MinHo, you could feel your face turn red and your heart race like crazy. Yes, all men in Korea were extremely handsome, but this man was special. ,,Oh? yeppeuda!’’ he grinned. And that’s where you panicked. ,,mi-ahn, han-guk-mal-eul jal mot-hae,’’ you whispered. The boy in front of you kept observing you and that’s where your story began.
He, with his broken English and you with your broken Korean. Six months later you were known as MinHo’s girlfriend; the woman he cherished the most. You were typing some English sentences on your phone to translate them into Korean while MinHo, Key, Onew and Taemin were practicing for their new comeback. ,,Oi, sleeping princess! We are talking to you!’’ Key called you, making you immediately look up and then look at MinHo, who was smiling brightly at you. Smiling back at your boyfriend you got up and approached him, showing you his phone. In Korean, he guessed you told the others that you would go and grab some food. And after everyone agreed, you grabbed your jacket and left. When you opened the door to the room with chicken and beer in your hand, the boys were laughing and joking between them. Except MinHo, no one tried to even explain the situation to you and since it took you time to understand MinHo with his broken English, by the time you understood the conversation, it wasn’t as funny anymore.
,,If the princess would just learn some Korean,’’ Key nagged at you. You knew that Key meant it differently, but his words still hurt your feelings and with an uncomfortable feeling, you held yourself back while they were enjoying their food. I should learn Korean, you thought, lost in your thoughts. And just like you, MinHo decided to learn English, not just for you or himself, but also for Shawols since he was known around the world in the Kpop Industry. And so time passed, with you noticing immediately that you needed someone personally to help you and that your studies at school wouldn’t help you at all. And MinHo decided to first try it with an app on his phone.
,,What are you doing here, picky princess?’’ someone kind of arrogant but also kind hearted asked you on his door, while you stood in his door with a bag filled with food and presents. ,,I need your help, Key,’’ you mumbled. ,,Please teach me Korean,’’ you asked him, giving him the bag and bowing as deep as you could. ,,No. I don’t have time for this,’’ he said and tried to close the door. ,,Please, I beg you… You are the only one I can count on…’’ ,,Did you eat a stone?!’’ he asked you in Korean and you knew from the Happy Together episode that he was asking you if you were out of your mind, but no, you were perfectly clear.
But after he saw you there, standing with trembling lips in front of him, he let you in. And so this teaching situation went on for the next three months. MinHo noticed that you were slowly improving your Korean skills, wishing him a lot of fun while practicing. The funniest was that you could even write a few messages by now. Of course you still romanized a few things, which made it kind of hard for him to understand what you sometimes meant, but he managed. And since your boyfriend was competitive, there was no way that he would leave the situation like this. Learning even harder with his app, he tried to improve his accent too until one day at lunch at the table with his members, the nightmare of everyone who learns a language happened - ,,Had fun learning your new language? To keep learning new ways of speaking pay 55 $ a month’’
,,AISH!’’ he swore a bit too loud. ,,What happened?’’ Taemin asked him, laughing to himself as he saw his hyung kind of pissed. MinHo explained the whole situation and looked really devastated. ,,Ask someone to teach you,’’ Taemin said, looking over to Key and smirking to himself. ,,Never! I am not going to teach another dork!’’ he hissed. ,,Another? You are already teaching someone, but don’t teach your hyung? I will treat you to some food, come on, help me out!’’ MinHo whined. And so it came that Key helped out MinHo to learn english. This went on for two more months until he was annoyed. Way too annoyed to keep this going.
,,Both of them know the basics. Now they can teach each other!’’ he said to himself and called you and afterwards Minho, saying in a cute voice to come over since he had something to teach each of them. Of course, neither of you knew that both of you would go to Key. No, Key even had a better idea and told you to come at 3 pm while MinHo should come at 4 pm. So, while you were there, Key taught you the ultimative sentence. ,,And if I see Minho I should tell him ,,nae jib-eseo naleul sin-eumhage mandeul-eo’’?’’ you asked him. Of course you didn’t know that you just told Minho to have sex at your place. ,,Ye-yes…’’ Key gasped, trying not to laugh because he was so excited to see Hyung's face. And finally, the show began; the door ringed and acting as if he didn’t know who would come over, Key went to open the door and let Minho in.
