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Independent, semi-selective, heavily cannon divergent Mr.Inverted! Magic anons: none Askbox: open
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thecorruptedhope · 2 years ago
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      “….I’m… not s–”
      He couldn’t even finish his thought. Ivan hasn’t really seen his creator act in such a way before. Not even to Kite. There has been that annoyance one would have, almost like a tired father would feel around his rambunctious children. But this air was far more serious than what he’s used to. As much as he wanted to look around, he could only keep his attention towards the God for now.
      What other being indeed.. There’s no way there could be two Es…right?
      The whole thing still confused him greatly. He always thought he was the only one in all dimensions–never would he imagine finding a counterpart in all his journey. So then, is it possible that there’s a counterpart to E as well? Perhaps he’s witnessing it as he speaks. Perhaps this is the one and only E in the end..
      Ivan..really does get so distracted in so many questions. Looking to E as he is trying his best to comprehend all of this. Why was he threatening him in such a way? Speaking to him as if he had committed a crime of some sort. “….My Lord, are you..speaking of what happened to the others..?” He spoke softly as he removed his hat, keeping it close to his chest as he tries to speak,
      “We didn’t anticipate what would happen. We were hosting a tournament, we all had our responsibilities, and I was tasked to bring in the contestants for the game. I..I really should’ve looked into it more, or spoken with Ms. Jury–I..I know it’s all my fault.. I’m so sorry..”
E watched his creation squirm under the pressure of the questions it gave. Nothing would divert the god again, not this time, it was keeping mental note after mental note of the actions Inverted had taken while in their possession. “YES. I AM.” it replied at first to it’s guardians query, E was listening carefully as they began what it thought would be excuses.
The further it’s creation went the more E’s logical mind seemed to run into gaps, errors that could not possibly happen. The gods false head tilted unnaturally as the features started to soften on it’s face, it’s markings unfurled and began to flow on the texture of what could be called skin.
Ivan could see it’s face flicker through sceneries, of planets, of worlds, of situations that only shown for mere milliseconds as E tried to unearth the memory. It was harsh in how bright and vivid the colors that flashed was within such a time before it became a black void once more. The face still locking onto the guardian.
“HOSTING.HOSTED.” it’s many voices remarked, hesitating only for a moment before it stated “YOU ARE DELUSIONAL, INVERTED.”
It hovered it’s free hand over the guardian almost like it was going to trap a bug.
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thecorruptedhope · 2 years ago
      Blissful Loneliness.
      This has been the feeling he’s sat onto even more so than usual. He hasn’t even began to take a sip of his tea, solemnly staring at the liquid in his cup as he thought back on the guardians. On the events that happened. Everything that lead up to the now. He hasn’t even seen his creator in so long. At the moment, he felt like he lost his entire family. It’s..unsual perhaps, to think that the only family he has left now is a counterpart of himself and his brother.
      He really hoped he could get his family again somehow. He misses them dreadfully so. Each passing time he felt smaller and smaller, even his pocket dimension, which was once a quiet city, has grown more…smaller. Emptier. Why bother with it right now–all he can think about was his friends.
      Before he could ponder any further on what could be done, suddenly he was ripped out of his own home. His own space so effortlessly–what was happening!!
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      When he finally came to, finally seeing the culprit–oh man he couldn’t believe what he’s seeing for one bit.
      “…E..? Is that really you? Are you really–” The guardian was shaking at this point, he could barely hold onto his cane. Excitement? Relief? He isn’t really sure–right now he’s honestly glad to see someone else he’s so familiar with. But the way E felt, this energy was suffocating.
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The god was as always inhumanly still, the only real body language that could be discerned at the moment was the twitch of fingers with anticipation, but as Ivan had felt the energy surrounding E was overpowering. Entering what seemed to be a space that was not only thick but oppressive and heavy, two white eyes scanning over hope and salvation.
a chorus of voices just above a whisper as he had brought Ivan closer. “OF COURSE IT IS I, MY GUARDIAN.” 
