
Together when apart <3
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I am a Tree
“What’s your MBTI?” What an interesting question.
This usually results in a conversation that ends in one of two ways: A) a lively discussion with friends feeling more bonded, connected, and understanding of one another, or B) one of the Oreo sisters saying, “Don’t think you know me! You can’t put me in a box.” Which is not a surprising response given her personality type…
As I write this I, realize that I don’t know what ‘MBTI’ actually stands for. Hold on a sec, I will Google it.
Okay, ‘MBTI’ stands for ‘Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’ aka, a personality type. Upon further scrolling, Wikipedia also informed me that ‘Myers’ and ‘Briggs’ were the last names of the women who created it; Isabel Briggs Myers 1897-1980, and her mother, Katherine Cook Briggs 1875-1968
Did you know that in China there are Hot Chicken Wing flavored Oreos and in 2014 there were SpongeBob Oreo cookies??? In the fall of 2022, there were Pumpkin Spice Oreo cookies!! So sad I missed out on that.
My apologies, I got distracted by reading the list of the Oreo cookie flavors. I’m a ‘P’ and Google says that means I am “less aware of time and tend to run late,” so that must be why I went a bit off-topic there. Can’t argue with Google and people from the 1800s!
The point is, similar but different. There have been 85 flavors of Oreo cookies in the brand’s history. A variety of flavors but all are still classified as Oreo cookies. Similarly, everyone has all 8 of the cognitive functions included in the MBTI, just to varying degrees.
What’s your MBTI? How do you communicate with the world?
I asked Miran and she paused for a moment and said “…It feels very chaotic in there.”
Ella’s reply was, “I like metaphors. But I am a scale, I have no balance.”
Ari looked up from her phone and responded to that with, “Balance? No, I don’t stretch either. My MBTI says I’m not flexible.”
Jeanne comforted Ari with, “It’s okay Ari. I just got my medical exam results back and the end comments said, “otherwise unremarkable” and “borderline normal.” How dare they. Imma cut them.”
Ali burst in with “No girls take it seriously! Also, did you hear there’s a new psychology test about communication styles!! Let’s take it! Oreos assemble!”
Jeanne replied to this with, “My communication style? That sounds like a YOU problem.”
#mbti#sisterhood#oreos#life in korea#roomies#personality types#seoullife#metaphor#communication#friendslikefamily#oreosisters
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Off We Go to Space
When asked as a child what you wanted to be when you grow up, what did you say? A ballerina? A helicopter pilot? An astronaut? Well, if we Oreo sisters could go back in time to our adorable little Oreo selves, I know now how we’d answer. It’d be a simple goal, yet so incredibly difficult to achieve that the adults would have cautioned us against dreaming so big.
But what could possibly be more difficult than becoming an astronaut? Well, let’s answer that question with another question. Do you drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day?
Not so easy, hey? We’ve probably all heard that “On average, an adult should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.” – Health article on the internet.
Ella, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry but those tiny paper cups at the cake café do not count! If we’re speaking in tiny cup terms, you need to drink 76 of them, Ella darling. Miran, if you’re reading this and giggling to yourself, stop it. 3.5L of water a day is excessive, please try to find some balance.
While I may not be a scientist, I’m always down for a good Math equation as it often involves pie. So, let’s math out the appropriate water consumption in the Oreo house:
(3 Oreo sisters x 8 glasses of water) + (1 Oreo sister x 76 tiny cups) + (1 Oreo sister x 3.5L of water) x 7 days a week = ???
If you pulled out your calculator and did the equation, well done! Please reward yourself with pie. We haven’t been able to find pie in Korea so if you could send us some pie too that would be amazing. As a token of our gratitude, we will reward you with the identity of A.C. as featured in Episode 3. Or at least we will let you know what A.C is short for. Please send pumpkin, apple rhubarb, and steak and ale pie (obviously for the British Oreo sister.)
I hope you are eating pie now as you most definitely deserve it, however, I need to remind you that, sadly, that equation is only wishful thinking. Let’s try again with more accurate daily details and see what we end up with, shall we? Alright, here we go:
(Ella: 2 mugs of peppermint tea + 1 cup of green tea + 2 tiny cafe paper cups of water) + (Ali: 2 banana milks + 1 mug of hot chocolate + 1 glass of water) + (Jeanne: 1/2 L of water (Go Jeanne!) + 1 iced americano) + (Miran: 3.5L of water) + (Ari: ½ glass of water once every 3 days) = ??
== This is hopeless. Do spacesuits come in pink?
