Next Level Bullshit
42 posts
Saving the internet by exposing bullshit, one lump of turd at a time
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
NLBS #32: The Memory Healer Program, is it all BS?
For this episode, we followed the lead of an email we received from one of our views. He asked us to take a close look at the "Memory Healer Program," which is an apparent dietary regimen that supposed to stave off the effects of Alzheimer's disease. This "program," is surrounded by a great deal of marketing hype, including lots of artificial reviews, videos, and a slew of sites that mimic a multilevel marketing scheme. We dig into the claims of the programs creators, and compare those with actual science that recently came out of the Yale University of Medicine.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #31: We See Shape Shifting Reptilian Humans Everywhere!
Today we take a look at an unusual conspiracy theory, recently popularized thanks to YouTube; human/reptilian hybrids accidentally revealing their true nature in videos. The idea of hybrid reptilians in positions of power was first popularized by David Icke sixteen years ago. But recently, people have been taking to YouTube to find all kinds of people from politicians to just about anyone, apparently briefly revealing their true reptilian nature. We take a look at the back story to this phenomenon, and then break down what we're actually seeing in those videos.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Late last year Paul Ryan Declared War Against Math. His plan, was to change the forecasting rules so that the tax cuts republicans made didn't have any penalty.  The House yesterday, had a rapid vote to have the Congressional Budget Office use a new method called "Dynamic Scoring". 
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
NLBS #30: The Top Ten Steaming Turds of 2014
That's right, we're playing copy-cat and doing our own year-end wrap up video just like everyone else. Except in our case, we're counting down what we see to be the top 10 BS stories from 2014. We're doing this to give everyone that nice warm fuzzy feeling from looking back on another year, as we head into a new year with new optimism and hope for the future. (I think I just threw-up in my mouth when I typed that.) Number 10 is one of the BS ways the media tries to scare you with bombastic terminology, 9 covers corporate screw-ups, 8 is an epic-BS politician, and it goes downhill fast from there. Enjoy, and we'll see you next year!
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #23: Shut Up Scientists, Go Home, You're Not Wanted
Today on Next Level BS we take a look at two bills, HR 1422 and HR 4012, designed to suppress science in government. No, seriously, we're not kidding or exaggerating. The intent of both bills is to prevent expert scientists from using their experience and accumulated knowledge when working for or with the Environmental Protection Agency, while opening the door for non-science industry experts. Watch the show to learn more, and discover the motivations behind these bills.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #22: Jonathan Gruber Takes The Heat for Obama Care over "Stupid Voters" Comments
Today on Next Level BS, we take a look at the mess caused by Johnathan Gruber's comments about Obama Care, how it was purposefully crafted to be obtuse, deceptive, and onerous; as well as the off-the-cuff comment heard around the world: American Voters are Stupid. We take our typical deep-dive into the issue, with tons of research and backup for every important point we discovered. If you care about government transparency, the Affordable Care Act, and the nature of Jonathan Gruber's comments, you won't want to miss this episode. And yeah, this is another episode where we expect some serious heat from the political jug-heads out there, we'll let you decide from which side of the fence it'll come.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #20: Alex Jones Gets It Wrong on Net Neutrality
Today on Next Level BS, we go into op-ed mode, covering Net Neutrality again. We can't help it, this issue is important, and after seeing Alex Jones' hyper-passionate video on Net Neutrality, it seemed necessary to correct what appears to be a great deal of misinformation. Alex Jones lumped himself into the deceptive Republican came by calling Net Neutrality, Obama Care for the Internet. Now, we don't like Obama Care, but damn well like the Internet, and that comparison is just wrong. So we break down Alex's video, and help to correct several points. And to be fair, we include just about all of his video so that there's nothing lost in context. We want to like Alex Jones, he's an influential voice in some circles, hopefully, this helps bring facts and accuracy back into the conversation.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #18: Eminent Domain Abuse and Corruption: Because... Money!
Today on Next Level BS we take a look at two heart-wrenching cases of city governments abusing eminent domain, following the Kelo V New London ruling by the US Supreme Court. The ruling paved the way for cities to use eminent domain to grab private property, and turn it over to developers for things like shopping malls. And to make matters worse, the underhanded city governments are classifying perfectly fine neighborhoods and homes as blight in order to decrease property values in an extortion scheme to get the homeowners to agree to pennies on the dollar. This is turning into a huge problem, as city corrupt governments are in collusion with developers, eyeballing suburban neighborhoods for redevelopment.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #17: The American Republic is Dead; Welcome to the New Feudal America
On the morning after the national midterm election, this episode of Next Level BS is more of an OpEd than our previous episodes. We're not bleeding heart liberal hand-wringers lamenting over the bloodbath, no, far from it. We'd put this episode out even if it was a Republican bloodbath. We see the 2014 midterm election as the final step in the death of the American democratic republic, and maturation of the new American Feudal System. The people in DC are no longer decided by the voters, instead, powerful billionaire oligarchs serve as feudal lords, picking their favored knights to appear in the jousting matches in DC.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #16: Election Fraud in the United States, with Brad Friedman of the BradBlog
We kick of season two of Next Level BS with an enlightening interview with celebrated investigative journalist, Brad Friedman. Brad has been focusing his efforts on all aspects of election fraud for over a decade, and has been called the Paul Revere of the election integrity fight. We get into some of the fraud over the past few voting cycles, then focus on what's happening with rampant attempts at vote suppression leading up to the 2014 midterm elections. Brad holds no punches, and walks through the details of a wide ranging Republican effort to stop vast segments of the population from voting -- including why strict Voter ID laws are BS. Conservatives may not enjoy this episode, but the facts are facts, and that's our focus.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #15: How State Governments are Planning to Kill Tesla Motors Innovation 
Today, on Next Level BS, we look at how states in the US are systematically passing hardened laws to prevent the sale of Tesla Motors vehicles in their states. The most recent, from Michigan, was done in the most insidious way -- yeah, that's right; the birthplace of the american car has banned the sale of an american car. We take a close look at the tactics being used by the National Auto Dealers Association and their state counterparts, to collude with state governments to lock out Tesla. It's nothing short of Government-Sponsored support of a Monopoly -- no surprise there.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #14: Dark Money Madness in the 2014 Midterm Campaigns
This week we take a deep dive into the insane amounts of dark money being spent on the behalf of both parties in the 2014 midterm campaigns. 2014 will be a bellwether year with over $4 billion spent in total, and over $1 billion spent just on advertising alone... beating all records from previous years. Most of that money is going into political attack ads with a huge 64% of all ads focusing on anger as the primary emotional appeal. 
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Next Level BS #12: Good Guy Tony Abbott, Paul Ryan on Climate Change, and Fangate!
Today on Next Level BS, we take a trip down under and visit that great guy PM, Tony Abbott. You see, Tony Abbott is terribly misunderstood. While being a self-described conservationist, he's reversing efforts to promote green/renewable energy in favor of coal. While that might seem terrible, we show you how he's actually being a good guy about it. Then we take a look at Paul Ryan, and his comments on human-initiated climate change during a debate, and how a government agency disagrees with him. And finally, the Florida Fangate. Enjoy.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
A HOTEL guest has been arrested after an alleged incident of aggressive MOPPING.
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
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Next Level BS #12: The Pandemic of Ebola Madness 
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
In August, a troop of Turlock, California, Girl Scouts asked the city council to consider a ban on smoking in public parks. Months of sporadic—and occasionally
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thenlbs · 10 years ago
Ukraine has its own "bucket challenge." It combines trash cans and unpopular politicians.
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