It spoke, the intonation as always unclear in which way E was feeling as of that moment. “WHAT OTHER BEING WOULD IT BE OTHER THAN YOUR CREATOR.” it questioned to the guardian.
“BUT ENOUGH QUESTIONS FROM YOU, INVERTED. I AM GOING TO ASK HOW IT IS YOU HAVE EVADED MY VISION AND WHAT IT IS YOU HAVE DONE WITHIN MY ABSENCE. ANSWER AS YOU WILL.” For once it’s expression seemed to become less uniform, the mockery of a face within the cavity of it’s check becoming scratchy. The intricate ever swirling markings that adorn it’s body becoming tightly compressed spirals. “FOR EVEN IF I KNOW YOU WILL TELL YOUR TRUTH AS THERE IS NO REASON TO KEEP YOUR SECRETS. I WILL KNOW WHEN YOU ARE LYING AND I WOULD ADVISE NOT TO LIE TO YOUR GOD.”
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
feel  free  to  change  any  pronouns  or  subjects  (or  reverse).      tw  for  blood,  death  and  physical  violence  mention.
‘  is  it  complete?  ’
‘  who  are  you?  ’
‘  who  is  this?  ’
‘  why  are  you  bleeding?  ’
‘  what  would  i  do  without  you?  ’
‘  do  you  feel  alright?  ’
‘  what’s  your  name?  ’
‘  why  do  you  hate  me?  ’
‘  do  you  want  something  to  eat?  ’
‘  aren’t  you  supposed  to  be  someone  important?  ’
‘  did  you  read  it  yet?  ’
‘  can  you  help  me?  ’
‘  why  do  you  act  so  weirdly?  ’
‘  what  do  i  do  with  someone  like  you?  ’
‘  you  awake?  ’
‘  can’t  you  tell  left  from  right?  ’
‘  how  dare  you?  ’
‘  can  i  have  a  word?  ’
‘  why  didn’t  you  fight  back?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  interupting  me?  ’
‘  why  are  you  here?  ’
‘  what  happened?  ’
‘  haven’t  you  said  enough?  ’
‘  why  are  you  still  ___?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  shut  up  and  be  quiet?  ’
‘  what  did  you  dream  of?  ’
‘  why  are  you  yelling?  ’
‘  how  could  you  say  that?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  why  did  you  turn  out  this  way?  ’
‘  are  you  talking  to  me?  ’
‘  why  won’t  he  date  me?  ’
‘  why  did  you  hit  him?  ’
‘  why  are  you  crying  yourself  to  sleep?  ’ 
‘  are  you  serious?  ’
‘  who  did  this?  ’
‘  will  i  regret  this?  ’
‘  do  you  promise?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  am  i  dead?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  moving?  ’
‘  is  he  looking  at  me?  ’
‘  does  it  hurt?  ’
‘  how  did  that  happen?  ’
‘  what’s  the  weather  for  tomorrow?  ’
‘  are  you  in  love  with  me  yet?  ’
‘  is  it  that  important?  ’
‘  want  some?  ’
‘  was  that  an  accident?  ’
‘  what’s  the  deal  with  you?  ’
‘  who  do  you  think  you  are?  ’
‘  can  i  ask  you  something?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  leave  then?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
‘  is  this  all  you  can  do?  ’
‘  why  is  this  here?  ’
‘  how  did  you  get  in  here?  ’
‘  is  it  freezing  to  you?  ’
‘  what  are  you  making  tdday?  ’
‘  are  you  lost?  ’
‘  has  it  been  that  long?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
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I lied this is the last thing I wanted to throw on here cause brain rot)
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
Run little rabbit Go hide in the blades of that grass
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Blanks Personality: It's a hodgepodge of his previous identity and the repressed nicety of his old kind self before the incident with CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION. They are polite to almost everyone that they meet, have a horrible habit to disregard their own safety for the sake of others, overly apologize for making mistakes, as well as anything but a doormat if he was forced to budge. For the most part seeming distant with a relatively good head on his shoulders, someone who tries to be a voice of reason...usually but, stay around them long enough then you're more likely to see him act out of "character".