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That Time Oreo Escaped
Fun fact! Dolphins are pretty smart. According to my good friend Google, dolphins are believed to be the smartest creature on the planet, second to humans. They are capable of complex problem solving and understanding abstract situations. Man, a pet dolphin would be great when I’m interested in a guy. Especially if his name starts with the letter ‘J’. Somehow all guys I know with a ‘J’ name are complex and abstract. (For some of you I mean that as a complete compliment. For others.... Well...I don’t.)
But back to our dolphin fun fact. What can be deduced from it? Humans are smart, dolphins are smart,... and Google did not mention Oreo on that list. Not that Oreo isn’t intelligent. However, Oreo seems to believe two things are fundamental facts in life: #1. That she is #1 and a princess who is to be awed and adored at all times and #2. the Oreo Sisters (not including Ali of course) are peasants that she tolerably tolerates and gives the grand courtesy of gracing her presence upon even though she feels it’s far beneath her to do so. She even has a pink fluffy castle bed. Princess Oreo gets very upset when any of us “peasants” have the “apparent” audacity to walk past it on our way to the laundry room.
I get that you might be thinking that I’m exaggerating or I must just not be a dog person or I’m the one with the issues, but do not be misled!... that’s what Oreo wants you to think. I need to describe Oreo’s princess syndrome because it sets the stage for this story.
So, ‘The Time Oreo Escaped’. Okay to call it an escape, implies that Oreo was being held captive and managed to free herself from captivity. Whereas I like to think of it that every time we leave the house, we’re the ones escaping captivity.
Ding-dong. Take-out has arrived! Pop down the stairs to meet the delivery guy, tap card to pay, oh funny that dog across the street looks like Oreo... wait! OREO!!!
Considering that Oreo is not a dolphin, I can’t imagine that she figured out how to press the button that unlocks and opens our door. In the excitement of take-out dumplings arriving, we had not fully closed the door behind us.
My mom used to say, “It’s only a joke if everyone is laughing.” Meaning don’t make jokes or play jokes at the expense of someone’s dignity. Once again, Oreo plays by different rules.
It amused Oreo to see us chasing after her. You could see it in her eyes as she threw glances back at us. After running two blocks and passing enough onlookers that went “Aww cutie” to her while watching us trail behind her to sufficiently embarrass us, Oreo took a turn into a dead-end alley where Ella was able to pick her up.
Oreo never had any intention of “running away.” She had had her merriment, was now tired and desired to be carried all the way home.
“First of all, don’t stroke me as you walk, you have dumpling oil on your hands. And secondly, when we get home, I shall be fed at 5pm on the dot or you will thereupon promptly be bit-ith. After I have “entertained” everyone with my noisy food dispenser toy, you may go back to whatever useless less important thing you were doing previously.”
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“Aren’t we meeting in Yeonnam...?”
Deception. What is it really? There are varying degrees, obviously, but is it deception if someone – let’s say friend A – pretends to do something that they technically could do themselves but instead they have their friend – friend B - do instead because friend B is better at it and it’ll just be more convenient for everyone involved, friend A, B, AND friend C, if friend B just does it pretending to be friend A? Confused? Yea, so was friend C.
Ready for your first Oreo Sister secret??
With her permission, I can tell you that Miran liked Friend C. We’ll refer to him as Dean. Sorry, I guess it’s not much of a ‘secret reveal’ if I don’t use his real name, but that’s the best I can do for now. Dean is Korean and he speaks good English and when he and Miran first met, he would always speak in English. But as they became better friends, he saw that Miran could speak and understand Korean so he switched to only ever speaking and texting her in Korean. Obviously, since she liked him, Miran didn’t mind that Dean had overestimated her Korean abilities and thought that she could understand everything all the time.
For a whole year, he hadn’t seemed to realize that sometimes Miran was struggling and when she didn’t understand, she would just copy other’s people’s reactions to seem like she did understand. If he had noticed, he probably would’ve switched to English for her. So, I guess props to Miran for being able to fake her Korean abilities so well! She told us that she would’ve had an easier time if she just would’ve had more humility and shown it or said something when she was struggling in the language around him. But we’ve all been there, done that, faked it ‘till we made it, so... Miran. We sisters understand!
So let’s move on in the story. Dean and Miran were making plans to hang out with a few others. In the past when she and Dean had made plans, even though in Korean, it was simple. But this time there were many messages back and forth. ‘What day works for you? How about this day? I can’t that day but how about this day? What time? Who’s coming? What should we eat? What should we do after? Etc etc.’
Why is it that most times when you text a guy you’re crushing on, it feels like you have to wait hours for their reply but then when you really wouldn’t mind a delay in their replies, they reply to every message immediately??