,,Thank you for having me. I knew that you were- What’s the meaning of this?’’ MinHo asked you in ENGLISH, making you puzzled. ,,Oppa…?’’ you mumbled. Somehow, you felt as if you did something bad. MinHo glared at Key and asked him why his girlfriend was at his place. And you knew that if you didn’t do anything, they would both argue. ,,nae jib-eseo naleul sin-eumhage mandeul-eo!’’ you yelled, really loud. Too loud. Key suddenly began to crack up behind MinHo while the young man began to blush a deep red. ,,Do you even know what you are saying?!’’ MinHo asked you, putting a hand in front of his mouth to show his embarrassment. ,,Key said that this will make you happy so… I don’t want you to fight with him because he taught me Korean!’’ you said in English. ,,Yes, but you said something smutty!’’ Minho told you in Korean. You guys didn’t even realize that you could finally understand each other perfectly fine without needing to use your hands or the phone.
,,So, now since both of you are very good at your second language, you can pack up your stuff and keep studying at your place, right?’’ Key began to smile brightly. ,,You are such a dork,’’ MinHo laughed. You guys stayed for a little bit more with Key and had a lot of fun now that the language barrier wasn’t a problem anymore. ,,Thank you, Oppa,’’ you thanked Key and smiled brightly at him. ,,You are welcome,’’ he nodded. ,,It was funny, right MinHo?’’ MinHo began to laugh ,,You never change, huh?’’ and with that happily you guys went home. ,,Jagiya, nae jib-eseo naleul sin-eumhage mandeul-eo?’’ you asked him again when he arrived in front of your door. ,,Hurry up. I will make you happy,’’ he responded….
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years ago
𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓋𝒾𝑒
⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹
,,That’s a good idea!’’ Shownu called when you asked the boys if they would like to come over to your and Wonho’s apartment to watch a movie. What none knew was that you actually planned to watch a horror movie. Your boyfriend looked at you. Curiosity was written all over his face. ,,I thought we planned something cozy between the two of us…’’ Wonho whined, almost noiselessly. ,,Hoseok, come on! We didn’t do that so long…! You will have me your whole life!’’ you talked back, making him grin at your comment. You all decided to meet up at your place at 9 PM. You prepared some snacks at home together with your boyfriend, Wonho, and the other boys prepared themselves. You tidied up the rooms and then made some popcorn. Since you loved every country's cuisine, you decided to do some bruschetta, French fries, and pork belly. ,,Let’s order some chicken!’’ you called from the kitchen. ,,And please order pizza too!’’ you added. ,,YES!’’ Wonho called back, calling Jooheon and asking him to bring some chicken and pizza. ,,Yes, we already decided that we will bring something…’’ he responded and tried to understand Wonho’s words as the other members laughed loudly. Half an hour later, the other six boys rang at the door with bags full of food. ,,Oh! This will be nice!’’ you laughed. However, this evening would surely take a totally different turn…
You prepared the plates and then sat down next to your boyfriend. Jooheon and Hyungwon on one couch, Minhyuk next to the leader and Changkyun next to Kihyun. At first the atmosphere was good, no one knew which movie you chose, but then it got worse. The first ghost appeared and killed a person, making everyone shriek. But this wasn’t the end. ,,OH MY GOD! THAT’S A PSYCHO!’’ Wonho yelled, hitting Jooheon by mistake on his left. Of course he couldn’t stay silent and began to yell, not knowing that one of his members hit him and spilled the soda he was trying to hold while trembling all over Kihyun, who was sitting on the floor. ,,AHHH A GHOST HIT ME! SHIT!’’ Jooheon yelled out. ,,AISH, JOOHEON, THEY DON’T EXIST!’’ Kihyun yelled out, a bit annoyed that his body was now totally sticky. Although, the mess didn’t stop. Kihyun jumped up, ready to go to the bathroom when the screen became bloody, making him shriek from the sudden turn. While losing balance, he actually fell on Changkyun, who was just biting into his pizza. Of course, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at the mess. Looking over to Hyungwoon’s irritated face wasn’t helping either. Luckily Papa Bear existed, who quickly tried to stop the mess and turned off the TV, making the room completely dark.
,,OH MY GOD!’’ Wonho suddenly yelled, slapping you on your breasts with his hand to feel what was next to him. By the time the leader turned on the lights, you laid on your back on Hyungwoon’s lap with Wonho over you while his hand rested on your breast. ,,Äh, I thought you yelled because you were scared, but I actually think that I got it now…’’ Minhyuk nodded, trying to hold back his laughter. After the whole situation calmed down and you and your boyfriend finally got up again, you all decided to tidy up the place. The couch was wet thanks to the spilled soda and the room smelled like food. ,,Okay, let’s play the whisper game. It’s actually better…’’ you told them, waiting for their reaction, which was really positive. Although, it didn’t take long for Wonho and Jooheon to begin yelling again since the music you chose was a scary soundtrack. ,,I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME!’’ your boyfriend whined, making you and the other members laugh even harder.