This could come into the range of getting a certain intensity to his actions or words that are charged with a cold type of anger. To a more talkative and confident curiosity, encompassing the word overwhelming and unrelenting. These instances can give away more of his "true" self with a flickering of gold through his face before going back to the way he was before. These instances are rare to be more than a few minutes to get a hold of himself again when he's brought back to his senses. Thankfully with his time recovering within riverside he's picked up a few coping mechanisms.
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Also, will steal your pastries while you're not looking, do not trust him.
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
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He got turned into a rabbit, it’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen) Also I did this in way too quick of a manner than I care to admit duhsdhgh)
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
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little doodle heehoo
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
Mistaken Identity (Closed)
For @gashaponofmuses​
The universe goes on, ever constant, never stagnant. Stars die and become reborn like clock work. Cities, kingdoms, vast civilizations raise and fall all the same and yet E was there for it all. Keeping the flow and constant of it all working together...of course with some help with the smaller things it would not think of bothering to answer to.
The gods body jittered and shook for one moment, positioning their “head” with a slight tilt as it fixated on one singular being it recognized. One that had been hiding from them for far too long and only now just revealing themselves...
“SO BOLD...”
 the deity spoke with mimicked mouth movement, before it brought up the guardians at their disposal. Ripping their consciousnesses from the bodies they inhabited, they showed surprise at first when summoned.
The many voices E had spoked through rattled through all of them.Life gave a furrowed brow “But for what reason, we are all in the middle of the tasks you had provided us--” E had put up one hand to signal Life to be silent before continuing.
The voices slowed initially before speeding up, the god giving a quick gesture with his hands. Within seconds the three were not only there spiritually.
Death had an obvious frown on his face for once unsure of the gods message “This is...not like you” They began before their button eyes were centered downward “What obligation is big enough for your attention if I can ask?”
Chaos scoffed “of course you’re not going to tell us and act cryptic...”
E did not give much of a chance for more comments from his creations, the face within the void blanked out for just a moment. Flickering through scenery to scenery of other worlds for seconds at a time focusing on the familiar feeling.
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Suddenly it’s face flickered back into view as it had reached where it wanted to be, seeing the monochrome pocket dimension and a singular being that sits blissfully unaware of it’s presence. E could not and would not be able to tell how long it has been since he had access to this realm since the incident.
Their bliss would only last for those brief seconds before a giant hand reached out to the smaller being putting a strain on them. the environment around them seeming to buckle due to the power E was exerting over this space.
Layers of voices range out as two white eyes locked onto them.
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
❝ Salut mon ami ! ❞ The familiar chime of her accent delivers her presence , appendages fluttering as the angel casually greets him . She spotted the other exiting the local tea shop and figured it'd be a good time to visit .
Tea, one thing he always had a soft spot for.
Never could he deny a good cup of tea nor could he go without at least perusing for some from the worlds he would have visited in the past. Those days were gone, but he was in luck to see a tea store around the block that he had overlooked before, taking the immediate turn from his routine to look over it.
So hard to choose one thing to buy when he had so many options, and yet he settled on one regardless. A black tea or at least from what he could tell...the labeling of the product escaped him. Payment of such a product also escaped him as well. He had no dark dollars on him from the lack of well, a job and anything to give of monetary value.
The ex guardian observed his surrounding before spotting a camera, giving a soft curse under his breath. No matter the nudging from the apparition. "it'd be so easy to take a tin." It would say to him "What? Are you going to be a coward?" Corrupt ignored the copy as he pushed his way out of the little shop. "I'm not going to get trouble for a tin of tea, you may think it's worth it, but I do--"
❝ Salut mon ami ! ❞
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Corrupt froze completely, a double vision effect behind him as the apparition was only slightly out of step with Corrupt. "Would you look at that timing~" it commented with a small chuckle before vanishing from view.
