theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Blackstripe's right hand man and best friend, Indigo is the strategist of the group, doesn't likes to jump into action without a plan, but if he has to, he does it, often trusting Blackstripe would know what to do in the moment. Pretty fast in tagging walls thanks to his multiple arms, which makes him the special weapon if the gang needs to tag while being chased by cops or rival gangs.
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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I'm sure this one could have been better  oh well Mining is a hobby of Blackstripe, of course needs appropiate gear, for security reasons no piercings either. Is also like therapeutic for him, that way he can release steam and energy, listening to music (like this www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCYlA-… ) with a repetitive beat at the same time he hits rocks with a pickaxe brings him some peace of mind and a change of the chaotic life in the streets. And best of all, he makes a profit with the minerals he finds.
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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i'm not supposed to work on weekends but i wanted to finish this sketch XD just blackstripe and indigo interacting
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Blackstripe is not alone, his gang has his back~
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Finally decided to post this XD said blackstripe has a gang, so i made a gang for him! Meet Sharpeye, Chatterbox and Indigo will make ref sheet for each one later on nwn
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Art trade with @skellatinn , this was so much fun to draw, thank you! nwn
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Let's start 2023 with some more doodles with the ghost shark :3
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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<i> Katherine was too busy struggling, yelling and fighting to get free to notice right away that the red hunter jumped off his ride chaser and was rushing towards her, she was just clawing at the ropes with violence, determined to get free…
  That was until she received a particularly harsh hit from Zero, he slashed her across the chest making her yelp in pain and be thrown back, a deep wound on her chest, her crystal was broken and the mechanism inside could be seen, wires and liquid poured from the wound as she trembled on the floor, dizzy and in pain, looking at the fake blood and then looking up at the crimson hunter, who was pointing at her with his z saber.
-Stay down!- he ordered with a commanding voice. </i> ------------------ a scene from https://www.tumblr.com/theforestwitch28/701029197676724224/katherines-backstory-part-1-the-capture?source=share
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Happy holidays my lil crows! nwn decided to give two offers during this month, avaliable starting today Dec 1st of 2022 until Jan 1st 2023.
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
Katherine's backstory Part 3: The training.
prev: https://www.tumblr.com/theforestwitch28/701029926813433856/katherines-backstory-part-2-the-taming?source=share next: x x x
There was a process for each new reploid who wanted to become a hunter, the newcomers would get tested, their abilities and strength, to decide in what level they belonged, a new reploid who got approved to be a combat unit would be a rookie, and get a general training in weapons, classes to memorize protocols and answer properly to emergencies, who to follow and obey orders from, etc. This process would take a month of exhaustive training, and once passed that training, the rookies would be sent to continue their training being assigned to elder hunters with who they would share battle statistics.
Being a close combat reploid herself, it wasn’t a surprise Katherine got assigned to be Zero’s student.
The day Zero got to meet his new students, he smiled when he saw her between the other rookies.
-Alright listen up everyone! - said Zero, making the students stop their chatter and pay attention -I’m going to warn you from the start, I do not tolerate sloppiness in my unit, I’m very strict and I expect nothing but the best from all of you, do I make myself clear? -
-Yes sir! - all the students answered in unison.
Zero’s classes were tough, they practiced close combat with sabers (the rookies could only use metal rods to practice), the students tried their best to imitate the movements the red hunter made, starting to memorize patterns to attack and slowly moving in unison, until Zero didn’t had to guide them anymore and just walked around them, watching carefully and correcting if one was making wrong movements. They also trained close combat without weapons at all, throwing punches, kicks, using locks, etc, to quickly neutralize their opponent.
Katherine couldn’t help to be eager to learn, she had developed great respect for Zero, and looking how the red hunter was awesome and cool she wanted to learn as much as she could to be like him. She was always in time for his classes and did what the red hunter told without a second thought.
However, she started to notice something, and Zero noticed it too, she already had great experience in close combat, but for some reason, she had difficulty with the saber (metal rod). Sometimes it would just fly out of her hands and she would just lose grip on it and fail the patterns Zero was teaching, it made her gain a scold or two from the red hunter. But instead of getting mad or get disappointed, it just made her try harder, not wanting to disappoint Zero.
But no matter how hard she tried, she was still having problems with the saber, she thought maybe just needed more  training. So, she started to sneak out the room she shared with the other rookies at night when they were sleeping, and knowing past midnight no one was in the training areas, she started to train alone. She was really making an effort to get better, for about a week she was sneaking out at midnight to train by her own.
It didn't take long for someone to notice her night sessions.
One particular night, angry shouts and struggling could be heard from the training room, Katherine repeated the moves that were taught by Zero, again and again and again, but with no improvement, she was really angry at that point, angry at herself, what was she doing wrong?
