thedeepshallowmind · 4 years
At 17 I did get arrested for DWI. My alcohol level was 0.004
In 2009 we threw a party, two people ended up in the hospital (for precautionary reasons they were fine but the cops wanted to know that everything was good with the two individuals)
In 2010 I got arrested for a ticket I forgot to pay. I stayed in lockup overnight and bailed out the next morning for $100 on a $150 ticket. 
In 2011 a few months later I was arrested for driving with a suspended license and accused of being on my way to either buy or cell drugs. I was actually on my day to work at 7:30 in the morning but you know, people need their weed.
between then and now I have been pulled over, questioned and somewhat harassed about where I was going, where I was coming from. whether I had drugs, weapons or anything illegal in the car.
“The car’s a little loud”
“You didn't change your speed when you are able to go faster”
“You ALMOST ran that light back there”
“You don't have no warrants out do you? hahaha”
Although everyone has experiences you don't know what others go through. Being asked for your insurance card, while keeping one hand on the wheel and reaching in the glove box while the lights are on in the car, to then turn and see the officer with his hand on his gun will make you feel a certain way...But this is what we live through. This is what we deal with. 
So before they bring it up one day, I’m here to tell you that I didn't do it...whatever it was I didn't do it. Ive gotten arrested, I’ve done plenty of things that may not have been the brightest or smartest, but I DID NOT DO IT!!
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thedeepshallowmind · 4 years
The Toxic Ones
Who are they? How do we know when to let go? Family, Friends, Acquaintances and coworkers, they all come and go. Some stay forever, some stay a while and some stay a day, but how do you know when they’re no good for you? How do you know when it’s time for you to move on? Leave them before they leave you? Is it ok for you to do that? Do they need to be there? Do you need them to be there for you? The impact that they have in your life is it worth hurt they may cause? In life we always grow, and that includes outgrowing those around us. Friends turn into family and family turn into strangers. Pushing their negative outlook onto you making you doubt yourself, changing your beliefs or even way of living. The Toxic Ones. The ones you love and hope to do good by your side as you do by them. But no, they don’t want to see you do good. They’re not doing good so why should you? But you love them so you sacrifice your happiness for their feelings, knowing you deserve more. Knowing you should be happy no matter what but, you can’t can you...they’re toxic and even though you don’t know it...you know it.
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thedeepshallowmind · 8 years
Who are you?
Alot of times, people find themselves going thru the motions of life. Some are happy and some aren’t, some have it easier then others and some struggle to even know what they’re put on this earth for. Do you ever find yourself living for others? When I ask that i mean do you ever find yourself changing who you are? Acting different, big or even small, it doesn’t have to be something outrageous. Agreeing even though on the inside you disagree? Settling for something you know doesn’t fit what you actually deserve? You’re not alone!! At the end of the day we all need to step back and just truly ask ourselves what is our purpose? What are we doing to achieve it? Are you going about it the right way? Look ourselves in the mirror and simply ask…WHO ARE YOU?!
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