thelukygirl · 1 year
This is my venting post εïз
So I want to lose weight and I find it easier for me to think about the calories not the kilograms...so...5kg=38500cal
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Day 0:38500cal
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thelukygirl · 2 years
2, 3, 4=cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)
5, 6, 7=fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)
8, 9, 10=mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)
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Aces :most intense, purest version of the element. They are associated with all signs of that element Ace of Cups=all water signs
Knights: Fire
Queens: Water
Kings: Air
Pages: Earth
The Queens :the cardinal element of a sign (Aries Queen of Wands)
The Knights :the fixed element of a sign (Leo is the Knight of Wands)
The Kings :the mutable element of a sign (Sagittarius is the King of Wands)
Aries Tarot Cards
The Emperor (IV)
Queen of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Two of Wands — 1st decan of Aries (March 21-30)
Three of Wands — 2nd decan of Aries (March 31-April 10)
Four of Wands — 3rd decan of Aries (April 11-20)
Taurus Tarot Cards
The Hierophant (V)
Knight of Pentacles — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Swords — 3rd decan
Five of Pentacles — 1st decan of Taurus (April 21-30)
Six of Pentacles — 2nd decan of Taurus (May 1-10)
Seven of Pentacles — 3rd decan of Taurus (May 11-20)
Gemini Tarot Cards
The Lovers (VI)
Knight of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Cups — 3rd decan
Eight of Swords — 1st decan of Gemini (May 21-31)
Nine of Swords — 2nd decan of Gemini (June 1-10)
Ten of Swords — 3rd decan of Gemini (June 11-20)
Cancer Tarot Cards
The Chariot (VII)
Queen of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Wands — 3rd decan
Two of Cups — 1st decan of Cancer (June 21-30)
Three of Cups — 2nd decan of Cancer (July 1-11)
Four of Cups — 3rd decan of Cancer (July 12-21)
Leo Tarot Cards
Strength (VIII)
Knight of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Five of Wands — 1st decan of Leo (July 22-August 1)
Six of Wands — 2nd decan of Leo (August 2-11)
Seven of Wands — 3rd decan of Leo (August 12-22)
Libra Tarot Cards
Justice (XI)
Queen of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Cups — 3rd decan
Two of Swords — 1st decan of Libra (September 23-October 2)
Three of Swords — 2nd decan of Libra (October 3-12)
Four of Swords — 3rd decan of Libra (October 13-22)
Scorpio Tarot Cards
Death (XII)
Knight of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Wands — 3rd decan
Five of Cups — 1st decan of Scorpio (October 23-November 1)
Six of Cups — 2nd decan of Scorpio (November 2-12)
Seven of Cups — 3rd decan of Scorpio (November 13-22)
Sagittarius Tarot Cards
Temperance (XIV)
King of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Eight of Wands — 1st decan of Sagittarius (November 23-December 2)
Nine of Wands — 2nd decan of Sagittarius (December 3-12)
Ten of Wands — 3rd decan of Sagittarius (December 13-21)
Capricorn Tarot Cards
The Devil (XV)
Queen of Pentacles — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Swords — 3rd decan
Two of Pentacles — 1st decan of Capricorn (December 22-30)
Three of Pentacles — 2nd decan of Capricorn (December 31-Jan 9)
Four of Pentacles — 3rd decan of Capricorn (January 10-19)
Aquarius Tarot Cards
The Star (XVII)
Knight of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Cups — 3rd decan
Five of Swords — 1st decan of Aquarius (January 20-29)
Six of Swords – 2nd decan of Aquarius (January 30-February 8)
Seven of Swords — 3rd decan of Aquarius (February 9-18)
Pisces Tarot Cards
The Moon (XVIII)
King of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Wands — 3rd decan
Eight of Cups — 1st decan of Pisces (February 19-28)
Nine of Cups — 2nd decan of Pisces (March 1-10)
Ten of Cups — 3rd decan of Pisces (March 11-20)
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