This occasion happened to be the latter. Immediate replies and many many messages, all in Korean, back and forth. At this point, it seemed the most logical to Miran to have Ali finish sorting out the plans with Dean since Ali was also a part of the plans they were making and her Korean is better and she can type faster in Korean. Having Ali text Dean would make it more convenient and efficient for everyone, wouldn’t it? It would, however, this is where Miran’s logic ended. She gave Ali her phone to keep texting Dean. But Dean’s not an idiot, he probably noticed that “Miran’s” messages were coming through quicker than normal. Unfortunately, Miran was distracted by her cookies baking in the oven so when she gave her phone to Ali, she told her that they made a plan to meet in Yeonnam. Except this wasn’t the plan, Miran had just assumed they’d meet there since that’s where they hung out last time, but they hadn’t actually talked about where yet.
So Ali as “Miran” starts texting Dean, still in Korean about the plans and after a quite few speedy texts back and forth she says, “okay well since you want to meet in Yeonnam..” and then starts mentioning things in Yeonnam, like some cool places to go in Yeonnam, and good restaurants in Yeonnam, and
where they can meet in Yeonnam, and who of the friends coming live close to Yeonnam... and after about 5 minutes of no answer, Dean replies “Miran...I never said I wanted to meet in Yeonnam...”
Abort! Abort mission! He knows. He knowsss!!
Thankfully, Ali was in the living room because when she read his reply out loud, she laughingly screamed and tossed Miran’s phone across the couch.
“Miran!!” You said you guys were meeting in Yeonnam!!” “Yea we- oh...opps! .....well the cookies are done now. Do you want one?”
I’m not really sure what the moral of this story is. Maybe it’s a lesson in humility, maybe it’s honesty in all things. Or maybe it’s that boys should come before cookies.
Nah.. that’s definitely not it.
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New episode coming soon!
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Adulting with a Spoon
My dad always used to say, “Choices you face, how will you make them?” Or was it “Choices you make, how will you face them?” Okay I can’t quite remember what my dad used to say, and he hasn’t replied to my text yet, so we’ll just have to move on.
But you get the point, right? Before making a decision, we should think about the outcome of the options, weigh the pros and cons, and then try to make what we feel is a ‘good decision’ based on that. (I think my dad would proud of me for remembering what he said all these years later. Love you pops!)
Five girls, five different choices. Is one of them right and four of them wrong? Not necessarily. Most decisions come at a sacrifice of some sort – something that is worth sacrificing because of the benefit you get in the end. The sacrifice of Ella opening the bathroom hatch was that old dust and dirt fell on her face. But if you ask Ella, she’ll say that was worth it because her curiosity being cured was more important. If you ask Ali if she likes having to take Oreo out at 9:30am every morning for a walk even in rain and snow, she’ll say no she doesn’t like it. But for Ali, having Oreo in her life is worth making that daily sacrifice.
You get my drift, decisions you face, how will you make them, and then how will you face them after you’ve made them?
There’s no judgment in our house. We’ll there is, just not of each other. Joking! You saw how we judged the Chinese guys on the sixth floor – we assumed the best even without knowing them! We assumed they were as beautiful on the inside as they were on the outside. With that said, let’s get back to decisions and peanut butter.
We’re in South Korea – the land of cosmetic surgery and skin care. If you’d like to read about Korean Cosmetic Surgery, I suggest you read a different blog. I haven’t watched enough YouTube vlogs on it to know much about it. However, Korean skin care! Yessss I got you covered! A few of the girls decided that they wanted to get some treatments – nothing major – just hot lasers burning your skin and being stabbed with tiny needles.
Jeanne and Ari went first. After seeing their results, Miran wanted to do it too. I don’t know if I should call it laziness on Miran’s part or if it’s just because she has complete and total trust in Ari, but Miran didn’t look at all into the treatment that she made an appointment for. Ari knew about it and that was enough for Miran. She was Googling what the treatment was on the subway ride there. Ella also decided to make an appointment.
Each girl had to weigh the pros and cons financially. “You can’t have it all!” they say. I don’t know who “they” are, but I don’t like them. We’re happy we all only have to work part-time, but if we wanted to do these skin treatments, we would each have to cut expenses and save some money. Sacrifices would be made. Outfits would be lacking. Hearts would be broken. Spoons would be dirtied. Secrets would be kept. At that time, each girl had different financial circumstances so we would each have to make a different sacrifice. For one girl that sacrifice was postponing buying long-coveted lavender converse sneakers. For another girl it was, not spending money on a trip to Busan with some friends. For the other girl, the sacrifice was peanut butter - not that she was giving up peanut butter, the opposite.
Breakfast: peanut butter Lunch: peanut butter Snack: peanut butter Dinner: Ali’s leftovers from her dinner Midnight snack: peanut butter
I don’t mean a peanut butter and jam sandwich for every meal. I mean just peanut butter, on a spoon.