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years ago
GOT7 with a Y/N who practices to do hair because she got the notice that she will have a daughter
,,I‘m going… keep me updated, okay?“ your husband told you and tried to make sure that you would keep him updated on your baby’s well being.
You nodded and kissed him, walking him to the door.
,,I‘m sorry that I can’t come along…“ he mumbled again.
,,It’s okay, you have a comeback. I understand that,“ you said.
After all, you were married to GOT7‘s leader.
He smiled and kissed you again before closing the door.
A few hours later, you took your purse, walked out, and took a taxi, ready to see your doctor.
,,Is it okay that you’re here today?“ Jinyoung asked JB, almost whispering.
,,She completely understood it, but you know, I still feel guilty,“ JB laughed in irony.
Just a few minutes later the door opened and even though the boys were just taking a break, everyone jumped up.
You entered the room with a bag full of pink glitter and a doll with long hair.
,,Jagiya, come here and let me test something out!“ you blabbered and quickly put some flowers in his hair.
,,HAHAHAHA!“ Yugyeom began to laugh while he clapped his hands while Jinyoung took pictures.
,,What are you planning to do?“ JB asked you, trying hard to not say it in an annoyed way.
,,I‘m practicing,“ you simply replied.
Everyone stayed silent to think about your words. 
Suddenly, your husband jumped up and looked at you. 
You suddenly began to cry and that’s when he finally understood.
,,A girl?“ he asked you while everyone around you guys laughed happily about the notice.
,,Huh?“ Mark and Youngjae wondered when they came home.
,,What happened to Milo…?“ Youngjae asked.
,,I wonder too…“ he laughed while he saw his dog.
When he entered the living room, there was even more.
Not only was his dog decorated like a Christmas tree with blue and pink hair clips, but all over the table you had brushes and papers with instructions on how to do girlish hair.
Somehow, you suddenly had a big doll with long hair and a few wings.
,,Do you want to become a hair stylist?“ Mark asked and approached you, kissing you deeply and stroking your belly.
,,No, I just went to the doctor and-”
,,Doctor? Why?“ he quickly cut you off.
Panic was written in his eyes, but you didn’t even look up.
Usually Mark managed to come along to every appointment.
,,I felt sick and some kind of pressure, but that’s not the point-”
,,Pressure? Sick?“ Mark shockingly asked you.
His voice suddenly trembled.
,,Why didn’t you call me?“ he asked you.
You were perplexed.
,,Your comeback…“ you guilty mumbled.
,,Yes! But I‘m your husband first!“ he whined and kneeled down.
,,How are you now?“ he asked you, feeling pretty bad that you felt sick without telling him.
,,Could you first let me finish?“ you chuckled and touched his cheeks.
,,It‘s a girl, Mark. A girl,“ you began to sob in happiness.
,,Yes, I will be careful… yes… I know,“ you giggled over the phone as you looked to the monitor that was actually monitoring your heart frequency.
You cut the call and laid your head back as you pulled out a journal and read through it.
You wanted to know how to make hair look beautiful. After all, you just got the news that you would be giving birth to a girl.
,,You lied!“ the door suddenly opened and all the members of GOT7 stood behind him, your husband.
,,You fainted!“ he argued.
Apologetic, you closed the journal and stopped to tie your hair.
Jackson Wang, the most emotional man you ever saw, looked at you.
Your big belly, your hands on it on a hospital bed.
,,Why? What’s wrong?“ he asked you.
You smiled and explained that you just fainted.
,,I just felt sick and suddenly I laid here. Nothing is wrong! You can even ask the doctor! I just didn’t want you to be worried over something so trivial,“ you laughed.
All the boys turned away when they saw Jackson’s face.
,,Trivial?? IT'S YOUR AND OUR BOY’S LIFE!“ he complained.
,,Nope,“ you simply answered.
,,It’s a girl,“ you laughed and showed him the sonogram.
,,Oh, JB! Lend me your long hair!“ you began to laugh when suddenly Jackson hugged you and sobbed into your arms.
,,Don’t hide things like that from me, Y/N…“
Jackson begged one last time before he smiled brightly at you with teary eyes.
,,Ahh…“ Jinyoung sighed as he left for work.
,,Come on, it will be funny!“ you tried to make him feel better.
,,Yes, but it’s also funny with you,“ he complained and packed his things.
He had to leave for three days while you were pregnant.
He hated to leave you alone and now that you were pregnant, he hated it even more.
