School party binge plus root beer and ice cream
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Weight for today
Yeah here's my weight, keep in mind with clothes
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Ok this needs to be more popular BOYCOTTING SPENCER'S
What the hell Spencer’s??
I found this at a Spencer’s near me and… just come on. This is NOT something that a store that’s popular with frigging teens and young adults should be promoting. I’m honestly so pissed about this.
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Update + calories
Ok soooo I know I already did an update yesterday but here we go.
So I ate really good today. Healthy AND I didn't like binge or overeat. Wish I didn't eat as much buuuut... Whatever. I also am going to go to the gym more often so if my mom notices more weight loss... 😎
Breakfast: Toast with salmon- 230
Lunch: low cal fish sticks- 300
Snack: madline (a pastry)- 150
Exercise: biking- 150 running- 300
Total: 230+300+150= 680- 450= 230
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Finally getting back on track + Update
So I've been off track since what, November? And I actually am getting shit DONE. I have 5 months till bikini season so... I should be good. I ate more than I wanted yesterday but today I'm actually doing good. I went to the gym (just got back) and I didn't burn much, only 200 calories but I only ate like 500 so... I'm around my goal. Yeah, I know I'll feel like shit soon enough but when Ana is pleased I feel not so shitty
Breakfast- waffle (300 cal)
Lunch- bread (100 cal)
Dinner- pierogi (100 cal)
Weight: 5'0, 105 lbs.
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I know I eat a lot. Then I exercise a lot.
Then I puke a lot.
But I am happy enough with what I'm eating and so get out if you think I'm eating too much to be anorexic. I lost 20 pounds in a month due to my unhealthy obsession.
If you think I need to eat less you can
Pile of shit
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Calories for yesterday
I am gonna start doing this if ya don't like it, bye bye
McDonald's burritos and medium orange juice- 500
Hellopanda- 320
Ramen- 300
More ramen- 300
Snowboarding- 1,100
Total- 300+300+320+500= 1,420 - 1,100= 320
20 cal over my goal, oof. But today can be better!!!
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Y'know when you never have self confidence so when you're feeling some you're like :0 what's that
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Pool party I'm going to my friend's birthday and I wanna be the best looking there
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Prom thinspo// requested
Send a request
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Me, I honestly suck at being mean
Who can I send body checks to??? I’m not confident enough in myself to post them publicly yet, but I took some decent ones tonight and I want someone’s opinion… My girlfriend said I could send her any that I take, but I seriously don’t want her to see me like that until I’m at my ugw 😩 I’m good for constructive criticism, but I’m NOT into meanspo, so if anyone takes me up on it, please try to be kind about it ):
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not pro just listen
I feel so good... I had a bottle of mango calpico right in front of me at the store in the fridge. I moved it aside and bout a bottle of green tea. Later, at home, I had shrimp chips right by my. I made kale chips.
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Do you think I can make it??
I'm trying to loose weight before summer break so I have about 5 months. I need to loose 30 pounds. On a 300-400 calorie diet with an occasional fast do ya think I could make it?
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Just saying, LIESSSSS
Imagine: 🌻
You wake up in bed - you can roll over and stretch your whole body because you take up so little space, you’re bedding surrounds you like a cloud. it feels like you’re floating.
You get up and look in the mirror - you’re legs dont touch no matter how hard you try, you’re ribs poke out so delicately and you’re arms are so dainty and thin, you pose and smile because you’re excited to start the day
You walk to the bathroom - you dont even need to look at the scale, it’s the least of your worries now
You get dressed - it doesnt take long because you know that everything you piece together looks stunning on your ethereal frame, your shirt balances perfectly on your angelic bones
You go to a restaurant - you’re calm because you dont need to count calories anymore, you can order what you like, an even better, no one is going to judge you for eating more: they’ll encourage it
You go to the grocery store - the aisles don’t scare you, whatever you get won’t matter because you can eat what you like. you want candy and ice cream? go for it. the cashier will secretly be jealous that someone as small as you can get away with eating so much
You go to a family meal - as soon as you walk in you’re greeted with hugs and your relatives point out how skinny you’ve become, they pile your plate high with food because ‘you’re still growing’ - and to their surprise you eat it all.. because now that you’re happy and content you dont need to restrict anymore
In summer you go on holiday - you pack shorts, tank tops, bralettes, bikinis because you know that they’ll finally fit perfectly now. you can take those cute pictures like all the models do - you won’t look stupid you’ll look just as good as them.. if not better.
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It’s Halloween
Reblog if you haven’t lost enough weight this month and you feel like a fucking failure.
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Don't go hard on yourself. Even if you only lose a little, you're losing. And you are beautiful either way.
You need 3,500 calories more than recommended amount to gain only one pound. So even if you ate a TON, you probably gained at most two pounds.
Give yourself plenty of nutrients every once in a while. While you should always get nutrients, give yourself a free day sometime soon!
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No. You deserve that candy. Have all the candy you want. You won't gain weight from it, trust me, and if you will feel better, fast the day before. That's an extra 1800 calories to back you up in case of a binge. Good luck, and stay safe!!
Inspire me 🎃
Someone inspire me to not eat any candy on Halloween!!
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So basically we were playing truth or dare. THANK FUCKING GOD one of my friends asked my crush "Are you gay?" And she said YES. I HAVE A FUCKING CHANCE. but I need to get thin, first. If that ain't motivation, I dunno what is.
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