That’s where all the peanut butter was going! She didn’t tell us at the time that’s what she was only eating that and we didn’t really notice that she was eating peanut butter instead of buying actual food, but now thinking back to it, it was strange that there was always an excessive amount dirty spoons in the sink day after day.
We finally realized that this was the reason for the constant outage of peanut butter in the house. If you ask that girl, if she regretted getting her skin treatment at the cost of not being able to afford food for a week and therefore eating only peanut butter, she’d say that she loves peanut butter so she feels it was basically a win win situation.
So, future decisions we have to make, how will we face them? We’ll just put the spoon in the peanut butter jar and use our other hand to apply lip gloss and flip our hair. Bring it on!
P.s. Oh and the peppermint tea? A box of 20 tea bags divided by 5 girls – one of whom is British – well of course we were always out of tea. We shouldn’t have judged the imaginary man in the hatch assuming he was stealing our tea.
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여름에 여행을 있는 꿈 ^^
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The Man in The Hatch
Once upon a time in a Guro-gu far away lived 5 girls, a puppy, and hopefully what was an empty hatch.
Egh just the word “hatch” freaks me out. I’m going to ask Miran to add it to her list of words – her list of words that she doesn’t like and we’re not allowed to say at home.
In one of our previous living abodes, there was a hatch in the bathroom ceiling. Which is the worst possible place that there could be a hatch because if something were to suddenly emerge from it like always happens in those alien movies, it’d be sure to happen when one is in a very vulnerable state, as one usually is in when in the bathroom.
Before continuing further, let me give you the basics of how our personalities differ when it comes to scary things.
Jeanne has got to be one of the coolest people in this regard. If she is scared or irritated, you’d never know because she handles everything like a boss. For example, if there’s a mosquito in our room, my go-to response is to throw a blanket over my head and hope it doesn’t find me, meanwhile Jeanne will hunt it down, and I mean hunt – like a panther. That’s pretty boss.
Miran and Ari are the oldest of the Oreos Sisters but they are basically 3 year olds when it comes to confrontation or anything the size of a dime with more than 3 legs. They stick together and run away from situations they don’t want to deal with, either laughing or screaming – I’m never sure which one they’re doing….
Ali has Oreo to protect her so she’s okay.
Ella would definitely be the person eaten first by a monster, and not because she couldn’t run away fast enough. Ella would be the one to go find the monster because she’s curious what it looks like. It’s not quite that Ella is fearless, but her curiosity outweighs her fear.
Alright so there’s some insight into how we differ in handling scary things, so let’s continue the story on the day of discovery:
Ella: “What do you think is up there? Should we see if it opens? What if…what if a man lives in there???”
Jeanne: hmm. *too cool to respond further. Goes back to making dinner*
Ali: “Ella don’t even joke. That’s so creepy.” *Takes Oreo to her room to watch her Chinese drama safely from a distance*
Miran and Ari: “No Ella! We absolutely should not check if the creepy hatch opens. Let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist.” *as they both ascend to the loft where they firmly believe nothing scary can get them*
However, a couple days later..
Ella: “So, that hatch… in the bathroom…. Where do you think it goes? … Why would it be there? Aren’t we going to open it?”
Around the same time as the discovery of the hatch, we always seemed to be running out of peppermint tea and peanut butter. Someone made a joke that the man in hatch was coming down when we’re sleeping and having peppermint tea and peanut butter. We’d be fine if the hatch was a secret passage that led to the gorgeous Chinese guys on the sixth floor. We’d happily give them all the peppermint tea and peanut butter they wanted, but we knew the most likely way of meeting the Chinese guys was to go outside in our pajamas.
At first, the joke of a man living in the hatch and coming down at night to eat peanut butter and drink peppermint tea was funny, and we knew it was a joke, but the faster we kept being out of peppermint tea and peanut butter, the freakier it got. Okay, someone has to open the hatch! Ellaaa!!!
Ella was actually happy to volunteer to open it and despite having dust and dirt fall on her face, she survived the experience. Phew! No man! It was just an empty space. Probably for the previous ceiling light and electrical stuff.
So, the REAL question is, what was happening to the peppermint tea and peanut butter???
Stay tuned!
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Found in Hapjeong <3 Miss you guys so so much!
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Woes of The Button
The floor is lava! Remember that game? The game we all played as kids where you pretend the floor is lava and you have to hop from couch to chair to slipper to whatever else, making sure not to touch the actual ground. If you lose your balance or fall, you die. I mean lose.
If a real lava situation were to happen, we’d probably be fine as we live on the 3rd floor. Yes, we moved. Sadly, we no longer live in the building with the gorgeous Chinese guys on the 6th floor. Let’s not talk about it, I don’t want to cry.
Anyways, something that was new to me about living in Korea is that you have to manually turn on and off the hot water when you want it. By “manually” I mean press a button, not like head down to boiler room and turn a nob. Pressing a button is “manual” to me because I’m used to hot water just being there when I want it. “Where does hot water come from?” “…umm... the faucet?”
