theunlovelypoet · 7 years
You are (I am) a garden of scars still blooming, breasts like pale roses grown in between fence slats (hedgetrimmers won’t clip. Rather, spiral outwards and back in tandem with the days they are beauty and the evenings they are pain.)          (S)he is          (I am)          deep in a betwixt that screams twilight          louder, growing, louder than a crowds eyes          chewing, like stale tobacco, a self-proclaimed self.          (Mind-teeth grind          identity into a fine powder,          tongues run, saliva a dismantling diction, smoothly          along cavities-turned-caverns that are not their own.) We–me, us, together–are seismic fault-lines inside earthquake; dandelions having cracked the sidewalk to be seen; dismembered, deconstructed, denied; a light switch scotch-taped halfway up nor down.
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theunlovelypoet · 8 years
i actually… love people who double or triple or infinity text … what are you excited about because i’m excited too! message me seven times please i’m glad you have a lot to say and i am willing to listen!!
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theunlovelypoet · 8 years
Another (hopefully?) good one: if you can't wear boxers for whatever reason, but want to, try wearing plaid pajamas under your actual pants. With the waist band sticking out a bit they resembles boxers, and can be real comforting.
hi im a trans boy and i have a( hopefully helpful?) tip for anyone who wants to wear "mens" clothes: i frequently borrow my older brothers' clothes (mainly hoodies and pullovers) and they give me a lot of confidence!! So if u cant buy any mens (1/2)
(2/3 apparently i cant fit everything into 2 msgs so its three!) clothes urself for some reason, try asking ur older brothers or even friends !! same goes to nb trans fem trans girls and so on as well! 
(3/3) if u cant leave the house wearing fem/masc clothes bc of transphobic family, u are still in the closet, etc, u can always go change in a restroom at a gender friendly store like target!
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
Ars Poetica
Words about Words seep deep morphing bones, replacing marrow.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
How’s your      Grammar today?
in     opposition     to                              The Singular                               (though purely an academic critique)
in     opposition     to                               “Them”                               (whom?)
Presumably. Presumably
in the face of:
No Sympathy for oxford comma . . .      Here and begrudgingly dropped syntax . . . There
       ( subject        verb         object,      remember?)        (i.e  Self       i.e. Deny   i.e. Identity-- nope)
No unnecessary prepositions                                        Anywhere
No exceptions                                                              Ever
And, stubbornness standing          sentry, Tin-Soldier             stewing staunchly in                        (read: bravely)                                                   The
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
The weirdest thing about growing up as an Irish Catholic is that you feel ashamed, but you’re never quite sure what it is you’re ashamed of.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
What have you done, when a Crucifix stirs in tears, the Ouiji Board nonsense shrivels up in footprints, echoing, echoing from drawn-away youth finally leaving For Good?
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
I wish I could tear my body apart and re-build it the way I feel like it's supposed to be. I wish I could stop feeling awful when I look in the mirror. I wish I didn't feel guilty for feeling good when I look in the mirror. I wish I could be percieved as what I am. I wish people didn't laugh or tell me I'm not real. I wish grammar didn't override my pronouns and self-worth. Sometimes, I really wish I wasn't queer. Even though I don't want to wish that at all.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
In Which: Seasons Cycle
In which:
small petal'd hands, stretch stained, tiny purple buds aside, open their infant-grip fists
In which:
dawn banks, drunk and gurgling, heaps of heat aside, calling cicadas to wake
In which:
elderly extremities rot, red as madness, curled inward edges aside, eat their leaves in sacrifice
In which:
a sigh becomes hoarfrost, burdened by thought, theatrical grandeur aside, speaks rhapsody in ice
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
Savior Self
When  nothing remains to be saved grey matter throbs, thrives, pulses like the Heart unawares of it's decades-long stillness, stupor, slumber, and yawns away half-death
When nothing remains to be saved synapses scream of No Savior--only Self.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
dear mentally ill people:
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for taking a shower
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for finally finishing that one homework assignment that’s been missing for weeks
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for going a few hours without wanting to die
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for going a few hours without thinking about your traumatic experiences
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for eating
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for raising your hand in class
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for not having to make your friend talk to the cashier for you
you are allowed to be proud of yourself for things that neurotypicals might find easy and/or insignificant
you are allowed to be proud of yourself because you are strong and you can do this and i love you
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
Howl, Bound World
Leaf blown, blood borne-- who's that howling pangs of gnawing wonder, face bathed in shadows towards any other moon?
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
Daughter, falling
on the wind a leaf latched, red-faced and blue born, weeping into a downdraft.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
involuntarily, a hush sifts greenly through the canopy, all sunshine shades of softness, and shadow sounds
of sky.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
Tumblr media
Not a boy. Not a girl. Go away. Or please love me anyway.
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
Twitter: where I get told to kill myself everyday for being myself, supporting marginalized groups, practicing intersectional feminism, speak out against abuses against me and others, systemic oppression etc., and StarWars
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theunlovelypoet · 9 years
For Those Who Don't See Race
Diaspora in technicolor Pinwheeling across Borderlands, Continents, Warzones-- And you say that you're Colorblind?
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