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Corrupt scrambling to regain his composure, putting on a smile. "Oh,Eileen! I didn't expect to run into you again...or well you running into me this time! "
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
Too many questions ran through the investigator’s mind at that second.  A deep, raw confusion turned into pure curiosity, yet uncertainty still lingered just beneath her questioning gaze.  Many of Ivan’s answers led to more disbelief of what she was hearing.  He certainly wasn’t a nighthowler, yet who else had been disturbing those that woke up unsettled into the night?  Who was this ghastly fellow exactly?  What part did he have in playing into this uncanny memory that still remained freshly formed within her own mind?  His gentle presence felt so familiar, almost akin to her own, yet she instinctively knew they hadn’t met until up that very moment just now.
Yet how did he come to be here, to be brought on so suddenly?  He said he was called upon.  But by what?  She didn’t call out to him, nor did she sense he was even here to begin with.  A part of her knew, a part of her own integrated godhood knew, yet her buzzing thoughts couldn’t piece it all together.
What did any of these memories have to do with this?  What did they have to do with him?  How did any of this make any sense to her?
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Being pulled from her thoughts, now snapping back to the moment the other spoke once again, Vivi blinked back in response.  She stared right back towards them, their gazes simply connecting in that instant.  Her brows furrowed, a flicker of recollection flashed across her eyes.
‘Would…they perhaps be of giant stature with intricate swirls around their body? A face of void in the center of their chest?’  Her mind still buzzed with the little bits of the hazy aftermath of this new memory that’ve slowly been dissolving.. But as those questions left his lips, all of it came rushing back in like a wave coming to drag her right back underneath the surfacing water.  E, an unfamiliar face of few features, a being much grander that he she was.  Still so small in their palm, still just another speck despite how far their own guardianship stretched out and over to every little creature that hoped to cling to them.  They felt a small flicker of fear in the pit of their stomach.  She He was reaching for them, smiling.  Yet E looked down upon him with such an empty gaze.
Something so void of expression.
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“.. Ya were reaching out for them.”  She whispered.  The dame instinctively took a step back.  “Isn’t.. Isn’t that correct?”
Ivan watched her in silence, his eyes narrowing. He knew she was starting to think of something and whatever it was seemed to be bothering them a good bit. Discomfort? the word lingered in his mind, that was what it was. Not something he was entirely unfamiliar with but something he wasn’t exactly used to.
He instinctively leaned his head forward, giving a slight tilt to properly express his initial confusion. “Reaching..?” was the first words he repeated as he said it in his mind it processed much faster. Did this mortal see him and E? If so, when? Ivan couldn’t remember properly no matter how hard he tried.
It bothered him, it bothered him quite a bit, but that wasn’t the focus at the moment. E’s appearance could mean many things, but maybe it wasn’t as bad as he had the feeling it was...
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“Oh...I--” The guardian began before beginning a whole new sentence “Yes, I do that when talking to my--Ah...what would you call him...” He asked aloud looking away from Vivi “He creator, so I call out to him quite often for guidance.”
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“I know his form is frightening to those who do not see it often. Even I can empathize with the feeling of fear. I assure you he is nothing but kind despite appearances.” 
That was a lie, he was lying. Why did it feel like he was?
“But I must ask where you saw him, he doesn’t come around the mortals for that very reason.”
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
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The Employer watched the guardian move about with little effort, crimson eyes narrowed to slits. There was no code here. None that he could discern. It wasn’t Nevada, this was for sure. In such foreign territory, this was not a position he wanted to be in. 