I don’t know if all houses in Korea are like this, but every one of the 7 places I’ve lived in Seoul has been. The same button turns on and off the hot water. And it’s really not that big of a deal. Sure, sometimes someone has forgotten to press the button causing that person to call out from the shower, “Can someone please turn on the hot water?”, but that’s about it really. In one house, the button was right inside Ari’s room, which was fine except for when Ari was teaching. In order not to make noise or disturb her, we’d open the door just wide enough to slip our arm in and press the button. But for Ari who was inside the room, she’d only see this bodyless arm slip in against the wall feeling around for a button and then slowly slide out again and the door close. Creepy, right?! But Ari could always tell who it was by the arm. Even Miran and Ali are different shades of “fairness”.
I suppose the purpose of this button is to save water and money, and thanks to the house we lived in where the button was in Ali’s room, we got into the excellent habit of remembering to turn off the hot water. This was because the button was right beside the light switch. When Ali turned her light on or off, she’d also easily be able to notice if the hot water was still on. If she knew that no one was washing dishes or showering, she’d kindly remind us to turn it off. At first, though, we forgot a lot. Poor Ali frequently had to remind us “Please remember to turn off the hot water guys.”
Because we kept forgetting, often I’d just assume the hot water had been left on so as I walked by, I’d press the button, thinking I was turning it off.
In reality... all of us WERE remembering to turn it off. Which makes sense now that I think about it because it did seem weird that after months of reminders we still were “forgetting”. Turns out it was me who kept turning it on, THINKING I was turning it off.
Sorry girls! I thought I was helping…
Good news is that my mistake is what made it seem like we never remembered to turn off the hot water, therefore, causing Ali to constantly remind us, therefore, getting us into the almost unbreakable habit of turning off the water.
Did you notice that “almost”?
In May, we moved. Same hot water button system but now the button is in the bedroom, slightly behind one of the bunk beds. – That’s right, bunk beds! Plural. Some of you are very curious about our bunk beds and how we share our room but let’s not get off-topic. The point to note here is that the button is behind a bunk bed making it difficult to tell if it’s on or off.
While leaving the hot water on overnight is definitely not great, it’s also not going to cause any major damage to the world or our wallets. So ‘what’s the problem?’ you may
be asking, ‘Why is an entire episode dedicated to the woes of a hot water button?’ The woe is that this ONE button also controls the heated floors. This was new information to us. Usually, these hot water and heated floor functions have different buttons. Why there’s only one button? We do not know. Do we like heated floors? Yes, we are not opposed. In fact, we spend most of our time lying on the floor in the winter. Honestly, we find it amazing that with no central heating, heated floors are able to keep an entire house toasty warm in the winter. But this is May.
Who left the button on? It’s not important. Although it was probably me considering my button problem in the past.
Regardless, the button was left “on” overnight.
The heated floors were on. All. Night.
We woke up to lava.
Ari’s laptop on the floor by her bed had overheated from the outside in (didn’t know that was possible). Plastic bags were stuck to the floor. Reese’s Peanut butter cups that Jeanne brought back from America were no longer individually packaged cups but were now individual packages of melted chocolate soup. When we sat at the table, we had to pull our feet up because the floor was too hot to touch. Although, this I didn’t mind as it also put us out of Oreo’s licking reach.
There must be a way to separate these two functions. It doesn’t make sense that they would simultaneously be controlled by one button. If we want to take a shower with hot water in the summer, must we succumb to having the floors turn into lava? That’s going to be terrible because Ella likes to have 20 min showers (forget about saving the dolphins I guess).
The other option would be to ask a Korean friend if they know how we can separate the two functions. But we’ve been too busy Googling “Order Cuchara food app where” and “Is Theo James married” – yes in that order - to have time to ask a Korean friend.
However, the one thing we do know is that sadly yes, Theo James is already married.
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What happens when you put an ENFP, an INTP, and an ENFJ together? ;D Hello from Ariana, Jeanne, and Ali <3
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We’re going to play a game I just made up. It’s mostly going to be therapeutic for me, but I’m sure you’ll have some fun too.
The game is: I get to vent about one of my roommates and the annoying things she does, and you can try to guess who it is. Usually, all of us girls try to be positive and nice, but today happens to be a bad day for me and so I’m going to give you a little behind-the-scenes info of our household.
Although we’re not blood related, the Oreo girls are a family. So, what’s mine is yours, right? Right! And wrong. While we do usually end up sharing everything, there are some things we individually buy: makeup, skincare products, clothes, certain foods, etc. But even then, we happily share! The denim jackets? I don’t even know who they originally belong to anymore because we all wear them. We all voluntarily share things, and it balances out.