-You know, you're going to end up waking up the whole HQ if you keep doing that-
Katherine froze at mid swing of her metal rod, recognizing that voice, and sure enough, when she turned around, she saw Zero entering the training room.
-C-commander Zero!- she let go of the rod, letting it fall on the floor.
This was the first time since she started to train alone at night someone had managed to discover her. Was Zero going to be angry at her? Maybe it was forbidden and she broke a rule? Was she going to be punished? Many thoughts crossed her mind at that moment, making her nervous seeing the red bot approaching, actually making her take a couple of steps back.
-Commander i-i can explain- she started saying.
But Zero's calm demeanor told her he wasen't angry.
-Settle down Katherine, it's alright- he said -It is aganist the rules to be awake at this hour tho, you know you need your battery charged for the next day, what are you doing here?-
Katherine lowered her ears -Well i was just... training, sir-
-Training? More?- asked Zero.
-Yes... i have been coming here late for a while now, to practice with the saber... i'm still no good enough with it, while my classmates are advancing, i'm stuck, i still can't master it at all, and i don't know why!- she starts raising her voice in frustration, but lowers it again, still angry -It just keeps flying out of my hands, and i can't control it, what if i made a mistake wanting to do this? And join the hunters?-
-Now now- interrupted Zero, placing both hands on her shoulders -Don't start with that, you're just having a little bit of trouble-
-But...!- she tried to reply, but the elder bot prevented her from doing so.
-No buts... now take a deep breath and settle down- he instructed her.
Katherine looked like she wanted to argue but had no option but to obey, so she took a few deep and slow breaths, just like he taught her during her rehabilitation, until she was calm again.
-There's a good girl- he smiled at her -Now... i know the basic training for my class is to practice with sabers... but that isn't the only weapon of choice you know?-
Katherine blinked -it isn't?-
-Nope... i personally don't think having an only weapon is really wise, that's why i know to use a lot more than my saber- he explains -Maybe the saber is not the right weapon for you-
Zero walked over to the control panel of the training room, pressing some buttons and putting some commands, Katherine stood in her spot, watching curious and wondering what he was doing.
-Hmm... i have a feeling this could be the right one...- he said, pressing more buttons.
Then, from the wall where the training weapons were stored, Zero picked a rod somewhat different to the one normally used for training, this one looked more like some type of hammer, or like an axe.
Zero picked it up and tossed it towards the orange reploid -Try this one-
Katherine catches it, looking at the weapon a bit confused, it was different from what she was used to train with, but obeyed anyways, adjusting it with both hands.
-It feels different- she commented, looking at the weapon -But how am i supposed to--
Katherine's eyes widened when she heard the familiar sound of Zero's saber activating, and saw him charging towards her, with a surprised yelp, her instinct made her block with her new adquired weapon. There was a loud hit sound, she succesfully blocked the saber of the crimson hunter, she couldn't believe it!
-Now heads up Katherine, do what you learnt in your training!- he commanded, taking another swing at her.
-Y-yes sir!- she replied.
It was completely different from what she did during daytime training and midnight training, this time the weapon stayed in her hands firmly, her movements were more fluid and accurate, she barely had time to proccess the fact that she was moving much better and actually countering Zero in battle, even if it was just training.
After a while, Zero stopped attacking, Katherine just panted, eyes wide and with her weapon firmly gripped with both hands. Zero couldn't help to smile, both proud for her and amused at her surprised expression.
-You see?- he said -Not all reploids settle for one kind of weapon, and have to search for the right one... You can keep training with the axe from now on, of course, not right now, you must be tired--
-N-no, i can keep going- she told him.
Zero blinked - huh?-
-I still have energy left, i can keep training sir, i wanna be ready and able to keep up with your lessons... please-
Zero was a bit surprised, most rookies didn't let an oportunity to rest pass... and here he was, being asked for more... And of course, being him of all bots around, how could he let a chance for training slide? He smirked.
-Alright then, let's keep going, show me what you got!-
-Yes sir!-
Battle sounds and hits could be heard from the training room for at least an hour more, the more time passes, the more fluid and accurate Katherine's moves become, Zero didn't let up, slowly increasing the heat, taking mental notes of what she could do, what she could not and what she can work on to improve.
After a while, Katherine ended with a knee on the ground, still holding the axe, she was panting hard. She tried to get up but couldn't.
-Heh~ i admire your dedication, but you can't do much with a low battery, kiddo- commented Zero, putting away his z saber.
-D-dammit- Katherine panted, letting go of the axe, putting both hands on the ground -just when i was doing it r-right...-
-Hey, there's no rush- he said while approaching her -I think you advanced pretty much tonight, you will do just fine in the next classes- he kneels by her side -Can you walk?-
Katherine tries to get up again but no avail, her response was a frustrated sigh.
