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themoonlightreverie · 4 years ago
Satellite wish !
Ever wondered the wish of the moon?Could it ever be its wishto relentlessly orbit around the Sun,being a satellite,stuck in a hopeless inertia,believing it to be destinyto endlessly repeat this patternover and over again,allowed to meet the Sunonly when, the date and timeare in a perfect alignment. -THEMOONLIGHTREVERIE Photo by David Dibert on Unsplash
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themoonlightreverie · 4 years ago
My eccentric one !
My eccentric one !
I try to put in wordsthe emotions that overwhelm mewhen I think about youand our future together.But I always put away my pencause my love for youis overflowing.If it was to me,I’d preserve yourpeculiar eccentricitiesI wish the words in my lettersexpress my hearts,but unlike your love for methey fail meYou are someone so real,a rare specimen, if I couldgenuine enough to contradict yourselfLoving…
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themoonlightreverie · 4 years ago
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Inevitable ! the beginning;the middle;the end;thank you for giving me a beautiful middlefor this end was inevitable. -THEMOONLIGHTREVERIE
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themoonlightreverie · 4 years ago
Its her birthday !
Its her birthday !
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I invited her to a dark place, that’s my mind she saw it and stayed together we trembled, yet stayed put.
I took her to a flowing river of gloom and tears she came along, held me together and swam deep with me, saying all gets better in the end, and even if it doesn’t you’re not alone, said she
I walked her through a bumpy track of my traumas and happily all along she walked by me every single step of the…
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themoonlightreverie · 4 years ago
Unheard !
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Born with love, we all are love, that wilts away, gradually one heartbreak at a time.
Sometimes you seek validation, other times all you need is two cents of affection.
Once upon a time it was, my soul became inadequate and silently, without glory I was left unheard
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Pondering of mind !
Pondering of mind !
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A sentence so worded to elicit information, yes, this one is about Questions Those questions that we all have those, that haunt us at night and, make insomnia a friend dear. Seeking for answers to those questions, we all are, trying to make whole the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Some are found in a jiffy, while, others take years to decipher, and sometimes even then they seem far too isolated. And then there are…
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Tangible !
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Trying to catch a feather that is drifting away tirelessly flying, effortlessly a fine, light, and softest of all a feather grey as time carried away by the wind, away, far away from your hold
Thinking hard, contemplating this urge to hold on to it, I found myself reaching to a realization, that hits hard this need is to hold, hold on to something that is tangible, and not an idea of tangibility.
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Validation !
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The session of the court begins orders for those around to settle there is one getting tried standing on the stand to be questioned, so must witness this hearing to seek the holier opinions of the jurists sitting on the bench wisest of all, those who been there done that to gain all this experience being the judge of right and wrong while they read the ratio going into the intricate principles of how an action
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Validation jurisprudence !
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The session of the court begins orders for those around to settle there is one getting tried standing on the stand to be questioned, so must witness this hearing to seek the holier opinions of the jurists sitting on the bench wisest of all, those who been there done that to gain all this experience being the judge of right and wrong while they read the ratio going into the intricate principles of how an action
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Stardust !
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The desire held closely in the heart not just be given only for destiny it is to decide, for the unattached to be realized, and only by setting it free what is attached can be integrated.
The cocoon opens for realization of the butterfly to flutter its wings bathing it is there in the moonlight dusted with the finesse of the stardust altering its glow.
Photo by Tony Dearwester on Unsplash
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
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Prayer & poem ! the unplanned is the plan a poem structured or not a prayer may be answered or not…
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Silent words !
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Anticipation of the unknown with your pulse beating up like an echo of the drums yet the soul remains silent, just like the voice of the unborn, Shouting at the top of your voice you are, questioning the skies yet you remain calm, being at the center of the storm.
The silent transition in the dreams is the only escape from the real and the comfort of the night sings to you in harmony cause the light of the…
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
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Inherent ! Inherent it is, exchanging energies, taking a hold of the awareness just for once not fearing the unknown…
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
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Digress ! pages that are crisp indented by the tip of the pen dancing beneath the dry skin…
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Aligned !
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with every deep breath, my consciousness gets awaken a bit more. vibrations after vibrations it flows through all that is and all that ever will be Looking at you, I see eternity, the feeling of being one.
To tear us apart, the wicked ego has played its tricks, and the evil distance has come in between withstanding all this are we the warriors of love, spreading light in each others way
Enveloped in our arms
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
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Absurd ! Accepting the 'absurd' is the only way to live. thinking that every narrative has a hero necessarily…
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themoonlightreverie · 5 years ago
Soul of the murderer !
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Ignorance, where all the evil comes from. Good intentions, can do as much harm as malevolence, if doesn’t come from understanding. Good is as humane as evil two sides of the same coin, isn’t it? having a black heart is not evil evil is ignorance, the vice which is the most incorrigible a vice that fancies knowing everything claiming for itself, the right to kill. Its like the soul of the murderer, which is…
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