#but evie obviously admired lucy
varietales · 5 months
meta + Jenny + other women
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In canon, Jenny has few interactions with other women (that i can remember) and it seems to paint her as the type that would have rivalry with them. With Mira, this is particularly understandable as they were models at the same time and both doing their best to promote their own guilds and whatnot (plus i have some other hcs about their dynamic that i need to work through).
In canon, Jenny aims to humiliate Mira twice (once with the bet and then at the water park by stealing her bikini top). I have opted to tweak the bet and remove the water park incident. Another notable interaction is a brief glimpse of her and Evergreen at Blue Pegasus, where the two seem to be squabbling and making digs at each other. Obviously that's not something I see for your particular portrayal or my Jenny.
I can definitely acknowledge that there are circumstances and factors that would lead to Jenny having difficulties with other women. She was/is in the modelling business where looks and popularity are Everything, and this can bring out great insecurity and a need to best everyone. It's not a good environment, and (my) Jenny does struggle with a level of insecurity at times as she grew up feeling unwanted.
(My) Jenny also admired Karen when she was younger, and we all know what a toxic person she was.
The key reason why my girl has not become a terrible women-hating lady is Master Bob. After Karen died and he started to see Jenny's attempts to emulate her, he talked sense into her and encouraged her to be herself. As she ventured into the modelling industry, he also took care to ensure she would not get consumed by it and the vanity of it all, he is a responsible guildmaster and looked out for her. Hibiki is also an important influence on her, as he is someone who has always accepted and valued her for who she is.
Adding to that, while her friendly rivalry was with Mira at the time and she could feel herself falling into bad habits, it was Mira's 7 year disappearance that also caused a shift in her - she could have been pleased that her rival had disappeared, leaving the top spot to her alone, but it was tragic and something that made Jenny value the time that she had.
Along with Bob and Hibiki, Evie has also guided Jenny at times, having gotten to know her through Bob and the bond between their guilds. Evie was an excellent role model for Jenny and always encouraged her to support other women.
I'm not going to say Jenny doesn't struggle at times, and that her competitive streak doesn't rear its head sometimes, but she is overall healthy when it comes to other women. She understands from her own experiences too, that sometimes women get treated unfairly or inappropriately, so she is quick to step in when she can and be on the woman's side.
In terms of female friendships, she has a few within her guild, and outside of the guild, she has developed bonds with Levy, Lucy, Kagura, Millianna. She still has a bit of an odd dynamic with Mira in my mind, but there is a respect and friendship there. I also do like to imagine she and Evergreen got along well while Evergreen was in Blue Pegasus, and I've always loved the idea that she and Sherry became good friends too.
Also, while i haven't gotten into depth on it anywhere, Jenny can and will flirt with women at times, and can certainly appreciate a good looking lady. Let jenny have a gf
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chuuguins · 3 years
top 5 ocs that you love 💛
ok i'm going to cheat a lil bit here and do top five lunakit ocs + a top five non-lunakit ocs bc it's unfair to my other wonderful ocs otherwise.
top five lunakit ocs
5. eden blaisdell i honestly think eden is one of the most detail rich ocs i've ever made, i don't know if that makes sense. she just feels so fully realised to me, and there's so much that i love about her. i feel like i know her inside and out and could probably ramble out her for hours. i love my marvel stanning, anime binging, perfectionist, former cult baby.
4. owen pearce the way he has been in my life for so long but has grown so much. there's a reason i brought him into lunakit, i just couldn't let go of him i guess. i make fun of him but i love that he acts old for his age. i admire his thirst for knowledge and his big heart. he's such a hardworker, maybe to a fault and him and henry are very sweet.
3. emilio galante another oc who has been with me for a long time and another that i guess i just couldn't let go of. he's been through so much (i know it's my fault, i love to hurt my child, i'm sorry) and i want to hug him. but he has such a sunny disposition and is so warm and loving. i also love that he's 6'5 bc i just kept upping his height.
2. finley casson unexpectedly (mostly) in second place is finley. he's such a fucking moron and i hate him so much but i also adore him, you know? he's obnoxious and full of himself but just in a really comedic way. he has major dad energy and just makes me laugh because he's so ridiculous. he just developed a mind of his own, idk.
1. tabitha 'tabby' moon my girl!! my original lunakit oc and my favourite!!! i don't know if i can explain why i love her so much? but she has grown and developed and i just have such a special place in my heart for her. i feel like i know her inside and out and, even when she doesn't like herself very much, i love her. plus, tabby and marcus lee were the first ship kit and i made together and they remain the favourite.
top five misc ocs
5. levi yun (apartmentverse) when lark and lucy visited the apartmentverse gang and bullied levi, i felt that. deserved. no elaboration needed.
4. casper nahm (smalltownverse) maybe it's his relationship with lottie that really pushed him into favourite status. i don't know but i hate him and love him at the same time. you have to admire his determined nature. and he's just really fun?? such a cocky bastard with a heart of gold. a favourite character type of mine (see above: finley).
3. evie moon (hssverse) am i cheating here? yes. do i care? no. evie really took on a whole new life when i made her my character in high school story. she really developed in hssverse and i've loved seeing her grow, you know? dna and her friends really just help her gain confidence so much. she's just so cute and i love developing her.
2. lilia chu (lunadaisy) this surprised me but i genuinely love lilia so much, and more than i expected to. she's just an absolute wild ride of a character. i admire her confidence so much and how she just grabs life by the balls and goes for it. she's just a really fun oc and i love her friendship with hannah and margot. she's so proud of hannah's glow up omg.
1. yerim ryu (idolverse) i mean, obviously. my first oc created on tumblr. maknae of the iconic gg kaleidoscope. she's annoying as fuck but she's also just really complex and idk, i'm proud of her?? she has so much growing to do bc she's a giant baby but she's getting there little by little and i love her relationships with her members.
ask me my top five anything !!
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