And I hope that five years and ten years from now, I'll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.
-Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
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Model Behaviour Agency
Membership: Inquire For Pricing [Application Processing Fee]
Model Behaviour Consultation: Inquire For Pricing
Contact: H2O Water Marketing💧[email protected] [h20.ucraft.site]
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Humility is taking the time to show love to all of your fans & supporters. Leave your mark on the world... then return the marker. You can't take any of it with you.
~Model Behaviour, Wilder Files Volume 9, Episode 8
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Welcome... to Splash Mountain.
~The King Of Splash Mountain aka Splash Wilder
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The fight against Alzheimer’s isn’t a republican or democrat issue… it’s both. Influencing positive change for progression in this universal mission of Alzheimer’s care and support. Care for Royalty. Health & Wealth for the Loyalty.
~Model Behaviour
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Put down the poisons, pride, destruction, hate, envy, lies, and falsehoods. Pick up some knowledge. Pick up some wisdom and overstanding. Stop dye+ing and live forever.
~Alkaline Splash
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"The black man has never been recorded to have just one woman." ♡Sister Shahrazad Ali, The Black Man’s Guide to Understanding The Black Woman
Exodus 21:10 KJV
2 Samuel 5:13 KJV
2 Samuel 12:8 KJV
Isaiah 4:1 KJV
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Model Behaviour forever.
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Assets & Liabilities [Balance Sheet] are more important than Profits & L's [Income Statement]. Doesn't matter how much the situation profits you... if you discern it's a liability, perhaps it's best to leave it alone. It's okay to pass on certain profits to secure spiritual assets. Sometimes bosses took a temporary L to avoid a Liability. A wise one once said: All money ain't good money. Align yourself with the law of The Most High to establish proper balance.
~Model Behaviour
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Full Service. Crème de la crème... Model Behaviour.
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It's always Shinin' Time. We took you from Shinin' Time Station to the Gravy Train, and beyond. Either you claimed your admission ticket for this train, or you did not. It's such a shame... you may have missed this train.
~Splash Wilder
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When it's time to genuinely give back to the community, only certain people show up. Salute to the H.E.E.M Team aka the H.E.E.M Nonprofit.
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There is no "i" in teamwork. However, there is a team... and there is work.
~Model Behaviour
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No need to cry now, go wipe your tears, be a woman. Why you actin' surprised? You saw the bullsh*t comin'. Fake hair, fake nails, fake eyes too... you bound to f**k wit fake guys too. Ain't nothin' hard about it why you lookin' sad? Shoulda thought about it. ~Makaveli
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California Love.
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¹⁵The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. ¹⁶Jesus said unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. ¹⁷The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: ¹⁸For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. ¹⁹The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. [John 4:15 to 19 KJV]
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Plenty of laughs and good fellowship happen in the screening room. Replay your blessings from The Most High and screen any non+positivity that tries to manifest during the feature film of your life.
~Alkaline Splash
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