-And there's another lesson Kath, you can't let your battery run this low, always check on it and avoid your current state at all costs, it can be fatal during a mission- he slighty scolded.
Katherine lowered her ears slighty -Y-yes sir, i'm sorry-
The door of the training room opened, Zero getting out, while carrying a ver tired Katherine on his back, towards the rookie's rooms. Katherine was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.
-Sir... can i ask you a question?- she said.
-How did you know i was going to do good with the axe?-
Zero hummed for a few seconds, still carrying her and walking.
-I had a feeling... while taking a look in your data back when you arrived, i saw all your past programming, about how you were built for rescuing missions... Of all the weapons i had... the axe was pretty similar to a pickaxe, which would be used to dig in concrete and rocks, when an avalanche or a collapsing building would require it... several parts of your programming can be used for missions actually, we just have to search a way to adapt- he explained.
Katherine remained silent as she prossesed what the older bot was telling her, she never imagined her older program could be used for combat, the doctor had altered it a bit, but, had to add new data to make her fight. The more she knew Zero, the more she understood why he was such a respected hunter, being able to come up with strategies like that...
Slowly her eyes drifted shut, hearing Zero talking about something like vibrations on the ground, but she wasen't listening anymore, her battery now very low... she went into sleep mode.
-...And who knows, you could even track enemies-- Katherine?- he was still rambling, but stopped both talking and walking at the lack of movement or response from her.
Zero turned to see, realizing she fell asleep leaning into him. But he wasen't surprised at all, he only sighed, a slight smile on his face as he entered quietly in the rookie's room.
-I'm glad you're trying so hard to do your part here- he commented quietly, opening a capsule and carefully laying Katherine inside -Moving on from what that maverick did to you...- he pressed some buttons on the panel, and the capsule closed, her battery starting to charge -... And i'll make sure to train you properly-
After that, the classes continued, now Katherine being able to keep up with her fellow classmates, sure it was weird she was the only rookie with a different weapon, but she did her job. They were training not only in weapons, hand-to-hand combat was also on the classes, so sparring was an usual sighting in Zero's lessons.
However, when the rest of the rookies were resting or doing other things that didn't require Zero's presence, Katherine started recieving extra lessons from the crimsom hunter.
One day, Zero took her to a special training room. When they entered, Katherine found herself in a big room half filled with packed snow.
-Ummm... sir? what are we doing here?- she asked, looking all over the room for something that gave her an idea, but she could only see snow.
-I want to test something Kath- he told her -and if this test is a success, this will be your new training... from what i gathered in your data, you were originally made for rescuing, in disasters like earthquakes, avalanches and landslides... you're supposed to be able to feel vibrations on the ground specifically to be alert of tremors after an earthqueake... also you're supposed to be able to listen when a human is trapped underground calling for help, am i correct?-
Katherine blinked, it was a while since she thought in her original programming, but not really understanding where he was getting at -yes sir-  
-Alright then...- he looked towards the snow -Somewhere down there is a training dummy, right now is playing a human's call for help and mimicking their movements, i want you to find it and bring it up here- he ordered.
Katherine looked at the snow and walked over it, the ears on her helmet shot up and she froze, looking at the snow, picking up something... she slowly crouched and put her hands in the snow, her ears moving slighty in random directions until they just pointed towards a spot, her sight focusing there too... she gasped when she heard a very faint scream and felt movement in her hands.
-S-sir i think i found it!- she said out loud, without taking her eyes from that specific spot.
-Ok then go for it, use your claws if you need to dig-
Katherine noded, and activating her beam claws, she started to dig in that specific spot, slowly making her way to the bottom of the room, and when she came back out, she was dragging the training dummy by an arm. Zero smirked.
-Not bad Kath- he complimented her, making her smile -Now... for the crucial part of this test-
Zero pressed some buttons on a control panel, Katherine wondering what he was doing, but remained silent, she knew he was going to explain soon.
-Normally, when a human is trapped underground, they remain in the same spot... but why don't we try tracking something that can move underground?- he explained, finishing with the control panel -This time your target is a micebot, they are not bigger than your hand, and can move under the snow... is not going to remain in the same spot like the training dummy, so you have to figure out how to get to the micebot fast before it detects you and runs away to another spot... is up to you how to approach it-
-B-but sir i have never tracked something that was able to move, a-and that small? i don't know if i can...- Katherine started to say, nervous.
-Hey hey- he approaches her -settle down, i know you can do this Kath, i have seen your data... you can even detect a human's heartbeat under all this snow...also, this is just a test, to check if this method of training can actually work for you... it's okay if it dosen't succeeds, okay?-
Katherine gulped, ears lowered, Zero seemed really hopefull of this test, even after his words... she didn't want to dissapoint him, so she took a deep breath and noded.
