thekinq · 4 years
Tiny animals to brighten your dashboard. 😍
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thekinq · 4 years
Hi!! I’m back, returned from a mental health break, but I’m returning strong and will be talking a bit about my two characters, my self insert, Eliot, she is a queen, and Bea, she is also a queen!
Also I’m here to vent about bara turtle men because bless Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Raph smh--
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thekinq · 4 years
Tagged by @kokokatsworld
Answer: Comfort food HAS to be sushi, it’s so yummy!
I tag anyone who wants to go for it, also hi I’ve returned!!
Question: Who is your comfort character?
A game for mutuals.
Rules: Tag 4 mutuals and ask one question.
Tagged by: didn’t
Mutuals: @catboybatman @baby-blue-bats @nightwings-fingerstripes @quentinthedyke
Question: Which one song always gets stuck in your mind?
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thekinq · 4 years
Cunttt I’m going through some sort of teen rebel stage I’m about to go out and get hair dye and dye my hair half hot pink, about to pierce my own fucking nose, and am fucking listening to rock all over again what the fuck is this shit lmao
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thekinq · 4 years
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. . . Prodigy, TF oc, a Minibot Medic, he/them pronouns . . .
. . . Pouty boy and he’s kinda a comfort character . . .
. . . Really good at what he does, he was originally supposed to be made for energon transport service purposes but showed he was better in the field at action saving fellow ‘Bots lives . . .
. . . Actually a very chipper fellow, and can be quite shy if you aren’t a patient or someone he knows . . . 
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thekinq · 4 years
Hey if you’re schizophrenic/psychotic I just want you to know that you’re a wonderful person and that you deserve so much better than the demonization, marginalization and stigmatization you face in this society.
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thekinq · 4 years
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! I’ve been really sad and anti social today so here’s a transformers oc because I’ve been reading mtmte !
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thekinq · 4 years
ugh me though
This one is very self inserty so oiamsdowamd Warning ig??
Keep reading
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thekinq · 4 years
Damn like... Yes please---
The pure sounds of filth coming from him, he’d be so into it too like iausndaiwd
This one is very self inserty so oiamsdowamd Warning ig??
Keep reading
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thekinq · 4 years
This one is very self inserty so oiamsdowamd Warning ig??
The amount of times I’ve imagined being alone in a kitchen with Mikey is insane.
I just imagine being up late at night and I’m in my pjs, the usual for me being in a large t-shirt with nothing else, underwear at night? No thank you--
Anyways it’s fun and giggly times until I go reaching for something up high or go bending over to get a bowl like he asked, though we all know he asked on purpose because lets face it, the only snack he wants is me and seeing my slick folds makes him shudder in delight, I always fall for his little trick.
People always play him out as innocent and I’m here to say he is anything B U T innocent, if anything I find he’s the most mature in his own sense--
He can always tell that I’m ready for him, my libido is always high and his nostrils flare as he locks onto his target, making work of turning me around to pick me up and bury his face to claim his prize
Thinking about it just has me shivering and becoming a blushing mess because by god Mikey picking anyone up has me flustered and a wiggling mess
Also not me bringing out the gay in me and imagining eating someone out with him
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thekinq · 4 years
Okay I just had a moment to think and Mafia!Bea plagues my mind and just--
Imagine her eating you out, she would be so slow and sensual, every stroke of her tongue so loving at your folds as she takes her time to make you feel so fucking good. 
Her tongue stroking back and forth, tongue swirling around the sensitive pearl watching you squirm and whine.
God this Bisexual Queen has me feeling some sort of way
And not me going on to imagine how she invites Mafia!Raph and how they both go down on you and dom the shit out of you together 
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thekinq · 4 years
! About to be really fucking nsfw up in here because someone, not naming any names kOKO -- Made my mind go to absolute filth, though I’m not complaining !
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thekinq · 4 years
! Mafia!Bea Because We All Need It !
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! I’m so proud of this it’s not even funny !
! @kokokatsworld​ lOOK AT SHE-- !
! Now it’s time to pass out and sleep in for another day g’night y’all i’m so done with existing lmao !
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thekinq · 4 years
any adhd kids out there that loved long (3+ hour) car rides because it gave you an acceptable excuse to stare blankly out at an ever-changing background and listen to music on loop / daydream extensively please raise your hands. i wanna check something
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thekinq · 4 years
! She ... !
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thekinq · 4 years
! Hc that Mafia!Bea is much more slim then the original au Bea ! 
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thekinq · 4 years
! Wip of Mafia!Bea for your souls because hAHAHA SHE’S HOT OH NO !
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