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Where there is mismanagement of fertile land and water, the shortsighted outcome is the creation of expanding deserts.
It is a sad fact that, depending on the region, 20-40% of the Earth’s previously fertile land has now been degraded to the point where it no longer supports life.  This is a massively important statistic that not enough people and government officials are paying attention to or doing anything about.
Per the 2022 UN Global Land Outlook Report [1] “Humans have transformed more than 70% of Earth’s land area from its natural state causing unparalleled environmental degradation.”
The Earth Organization’s Technology Division recently investigated and discovered that American land degradation is getting the least amount of attention and investment, and yet, US lands are one of our most valuable resources and some of the most threatened and endangered assets we have. With this seemingly invisible negligence, the business of land acquisition and use threatens to collapse state and regional economies, communities, jobs, food, and water security across the nation. This is demonstrated as true by the fact that public-government and private investments in clean food and water are very small compared to other countries while we pour billions into funding weapons and security concerns offshore.
Of the total of 895 million farmland acres in the United States, only 1.5% of those lands are chemical or pollution free. Just last year, per the USDA, there were over 6,000 farms lost. The country’s small-town rural farming communities are vanishing and, sadly, being replaced by large scale, land-grab acquisitions that employ unsustainable land and water use practices.
So, what does all this have to do with World Water Day?
Large scale industrial agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides (like cancer causing ‘Roundup’) are pollutants that flow into lakes, groundwater and down rivers and streams into our oceans. The Gulf of Mexico has enormous areas called “dead zones” because they are so polluted with these contaminants that it causes massive Red Tide outbreaks that make the water, sea life and people sick (due to overgrowth of algae causing oxygen depletion that kills all sea life.)[2]
The way that land and water is used and managed in the United States is reducing the health of people, oceans and ecosystems, all of which depend on CLEAN WATER.
Our investigations into this situation found there are simple and cost effective solutions for restoring our water and land, and transitioning farms from contaminators to regenerators is a vital necessity. In fact, a few years ago, we helped form AquaterreX , a water exploration company, and now partner with them on water and land restoration projects. A recent case study of a joint project in Texas demonstrates the workability of joining forces with business. With 126 million acres of farmland, Texas is well recognized for its state-of-the-art water management practices. However, our studies show the great state could stand some improvement and will have to implement more regenerative practices to conserve their water and soil assets to preserve their economy.
The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization is building a Global Environmental Solutions Institute and LandSAVE® Alliance Network that will be entrusted to get the correct technologies applied to restore our groundwater resources and regenerate the over 100 million acres of America’s farmland by 2035. This will be a prosperity model that sets an example for the rest of the world.
Is water and land de-contamination and restoration worth investing in? Contrary to what you may have heard, yes, absolutely! In fact, according to numerous studies, returns from a regenerative restoration economy that reduces land degradation and biodiversity loss are estimated to be worth trillions, annually.
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification calculates this economy to be worth USD 125-140 trillion annually.
“As this Outlook’s restoration scenario analysis makes clear, business as usual is not a viable pathway for our continued survival and prosperity.  As the global population grows, the increasing pressures to meet the rising demand for housing, food, and other essential goods are stretching the productive capacity of land and water systems to their limit. A rational response begins with a profound reassessment of current land use and management practices. Countries and communities can no longer rely on incremental reforms within traditional national planning and development frameworks. Priority must be given to creating the jobs and skillsets needed to fully realize the potential of a restoration economy – one that can respond to interlinked development and sustainability challenges.”  Global Land Outlook 2 Report – https://www.unccd.int/resources/global-land-outlook/glo2
Factually, the best solutions are the simple solutions. The Earth Organization is committed to creating a new prosperity economy and believes it can restore and regenerate sane thinking and doing to restore and stabilize the health of our environment. This is all about moving back into alignment with natural laws by teaching and expanding our Cooperative Ecology™ training for the new generation of farmers, and land and water management professionals.
 It can be done and it must be done for Earth’s water and food security for the health of all life!
 Your health and the health of those you care about depend on having a clean, thriving world. Join our Cooperative Ecology Movement Today!
Diane Stivey-Managing Director Operations
  [1] https://www.unccd.int/resources/global-land-outlook/glo2
[2] https://oceantoday.noaa.gov/deadzonegulf/ – watch the video about dead zones.