-A-alright sir... i'll try my best-
The crimson hunter noded, and went back to his place.
Katherine focused on the snow again, her ears perking up in every direction, her hands on the snow to feel any vibrations. Soon enough she detected something, there was movement alright, she could detect it and pinpoint it... but now the problem was how to catch it before the noise of the digging alerted the micebot and made it escape...
And she started her tries, first she tried to dig with her beam claws as fast as she could in the snow just above the micebot, but it failed and scurried away.
Next, she tried to dig even faster, but it ended in the same result.
Next she tried to use her axe but the snow cushions the hit and slows it down, making it impossible to reach the micebot.
Zero watched her try several times, sighing, she could pinpoint it but wasen't able to catch it, so maybe it was going to be impossible to train her like that.
Katherine panted, glaring at the snow under her feet, raking her CPU trying to come up with a solution...
That's when an idea poped into her head... she already tried several times, so, one more couldn't hurt...
She did her thing, focusing on the sounds and vibrations, tilting her head slighty while watching a random point in the snow, her ears pointing in that direction... and then... she jumped.
Zero was caught of guard, watching her jump and activate her beam claws in mid air, then landing head first into the snow with enough force to get herself buried with only her legs sticking out the snow. Slowly she moved and forced herself out the snow... with the micebot clutched on one hand.
-I DID IT!- she shouted triumpantly, waving the little micebot so Zero could see it, smiling brightly -I did it sir! i caught it!-
Zero smiled, clapping a couple of times when the girl brought back the micebot -Great job Katherine, you took your time but you figured it out~ you see? i told you could it-
Katherine giggled a bit, very proud of herself -Does this means the test was a success?- she asked.
-Of course, now we can confirm it, we can use your old programming for missions, you can detect and track enemies hidden underground- Zero explained -And not only that, you could even find underground structures and enemy bases if you train enough, but of course, this will count as extra training not included in the regular rookie lessons, so, do you want to continue with this?-
Katherine didn't even stopped to think about it, she was so eager to be able to help and get better and better, to be able to be a valuable hunter recognized for her skills.
-Of course sir!- she answered without heistation -I'll do my best and put effort on this so i can be even better, i won't quit anytime soon!-
Zero smiled, quite proud and happy to see her willing to train and learn. He gave her a couple of pats on the head.
-There's a good girl-
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
Katherine's backstory Part 2: The taming.
prev: https://www.tumblr.com/theforestwitch28/701029197676724224/katherines-backstory-part-1-the-capture?source=share next: https://www.tumblr.com/theforestwitch28/701030215772717056/katherines-backstory-part-3-the-training?source=share ------------------------------------------------------------------
The three hunters decided to take the girl with them, cleaning away the virus was possible, however, even without the virus she was still dangerous, to everyone and to herself. They could test that from the moment she woke up after being repaired, she woke up and instantly started to fight, being overwhelmed by her trauma of the tortures she suffered and waking up in an unfamiliar place surrounded by strangers. She was quickly apprehended and put in a special cell to contain her while the MHHQ decided what to do with her.
She was put in a small and dark cell, Katherine began to pace along the walls like a lion in a circus cage, pawing at the walls and bars in hopes to find a door, without success, she was trapped.
The reploids of the MHHQ were watching the security cameras of the cell, convinced she was too dangerous, they had already witnessed her rampage the moment she woke up, she made quite the damage to the equipment and some reploids. At least here, they could monitor Katherine with a sense of security, especially since they had armed reploids ready in case the cell proved too weak to hold her.
-Such potential- frowned X with a sigh -Such a waste...-
-You believe she is hopeless then? - asked Zero by his side, staring at the orange-armored reploid as she continued to paw at the walls.
-I need to get out, I need to go back to the doctor, he is going to punish me when he sees I didn’t follow him… but didn’t he abandon me? And what does those reploids want with me? I just wanna get OUT! -
POW! Katherine summoned a bright beam-like claw and slammed her fist in the wall, causing a loud bang that startled everyone else in the hallway and the security room... all that is, except for the eldest bots among them.
Axl spoke next -Well after that little show you have to admit it’s a little scary- he gulped -she is acting like a wild animal…-
Zero hummed for a moment, staring at the screens, watching her in silence for a minute… until he spoke again -she is not a wild animal, Axl… she is scared, that’s all-
-Scared? SHE is frightened? - replied an angered reploid nearby -I saw what she did to the repairing area! I saw her attack with those claws! We all saw it!-
  -Guys, please...- said the crimson hunter -Normally I would be the first one to say that is better if we just ended her and moved forward, but I know here we can give second chances- he said, looking briefly at X, who just nodded softly -she's pacing herself, she's calmer now. She's probably confused and wondering what we're going to do to her…- 
-And who knows, maybe she just needs guidance- said X -she is free from the virus now, maybe with some work she can get reformed- he suggested, the other reploids didn’t seem so convinced but agreed anyways.
