thedaughterofdionysus · 23 hours
Okay I get your point. And you are so right.
But as a doctor let me tell you this:
Also I have ADHD and yeah it may not be fully understood but *most likely* my frontal lobe is fucked and not fully functional anyways, regardless of me being 25 or younger.
So I find this all funny and I know I am being an Asshole from a scientific point.
The whole "the brain isn't fully mature until age 25" bit is actually a fairly impressive bit of psuedoscience for how incredibly stupid the way it misinterprets the data it's based on is.
Okay, so: there's a part of the human brain called the "prefrontal cortex" which is, among other things, responsible for executive function and impulse control. Like most parts of the brain, it undergoes active "rewiring" over time (i.e., pruning unused neural connections and establishing new ones), and in the case of the prefrontal cortex in particular, this rewiring sharply accelerates during puberty.
Because the pace of rewiring in the prefrontal cortex is linked to specific developmental milestones, it was hypothesised that it would slow down and eventually stop in adulthood. However, the process can't directly be observed; the only way to tell how much neural rewiring is taking place in a particular part of the brain is to compare multiple brain scans of the same individual performed over a period of time.
Thus, something called a "longitudinal study" was commissioned: the same individuals would undergo regular brain scans over a period of mayn years, beginning in early childhood, so that their prefrontal development could accurately be tracked.
The longitudinal study was originally planned to follow its subjects up to age 21. However, when the predicted cessation of prefrontal rewiring was not observed by age 21, additional funding was obtained, and the study period was extended to age 25. The predicted cessation of prefrontal development wasn't observed by age 25, either, at which point the study was terminated.
When the mainstream press got hold of these results, the conclusion that prefrontal rewiring continues at least until age 25 was reported as prefrontal development finishing at age 25. Critically, this is the exact opposite of what the study actually concluded. The study was unable to identify a stopping point for prefrontal development because no such stopping point was observed for any subject during the study period. The only significance of the age 25 is that no subjects were tracked beyond this age because the study ran out of funding!
It gets me when people try to argue against the neuroscience-proves-everybody-under-25-is-a-child talking point by claiming that it's merely an average, or that prefrontal development doesn't tell the whole story. Like, no, it's not an average – it's just bullshit. There's no evidence that the cited phenomenon exists at all. If there is an age where prefrontal rewiring levels off and stops (and it's not clear that there is), we don't know what age that is; we merely know that it must be older than 25.
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notice how it's always wednesday lately
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Horrible day for my intruisive thoughts because I accidentally read somethinh really horrible and now I am dealing with groinal response and many intruisive thoughts. I sometimes just want to die honestly.
Maybe this is a some sort of compulsion but reminding myself what ocd is and how brains work really helps.
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dear people with OCD: the next time you have spiraling & intrusive thoughts, what-ifs, or catastrophizing scenarios, I am sending a cardigan-wearing 46-year old NYU professor directly into your brain and he says "Aaaaand scene!!!" and he claps his hands slowly. and he says "Wow. Wow. Powerful stuff. Evocative imagery. A little bit post-modern, a little bit hysterical realism in the vein of Don Delilo but let's pause right here." and you will recognize your thoughts as a perplexing avant-garde film shown to an audience of 15 liberal arts students who are now trying to get a good grade and sleep with their professor.
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OCD is fucking wild cause like, it’s not considered one of the most demonized disorders… And yet it’s the one that makes you fear judgement the most.
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Six of Wands and Nine of Wands
Uh oh, the whole circus is coming to town again.
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Two of Swords and Two of Wands reversed
You don't have enough information to even figure out a plan.
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Ten of Cups and Five of Cups
It was inevitable that something would introduce flaws. You just wish it hadn't been you.
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The illegal transgender aliens in prison
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i have neither a good imagination nor aphantasia, but a secret third thing
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Okay please leave me your opinions on this cuz I am curious:
I love podcasts. Since I have adhd, I love doing house chores while I am listening to them. It makes everything more entertaining.
I am currently listening to this podcast called:
"#1 Dad"
Its about a guy whose dad is a con artist and obviously he was a shitty dad (allegedly bc he sues everyone)
They re reuniting after many years and let me say this: I find con artists and scammers really fascinating and also admittedly, I am jealous.
Life is hard as it is so when I look at this guy, I really am attracted to his personality in a sense that I WANT TO BE LIKE HIM.
I know its not all fun and games being like that. There are really dark sides to it and sometimes these kinds of people make you question whether they are fully aware of themselves or not but they have this power of confidence and charm.
I want to be like them because honestly these bratty motherfuckers are like cockroaches, they re annoying but they never stop. They know how to get out of situations and if they cant they cause any trouble that they can.
I feel like if it weren't for my chronic depression and anxiety -and unfortunately my willingness to be a good person- I would be like that too.
I am very drawn to characters who are lovable chaos makers:
-Beetlejuice (fascinated by him since childhood)
- Klaus (from tua season 1 till 3)
-Captain Jack Sparrow (probably my first crush)
-The Mask (annoying but also charming somehow)
-Deadpool (I mean he is the definition of a cockroach)
- River (from Doctor Who)
And ofc as both characters and as deities:
I really cant deny my attraction to anything that is chaotic, playful and trickster-like.
My instincts say that, If I finally embrace that part of me fully without worrying too much about what is right, I will be so much happier.
I feel like I have this (tamed, locked and chained) thing inside of me that wants to choose me no matter what .
I wish I could release that and have fun with it finally.
I wish I could be an annoying but charming cockroach.
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Lydia Pettit (American, 1991) - Entry Points (2024)
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