thelovingflame · 10 years
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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"Because trouble is in your title, my sweet nephew."
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"Trouble? Why would you even think a think like that, auntie?"
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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"Metis is.. Oh," She searched her mind for the words that could lift her brother's spirits, but she found none. His tone was far from happy, it wasn't even hopeful, it was bare. The tone was just there, bare and raw with something that could be mourning. Her hand reached out for his, laying palm up in offering comfort if he might want it. 
"Zeus, dearest Zeus," She wanted to reach out and hold her youngest brother in her arms, to comfort him, but she did not want to overstep his comfort zone."I can see why you are worried. This is not the best time to bring a child into the world. Has Metis.. Have you told anyone else?"
We Pay for the Violence of Our Ancestors (closed)
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"Just worry," He said, one hand fidgeting nervously before he finally looked back at her. "Metis  … she is with child."
The words came out so flat, so lifeless. This wasn’t the news of a happy soon-to-be father. It sounded as though his consort had been issued a death sentence.
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thelovingflame · 10 years
"Your smile, I adore it. I still remember the way your smile lit up the room the day you had Hebe, how bright your aura shone blinding us all. It was pure love, a love that still sets behind your eyes and at the edges of your lips."
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thelovingflame · 10 years
Send "Do you love me?" for my character's reaction.
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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Bookshelf Built Ins
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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uber coooool
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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thelovingflame · 10 years
Can I just have a Poseidon and an Apollo to play out the whole reason why she's a maiden goddess? And maybe even to play out the courting attempts and all of the young olympian things? I just want to explore her decision making, get to weigh out the choices of possibly having children and a marriage vs being alone tending to the heart of Olympus. I'd also like a Dio to play out the whole "I'm retiring from this, here have my seat" myth. 
This is what I get for picking minor goddesses. I get attached far too quickly.
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thelovingflame · 10 years
"These things are nothing more than thoughts, brother. Thoughts cannot hurt you while they are caged within your mind, but I suppose they would unsettle you. May I ask what plagues your mind? Voicing them might help you clear them out."
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We Pay for the Violence of Our Ancestors (closed)
He gave a tense nod at what she said. His gaze slowly returning to her when she squeezed his hand. His concerns about the prophecy concerning Metis fluttering against the forefront of his consciousnesses like a bird against a cage. 
"Many things, sister. Somethings that frighten me just in the thinking."
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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"That might have a bit of influence over your choice.." Hestia made a silent note to herself that becoming a virginal goddess wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to her. She could have married one of her brothers, while they had places in her heart, she did not want any of them to influence her choices more-so than they normally would. "You digress? No, dear Hera, you remember and never truly forgive. I'm sure you still remember all the times I forgot to visit you because I was caught up in watching the flames." She set a hand over her younger sister's and offered a knowing smile. "I don't need to imagine it, I already know that it would have been grand in every way."
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"The fact that he had me in chains and wouldn’t release me until I swore may have been a deciding factor." Hera frowned, that hadn’t exactly been a highlight of their married life. "But alas, I digress. Just imagine what could have been…" 
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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#zeus and hera are mildly dysfunctional
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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"Of course you would. Now come on, I'm positively bored and you promised to show me a good time ages ago. What shall it be, a play or one of Dionysus' dancing establishments?"
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"Alas I have so little influence over Apollo these days, otherwise I might pursue that option."
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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fleetfeetsmartmouth started following you
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"Now there's a face I haven't seen in quite some time.. What trouble have you gotten into now, dearest?"
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thelovingflame · 10 years
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"Wouldn't that be grand? Oh how proud our cousins might have been to serve under our rule.. Alas, now we shall never know!" Hestia smiled and shook her head. "I still find it strange that you'd agree to such a thing. dearest, but I suppose that's the fun of all that marriage and love business."
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"Oh but you should! We could be sister-queens, lead the world into a whole new age of prosperity." Hera exclaimed gleefully, then sighed heavily. "Except that I promised Zeus I wouldn’t try to overthrow him again, not after the last time. Darn, we would have been magnificent."
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