-I’ll go there- said Zero, catching everyone’s attention -I believe I can at least make her listen… after all, she did listen back in the place we captured her, so let me take over this… taming process-
A soft click interrupted Katherine’s thoughts, making her snap her head towards the metal bars, they were sliding aside, she could go! She was free! She didn’t waste any time and started to run out… only to run into the crimson hunter from before, making her stop in her tracks and freeze for a moment, remembering how he cut her chest open with a swing of his sword.
Zero observed her carefully, while she slowly walked backwards into her cell, wanting to maintain distance, and he then took a step forward, and another, and another. She went backwards once more, and until she was cornered.  Her breath quickened, her internal alarms blaring, her fight or flight reflexes kicking in, making her snarl at him and summon her beam claws, attempting to make him back off.
It didn’t work though.
-You know… is not a very good first impression to greet someone like that- commented Zero casually, keeping an eye on her, she was growling but didn’t dare to attack -Come on now… I won’t hurt you; you can put those down… see? - she lifted both hands slowly to not scare her, showing he was empty handed -No weapons-
It took a while, Katherine having a hard mental struggle, but Zero was patient, she was debating on what to do, sure he was disarmed, but who assured her he wouldn’t hurt her anyways? And if she tried to escape, could she beat him? And in that case, she was still in an unfamiliar place filled with strange reploids… after what seemed like an eternity… she lowered her hands, turning off the beam claws, much to the amazement of the reploids in the security room. 
-There's a good girl- smiled the elder hunter, lowering his hands too -By the way, I don’t think we have made introductions yet… I’m Zero- 
The girl, still hesitating, took a minute to respond -I… I-I’m Katherine- 
Zero spent at least an hour in there, slowly and gently talking to her, explaining to her where she was and making her reply back, X had taught him that during all those years fighting side by side, sometimes some reploids just needed reassurance, someone to talk to.
-In your current situation is dangerous for you to go out, you have no control over your reactions or emotions- explains Zero, watching the girl lower her ears -But, that doesn’t mean you won’t be free, eventually you will be able to go wherever you want, but first you must learn to control yourself and your power, after all, we can’t go around tearing someone apart just because they startled you, right?-
Katherine looked aside, she knew he was right -R-right… but then it means… I’m a prisoner again?-
-Let’s not call it that- the elder bot replied -Let’s say you’re under discipline process, we have to undo everything that maverick taught you, both consciously and unconsciously, learn to control your power and use it when necessary, and most importantly, to forget your fear- said the elder bot, making Katherine look at him with interest -With the kind of power I witnessed back there… you had enough power to kill that maverick by yourself-
Katherine gasped, her ears perking up and looking at him with wide eyes -W-what…? No… that’s impossible-
-That’s what you think… what he made you think, you were just too scared to even consider it… how do you know you couldn’t when you never even tried it?- asked Zero.
Katherine tried to come up with a response, without success…
Zero smiled -You see?... here we can teach you what you need, but we take your decisions into consideration, we won’t force you to do anything if you don’t want to ok? Forget what happened back there… we won’t punish you like he did, I promise-
Katherine listened everything with attention, letting his words sink in… she could finally be free, but right there and then she was a danger, and they were offering her rehabilitation, and if she passed it, she could go anywhere and make her life…
-… When do we start?- she asked to the elder bot.
Zero smiled, reaching slowly towards her, she lowered her ears and closed her eyes, for a second thinking he was going to hurt her, but she only heard something metallic hit the floor, she opened her eyes and glanced down, the metal cuff she used to have on the neck along with the chain were laying there, she put her hand on her neck, like it was the first time in a long while she could take that off.
-We can start right away- said Zero.
It took months of constant work and patience, X joined Zero in the rehabilitation sessions with Katherine, working hard to undo the damages the doctor made on her.
They discovered, digging through her data, that she was originally part of a custom set of reploids, made for rescue and retrievals during accidents with avalanches or earthquakes, but the doctor modified her structure and data to adapt her for battle and stealth, they considered re programming her but it proved dangerous, the modifications were made so deep that it was difficult to remove them without damaging her data, so it was decided for her to stay like that.
At the start, it was hard for her to even get out of her cell willingly, but with the help of the HQ and specially X, who was always so gentle and caring, she started to slowly grow calmer and more confident every day. She wasn’t even used to words of encouragement or simple physical affection, like a pat on the back, the first times she always recoiled from Zero or X expecting to be hurt, just to be so confused a second later.
