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theostuart · 2 years ago
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83 years ago this day, grandma Emma delivered her fifth pregnancy, the previous ones having resulted in only one living child about to turn five, a big blonde boy named Antonio in honor to Saint Anthony from Padua. That day, Emma gave birth to a healthy daughter, whose dazzling blue eyes instantly relieved her from the fatigue of a house delivery. Later that day, grandpa Paulin went to the townhouse to register his newborn daughter, and incidentally separated her first name in two separate words, naming her Maria Angela instead of Mariangela. Fast forwarding 39 years and four days later, that now all grown-up and married woman gave birth, at approximately the same hour in the morning, to her second and last son, naming him Matteo Paolo in honor of the Apostle and Evangelist and, of course, of her own father… I bet everyone’s celebrating in Heaven today! #aries #firstdecade #mother #happybirthday #birthdayinheaven (à Parabiago)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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Right Now ha ha ha ha ha... I am an antichrist I am an anarchist Don't know what I want But I know how to get it I wanna destroy passer by Cause I Wanna be Anarchy No dogs body Anarchy for the UK It's coming sometime and maybe I give a wrong time stop at traffic line Your future dream is a shopping scheme Cause I I wanna be Anarchy In the city How many ways to get what you want I use the best I use the rest I use the enemy I use anarchy Cause I Wanna be Anarchy It's the only way to be Is this the M.P.L.A Or is this the U.D.A Or is this the I.R.A I thought it was the UK Or just Another Country Another council tenancy I wanna be Anarchy And I wanna be Anarchy Know what I mean And I wanna be Anarchist Get pissed Destroy (à London, Unιted Kingdom)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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#juju #architect #pototo #babiesofinstagram #fouryearsold #holidays #christmas22 #julesgiovanni (à Saint-Florentin, Bourgogne, France)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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Please meet @nnmontse , winner of @africas_next_super_model #contest 2022. Can’t wait to get you started #marvella . #model #fashionmodel #topmodel #supermodel #newface (à Kigali, Rwanda)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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#congratulations for the beginning of your #fashion #journey @nnmontse it was a #bless finding you #africa ‘s next #supermodel #ansm #2022 #winner
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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#officefortheday #trancoso #portoseguro #bahia #brazil #landscape #seasunsand #sunseasand #sunsandsea (à Praia das Tartarugas)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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@madonna #madonna #period what this #woman did for #feminism and #womenempowerment is so #beyond a way too many of today’s #fakefeminist #bullshit: we always #needtorememberthis (à Alphaville)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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I governi passano, ma l’Italia resta. Grazie #supermario per questi anni passati a difendere il nostro Paese. Mi ricordi tanto un altro Mario, millenni fa, il rivale di Silla. Silla vinse, ma l’esempio di Mario, benché sconfitto, riuscì a formare uno dei suoi giovani adepti, un idealista che scampò alla morte per liste di proscrizione, e riuscì a preparare il suo ingresso sulla scena mondiale… si chiamava Caio Giulio Cesare. Spero dunque che il tuo farti da parte, benché abbia permesso la presa del potere della Lucia Cornelia dei giorni nostri, possa a suo tempo generare, attraverso il tuo esempio, il Caio Giulio del futuro. Un abbraccio (à Quai de Béthune)
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theostuart · 2 years ago
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#paris #evenings #endoffashionweek #pototo #julesgiovanni (à Quai de Béthune)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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Farewell #Elizabeth II Regina, may the #Blessed Mary, #Queen of Scots welcome Your Majesty in #Heaven , She who chose to sacrifice Her own life for Her Son’s sake, thus allowing Your Majesty and Your Majesty’s ascendants and descendants to rule over Scotland and England as a sole nation for over five centuries #inmyendismybeginning (à New York, New York)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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Au revoir Elisabeth, maman pour qui n’en a pas une; copine des délicieux dîners en tête-à-tête préparés par toi même après avoir été appelée à la recousse de l’autre côté du Pays pour t‘occuper de ton Jules adoré; gardienne des secrets de l’homéopathie, des cailloux précieux à collectionner en trésor, et du recyclage Toscan. Inutile avoir essayé de garder mes distances, tu as gagné, et me voilà anéanti car j’ai perdu mon troisième parent. J’ai demandé à l’Angela de t’accueillir au Paradis comme tu le mérites, pour bien célébrer ta promotion à Ange Gardien de #julesgiovanni . Ton Mattéo. (à Saint-Denis-le-Ferment)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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#situation #julesgiovanni #pototo #summer22 #kastani #skopelos #sporades #magnisia #greece #ellada (à Καστάνη Beach Bar)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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#disoleedazzurro #skopelos #fantasioplixia #eightypercentofmygenetics (à Skópelos, Magnisia, Greece)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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#julesgiovanni #pototo #4yearsold #4yearsyoung #mauderle #roussillon #luberon #provence #france #summer22 (à La Mauderle)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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#lastone #bujumbura #burundi #lastday #casting #model #newfaces #brandnew #fashion #africasnextsupermodel (à Bujumbura, Burundi)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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#thankyou #bujumbura #burundi #itwasreal #africasnextsupermodel #newface #model #fashion (à Bujumbura, Burundi)
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theostuart · 3 years ago
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#thankyouthankyouthankyou #kigali #rwanda #africasnextsupermodel #part3 (à Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda)
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