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The reason I’m reaching out today is that I wanted to tell you about an exciting educational concept that, once it is broadly known and understood, will help turn around the destructive direction society is headed in right now.
Our environmental non-profit, called The Earth Organization, has a very effective program that helps youth and adults improve their relationships with their families, their schools, their local communities, and the natural world.
If you are concerned about what is happening in society relating to subjects like criminality, a sense of entitlement, disrespect for parents and the elderly, abuse of children, injurious actions to animals and nature, and other irresponsible behavior, I suspect this may be something that you and/or your business would want to support.
Getting kids out of the hypnotic pictures of their digital devices for at least short periods of time; getting them looking at the world around them; developing the natural sense of pride that one obtains from helping others and making the world around them a better place; and bringing about the vital awareness that all life only thrives through actively enhancing the world around oneself… are vitally important to understand if a young person is to succeed in life and be part of bringing about a healthier future for all.
We are convinced that teens, for example, who truly understand this principle are not going to be out looting and burning down the very grocery stores where their mother buys their food. That’s just one example, of course, of a world society that is in deep distress right now.
But for now, I want to explain to you what we do and how we do it through education.
Overall, The Earth Organization works to find and implement logical solutions that work for all involved. We realized that no matter what projects we take on, if we didn’t also work to raise humanity’s awareness of each person’s vital partnership for survival with the natural world, we, like many other groups, would be “saving the whales”, and “saving the rhinos” and “saving the rainforests” …until they’re gone. In studying these issues in some depth, we’ve found that the most fundamental concept that must be inspired back into society to truly reverse these decaying situations is how one’s own survival is interwoven with, and interdependent upon, the health and survival of those life forms and things around oneself.
Most importantly, to live well, one must actively enhance the parts of one’s own ecosystem and by so doing, one strengthens one’s own potential for long-term well-being.
We created the terms “Cooperative Ecology™” and “CoEco™” and have developed an ever-expanding set of reading materials and courses based on this principle.
We have received rave reviews from teachers, students, and parents that the information is unique, valuable and, once learned, they are applying it to their lives. It’s all based around teaching the concept and importance of the give and take of life.
A little more information about the books.
Our beginning books first set the stage to make it personal with practical exercises to get the student to closely look at all of the things their parents (or guardians) do for them that makes their life happier, healthier, and safe. We then have them causatively do something for their parents and then observe if their own life got better in any way as a result.
Then we have them do similar steps on their sibling(s), their home, their bedroom, their teachers, their schools, their churches, and one of their businesses in their neighborhood.
Next, we have them so similar steps related to the natural world.
Here is an example from our books.
“What does that park do for you?”
“And what do you do for that park?”
“What does that tree do for that anthill in your backyard?
“What does the anthill do for the tree?”
and so on….
After all of those exercises are done, the student has a truly personal understanding of how he or she can improve their own life by purposefully enhancing the world around them.
Once that awareness has been achieved, we then get them to see that this same principle is true for all life forms; and that is an avenue by which we inspire greater concern for and interest in safeguarding and restoring a healthy, natural world.
The end goal of the books is to educate the children who learn and apply:
1. CoEco principles.
2. Who are far more understanding of the world around them.
3. Who are aware of their impact on the environment.
4. Who realize that those individuals and species who live most successfully are those who actively work to enhance the life and things around them upon which their life depends.
There is urgency here.  As the world sinks into deeper misery and distrust, as environmental conditions continue to decay, we can have positive and far-reaching impact through this program to reverse these conditions. But we must move fast and scale up rapidly.
We have an entire campaign ready for roll out around the world through our chapters in the U.S., Africa, Europe, India, and Nepal that needs only the funding for us to scale up to a whole new level with distribution of booklets, workshops, and webinars to engage and activate students in applying this concept to the world around them and, by setting good examples, and encouraging others to do so as well.
Your support will result in children fundamentally inspired for life to safeguard and improve the natural world!
As an added bonus to you, there are various benefits available for those who do get involved, which will be discussed with you further if you are interested.
Again, the only the only thing slowing the launch of this massive campaign is a lack of funding.
We need your help to do this!