She started to get used to schedules and routines, for her to rest, to get her sessions, to do whatever, and even community jobs in the HQ (She had to pay back for what she broke when she arrived), routines were a luxury she didn’t had access to when she was with the doctor, she was used to be taken out her cell at any hour, any minute without warning. She was able to meet other reploids and to socialize more, she even meet Axl and got along with him with ease, both being of the same “age”.
The hardest part of her rehab however, was her sudden outbursts when scared or startled, but Zero managed to keep her in line and stop those outbursts successfully, until she was able to react normally at given situations. 
And when she wasn’t working or resting and had some free time, she started to explore the MHHQ, of course, the places she could go were very limited and she was always with a escort to keep her in check, in those walks she started to understand more what they did in the MHHQ, their work, their training, all to serve and protect humans and reploids, she couldn’t help to admire what they did there, all their effort, discipline, and training to help others, it made her think a lot, would someone like her be able to be like them? Or it was an impossible dream? 
Until one day, after months, all that hard work paid off, X announced she was completely rehabilitated and ready to exit the MHHQ as a normal reploid, free to do what she wanted.
-We couldn’t be prouder to announce that your rehab was a success- said X, smiling at Katherine -From now on you’re free to go wherever you want-
-Just don’t go around and cause trouble okay?- said Axl, smirking -We don’t want to have to take you back here for misbehaving-
-Relax, I’ll be good- said Katherine, knowing Axl was just teasing, and then sighs -Well… I guess this is goodbye huh?-
-I guess so…- Axl felt a bit bad, he had gotten along with her so well, and now she had to go -But hey, you can visit when you want of course-
-Right… again, thank you so much for helping me- she said -I’ll try to pay you back somehow-
-It’s okay, we’re just glad we were able to help- said X.
After exchanging some more words and saying their goodbyes, Katherine walked out, exiting the MHHQ building… she was free to go where she wanted, to do what she wanted… she should be happy but… her face while standing in the entrance of the MHHQ was one of sadness. 
She couldn’t go back to the doctor, that’s was for sure, but all her life she was with him until he left her behind, she didn’t knew anything or anyone else, she had nowhere to go… of course, she could go and find a job in her area, what she was built for in the first place, which was rescuing, but the battle modifications made it difficult, she could make things worse if she attempted to make a rescue…
-Thought you were already discharged?- said a voice behind her.
Katherine turned quickly to see who it was, it was Zero. Just that was proof the rehab was a success, at the start, she would have attacked Zero, but not anymore.
-Commander Zero! - she smiled, glad to see him -I thought you were on a mission? -
-Yeah, I was, just came back- he smiled -So, you’re going now? -
-Well… yeah, Commander X told me I’m free to go…- she looked out, to the immense city out of the MHHQ.
-Hmm… something tells me you’re not too happy about that- commented Zero.
-O-of course I’m happy! I mean, I’m free… is just…- the ears on her helmet lowered -I… I don’t really have anywhere to go… and I don’t think I can safely perform my original programming with what the doctor did to me…- she explained, looking sad -A-and here you guys have been so nice to me, and you have helped me so much…-
They stayed in silence for a minute, looking out at the city. 
-… Well… there’s still an option you know? – said Zero -You can become a hunter-
Katherine turned to look at him so quick, she was sure something snapped on her neck joints -W-what??-
-Yeah, I mean, your skills qualify for combat, and we always need reploids to fight mavericks- said Zero casually, turning to the HQ -But of course, no one will force you, is something you have to decide- and walked inside the HQ.
Katherine watched him go, mouth open and eyes wide… she? A hunter? Was something like that possible…? But Zero himself said it, she had the qualifications to enter… Her gaze turned to the streets, where a poster on a wall caught her attention, “The Maverick Hunters need YOU! Join Today!” 
Well… Is not like she had any other options… and she had already made a few friends in the MHHQ… she could put her skills and power into something useful, and maybe one day be liked and respected like Zero, X or Axl… She smiled.
And Zero smiled too when he saw Katherine re entering the HQ.
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
Katherine's backstory Part 1: The capture.
SOOOOO i decided to write my Megaman X OC's backstory, Katherine. I had this story written a long time ago, by hand and on paper, sadly, i lost most pages but i could write what i could remember, this is going to be more like a summary of her story, so it's going to be short and might feel a bit rushed, you're warned. Next: https://www.tumblr.com/theforestwitch28/701029926813433856/katherines-backstory-part-2-the-taming?source=share ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The story starts with the three hunters, X, Zero and Axl arriving to an area filled with cliffs and canyons, not much vegetation and filled with dust and sand. They arrived along with a whole squad of hunters, they had reports of maverick activity in the area. Their objective was to find and neutralize a reploid who called himself Doctor Wolfgoon, responsible of building mavericks in secret and sending them out to cause havoc. 