You gave him a last kiss before he closed the door.
These last three days you spent watching YouTube videos about how to insert hair clips and how to put flowers in hair.
,,Let’s visit them!“ you laughed, something you actually planned.
You wanted to pick up Jinyoung on his last day and actually tell him that your baby was a girl.
You put together everything you needed: a brush, flowers, and some clips.
,,Oh, Y/N!“ JB greeted you as he opened the door for you.
,,Oh, I need you for a moment!“ you laughed which made him nod.
,,Why did you come? It’s dangerous alone…“ your love told you and kissed your forehead after you greeted everyone.
Jinyoung observed you with worried eyes as you began to style JB‘s long hair.
,,Y/N, what are you doing?“ Mark laughed when he saw the yellow and orange clips in his leader‘s hair.
You looked at Jinyoung.
,,Practicing. Jinyoung, you should do the same,“ you told him.
He widely opened his eyes before he came to you and lightly hugged you.
Afterwards the members made you teach them on Jb how to do hair. 
All uncles needed to learn, after all.
,,Oh, sister-in-law, hello!“ Youngjae greeted his sister in law when he came home.
,,Hi, Youngjae!“ she laughed and stayed silent again after you pulled her hair.
,,I need to do this correctly!“ you laughed.
,,What for?“ Youngjae laughed as he kissed you.
But instead of you answering him, he immediately asked you where his brother was.
,,Oppa went out to buy food,“ you quickly told him.
,,Hello, Coco!“ Youngjae laughed when he saw his white dog finally approaching him.
,,Yes, I missed you too!“ he laughed and let his dog lick his face.
Indeed, half an hour later the long awaited brother returned home.
Bags were filled with all kinds of dishes.
,,Oh, Y/N, this looks so good!“ he said when he saw that his wife‘s hair was braided.
,,But I think Youngjae needs more practice,“ he laughed and looked at his brother who looked at him.
,,What for?“ he asked him before he realized.
,,Wait, you know the baby‘s sex?! You went without me??!“ he whined.
,,No, the doctor mistook something and called me and told me,“ you quickly told him.
,,Oh dear! A girl!“ he smiled and kissed you happily.
And since then, both of you spent your days watching hair styling videos on YouTube.
,,Oh, I didn‘t expect this, haha!“ you laughed when you looked at all the dolls your husband bought you.
,,Let’s practice together from now on!“ he laughed and kissed you.
Bambam was excited to have a girl.
You one day joked and told him that now you needed to practice to style hair, but suddenly a few days later your living room seemed as if you were a professional hair stylist.
,,Okay first, you need to brush them,“ you explained and both of you began to brush hair.
,,Then, you need to part the hair…“ you mumbled.
Both of you worked hard to make sure that you would be able to style hair well.
Bambam even began to practice with your hair.
,,So that I can take a matching mother-daughter picture?“ you asked him, overly happy.
BamBam laughed.
,,Ah, so jealous! Maybe I should let my hair grow too?“ he asked you and went on with styling.
,,Good morning… feeling better?“ he asked you.
The day before you went to sleep early because of dizziness.
You nodded and kissed him.
,,Today‘s my appointment, right?“ you asked him sheepishly.
Yugyeom nodded and nuzzled his head against your skin.
Slowly but safely, you guys started to get ready to go to your appointment.
,,I‘m so nervous… we’ll be able to find out the baby’s sex today…“ you chuckled and took Yugyeom‘s hand.
He laughed and helped you to walk up.
The wait was painful, but worth it.
Two hours later, you both stood in a toy store, looking for dolls for the nursery and bought a lot of hair clips.
,,Ohh, a girl! I can dress her beautifully!“ you laughed excited and looked through all the pictures where they explained how you could use the hair clips.
The boys, who came to visit in the evening, were then dammed to stay with pink clips, especially JB whose hair was braided beautifully with a lot of flowers.
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years ago
𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒮𝑒𝓍
Hope you all enjoy this Smutty OneShot! Please feel free to tell me your opinion!
 ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹
,,Mhhm… you’re so good…’’ you moaned and looked down at your boyfriend who was currently licking your wet pussy. ,,I am? Really?’’ he smirked. ,,You know, I already knew that I’m good… I mean, look at this,’’ he then pointed at your pussy, making you breathe in again. Yes, it was true. Just a glance at your boyfriend and he could make your pussy cry. You moistened your lips as you waited for him to go on playing with your pink sex. ,,I like these kinds of cats…’’ he laughed. ,,Meow…’’ you jokingly said and moved your hip up. He softly laughed and went on sucking at your little clit and stroking your walls. Your loud moans filled the room as he stretched your insides. ,,Mhhh, yes, BamBam. Please keep ouhhh-’’ you groaned when he hit your g-spot. ,,Ahh… this is what I was searching for…’’ he laughed again and observed your face while he finger fucked you.
