The name's Raleign. Ray-lean for you douchebags that keep pronouncin' it wrong. You can find me in Novac if you really want. That's it, you can go now. (Look in tags for info on other verses.)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
So are you still gonna be rping on the account for a bit? And if not is your new account still gonna be on Tumblr? (Raileign is a fantastic character btw, I don't think she needs much editing :3)
Thank you, anon! o3o
Nah, this blog is going to be an archive because of my hoarding status with threads (i love them lbr lbr).
Anyway, the new account is thesnarkywanderer, same as usual!
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This is the message you get when you dial the number at the bottom of
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Blog Relevant Post
About the status of Rai and this blog because I keep disappearing.
tl;dr – Joined forum RPs, realized I like the organization. Thinking about either remaking entirely or leaving this blog to be an archive while making a ~*new*~ blog to focus on more plot-driven stuff. Suggestions and comments welcome.
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I’d probably make this like rai-archive or something and then remake as thesnarkywanderer so there’s no confusion?
Blog Relevant Post
About the status of Rai and this blog because I keep disappearing.
tl;dr – Joined forum RPs, realized I like the organization. Thinking about either remaking entirely or leaving this blog to be an archive while making a ~*new*~ blog to focus on more plot-driven stuff. Suggestions and comments welcome.
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Let’s go, pal.
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Blog Relevant Post
About the status of Rai and this blog because I keep disappearing.
tl;dr -- Joined forum RPs, realized I like the organization. Thinking about either remaking entirely or leaving this blog to be an archive while making a ~*new*~ blog to focus on more plot-driven stuff. Suggestions and comments welcome.
Aha. Yes. Hello. It’s been a couple days since I’ve left for state and finally came back and whatnot.
I have a confession.
I...joined forum RPGs. One of which was a Fallout themed one. Well, as it turns out, I’m actually more organized and capable when it comes to forum RPs because it’s easier for me to just...well, code and write and keep track of everything I’ve written and who and what I’ve threaded. I feel it has more structure and it’s not really Tumblr’s fault this blog is unstructured; it’s mainly my fault, for being unorganized and unmotivated.
So that kind of brings me to the point.
Ah, well, I’m not one hundred percent sure that I will be keeping this account. I would love to just simply revamp it, but then I have inactive followers, people who have no clue what is going on, and etc. etc. Chances are this might turn into an archive (as much as I dislike to say that ugh) because I’m a sucker for memories -- including Rai’s old romances, her old character quirks and traits, and her little threads that I will always love and cherish.
I kind of lied in the beginning when I said this was about me disappearing. Part of the reason I keep disappearing is because Rai is a bit...flawed. Not in the sense that she’s a flawed human, but I felt sometimes as if she lacked depth and as if sometimes I made her a bit OOC.
Of course, she’s evolving constantly because that’s how characters work, but I think I finally have her down more or less and I’d really like to start over at the point where she is right now (struggling to stay drug free, struggling to find out what she’s doing with her life, and wanting to explore). I’d really love to keep Rai’s older friendships with theinterns-muses and vince-and-caleb and sparks-the-disgruntled, if they’d like to do that. Also ahem behindcyberneticeyes I’m always still down for keeping these two married. ;)
As for the status of everyone else, things got lost and confused because non serious threads came and went and so we just kinda...never RPed, so I think this would be a chance to start over. She had her little group of friends and nows a chance to really expand that. If I do decide to move the blog over and make this an archive or delete this blog altogether, I think I will put more emphasis on more, uh, serious/plot-driven threads (not that I’ll keep it stiff and boring, we all know I’m not about that life lbr) to keep my motivation.
So that’s it! I’m pretty sure I’m just going to move the blog over and make this an archive but I’d love to hear suggestions or thoughts! Lots of love.
#+ooc#i'll reblog again for the morning crowd#i just thought i'd leave this here#either way i'm probably not going to continue rping on this blog#it's so old
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*whispers seductively in everyone’s ears*
fallout 4
#+ooc#surprise bitches#bet you thought i'd left AGAIN#truth: i'm just lazy#ahem anyway i should be back at least for a little while because i have plot ideas for once
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“Fuck you,” she shot back, still not sure how to adjust to this new body. “You had to have done something. Someone after ya? Don’t tell me ya like, got a crazy witch after ya or something. God, I knew I shouldn’ta hung around with you.”
“this is NOT happening” (( Should be gud B) ))
“Goddamn, why is this power armor so heavy?” Raleign groaned before promptly realized why she was wearing the power armor. She gasped in utter horror. “What did you do, you asshole?”
#lonewandererjohnhudson#ic#+shenanigans#v; mo' problems#all these threads just make me go#what nerds#it's quite magical actually
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“He had a demonic book or whatever and he’s kinda street-wise, ya know? I think he would know,” she replied, trying to take a step. It was surprisingly hard to balance herself; two minutes ago, she had been a 5′1″, agile lady and now...
“Okay, this might take awhile.”
"This can NOT be happenin'," Vincent muttered. He looked down. "Y'know maybe this isn't so bad..."
Raleign reached out to slap Vince’s arm, but stopped when she saw her new arms. Everything was too big. Instead, she kept to scolding. “I swear ta god if ya take a peek underneath that tank top I will end your life.”
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“Sparks what the hell did you do!? If you duct taped my door shut again, I’m kickin’ yer ass when I get out of here!”

Sparks and Rai got 20. Duct Tape. You’d think he’d be less of am asshole after shed been missing for months. thesnarkywanderer
#probablyanrpblog#ic#+shenanigans#v; mo' problems#LOUD PTERODACTYL SCREECHING#STEPH PLZ#also id like to think this is not the first time this has happened
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She stammered for a moment and then hid his face in his hand. “I wasn’t aware of the feelin’ until now and I don’t want to feel this,” she mumbled back at him. “Maybe Sparks’ll know what ta do, he’s smart about this kinda stuff, I think.”
"This can NOT be happenin'," Vincent muttered. He looked down. "Y'know maybe this isn't so bad..."
Raleign reached out to slap Vince’s arm, but stopped when she saw her new arms. Everything was too big. Instead, she kept to scolding. “I swear ta god if ya take a peek underneath that tank top I will end your life.”
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