However, one of us does not think this way.
One of us seems to think that “what’s mine is mine and…what’s yours is also mine. And you should give me your stuff whenever I want it and if you don’t, I’ll just take it anyways.”
Where is the logic in that??? At first, I tried not to let it this bother me, telling myself that it’s really not worth getting upset about. But I just don’t understand why she keeps taking my socks. Our feet aren’t even the same size!!! I would love to tell you who it is, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer because I’m not done venting.
Everyone has bad days. It’s unrealistic to think that just because someone appears to be sweet and light-hearted that they’re never going to be grumpy. As mentioned, today is a bad day for me and thus forth, I am grumpy. But to get through it, I’ll just curl up in a blanket nest with a bowl of pasta, engulf myself in a Chinese drama, and only enter the outside world to get snacks. 12 hours later I’ll be feeling much better and back to my normal self. In fact, I already feel better as Ella just brought me a Krispy Kreme donut that she warmed up in the microwave. This one is just as delicious as the two that Jeanne brought me earlier! Okay, let’s refrain from calculating the amount of donuts I’ve just consumed, please. Regardless though, thanks girls! The donuts did make me feel a little better. And don’t worry – neither of you are the girl I’m complaining about. Or am I just saying that to confuse the reader?? You don’t know which girl I am, and obviously, I wouldn’t write about my own faults, so who do you think it is? Could it be Ariana? Maybe it’s Miran? Miran is the baby of her family so does she think she should get whatever she wants? Or maybe it’s Ella and I am annoyed at her even though she did bring me a donut. Or perhaps because Jeanne and Alicia are so chill about lending their stuff, they think that they can go through our stuff and take whatever they want. Who could it be???
The girl who it is – she doesn’t know I’m writing this. No, she’s too concerned with checking that none of us ate her food to realize that when she sees me typing on my laptop, I’m actually writing about her.
Back to speaking of donuts - one of us is on a diet. Alicia is really good at helping us when we want to diet because she’s good at portion control. So Alicia has been helping this girl to cut back on her calorie intake. “No more snacks” says Alicia. “You should burn calories while you eat.”
Going on a diet is a personal choice, and to be honest… the girl I’m writing about does need to lose a bit of weight for health reasons as she has problems breathing. Sure, I want to her be healthy but when she diets, all of us are affected. For example, the other day I was in the main living area, and she had left her stuff all over the place. This is a communal area! We all share the space. It’s not fair to leave your stuff everywhere in a shared space. But again, whatever. She’s in a grumpy mood because of her diet so it’s more peaceful just to clean up and move her stuff myself than to talk to her about her lack of consideration for others.
But from the other room, she hears me moving her things and comes running out at lighting speed giving me attitude for touching her stuff. Well, excuuussse me!
In our main living area is a big table. That area/table is where we work, study, eat, do zoom exercises with friends, and chat with our butler. Whoops did I forget to mention we have one of those? Yeah... we sometimes call him Charles. But his real name is Deagan. And sometimes he lets us chat to the cute Taiwanese guy.
At this table, there are no “designated” seats. You can sit wherever you want. However, this girl seems to believe that one spot belongs unconditionally to her. If Ariana goes to that side of the table to sit down, this girl comes rushing over and stands in front of Ariana so she can’t get by easily. Ugh seriously. Move please! The rest of us can’t even plug in our laptops in that corner because this girl gets all mad and acts like that outlet belongs to her and is solely for her personal use. What’s especially annoying about this is that she’s not even paying rent! Because of her situation she can’t pay, so we’ve been covering the rent between us.
Are you wondering how we’re still putting up with her? Because she’s our little pumpkin. Well I call her Pumpkin, but she’s mostly known as Oreo…..the puppy of Oreo House.
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“What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine!” The audacity! Who is this person? Stay tuned to find out!
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A.C., Quinn and Incognito
Incognito likes A.C, A.C. likes Quinn, Quinn and Incognito are friends, and none of these are real names. Let me explain.
Real people, fake names. Out of respect for my girls’ privacy, I shall be relating this story with fake names. I do, however, have the girls’ permission to relate this story so there’s no worry of me being sued. Which is great because currently I am saving up for a new pair of Nike shoes and can’t afford being sued right now.
Quinn and Incognito are 2 of the Oreo girls. A.C is a third party – a guy – and will not be a regular featured “guest star” in these stories. Not that he “will not be” as if purposely not including him, just that he only has 2 stories - and this is one of them.
As mentioned, Incognito liked A.C. The first time Incognito met A.C. she liked him. Liked him as a friend and possibly more. As time went by, she knew that she did indeed, like him as more than a friend. By this point, the only one who had not already met A.C was Quinn.