“I am The Auditor. I am an Employer and the head of the AAHW. I followed a tear that you appear to have left in my realm and I somewhat commend your attempt to evade my gaze. Unfortunately, no one enters or leaves Nevada without my knowing. You left just the briefest sign of your arrival so I decided to investigate.” He spoke with no mouth and with a tone that conveyed he was used to being in charge of the conversation. “My question is, however, how did you claw your way into my Nevada exactly? Unless I’ve missed something, I don’t believe you’re an Employer.”
He paced around the other two, looking over every inch of them. He’d not seen others similar to himself aside from his brothers. They, of course, were not here so this was no Employer that Auditor knew. The Halo offered little in terms of information on this place. It was not their realm. Nothing within their knowing.
“Auditor? Employer?” he repeated after them taking note of the others features and the way he spoke, authoritative and assured. “That sounds more of a mortal societal obligation, but you don’t seem human or anything I’ve seen.” he interjected before going quiet at the fact he was traced from one of his little adventures...Nevada...wasn’t that an earth place? he pondered for a moment as it was familiar
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“A place I may have been for sure. Not entirely knowing when though...time slips through my finger as do memories.” he gave a shrug, kicking his feet up and crossing his legs as he floated in the air. Eyes still locked onto the Auditor as he circled them like a snake before it launched at its prey, Apparition mimicking the movement just slightly out of pace with the entity before them. “As far as we are aware we are un-employeed, unless something SOMEHOW took hold of us recently to change that without our knowledge.” Apparition replied with an ever present smile, the energy this one gave off made him almost giddy.
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“Is it important if we are?” Apparition questioned. “Or if we aren’t...” Corrupt finished.
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“Because to tell you the truth, I go where I please. I bend reality to my whim for a moment and create a pathway. As many times as I please.” Corrupt answered
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
It blinked and slowly looked down at its dirty, dirty hands. It did not feel anything. It did not feel anything. The nervous system it had severed with its Arrival seemed to be finally dying as it did not recall the sensation of her hand in its. It slowly - fidgeting, twitching - slowly laced its bubbling blood and festering skin-covered hands together. Its grip tightened.
When it suddenly wrenched its fingers down into its own skin and tore OUTWARDS, the skin-muscle-flesh-bone simply slipped from its body. There was no blood remaining, the cleanly removed half-arm simply falling to the ground. It made no noise - it felt no pain - its arm was back, black crystalline structures replacing the mortal flesh it once had. A sudden existence, a “blink and you’ll miss it” instance.
Its other arm was soon to follow.
It still could not feel anything. It did not want to feel. It did not want to feel. Eyes slowly trailed along the removed mounds of flesh now lying on the ground. What did it want? To feel? It wanted to feel. 
It finally, finally made a noise - a metallic hummmm - eyes cast downward, halos gleaming. It did not want to be alone. It did not want to be here, alone, lonely, in solitude [AGAIN].
His creation was a funny little thing, its purpose embedded into the very fabric of their being. Corrupt could feel it scratch at his core, make his clawed fingers twitch, it’s presence never leaves as it guides them ever so subtly in their actions. As much as he tries to rip its influence from his mind it never will, and he knows this even if he denies it.
It has always put them through trial and tribulation, with their experiences worsening in their outcome more than brightening. That purpose he so thought was gone kept persisting.
The ex-guardian looked up at the blank canvas that was the sky, the wind gently breezing making the surrounding flora. they lay on the monochrome grass, blank yellow eyes fluttering then opening again as whispers from that damned apparition lingered on the wind. Or maybe that was just his own thoughts that prodded him, he could not tell least from how that thing was taking his own voice and using it against him. He wanted to do something, that much was true...there was that itch he could not possibly scratch. Not with a trip to connect with humanity, not with the conversations they have had with the damned spirit. this was something deeper, it always was. Corrupt grimaced and squinted his eyes as that feeling was growing in intensity. Like a flame brought closer and closer to what could be called skin. He KNEW what it was, though, it had not been this close in a long, long time.