His fingers were still massaging your insides while his mouth now reached your pink nipples. His tongue licked them wet and softly bit your risen up nipple. Nothing could make you moan louder than your boyfriend’s mouth and fingers. Well, there was indeed something else… ,,Can-ouhh please give me your dick, BamBam…!’’ you almost screamed. You could feel his smile on your breast while he slowly went down, licking your chest and belly down to your vulva. Your boyfriend stopped finger fucking your wet pussy and instead put his fingers into your mouth, making you lick your own juices. One more moan escaped your lips as you touched your own salty juices. The cold air hit your vagina as you waited for his dick to enter you. But you knew that your boyfriend loved to tease you. Seeing a vulnerable you below him made his dick even bigger and this was a sight he wanted to see for as long as possible. But then he finally opened his trousers and exposed his already wet boxer shorts.
,,Ouh… I wasn’t the only one…’’ you laughed as you saw the wet spot. ,,Mhm, you also teased me a lot. That’s why, baby, you have no right to complain…’’ he said. He finally pulled down his underwear and showed you his perfectly shaped dick. You gulped. This masterpiece was about to enter you and you were already so excited. BamBam kneeled on the bed and pulled you up. ,,Give me a kiss, babe…’’ he laughed and kissed you deeply. Your hands slowly began to scratch his back with your nails while your breasts touched his perfectly shaped chest. A last moan escaped your mouth before he made you sit on his lap, entering your hole. ,,Finally…!’’ you exclaimed and moaned louder when he moved his hip. You tried your best to ride him as quickly as possible. BamBam used his hands to support his body and lie back while he pushed his hips into yours, making sexy noises. ,,Ouh, baby girl, yeah…!’’ he laughed. You threw your head back as you felt an orgasmn coming up. You were so close to cumming. Oh dear… ,,BamBam, I can’t anymore…’’ you groaned and let your body fall down on his, still moving your hips.
Your skin was wet from the sweat by now and the bed was soaked with your juices by now. ,,Mh….no baby. Let me do it...but don’t cum yet,’’ he begged you and used his hands to push your hips up and down, entering you deeper and deeper. ,,Uhhhh, BamBam...mhhh mhhh mhhh mhhh!’’ you whined, feeling the orgasm by now. BamBam knew that you couldn’t last forever, but he still decided to give you a last shot. He just loved your surprised screams, after all. With his cold hands, he slowly entered your anus, making your roll back once again. A loud scream came across your lips before you rode out your orgasm together with your boyfriend who came as soon as you cried out. ,,How was it?’’ he asked you, proud like a little boy. ,,Gosh. You know that it was amazing…’’ you laughed and kissed him again.
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years ago
Reader who‘s Jinyoung’s roommate, who makes the reader jealous while working as a sex worker, making her life difficult and showing her whenever he‘s making sex/bj with someone.
Hi, okay so I one day got a dm by that anon and I thought ,,Oh! My first request and smut {on this account} !“ lol, I somehow couldn’t stop laughing.This request was kind of interesting. It’s about a Y/N who is Jinyoung’s roommate and he literally fucks everyone she brings ,,home“ to make her jealous and even shows her.So, I hope that you like the story.
Have a nice day
⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹
,,Yeah…“ my boyfriend nodded when I told him that he would like my new apartment.My thoughts were confirmed once again. I needed to break up with him.His characteristics changed ever since we became a couple.At first, he was cute and totally jealous and now he‘s not even looking at me.This wasn’t the kind of relationship I wanted.Not what I was searching for.,,Let’s go…“ I mumbled a few minutes later.Suddenly, he looked at me with a curious face and really asked me, where we would go.I laughed in irony and told him that we wanted to go to my house.,,You wanted to help me install the TV in my room…?“ I tried to make him remember.,,Ahh...we always have to go your way…“ he whined and finally got up.The drive was silent. I was still annoyed, but I knew him perfectly. Without a reason, he wouldn’t allow me to break up with him.At that time, I didn’t know that I would be able to find a reason on the same day.  
,,So annoying…!“ I mumbled as I pushed the door open. In front of me was a beautiful boy.He was much taller than me.His hair looked stylish and I felt myself blushing.,,Oh, hi. You must be my roomates‘ boyfriend…?“ I shyly asked, hoping for a no.,,No, haha,“ he laughed.Oh my. His laugh was so handsome. It was like a melody in my ears.He gave me his hand and told me his name like a gentleman.,,Park Jinyoung. Nice to meet you. I‘m your roommate,“ he laughed.