I’m so hoping that you will be interested in supporting this program locally and perhaps even globally. If so, let’s set up a meeting to discuss it so I can answer any questions you might have.
Here’s to a better, happier, safer world for all life!
Very Best Regards,
Barbara Wiseman International President The Earth Organization
WEBSITE: www.theearthorganization.org EMAIL: [email protected] Phone: (818)330-9528
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Barbara Wiseman – International President and US Executive Director
Barbara Wiseman co-founded The Earth Organization in 2003 with Dr. Lawrence Anthony, becoming its International President and heading up its global initiatives. She has 30 years management consulting, public relations, and international pioneer project management experience. As just one example, seven years ago, in looking for solutions to the largest global environmental situations, she came across a relatively unknown science of water that provided the foundation for a potential body of knowledge to locate sustainable water resources in drought-prone regions.  She brought together a team of scientists to validate, document, codify and expand the science, identifying and allying the top experts in the field.  Her purpose was to build alliances to advance and implement LAEO’s environmental solutions to regions in dire need of water resources and to ensure that this science is broadly implemented for the benefit of humankind and all life. The work of this team resulted in the Deep Seated Water Technology now being implemented around the world.
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New Post has been published on https://theearthorganization.org/lawrence-anthony-earth-organization-on-animal-cruelty/
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization on Animal Cruelty
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization staff and volunteers have rescued wildlife around the world from very abusive situations. Our history has included fascinating wildlife rescue initiatives, starting with the Baghdad Zoo during the war in Iraq in 2003/2004, an experience that inspired Lawrence Anthony to found our international organization dedicated to reversing decaying environmental and conservation issues and restoring functioning ecosystems.
Subsequently, our Reptiles and Amphibians chapter in South Africa has rescued over a thousand of these animals that are so important to the ecosystem and relocated them to areas of natural habitat away from human communities. Our baby rhino orphanage rescued several baby rhinos and a baby hippo. And our Ukrainian chapter relocated several bears and lions out of abusive situations.
Mia, a lion cub, was rescued in 2019 from a tiny cage in Ukraine along with 4 other cubs and transported to the Ubuntu big cat sanctuary in South Africa to be their “forever home” in natural habitat with excellent, humane care.  Sadly, the earlier abusive conditions she had lived in caught up with her last month and, at only 4 years old, her health failed. Rushed to an experienced wildlife clinic, it was not possible to save her.
  Many abusers do not realize the harm they are doing to these beautiful animals.  They think raising them in small cages is adequate treatment for them. Wildlife in captivity are often fed food not fit for their dietary needs, causing additional problems and stress.  Many abusers think their intentions are good, but they are not educated enough to know what is actually best for their captive wildlife and just how stressful for them these substandard conditions are. Often the owner has captured and raised them for their own enjoyment, not for the real benefit of a quality life for the animal.
If you know of any wildlife in captivity that is experiencing poor care, please report it to local officials.
Coming soon!  For more information on these topics, we have several educational books to be published on this subject on our website in just a few weeks, and this series will continue to expand as we research environmental and conservation issues, get to the truth at the core of them, and provide solutions that everyone can be a part of.   Keep an eye out for our notice that the new series is published. We will let you know just as soon as they are available!
Founded in 2004, LAEO is dedicated to forwarding the legacy of world-renowned conservationist Dr. Lawrence Anthony. We improve environmental, social and economic conditions to enhance the health of all life by researching to find the factual root of the problems and then getting logical solutions implemented. Our goal is “Restored, functioning ecosystems”; improving habitat and conditions for wildlife is just one sector of that.
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New Post has been published on https://theearthorganization.org/lawrence-anthony-earth-organization-laeo-ukraine/
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO) Ukraine
With all going on in the Ukraine over the past decade, LAEO played a very important role in rescuing wildlife found in inhumane conditions there. From 2014 to early 2020, our Ukraine Chapter rescued and relocated animals in horribly substandard zoos and menageries in the war torn country.
In 2019, our Ukraine team, with the help of other organizations, successfully relocated 5 suffering lions from Ukraine to a preserve in South Africa where they could live out their days in an area of natural habitat and be well taken care of by a highly-respected, ethical and caring sanctuary. It was a long journey to their new home at the Ubuntu Spirit of Africa Wildlife Sanctuary, but they were moved from a life of tiny, cold cages in snowy Ukraine to warm, sunny climes in South Africa. Now, nearly four years later, the lions are well acclimated to their new home.