Corrupt leaned up, a deep sense of loneliness struck from up their spine and crept outward to the rest of their body. Something, someone was calling out into the vast unknown around them, and he could feel it. “It will pass.” he tells himself, breathing in and out slowly. “It will pass” he repeats once more and yet again. The feeling burned in his chest hotter and hotter. He grabbed at his chest as that pit within his guts with that empathized desperation.
It did not want to be here, alone, lonely, in solitude [AGAIN]. 
Corrupts hands seized up, his clawed fingers digging into the colorless dirt beneath him. Eventually this feeling ebbed out of his body, releasing him in a sense, but he kept to the thought of it.
“What was that?” The voice similar to his own asks, layered as it is from more indistinct voices of unknown origin. The ex-guardian didn’t look away, focusing on nothing though black smoke edged his peripheral vision.
“A cry.” Corrupt admitted, Apparition responded to him but whatever it was, he did not hear. Nothing was getting to the ex-guardian as he looked at his own hands. 
“I need to find out who is crying.”
“AS if the crying of others has not led you astray before. Inverted you are no guardian--”
“I need to find out who is crying to me.” Corrupt repeated sternly “Nothing should be as close as that was. I felt it in my core, I felt it so deep, and I have to see who or what had connected so strongly” The apparition looked at him “Inverted.”
He knew where it was, he could tell exactly where the cry came from. Corrupt got up and staggered slightly as he sliced his claws into the fabric of his reality.The ex-guardian did not wait for any more quips, no words, no dialogue from his haunt. No, he immediately went into the portal he had made leaving the safety of his pocket dimension once more.
Corrupt did not see where he was, he did not check, he did not care. His focus was zoned in on the being that called to him. Apparition kept speaking and before long he was gone along with the noise that he brought. The golden hue from his face slowly drained from his face as the ghost’s grip weakened with this strong determination.
Finally, the Ex-guardian stopped in their tracks, the hope that burned so fierce was in front of him. Not too close but neither was it far away as it should be. Their quickened breath stuck within their chest as his eyes settled on IT. It had humanoid features…those features barely defined and warped by deepened claw marks on sloughing sinew and crystalline void black shards that stuck out of what could be barely put together as skin anymore.
It was not human nor alien or anything between. So long has the concept of Hope had been manifested he had lived this life, to see many, many things.
It hurt to look at, and yet they could not keep themselves from staring at it in shock, in awe, in fear? Undefined black eyes staring at white ones. The humming starting to be realized as they stood there, buzzing and ringing.
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E had many creations and yet in his mind something like this could not be of his design.
or could it have?
Finally, he was able to will himself to look away for a moment down to observe his own body. lacking of any defining feature one could call human other than shape and the skin that shared the color of snow that fell on the humans earth. His gaze fixated on the creature once more, that sense of relief on his senses straining again.
he did not know, he could not know.
“You.” He began “You...are the one who called out are you not?”
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
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❝ I thought the same thing when I first came here . Trust me , you’ll appreciate the colorfulness when it’s not trying to skin you . ❞ The ruckus seems to have calmed down with his problem having targeted another unfortunate soul of lesser value .  ❝ So , where you headed ? ❞
“That’s more than enough of a reason to stick around then even after that little rough patch or whatever may come beyond this.” He did pause for a good while with her simple question, had he ever thought of where he was headed? He never exactly had a destination in mind it was always wherever he felt like going. Corrupt looked from left to right then back to her “To honest with you? I...don’t know. I’ve been around...around corner to corner, exploring around the street seeing what there is to see. Roof to roof watching the people below...” Corrupt put a hand on his cheek tapping his finger on it. “Though, this was only seeing, not really experiencing much. That was the first attempt at interacting with some inhabitants.” "Since you live here...what would you suggest in terms of visiting? I have all the time in the world.” he gave a smile to her before thinking more on it “unless you don’t have the time of course...”
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“Sometimes I forget not many have a lot of it...” he muttered.