The three elite hunters go fist, infiltrating in a series of caves underground, until they found the entrance of the doctor’s lab, they busted it open and found something horrific, several reploids were held prisoners and were used in experiments.
They started exploring the place, the three of them sending orders to their units, until they find the responsible of the place, he was a big bot, with the appearance of an animal, like a wolf, but with horns, wings and a tail, and big claws, he was the Doctor Wolfgoon.
By his side he had another reploid, she had orange and yellow armor, but it looked dented, like she was hit several times before and never repaired at all, also she had a big metal cuff around her neck, it had a chain that the big maverick held in one hand, that was Katherine. The maverick used intimidation tactics to make the prisoners fear him but also to keep their fight or flight reflexes on high alert all the time, making them obey all his orders in exchange to be left alone, if they refused, they were punished.
After exchanging some words and the hunters asking him to surrender peacefully, the doctor started to flee, and when cornered, he released all the prisoners to send them to fight the three hunters, threatening them with physical harm if they didn’t do as he said, being tortured for so long made them obey instantly (they were all infected with the maverick virus, including Katherine)
The hunters had no option but to fight, the prisoner reploids were relentless and gave the hunters no option but to destroy them. At the end, the maverick only had one prisoner standing, Katherine, he was pressuring her even more, nervous because the three hunters were still standing even after fighting so many mavericks prisoners, he was using an electric whip to scare the reploid even more and pressuring her to attack.
Katherine held her ground better than the others, enduring the fight against the three hunters, but still 3 vs 1 was overwhelming, and even so, Katherine was more afraid hearing the electric whip behind her, so giving up was not an option.
After a while, it was clear for the doctor that he wasn’t going to win, to he started to flee, pulling the chain and making Katherine follow him.
They ran as much as they could, but the three hunters were catching on fast, and when the doctor and reploid hit a dead end, the doctor let go of the chain, climbed in a escape module and closed it, leaving Katherine behind.
-W-WAIT DOCTOR! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE!- she yelled, looking at him pressing buttons in the module-
-You’re on your own Kath!- he replied.
The doctor escaped in the module, leaving Katherine there. Only her panting could be heard, until something made her snap back into reality, she heard the three hunters catching on. She went into a panic and crawled by the large tube where the escape module flew off, it lead to the exterior.
The three hunters arrived and saw her disappear into the tube, they scrambled to get out and try to catch her outside.
Once outside, each one hopped on a ride chaser, and waited.
-It seems the doctor left his prisoner behind- commented Zero.
-There’s no honor between mavericks- replied X -He left her behind to escape, such an awful thing to do to a comrade-
-Now what are we going to do?- asked Axl -Are we going to destroy her like we did with the others?-
-No… We will take her to the HQ- said X -Maybe she can be rehabilitated and--
Suddenly there was a hit sound and some yelling, then they saw another ride chaser taking off into the cliff area, Katherine stole a ride chaser to escape.
-initiating pursuit! - yelled Zero.
A cloud of dust rose as they activated their ride chasers and sped off after the girl. The four of them were going at the same speed and she was already ahead of them, forcing them to press the accelerator to the floor. It wasn't until the Katherine made a sharp turn to avoid a rock that they were able to catch up with her.
X tried shooting at her ride chaser but she was able to dodge, they ended up chasing and forcing her to go into an area surrounded by cliffs with no exit, and when she realized what they were doing, it was too late, she had to jump off her ride chaser, letting it crash into a stone wall, while the three hunters positioned themselves around her.
She got scared and summoned her beam claws to try to open herself a path.
-Oh no you don’t!- exclaimed Axl.
A rope was shoot from the young hunter’s ride, tangling itself on her chest and right arm and throwing her backwards, making her turn off the beam claws. She shook her head, supporting herself with one hand, looking at the rope, and then looking at the owner of the rope, startled.
-If you know what’s best for yourself, you better stop fighting! - said Axl.
The girl tried to remove the rope but a second got tangled in her free hand, Zero wasn't planning to sit idly by and X was preparing to throw his rope, aiming at the girl's legs. She struggled to remove those ropes but to no avail, X launched his own and fulfilled his goal: She tripped and fell to the ground unable to get up or move. She was panting and whimpering, and couldn't do anything anymore, she just looked at them with fear, they surely were going to kill her, like they did with all the other prisoners back in the lab!
-Zero here, status update, the capture was carried out successfully- said Zero.
-Understood, we will go immediately to transport the fugitive to the HQ- they answered.
-Roger, we will wait here- said Zero.
But as soon as the transmission ended, he felt a strong jolt and as his rope tightened, the girl desperately tries to free herself.
