The Doctor and the Master
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Doctor: *giggle* - You have reached the good ship TARDIS. *giggle* We're rather - *giggle* - busy at the moment, *giggle* *giggle*so leave a message after the beep and we'll try to get back to you before you called. *giggle*-- Stop that! *giggle* *giggle*We really *should* change that message.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thetwodegrees-blog · 10 years ago
Had a nightmare last night teling the events of something I had only pieced together had happened a few months ago.Basically, I am now almost 100% certain that it's true and have been feeling really off and shitty all day.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, this blog is defunct. I am almost certainly not coming back to this blog with these characters. The account wil stay just so I can maintain another account so I can post things like this after hitting post limit on my main blog.
So the only thing you'll really ever get from me is sad stuff about my personal life.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 10 years ago
Alright, welcome to team: Not-Quite-Sure-How-To-Deal-With-Humans. Oh, and you have to excrete waste, don't you? You don't seem the size to be able to use a toilet; how would you like to do that so as not to cover our things in waste?
"We are not getting a pet." -- theyoungmasterkoschei
"But Koschei! Look at it!" Theta held the kitten up, gently supporting the gray tabby in a way they had googled how to do very nearly immediately before walking in the door. "It’s so tiny and cute and fluffy!" This was all said with an undertone of ‘I am 100% confident that we are getting a pet, and it’s going to be this one.’
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thetwodegrees-blog · 10 years ago
"Think you can bring us home some of that powder, then so we can test it to see if there's some sort of bacteria, or parasite living in it? Plenty of bacteria can look like powders, but a virus could be hidden in one, too."
The two of them made their way to the bakery, and Ko tried to look as normally human as possible. They saw some youths and tried to imitate their posture; it was a strange sort of vertical lounge that the Time Lord wasn't quite getting right. 
Usually, Theta would be mildly offended that Koschei had spat out the bread. They would make an exception for dangerous possibly-mind-controlling plant, though. "{And what if it's planted itself so deeply into the local subconscious that nobody knows it's not supposed to be there?}"
"{That’s what I’ve been thinking." Кощзи thought a bit. "{Do you think, perhaps… no, it’s useless to start guessing before we have any information. Let’s go!}"
They throws on a jacket and pauses before they leave — they’s only wearing a plain t-shirt, and that’s far more casual than Ko would usually leave the house in. But they is unsure if they should get immediately onto solving the problem, or if they should switch. They wait at the door not saying what they’re thinking allowing Theta to make the decision if they even notice what they’s wearing.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 10 years ago
"The coffee will be cold if we go to the bakery after. Cake, muffins, more of that bread..." Ko was thinking. "We should see how the flavouring is done."
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Usually, Theta would be mildly offended that Koschei had spat out the bread. They would make an exception for dangerous possibly-mind-controlling plant, though. "{And what if it's planted itself so deeply into the local subconscious that nobody knows it's not supposed to be there?}"
"{That’s what I’ve been thinking." Кощзи thought a bit. "{Do you think, perhaps… no, it’s useless to start guessing before we have any information. Let’s go!}"
They throws on a jacket and pauses before they leave — they’s only wearing a plain t-shirt, and that’s far more casual than Ko would usually leave the house in. But they is unsure if they should get immediately onto solving the problem, or if they should switch. They wait at the door not saying what they’re thinking allowing Theta to make the decision if they even notice what they’s wearing.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
Fuck this shit
The BSA is pushing the youth designation down to 18 for all media of scouting (it's already 18 in the Boy Scouts, but in Venturing, Sea Scouts, the OA and everything else, it's 20). This will mean I would get bumped out of Venturing during my last year in the program (it's likely to come into effect during Spring 2015, I'll be 20 and unable to participate until my 21st birthday as had been expected).
I have loved being a part of the Boy Scouts, and I am from the Boston Minuteman Council, where we have had, since 2002, the official policy of non-discrimination, and I have been allowed. However, I will be living in Florida and was hoping to participate in scouts there, and now may be unable to/now find it will probably not be worth it.
Unfortunately, BMC's non-discrimination policy doesn't extend to National, so if they find out you're queer, then you can be kicked out and there is nothing the local council can do to protect you.
Fuck this shit, but support the BMC if you can. And I have no idea what BMC's reaction will be to it, but I'll keep people posted on it if they want to be.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
what if when we finally meet the aliens and they ask us what the name of our galaxy is and after it’s been translated into their language they find out that we call it “the way the has the qualities of a liquid produced in the mammary glands of mammals” and they’re just like what. dude what. what the fuck
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
The Doctor: Susan and I are cut off from our own planet, without friends or protection.
Susan: Well that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been named after a fucking plant
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
The Master ate his dormouse. It was exquisite. He smiled outwardly. Not yet in his adult life, though when exactly he stopped being a kid is hard to measure, being a Time Lord and all, had the Master prepared anything but a wonderful meal. Reigning as Queen of various earthen lands he had never hired a chef and always prepared his own food.
The Doctor, however, was salivating. Not that he exactly needed food, it hadn't been that many days since his last meal, but it looked so good. He never wanted to miss out on the Master's meals. They were a way for them to bond.
"You didn't poison my meal this time, did you?" Not that the Master would overlook something like that.