Oh fuck.
My boyfriend lazily sat on the couch while me and Jinyoung were trying to make my TV work.,,Okay. I think it should work now. If not, you know where you can find me, haha,“ he laughed, making my heart drop.He was such a cutie and he seemed single.No pictures and no ring.,,But is it okay for you to stay here… you were about to go, weren’t you?“ I asked him.,,Yeah, don’t worry. It was something about work that can wait,“ he nicely told me.,,Okay… sorry for earlier. The landlord just told me that… no, I just assumed you were a woman. Sorry!“ I laughed.He nodded and told me that it was perfectly fine.,,Y/N, won’t ya cook something?“ I suddenly heard an annoying voice.I glanced back and looked at my boyfriend.He was completely concentrated on his phone. He didn’t even care a bit about me.I mean, I was here, sitting with another man.Didn’t he care?I felt Jinyoung’s eyes on me, observing me.
,,I heard you earlier,“ he chuckled and made me look back at him.What did he mean?,,The right moment will come soon,“ he laughed.I nodded without knowing what he meant and instead got up.,,I will buy kimchi and chicken… nothing more, right?“ I asked.My boyfriend once again didn’t answer. Instead, Jinyoung told me that that was good enough.And so I left.,,I mean, who would let his girlfriend go out at night alone?“ I asked myself half an hour later.I stayed in front of my new house for a few seconds. Moans?I wasn’t sure if I heard right, but I thought that someone just moaned from the inside of my apartment.,,Are they watching porn together…?“ I whispered to myself.I ignored the weird feeling and instead opened the door.Without saying a word, I stepped in. My curiosity led me to Jinyoung‘s room.I quickly glanced into my room again to make sure that my boyfriend really wasn’t in my room before I opened the door.
My brain stopped working as I saw the two boys.My boyfriend laid half naked on the bed of a stranger while the handsome stranger, also named Jinyoung, bobbed his head up and down, taking his length fully in his mouth.His fingers were all over my boyfriend‘s body as his hands pulled the sheets.,,Ahhhhhhhh…“ he moaned, noises I couldn’t even hear when I did something to him.Jinyoung glanced at me as he took the fully erected dick out of his mouth. And then my boyfriend came.In disbelief, I kept my eyes on my panting boyfriend.,,That would be… 36.094,80 Won,“ Jinyoung nodded.My boyfriend glanced up. Apparently, he couldn’t believe what he said.Then he finally noticed that I stood in front of them.,,Oh my god-Y/N!“ he shrieked.,,Pay him and fuck off,“ I hissed. I was surprised by myself. My voice wasn’t as weak as I thought it would be. I was stronger than I thought.In disbelief, he looked between me and Jinyoung, quickly paid him, and then put on some clothes.
I haven't seen him since then.
But the situation between me and Jinyoung changed completely.,,Disgusting! You just gave my boyfriend a blowjob! What the hell is wrong with you?!“ I asked him angry.I wasn’t really hurt, just shocked that my ex boyfriend dared to cheat on me in my house. But I wasn’t hurt.Jinyoung smiled and observed me before he picked up the meals I let fall and told me to go into the kitchen.Days passed and whoever I brought home had sex with my roommate a few minutes later.Jinyoung didn’t even try to hide it!
My landlord who was supposed to check MY ROOM ended up in his room.Jinyoung left the door open and I ended up seeing him pumping his swollen dick into the landlord's ass…Jinyoung must be a sexgod, I mumbled to myself after I pressed my head on a pillow and tried not to cry.This was an awful feeling.,,Guys,“ I whined when I saw my friends and told them about my roommate.,,Maybe he‘s a sex worker,“ one of them mumbled.I looked at her.,,I have nothing against it. I mean, do whatever you want, but he shows me!“ I explained once again.They both nodded.,,I hate it,“ I went on.,,Could it be,“ one of my friends began slowly to say ,,that you’re jealous? I mean, maybe you have feelings for him…“ she told me.But I quickly shook off this feeling.But, what if she was right?
A few days passed and Jinyoung kept calling me to bring over some stuff.When I arrived, he was again fucking someone’s face.,,Why the hell do I even respond to his calls?!“ I asked myself.This time I decided to call a specialist.I wanted to talk over it with the three of us, but when I ended up bringing the water into the living room, I saw that once again, Jinyoung was below the table and was pleasuring the man I just took home.Tears suddenly left my eyes as I dropped everything I was holding.,,WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS?! JUST MOVE OUT!“ I screamed and hid in my room.