Unfortunately, however, Mia, who was an older lion cub when she left Ukraine, has just become seriously ill. The sanctuary’s veterinary surgeon, Dr. Pete Caldwell, examined her and regretfully gave an alarming diagnosis – lymphoma and possibly a blood cancer with the need to be transported as quickly as possible to a veterinary hospital for further tests and treatment.
When the preserve informed us of her condition, we were able to play a part in arranging the financial logistics to cover her transport and medical care, and necessary support for the Ubuntu Sanctuary to continue to operate and expand their excellent work during these challenging times. More testing is needed and Mia will be treated but her bill will be large. The very good news is that, with the help of a generous donor, she is getting the help that she needs.
  Mia is only four years old and deserves a much longer life, especially after her traumatic and unnatural first several months. She has one of the best physicians in the area taking care of her and we are extremely hopeful that she will do well. We will keep you updated on her condition.
  Watch the short and heartwarming video of the five lion cubs’ journey from the Ukraine to the Ubuntu Spirit of Africa Wildlife Sanctuary here: https://youtu.be/bJLBNgRvRp0
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO) has been applying the principle we describe as “Cooperative Ecology” since the beginning of our group’s existence. Rescuing animals all over the world to give them a better life has been just one of the many ways in which we apply this principle. LAEO has gone into multiple active war zones to rescue animals starving to death in zoos and other preserves. Often, care takers of zoos or preserves leave the animals unattended in their cages, starving and dehydrated during wars. When we have the funding resources to do it, LAEO has gone into areas where most don’t dare to go, working to bring order back into an area of chaos and to rescue animals who, through no causation of their own, are trapped in inhumane circumstances. This has included being a strong voice against the illegal poaching of endangered wildlife in Africa.
Stay tuned for updates on Mia’s progress.
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20-day survival challenge in the African bush by two brothers - David and Jonty Bozas - Raising awareness and funds for the rescue and relocation of 20 rhinos.  They need our help! 
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While each crisis du jour moves its way through the general media’s focus in a seemingly on-going attempt to make the world appear far more dangerous than it actually is, there are vital, on-going issues that are suppressing economies, creating health problems and spreading disease THAT CAN BE SOLVED.
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Our work in Australia to bring water stability to farming communities who are forever on a roller-coaster ride between droughts and floods.
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A New LAEO Ambassador! - https://mailchi.mp/theearthorganization.org/wehitwater-563969
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These are the key challenges we are working to resolve – issues that affect every single one of us.  And we need your help!
It Only Takes 1 Oil Spill to Destroy an Area Like This for Decades. But Solutions Do Exist for Every Major Environmental Situation in the World!
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Your Life Depends Upon the Health of the Natural World! Take This Year-End Opportunity to Help Safeguard and Improve Your Environment! https://theearthorganization.org/product/donate-lawrence-anthony-earth-organization/
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DATES: APRIL 20TH TO MAY 2ND, 2020 and MAY 5TH TO MAY 17TH, 2020
Check Out the Amazing Itinerary! - https://theearthorganization.org/eco-safari/
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I’m very proud to be sending you the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization’s just-published Annual Report for 2018. While we have 26 chapters in 19 countries, this report covers the activities of our 9 most productive chapters during this time period and shows exciting progress in each of the areas that our work currently spans.  
Please take a few moments to read through it and enjoy the accomplishments that you’ve helped make possible. I know Lawrence would be so proud of the work we’re doing and the advancements we’ve made towards the goals and vision he set out for us.
Very Best,
Barbara Wiseman
International President
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Join us on our 2020 Eco Safari to South Africa!!!  RIGHT NOW there's an amazing discount price! Normally $7,200.  For a short time, it's $4,800.  [email protected].
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A big THANK YOU to our Corporate Sponsor, F.E.T.E.!  From Earth to Earth is supporting our work and our Eco Safari attendees had fun showing off their environmentally-friendly toothbrushes in the African bush!
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After intense study in class and field, our young science team just applied their new knowledge and hit water at 3,000 gallons/hr! Big win!! - https://mailchi.mp/theearthorganization/earth-day-563805
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