"Well, to be honest, I did. But I'm eating that one. Don't you worry, Tsuki, your food is perfectly safe."
If asked Tsuki would confirm it; she could indeed teleport other things with her, people, animals, even whatever else was on her person. It required physical contact of course, she had to be touching whoever, or whatever, she was taking with her and focusing on moving it along with herself, but it could had worked before. But teleporting out of Tardis’ could be difficult than getting out; she figured it was because of the Tardis telepathic circuits, getting into her head and connecting just enough to pull her back, but she knew there had to be more to it than that. Still she could teleport out at times, it was not impossible.
Looking to the Master she noticed it as well and raised an eyebrow, wondering why the Master suddenly had a glint in his eye. But as the Doctor didn’t mention it, and he obviously saw too, she kept her comments to herself.
Reminded about the food she blinked then looked at it. It really did look good if not a bit abnormally alive almost; but she was far beyond the realm of being startled or bothered by such things. One didn’t survive as friends with some of the people she knew, and with some of the pets she had, to be surprised by mere representation. Tsuki started to eat.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
Dude the gamecube sucked
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
He was watching her breathing and heart-rate; heart-rate would be difficult for most to measure, but between his more than 3000 year lifespan and the increased metrical abilities coming with being an android, he could tell what was happening.
"I'll be out in a moment and you can return to what you were doing."
He untucked the corners of the sheets from the bed.
"It does seem a bit of a waste to let the new sheets get so dirty right after changing them. Are you sure you don't want to finish?"
YOUR MUSE CATCHES MY MUSE MASTURBATING AND HEARS THEM UTTER YOUR MUSES NAME, WHATS YOUR/MY MUSES REACTION TO BEING CAUGHT? "Oh, my dear Tsuki. Glad to hear you're having fun. Don't mind me, just tidying up. No, continue, please I insist. Well, if you need some help getting started back up again, I guess I could help you out. But this is *just* because I want to return to cleaning as soon as possible." -- Master
(My first response to this was to go “Oh my god!” and try to hide under my hat XD Rassilon damnit, you come back and this is how you return? XD)
Tsuki squeaked when she was caught and hid, bright red. She didn’t even know what she should say but she certainly didn’t expect for this to happen. This was certainly embarrassing.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
Wholligans are fans of the Who, though
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
(I had such a tamer idea of what the maid outfit looked like before seeing that picture XD If the Master is seriously dressed like that Tsuki may not be able to resist laughing much longer XD)
It was either that or so, you have your pick which you'd prefer (and I'll post this publicly so other followers can see)
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
If by Ouran, you mean Ouran High School Host Club, then I understand (especially understanding the sheltered rich kid thing). But I've actually never watched it. A lot of my friends do/did but I have never even seen the first episode
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(I loved the timeline by the way, really interesting; still, gave me too many ideas XD)
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
I made some edits. It may be relevant
Time Line
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
My timeline re-working will have Fixed Point events from NuWho take place with travelling do-gooder young-ish Master as the protagonist. Okay, I can do this.
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
[[Do you have any ideas on how to start the thread? Would you like to travel with us or anything? I like the idea of the interaction, but I don't have any plot ideas. Also, do you think Susan already knows that the Master is the other grandfather? Someone asked me that and I hadn't considered the question already.]]
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thetwodegrees-blog · 11 years ago
He had it. The Master's eyes flashed a little bit. It was the teleporting, especially the teleporting onto TARDISes. [[I want to pluralise it as TARDES, but I need to come up with a relevant backronym for that]]. He still wants to get out, perhaps she might be able to take him with her. She brought a sword and clothes and many of the other non-biological items she normally has (or so it seems) and presumably many of the biological ones that share her person (microbes and the like; the Rani had told him various things before. He'd never been particularly interested when she talked about biology).
Anyway, the glint is noticeable. The Doctor notices it but doesn't say anything -- he is as of yet unaware how much the Master wants to escape the TARDIS.
"Well, don't ignore your food, my dear. It'll get cold."
[[I've forgotten what this meal was, I'll go check. Ah, yes. Roast dormice.]]
They were well fattened, taken just before their hibernatory period and stuffed with pork, nuts, garlic and black pepper then roasted glazed sweetly and prepared on a small nest of lettuce and vegetables to make a small nest for them to almost look like they're sleeping. Of course they're hairless now, but the presentation is still a touch startling.
Even she had to admit she was a bit surprised by that though considering all the other incarnations she met had actually been rather content to keep her around, not even mentioning the earliest one’s repeated attempts to just keep her not leaving. But Tsuki was glad for it; this Master seemed actually rather pleasant, as did the Doctor of course, and the idea she was welcome to stay was definitely very nice. She smiled some, “Well I do try to be better company than most animals are.”
She turned to the Doctor and then proceeded to listen to the conversation between the two Time Lords. Tsuki was interested to know what other reasons the Master might have for keeping her around and when the Master told the Doctor he was being punished for getting a new pet, she actually allowed herself to laugh some. They really were sort of like children.
"I’m happy to stay as long as you don’t mind having me around," she said smiling; she could tell this would not be a boring place to be with two Time Lords. Even if one seemed to be made of metal.
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