Tears left my eyes and I couldn’t breathe correctly anymore. I felt sad, unmotivated, and hated.Why would he do something like that? Why?Suddenly, I heard the front door close.I got up. My teary face must have looked swollen and ugly, but I still stepped out.Then I saw his face.,,Why are you crying?“ he asked me, sad.I glared at him and kept hiccuping.,,Because you… fuck everything and everyone!“ I complained.,,Everyone besides you..?“ he asked me, and slowly stroked my neck.I didn’t dare to pull back. A different feeling of pleasure and happiness overcame me.I felt strange. It was as if my heart was about to burst.As if I would collapse in his arms from dizziness and heat…,,You’ll just use me…“ I whined as my hands wandered up to his chest.,,No. With you my sex work finished,“ he moaned and sucked at my earlobe.
,,Mh… no…“ I whined as his hands suddenly stroked my naked skin.He pushed his hands below my shirt and massaged my breasts.With just one hand he got rid of my bra.His lips were still at my neck as he rubbed my nipples.Moans escaped my lips.,,I love you…“ he gasped and pulled off my shirt.I watched him, in heat and disbelief.,,I tried to make you jealous,“ he moaned and kissed his way down to my vulva. My nipples, my stomach, and then down there.With low strength he put me up and brought me to the next furniture.He seated me there and quickly got rid of my pants before he dug his tongue into my hole.,,Mhhh I‘m so hot! I‘m so near!“ I yelled as his tongue flicked my clit, his fingers were inside me.,,You’re so tight. I-” he breathed.He looked at me.With my last strength I grabbed his cheek and kissed him deeply.He moaned into me as I suddenly heard his pants getting unbuckled.,,OH!“ I gasped.
Jinyoung stopped and made me adjust to his length.Quickly, the pain I felt became pleasurable and only our moans were heard.Our bodies slapped together. Wet sounds and our gasps were making the melody.,,Oh, fuck, you‘re so big…“ I cried, throwing my head back as he increased his speed.He put me up and pressed me against the wardrobe which was kind of painful but felt good at the same time.,,I‘m CUMMING!“ I yelled and let my fluids go, my head on his shoulder as he kept pushing his dick into me.A last twitch and Jinyoung spit his white cum into me, making the fluids mix and droll down my legs.,,I‘m not finished yet…“ he gasped and licked my body...
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years ago
𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓋𝒾𝑒
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,,Come okay… Mark pleeeaaaaassseee!“ you begged him. JB laughed at how you begged him to bring you to the cinema. ,,What’s the problem? I mean, you need to make your girl happy!“ BamBam called from behind. Mark turned around and responded ,,She wants to watch ,,It“,“ Mark explained.  The members in the room nodded. They all understood why Mark didn’t want to take you there. ,,Okay… I will ask one of my co-workers…“ you sulked. Suddenly Mark looked up. ,,I hope that there aren’t a lot of people…“ he complained, making you jump. ,,Thank you, thank you, thank you!“ you giggled, kissing him all over his face. ,,Girlfriends are scary…“ Yugyeom commented as he watched Mark. A few hours later, you and Mark stood in the cinema.
Barely anyone was around you. That was good. At least no one would recognize him or laugh at him yelling out of fear. Indeed, a few minutes later the movie started and you and Mark sat close together. ,,Thank you…’’ you mumbled. ,,It's okay…’’ he laughed, holding your hand. ,,But you have to pay me back somehow…’’ he responded, giving you a clear idea of what he wished for. The movie, however, didn’t go the way you imagined. It turned to the worst. Not even your darkest nightmares were like that. You hid your head between the seats, hugging Mark as tightly as possible. ,,Is it over?!’’ you asked him, scared because of the screams that the movie made. ,,I’m not sure, Y/N!’’ Mark hissed back. He then told you that he was hiding too. Both of you spent the movie like that. The whole time you were looking up and looking away again. At some point, however, you couldn’t take it anymore. You quickly turned on your phone’s flashlight and gathered your stuff. ,,MARK, COME WITH ME!’’ you yelled, trying to overpower the movie. Your boyfriend didn’t even look up, but simply followed your lead as you pulled him out of the dark room. Once you were outside, both of you began to calm down. Your hearts were beating quickly.