-Whoa! Easy there! - exclaimed Axl, he almost let go of his rope.
-Zero!- yelled X, seeing how his rope came loose from one of the girl's legs, remaining attached to her other leg -We have to do something!-
-Hold on you two!- replied Zero, tightening his rope -Let her do whatever, it will be of no use to her.
But he underestimated her, Katherine was extremely scared, convinced she was going to die if she didn’t escape, she had to fight for her survival! So, struggling and yelling, she summoned the beam claws once again, to hit the ropes. Lucky for the hunters, the ropes were made of a strong material, but too many hits would break them, they had to act fast.
-Dammit!- growled Axl, trying to keep his rope tense so she couldn’t move, without success.
-Alright… I hoped I hadn’t come to this, but there’s no option- said Zero, taking his Z saber.
-Be careful Zero- warned X.
Katherine was too busy struggling, yelling and fighting to get free to notice right away that the red hunter jumped off his ride chaser and was rushing towards her, she was just clawing at the ropes with violence, determined to get free…
That was until she received a particularly harsh hit from Zero, he slashed her across the chest making her yelp in pain and be thrown back, a deep wound on her chest, her crystal was broken and the mechanism inside could be seen, wires and liquid poured from the wound as she trembled on the floor, dizzy and in pain, looking at the fake blood and then looking up at the crimson hunter, who was pointing at her with his z saber.
-Stay down!- he ordered with a commanding voice.
Katherine’s eyes widened, still trembling, for the first time since she was in that place being tortured, she wasn’t sure to keep fighting.
All the time while in the lab, she was taught to attack and try to finish things as fast as possible, no doubts, no hesitation, for her survival, to not be tortured by the doctor…
But this time she was more scared of Zero than her master, after a minute of not moving under the stern gaze of the crimson hunter, she just managed to crawl a little backwards, away from him.
Katherine was neutralized, her systems were failing because of the wound, her vision filling itself with static, the last thing she saw was the several hunters arriving to the scene, then she went offline.
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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sketch i got from ultimatemaverickx on deviantart THANK YOU AGAIN! this is one of the scenes i wrote here https://www.tumblr.com/theforestwitch28/701030215772717056/katherines-backstory-part-3-the-training?source=share
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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UFFF where to start XD is no secret i like snakes (even if i have never owned a pet snake) much as i like foxes and crows, and here i decided to make a little drawing with my favorite snakes until now (yeah i'm adding OCs too cuz is my drawing XD) From left to right Serperior, from Pokemon, cuz has been my Black and White starter always, love it's design and love how he looks at everyone like they are peasants XD Snake Fruit Cookie, from Cookie Run Ovenbreak, fell in love with him from the very start, HE IS JUST SO ADORABLE, a tiny snake cookie with big ambitions, like becoming a dragon. Cyani The Cobra, owned by @bunniibones , love her design, how she interacts with others, her demeanor, she is just amazing XD i love her. Janus Sanders, aka Deceit, by Thomas Sanders @thatsthat24 , do i have to explain? he is perfect! XD love this snake boi! and how he preaches about self-care, AAAA I LOVE HIM! Lord Hesso The Cobra, from Skellatin, OHHHH BOI from the moment i saw him i fell in love with his design, he looks like a tough guy who dosen't takes shit from anyone, i can't wait to see more from him! Lucifer, from Hazbin Hotel, even tho he hasen't appeared in the show yet, love the interpretation of the fans about him turning into a snake , just couldn't leave him out XD. And Crowley, from Good Omens, he didn't actually used his snake form too much asides from the beginning of the show, but that didn't stop the fans from drawing him, love this demon who is in love with an angel (YES I SHIP THEM)
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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some doodles with my ghost shark boi :3
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Into The Ghostshark Lair What the heck are sonic and ray doing there? who knows XD
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theforestwitch28 · 2 years
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Time for a spooky type of character, now that halloween is approaching XD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jack Species: Goblin shark ghost Gender: Male Age: 20 when he was killed, now more than 40 Likes: To scare others to the point of making them scream in fear, he finds it amusing and funny and it's his main entertainment, to the point of luring passerby people to approach and enter his home. Also likes playing pranks. Dislikes: the sun, it doesn't hurts him or anything, he just doesn't likes it, light in general. He also hates the fact he can't sleep and his back hurting all the time, so he distracts himself scaring others. Abilities: he can make himself invisible and go through walls and objects like any ghost. He also is a great illusionist, make others believe there's something there that is not really there. Weaknesses: to be able to interact with real objects and people, he needs to make himself corporeal and visible, and during those moments he is vurnerable to get hit, of course, being already dead makes him unable to get major damage or killed, but enough hits can stun him and make him unable to use his powers due to the lack of concentration.
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