thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
Burning Bright, Chapter Thirteen
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Characters:  Oberyn Martell and F!Reader and Ellaria Sand
WC:  4429
Other Pieces:  This is part of a series.
CW:  Language.  Lady loving (smut).  18+ only.
AN:  The usual disclaimer that this is fan-service fan-fiction, a veritable jumble of the books, the shows, conspiracy theories, and my own wacky brain.
If anyone thought you would take your new role as ambassador to Dorne at a leisurely, unhurried pace, then they didn’t know you very well.  You didn’t even relax during your welcome feast – you used the moment to meet with the assembled lords and ladies of Dorne, chatting with them seriously as everyone else around you celebrated.
It was just like your time in Dragonstone, Ellaria thought with an amused smile.  You rushed back and forth, skipped the typical Dornish rest hour in the afternoon.  You sent ravens and letters, you took notes wherever you went, and you explored Sunspear.
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
Burning Bright, Chapter Eight
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Characters:  Oberyn Martell and F!Reader and Ellaria Sand
WC:  8267
Other Pieces:  This is part of a series.
CW:  Language.  Very vague smut.  18+ to be safe.  
AN:  The usual disclaimer that this is fan-service fan-fiction, a veritable jumble of the books, the shows, conspiracy theories, and my own wacky brain.  Far, far too many words.  I need Ray Carver’s editor for this stuff.
When Oberyn carried you into your bedchamber, he was aghast at how unnatural you felt in his arms.  Too light.  Too cold.  It was the consequence of your shadow-walking, apparently.
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
din: you’re blocking the view
boba: fuck you i am the view
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
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So this is a fan art I made of the final scene in the most recent chapter of @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa’s “Of Constellations and Creeds”. This fic lives rent free in my head, I love it so much!
(This is my personal intereptation of omega, but she is a character that you can imagine to look anyway so pls no one be mad lol. It’s also my first finished piece of digital art whoop whoop.)
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
pedro nation make your choices:
the maxes: max lord or max phillips
the marcuses: marcus pike or marcus moreno
the javis: javier peña or javier gutierrez
the spear boys: din or oberyn
southern with questionable morals: ezra or jack
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
i like that mando knows many languages and is respectful to other people but also he does kill people for money. he has a strong moral compass but no one really knows where its pointing
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
Preview of “On the Rocks”
Heres a preview of something im working on 👀 ... Its was inspired by @zeldasayer ‘s amazing Whiskey & Gin series, but I am so excited to share this when i’m done editing it!  (Gin is 110% Z’s character, along with the idea of 1970′s statesman! Go show her some love!)
“Gin was a woman worthy of sonnets and poetry, a true muse in every sense of the word. (And you were already ninety-nine percent sure that she already served as the inspiration for many world renown artists. There was that rumor that Andy Warhol had dedicated a whole film to her but you couldn’t say for sure). 
And then there was her partner, Whiskey. True to his name he was like Tennessee fire straight down your throat the first time anyone met him; smooth yet dangerous, and his presence made the room slightly warmer whenever he was there. Quick with his whips but even quicker with his tongue, sarcasm and flirtation seemed to be his first language, sometimes even surpassing what you would call actual english. (You swore that some of the Southern idioms he would use shouldn’t even qualify as english at this point.) 
There was no denying that they made a devastatingly handsome couple, they seemed to complement each other in each and every way possible and honestly you didn't know if you were jealous, turned on, or admired it. Maybe it was a little bit of all of the above.”
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
Okay but right now, nothing is sexier than the Mandalorian holding the dark saber in one hand and the child in the other. What a man
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
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Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin The Mandalorian - Chapter 16: The Rescue
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
OMG KATTTTT,,, I cant. oooh the character progression is muah *chefs kiss*. ALSO, miss “im gonna leave you on a ✨spicy✨ cliffhanger”; ill have you know that when I read your authors note and you said you were glad that no one had your address, I got low key nervous thinking that you were gonna have them get in a fight or something but this cliff hanger is simultaneously better and worse than that because now im like 👀 and now I gotta waitttt. aghhhhh. But backing up a bit, I absolutely love how Din reacted because of course he would start to distance himself if he convinced himself that they didn't have a future together, ugh my heart hurts for this beautiful tin can 😫. And finally, I would like to say that I had a crappy day but then I saw you had updated and it made my day better (I literally put on a face mask and made some tea so I could just sit and read this, it has legitimately become a form of self care lol). Thanks for another great update!!! 
Of Constellations and Creeds
Chapter 9: A Rational Place to Start
Summary/Author’s Note: After almost dying together in the mud, you realize that the Mandalorian might be waiting for you to make a move, that after weeks of digging your heels in the ground and being adamantly opposed to him…you might not be the only one in need of some convincing.
…I’m so lucky none of you have my home address.
Gif credit to @ithlinnesprophecy
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Pairing: Mando/Din Djarin x F!Reader Word Count: 3.9k Warnings/Promises: Explicit (18+) - arguing, so much arguing, sarcasm and sass, sexual tension, showering, visual deprivation, conserving water, two idiots with feelings who just don’t know it yet, C L I F F H A N G E R
[Previous Chapter] [M A S T E R L I S T]
Mudhorn. What an appropriate name for such a creature. Perhaps a little too on the nose, but appropriate nonetheless. You had sat with the child while Din slid down into the muddy cave and dug the giant egg out of the slough of a nest. Much like the animal itself, the egg was covered in mud and fur. It was big enough that it barely fit under the Mandalorian’s arm and didn’t look like any egg you had ever seen. You also couldn’t fathom why the Jawas would possibly want it. 
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
@pettyprocrastination​ you said you would love to ramble about Domentzia... Im listening 👀
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
Din djarin has mr.darcy energy in this essay I will-
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thecrimsonsquire · 4 years
@pettyprocrastination I forgot to put this in my reblog but I would love to hear more about Domentzia if your willing to share! (Totally understand if you wanna keep her character under wraps for now because the story is so new though!)
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