theoreosisters · 3 years
“Aren’t we meeting in Yeonnam...?”
Deception. What is it really? There are varying degrees, obviously, but is it deception if someone – let’s say friend A – pretends to do something that they technically could do themselves but instead they have their friend – friend B - do instead because friend B is better at it and it’ll just be more convenient for everyone involved, friend A, B, AND friend C, if friend B just does it pretending to be friend A? Confused? Yea, so was friend C. 
Ready for your first Oreo Sister secret?? 
With her permission, I can tell you that Miran liked Friend C. We’ll refer to him as Dean. Sorry, I guess it’s not much of a ‘secret reveal’ if I don’t use his real name, but that’s the best I can do for now. Dean is Korean and he speaks good English and when he and Miran first met, he would always speak in English. But as they became better friends, he saw that Miran could speak and understand Korean so he switched to only ever speaking and texting her in Korean. Obviously, since she liked him, Miran didn’t mind that Dean had overestimated her Korean abilities and thought that she could understand everything all the time.
For a whole year, he hadn’t seemed to realize that sometimes Miran was struggling and when she didn’t understand, she would just copy other’s people’s reactions to seem like she did understand. If he had noticed, he probably would’ve switched to English for her. So, I guess props to Miran for being able to fake her Korean abilities so well! She told us that she would’ve had an easier time if she just would’ve had more humility and shown it or said something when she was struggling in the language around him. But we’ve all been there, done that, faked it ‘till we made it, so... Miran. We sisters understand!
So let’s move on in the story. Dean and Miran were making plans to hang out with a few others. In the past when she and Dean had made plans, even though in Korean, it was simple. But this time there were many messages back and forth. ‘What day works for you? How about this day? I can’t that day but how about this day? What time? Who’s coming? What should we eat? What should we do after? Etc etc.’
Why is it that most times when you text a guy you’re crushing on, it feels like you have to wait hours for their reply but then when you really wouldn’t mind a delay in their replies, they reply to every message immediately??
This occasion happened to be the latter. Immediate replies and many many messages, all in Korean, back and forth. At this point, it seemed the most logical to Miran to have Ali finish sorting out the plans with Dean since Ali was also a part of the plans they were making and her Korean is better and she can type faster in Korean. Having Ali text Dean would make it more convenient and efficient for everyone, wouldn’t it? It would, however, this is where Miran’s logic ended. She gave Ali her phone to keep texting Dean. But Dean’s not an idiot, he probably noticed that “Miran’s” messages were coming through quicker than normal. Unfortunately, Miran was distracted by her cookies baking in the oven so when she gave her phone to Ali, she told her that they made a plan to meet in Yeonnam. Except this wasn’t the plan, Miran had just assumed they’d meet there since that’s where they hung out last time, but they hadn’t actually talked about where yet.
So Ali as “Miran” starts texting Dean, still in Korean about the plans and after a quite few speedy texts back and forth she says, “okay well since you want to meet in Yeonnam..” and then starts mentioning things in Yeonnam, like some cool places to go in Yeonnam, and good restaurants in Yeonnam, and
where they can meet in Yeonnam, and who of the friends coming live close to Yeonnam... and after about 5 minutes of no answer, Dean replies “Miran...I never said I wanted to meet in Yeonnam...”
Abort! Abort mission! He knows. He knowsss!!
Thankfully, Ali was in the living room because when she read his reply out loud, she laughingly screamed and tossed Miran’s phone across the couch.
“Miran!!” You said you guys were meeting in Yeonnam!!” “Yea we- oh...opps! .....well the cookies are done now. Do you want one?”
I’m not really sure what the moral of this story is. Maybe it’s a lesson in humility, maybe it’s honesty in all things. Or maybe it’s that boys should come before cookies.
Nah.. that’s definitely not it.
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