Hey I have something to say
dear blue live matter,
It's kind of strange that you chose that because you could have been clm (cops live matter) or plm (police live matter) but you had to take the acronym from black lives matter. And make it about police. It seems pretty sus if you ask me.
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Hello A(ll)LM
Today I will share my one though with you. Here we go.
Alm is usually only brought up when b(lack)lm is too. If you support alm truly to it's meaning you would take a stand with b(lack)lm. So until alm is brought up with out b(lack)lm then you can say it's not only used to counter b(lack)lm. Now to people who think b(lack) is saying only black lives matter you can go on down.
To think about it another way would be number groups in math. Alm is rational numbers and b(lack)lm is integers. One is a subpart of another.
And to those using blm as b(lue) lives matter it's false on a statement sense unless talking about smurfs. Being a cop is a career, something you can leave as you please. yes they might be in danger but it's a danger they signed up for. You can take off the badge and walk out. You can not take off your skin.
And finally those "who say go back where you came from if you hate here." They were born here. Unless your taking about their great-grandparents, or even great-great-grandparents. Sure some are from other countries but most fighting for b(lack)lm are from America.
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Resource for justice for Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain
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Learn what they are fighting for https://blacklivesmatter.com/
Banners to shut up idiots with white fragility
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No credit needed, just please reblog so others can see
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Bill cipher says Black Lives Fucking Matter. Click for better image quality.
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