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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers…IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers…IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
9 notes · View notes
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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers…IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
9 notes · View notes
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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers…IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
9 notes · View notes
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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers…IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
9 notes · View notes
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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers…IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
9 notes · View notes
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This blog is now an ARCHIVE. I’ve moved Lucy’s sideblog to an official blog!!!
It’s been a long time coming and now that I’ve reached 200 + followers...IT’S TIME!!
Follow me HERE. Same url! I’ll be in the process of following others back and moving replies I owe over to this blog. Thanks everyone!! I can’t believe it’s been 5 months!
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There was something to be said about Crawford and love. It was a subject not easily breached nor one that the man truly liked to talk about. Straight to the point, he found the idea of a rather waste of time. Precious time that could otherwise be filled with far more meaningful things that can make someone’s life far better in the long run. And yet, despite that idea floating within his mind whenever the topic is brought to attention, Crawford was never spared from love’s grasp. He held a sweetheart, one whom he had wished to marry above all else, and yet that was turned down. Surprisingly? He thought so at the time because he had loved her so wholly and without reservation, but now he knew that Pearl was not a woman to be tied down with such trivial pursuits. Lucy, to him, was seen exactly like that. A woman who would not care for love because it would fulfill nothing within them. Older now, the thought of love was soured for Crawford. Pushing it further and further towards the back of his mind ever since that day, now that he was beginning his forties, he no longer seemed to cared.
Thus, his relationship with Lucy held only mutual respect. She was his equal in more ways than one and the thought of hurting her was so beyond his thought process that he never dares to think of such a concept. Yet once the words were spoken about how she was falling for him in that entrapment of love, Crawford froze. His fingers that once traced nonsensical patterns into her flesh stopped abruptly. That comfort which would allow sleep to take hold of him had vanished and his pale eyes slowly opened wide within the darkness. I’m falling in love with you, Crawford. That phrase alone repeated itself inside his mind and, for a rather long moment, that was all he had in his mind. Comically, it was as if he sputtered to a complete stop and now he needed to crank the machine once more so that his thoughts could continue on as normal again. 
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Melting just enough, his movements began again. Fingers continued on their light path, but slower now. Breathing returned with a slow and quiet exhale. For a man who always knew what to say, right now he did not and it was absolutely maddening. To be caught off guard like this made him feel like he was back to being the younger man who was trying so desperately to grasp onto something of value within this world that was not allowed to the youngest son ( illegitimate or not ). Despite her saying that she did not expect him to reciprocate it, he was still in question because he knew of his own rejection from Pearl that hurt him rather deeply. Not wanting her to go through the same thing, he merely stayed quiet for a little longer. Instead, his free hand reached up to take the hand that was within his hair and brought it down to where he could comfortably hold it. 
          “ —- It is late, little thing. Perhaps it is best to sleep on this.” 
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              It is late. It is late. It is late. His reserved reply was enough of an answer for her. He did not need to respond in kind nor denounce her. And for that understanding from him, she was grateful. Yet she still felt the pricking of shame dance up her shoulders, leaving her mouth dry and tongue kept from saying further. Lucy turned her head and stared into the mute darkness of Crawford’s ceiling.
Then she breathed slowly through her nose and not even the gentle trail of his fingers could keep her from being enveloped into the dark pool of her mind. Willingly, she shut her eyes and let herself drown. Sleep, her brain echoed, in his voice, in his warm bed. Sleep and think no more of what you have done. There were more important things at hand now. The vault being the highest priority to find. She would follow her lead in the tower of London this next evening. No Evie Frye or her dreadful brother intruding. And even if she were to die tomorrow, let it be known Lucy spoke truthfully and from the heart, as she once did in her youth, and when it might have mattered.
In matters of business and powerful artifacts, however...
At this she was choked of sleep in Crawford’s arms. And quite suddenly Lucy shot up from the pillows, red in the face with shame beyond embarrassment but with the guilt of lying in the very same vein. “I should go.” She said, too calmly, too removed. Pulling off the sheets and sweeping her long auburn hair over her shoulder, she tried to slip out of bed and get away.
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Theory on who Jack the Ripper is in ACS
jack the ripper is jack the ripper
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the sin is taking over
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p. sure that’s Jacob in his master assassin outfit (look at the facial hair pattern and jaw too) unless somehow we are introduced to his son in the DLC.
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Evie in her 40's low-key looks a lot like Lucy Thorne.
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just so we’re clear.
i will write with who i want to write with i will NOT write with people i DON’T want to write with. i will drop threads that are no longer of interest to me. i will resume threads that i get muse for at a later date.
i will do what makes ME HAPPY ON MY BLOG.
because… say it with me kids.
and if you aren’t alright with that, you can unfollow me.
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starrickxthorne 4 life
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        She turned her head just slightly upon hearing the assassin’s voice behind her. Though it had startled her out of her sense of safety, she did well to hide the sudden anxiety she felt behind malice. “Miss Frye. Still trouncing about our city, are you?”Lucy had been fortunate in that the messenger had already run off upon her orders.
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     “I’m sure threats work perfectly as an assurance that things will get DONE as you PLEASE, MISS THORNE.”  
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Okay but instead of shipping the grumpy one with the cinnamon roll, imagine shipping two grumpy ones. Just being salty about fucking everything together all the time. Having the same salty philosophy on life and snickering at other people’s idiocy 24/7.
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I am convinced that no character in the AC universe has ever been shipped with as many people as Jacob Frye. He’s like the fandom’s cheap british hooker. A dastardly attractive hooker, but still.
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