,,Okay, I will never take you to a horror movie again, Y/N!’’ he complained. ,,I will never ask for it again…’’ you nodded, feeling distressed. You actually wondered how people could watch these kinds of genres. Afterwards, both of you decided to return home after the big flop. Hand in hand you and Mark walked through the street. It was dark and deserted which made things even worse. But now, Mark suddenly turned into the typical boyfriend and held your hand tightly in his, leading the way until he saw your appartement. Once inside you walked into the kitchen and unpacked everything you found to feed your hard working boyfriend. ,,Okay… so… I can give you your payback, if you want…’’ you mumbled randomly, pressing your lips together. You intensively looked at him who suddenly choked up his food.
,,You-you mean… now?’’ he asked you and placed down his food. His words made you blush. Now that he said it like that you were actually embarrassed. But this embarrassment was quickly forgotten. You simply ignored it and acted. You slowly pulled up his yellow pullover. As soon as he was in his shirt your lips hit his, making him moan into you. His hands played along with you, stroking your body and your perfect curves. You chuckled and put your hands below his shirt, warming up your cold hands. Mark gasped at the cold hands and shivered for a short moment before he moaned at your touch. Your fingers met his nipples and your lips his mouth. ,,Thank you…’’ you laughed again before he pulled off your clothes and began to kiss your breast.
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years ago
𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓋𝒾𝑒
⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀☆҉‿➹⁀☆҉ •⠀ ⠀
,,Hey Babe!“ you yelled when you heard the door opening. Jackson Wang, your boyfriend since a few years, just entered your shared apartment, coming home from the studio where he and the other members from GOT7 prepared for a new comeback. You happily jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his hips. Your arms were supporting your body. He was so muscular and sexy that you couldn’t hold back your lips from kissing his soft mouth. He tasted kind of salty because he probably sweat a bit. Jackson moaned against your mouth as his hands held your back. ,,How was work?“ you asked him, when your lips released his. He looked at you, his eyes seemed a bit sad, making you wonder if he argued with the members which were really important to him. Jackson put you down and gave you the chance to touch his soft cheeks. ,,Mhh? What’s wrong, my handsome king?“ you softly asked him. ,,Nothing…“ he mumbled, looking down. ,,Don’t look down, the crown will fall!“ you laughed, giving a smile. ,,The boys laughed a bit because I‘m such a scary cat...I realized that perhaps I couldn’t protect you…“ he finally confessed, making you chuckle. ,,Jackson, in moments when you need to protect me, you’ll know what you have to do. And it’s okay. Do you remember when a cameraman pushed away the girl that was holding an umbrella for you? It was a scary moment, but you stood there, telling him to not do that! Other idols would have ignored him!’’ you tried to tell him. ,,Do you really think that?’’ he asked you and kissed you. You nodded and went on. 
,,Know what? Let’s watch The Walking Dead! I’ve never seen it, but friends have told me that it’s pretty good!’’ you told him and took his hand, pulling him to the couch. ,,Wait wait wait!’’ he called out, making you wonder if he was really that scared. ,,I first want to shower…’’ he laughed, embarrassed. You nodded and let him take a shower. While he took his shower you prepared the living room, pulling out the cozy blankets and making popcorn. ,, it looks like these couple pictures on instagram…’’ you laughed. Jackson just approached you and kissed you as he heard your words. He praised your work and then sat down. You laid your head back and put it on his shoulder. A hand in the bowl which was filled with popcorn while the other one turned on Netflix.
,,OH! OH Fuck, it’s so disgusting!’’ he yelled out, hiding his head on your shoulder. ,,Okay okay it’s over!’’ you called back, grabbing his shirt. As soon as both of you looked over to the screen again, a disgusting zombie appeared again, making you shriek loudly as if someone just tried to kill you. You spilled the popcorn all over the couch as Jackson kept yelling. At some point you both stopped watching, but instead kept your heads between the pillows.
,,TURN IT OFF!’’ you yelled at Jackson, not daring to look up again to turn off the TV. ,,NO, YOU DO IT!’’ he yelled back, trying to overhear the yells. ,,Okay…it stopped…’’ you mumbled with a trembling voice. You quickly took the remote and turned off Netflix. Both of you sat next to each other in the dark, trembling because of the disgusting scenes you just saw. ,,Okay…it was okay for our first time…’’ you mumbled and looked at Jackson. He nodded, but actually confessed that he probably wouldn’t be able to save you in the case a zombie apocalypse were to happen. You chuckled and kissed him, softly so that he could feel your breath. ,,Let me tidy this mess and then let’s watch something funny and fall’’ With that, he pulled you back and made you lay on top of him. ,,Please distract me now...I never had sex on top of popcorn…’’ he confessed. With that, you two began your sexy act…
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