By now you may be thinking “Uh-oh! A love triangle amongst the Oreo girls! I knew they must have drama between them!”
Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but the only “drama” that has ever existed between us girls is the Chinese dramas we watch together while eating Krispy Kreme donuts.
In order to get to the good part, I’m going to have to speed up the middle bits for you. Please try to keep up.
A.C. came to our house to hangout. Awesome! Lets hangout so you can get to know Incognito and fall in love with her. We talked, we laughed, we had fun. He stayed too long. Like really long. Why?? Do you like someone here? Ugh wish we knew what he was thinking. Two days later he texted three of us saying he has something important to say. “Something important”?? To who?? About what?? Wait… why did you text three of us about this?
Okay we’re up to speed. You still with me? Great!
Oh, and in case you’re wondering where the other three Oreo girls are throughout all this, they have basically no involvement in this story other than for eating snacks as they watch these entertaining events unfold.
But now,
A.C calls one of the girls.
And this is how their conversation went:
“Hi… How are you?”
“I’m good……… A.C. you like someone in my house, right?”
“Wow..You’re very direct….”
“So…. who is it?”
“….It’s you.”
“No seriously, who is it?”
“I’m being serious. It’s you.”
“uhhhhhhh….I’ll call you later.”
Oh, sorry! Did I forget to tell you which girl he called?
He called Quinn.
But this isn’t a love triangle or any kind of love shape story as Quinn has no thoughts towards A.C. other than as a friend. So, at this point its still just Incognito likes A.C., A.C. likes Quinn, and the other girls are almost out of snacks.
This turn of events isn’t just disappointing for Incognito, but of course it’s also sad for A.C who is soon to discover that Quinn doesn’t return his feelings. Although I can’t share the details of those conversations with you, what I can tell you is that Quinn and Incognito went outside together to talk and so that Quinn could call A.C.
I would like to take this moment to make a formal apology to A.C. on behalf of the Oreo Household – should he ever read this and realize that he is A.C. – for the fact that when Quinn called A.C., she had it on speaker phone so that Incognito could hear. Sorry A.C!
As the conversation went on, it became apparent that A.C. was also on speaker phone. Why? Because HE HAD BEEN DRIVING TO OUR HOUSE AND WAS NOW CURRENTLY PARKING!!
As a child, I don’t think Incognito had any thoughts, hopes, or dreams of becoming a spy when she grew up. However, it’s now a career path she can seriously consider in her future as it turns out she has the natural agility that I’m assuming all spies must possess.
“Quick! Incognito go inside! He’ll be embarrassed if he knows I had him on speaker phone!”
With lightning-like speed Incognito makes a dash for the apartment building door! After two strides this dash comes to an abrupt halt as she sees A.C…. standing in front of our apartment.
With a hop and a twirl - and probably a somersault – Incognito ducks behind the nearest parked car. Quinn still being on the phone with A.C. and seeing all this happen, calls A.C. over in order to clear the way to the apartment so Incognito can slip inside.
I must say though, poor A.C. The guy just drove an hour to tell Quinn about his feelings but yet upon his arrival, Quinn is distracted by trying to balance genuinely listening to him while also trying to move the conversation away from the cars and the building so that Incognito can sneak inside.
The positioning now is that Quinn and A.C. are standing in front of the car that Incognito is hiding behind. At least now, A.C.’s back is ever so slightly turned against the building - making a possible blind spot for Incognito.
It may be hard for you to imagine what a crab-squat is, but I don’t know how else to describe it. Because that’s what Incognito did. She crab-squatted. She crab-squatted her way as swiftly as she could to the apartment. Hey don’t laugh, it’s hard! You try crab squat-walking quickly.
She made it to the door! Well done Incognito!! Unfortunately, however, we are not those cool techy people with the automatic door opener sensor whatever technology phone application. Incognito will have to manually enter the door code.
*beep…..beep beep..beep...beep* She’s in!
And thus ends the story of Quinn, A.C. and Incognito. Well, not for A.C. He still had an hour to drive home.
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Switching styles
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Chinese Guys on the 6th Floor
“Whether they were Chinese or not, we’ll never know. They just had that aura.”
What goes up must come down. They were on the 6th floor – we on the 5th floor, and we only ever met coming down in the elevator or just outside the building. Oh, that beautiful elevator meeting!
The elevator wasn’t beautiful, no, it smelt like cigarettes and had unidentifiable wet spots. It was those who were INSIDE the elevator that were beautiful, and this is where we first discovered the beauty of what laid on the 6th floor.
Where did they come from, and how can we get one? They came from China. We think. We’re like 87% sure they were Chinese. Why do we think this? They just had that aura. That super cool super suave aura that only Chinese guys seem to have. No offense to other guys. This is just personal opinion – all 5 of our personal opinions. And that doesn’t mean we don’t think other guys aren’t attractive or cool. But there’s just… something about Chinese guys. At least these Chinese guys who resided on the 6th floor, of whom we are choosing to base our entire concept of all other Chinese guys on.
Okay, okay, yea, yea. We know it’s not logical to base our opinion of a population of however many million of Chinese guys off of just 6 guys who only have an 87% probability of actually being Chinese. But two of us girls aren’t the greatest at math and the other three can’t do the math right now because they’re busy skipping by 10 second increments through a Korean drama.
So, moving on. We, like all other human beings, love comfy clothes. But have you ever noticed how the clothes we tend to deem as our “comfy clothes” or “pajamas” are either mismatched in colors and patterns, oversized and sloppy, or have a stain and/or hole. I’m sure we would all like to be the girl who wears a super cute matching pajama set with little puppies on them with her hair tied up in a perfectly bunned messy bun with the matching pajama puppy hair scrunchie. That sounds like #lifegoals to me. However, we have not yet attained that life goal and thus our pajamas consist of the aforementioned style of oversized and mismatched clothing, except also with the addition of glasses and hair that is not styled in the good kind of “messy”. Thankfully, we draw the line at stains and holes. Well except for one of the girls’ socks. But socks get a free pass on discrimination for having holes because socks have a hard life.
Okay now picture this, it’s 9:45pm, the pretty twinkle lights are on, Oreo is finally being chill, the internet is decently working across 5 devices and the only thing missing is??? Snacks! There would have been snacks from the previous evening, but we ate those already.
Attaining new snacks is very possible at this point. All it takes is a mere 10 minute excursion to the CU (Korean convenience store brand). Slip on shoes, put on a mask and voila! No harm done, right? Well, wrong. Venturing to the outside world now would mean running the risk of meeting the gorgeous Chinese guys. They were usually outside at this time of day. Doing what, I don’t know. Probably something super cool and I hope nothing illegal.
Of course, we would jump at the chance to see them. Eye candy yes please! But now it’s 9:45pm and Ari and Jeanne are tired from teaching children all day about Tina the T-Rex and her trip to the market, Ella and Ali are tired from their online customer service jobs, and Miran – well, she procrastinates a lot so she’s always stressed and tired from getting nothing done and always having more to do. None of us wanted to go out, but we all wanted snacks.
Ali, being the absolute amazing person that she is, volunteers as tribute. It’s a good time to take Oreo out for a quick pee anyways.
Now, dear reader, please answer me this as I’m curious as to what you would do. Would you change out of your unflattering pajamas into socially acceptable clothes and fix your messy hair exerting all that effort just for the off chance that you might see someone incredibly attractive? You’ll only be gone for 10 minutes. Seriously, what are the chances? Would you take the risk?
Well on this occasion, Ali took the risk. We hadn’t seen those guys recently so what would be the odds that tonight of all nights she would run into them? Well, it turned out to be a higher than 87% chance.
Up until now, all but Ari had seen/run into these particular Chinese guys. Regardless, due to Chinese Ticktok, Ari knew and agreed with the rest of the girls about Chinese guys, so although, not having personally seen these guys, she trusted that they were as gorgeous as the other 4 girls reported.
Ali came home snacks in hand half laughing half crying. It wasn’t tears of despair per say, it was more crying because she was laughing so hard. She had met the Chinese guys….in her pink fluffy bumble bee pajamas. But you know what, whatever. It’s dark and no one can see anyways so just act cool, walk past them and get your snacks like a boss. No problem. Oh wait!….Oreo!
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that even these Chinese studs would like puppies, and I suppose too, that Ali is grateful that it was Oreo who initially got the attention of the Chinese guys and not her pink fluffy bumble bee pajamas.
Okay, yep yep, great, chatty chat. “You’re all gorgeous and while it’s been amazing to bask in your rays of hottness, I’m embarrassed and my girls are waiting for their snacks. Time to go. Come on Oreo.”
However, Oreo being the little savage princess that she is, was loving the attention from these good-looking guys. They say dogs are color blind and I’m not sure if that includes being able to see race or not, but I’m sure even Oreo could sense that these guys were on another level. Normally Oreo pees when she’s excited but thank goodness she maintained her dignity and held it in upon meeting these Chinese hunks. It must’ve been hard to hold it in, even for Ali.
Ali came home and related the events of the snack trip to us and I’m pretty sure we burned off the calories from our soon-to-be consumed snacks just from laughing. Ari even ran outside in hopes of finally seeing these guys in person. But alas, sadly they had gone by the time Ari made it outside. So, we settled back into our individual blanket nests and ate our snacks, all of us fearing for the day that it’d be our turn to venture out for snacks in our pajamas.
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