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
>dead ass when a quiz hits that headcannon that even if Ivan was given similar mannerisims and more emotions that mimic a human he is still an inhuman entity. Hence why he clings onto a very toxic entity such as apparition because even if it is the blight of human vices it is still closer than he ever was than what he was under E itself.)
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little does he recognize he doesn’t need appy for that anymore or even ever did. He only hid his flaws and “Bad” emotions to maintain an image of the perfect embodiment of hope. The only reason it all fell apart is one day his vices finally broke the surface and made him have a meltdown with unresolved emotional issues and terrible things he has seen in his time being under this position of guardian. )
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It’s fucked up for him and his fellow guardians to be given emotions and yet their creator lacks much of any. It has only a logical understanding of what EMOTIONS even, it does not exactly feel them.) If say, Ivan is shown to be in misery and collapsing under emotion strain the simpliest answer for E is to get rid of it for him. He can do it, so why should he not? this is the main reason why E has no hesitations when it comes to “resetting” one of the guardians)
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
what tragic horror character trope are you? 
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Frankensteins monster
This plight is the simplest of them all: you did not ask for this. you were never given a choice. no part of yourself feels human, just a collection of traits you've picked up from mirroring anyone you could, even the people you meet through a television screen. it's alienating to live that way - yet someone has called you the alienating one. maybe too many people to count. maybe they treated you so uncomfortably inhuman that it's all you can understand now, or you've dug yourself into such a deep hole in an attempt to keep safe that you can't remember a person living in the home of your body at all. being alive is confusing and painful and lonely and loud, but living is all there is to being human-you're already there. just take air into your lungs and breathe. close your eyes and picture a beautiful sky. you made that. you painted that yourself.
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
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     “Yes…I guess that is true… Losing a person at all could lead anyone into that sort of emotion… Such is how despair acts… A quick and lethal poison, one that spreads like a virus upon all it touches…” She softly agreed to his words on how it changes people, keeping her gaze away from Corrupt. She felt ashamed with her moment of weakness, and the subject wasn’t easy to talk about. 
     The humanoid continued with her steps, focusing on the dark path ahead. They were getting closer to Snowdin thankfully. At least it would be safer there. She definitely planned to get the two of them to her house so that their conversation could continue in a setting that wasn’t so dangerous. But even if she wasn’t entirely happy with the current subject, it did at least mean there would not be a deafening silence.
     She listened carefully as he spoke again. It was rather nice that he understood how she was feeling and even said that it was alright for her to be so. Ellie had never really vented like that to people besides Flowey, so hearing someone completely new say that…validated her emotions a bit. Like as if it wasn’t so bad for her to feel this way. Even if these emotions were literally killing her positive soul.
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     “Ah, don’t apologize! It’s nothing you need to worry about! Honestly, I’m just sorry you have to see all of this! It’s extremely rare for visitors to come to this AU, and even then they don’t see the Dark Beasts or the broken areas of the Underground. I usually keep how this place is a secret from anyone outside. Especially friends. Do you have any idea how many of them would freak out if they knew just what was going on? I wouldn’t be able to hear the end of it!”
     As the brunette continued walking, she took notice of the expression that was on his face. Instantly, she put on a big smile and tilted her head at him, beaming with that hope and joy she had before. 
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     “Hey now, don’t look so glum! It’s really fine!~ We make do with how things are! It isn’t like we’re completely helpless! We fight back and we’re working on ways to try and fix the issues and escape. All we gotta do is stay positive and hold onto hope! Things will get better!”
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     “So you better turn that frown upside down!~ You look better with a smile on your face!~” And she just grinned, as if that outburst earlier had never happened at all. 
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He didn’t respond initially as the ex-guardian watched her, not trying to linger on her reaction. Corrupt couldn’t help but look for anything to focus except for her at that moment reading the room properly for once. “If it makes you feel better.” he began “This is not the first time I have seen a world in such a state as this...of course, nothing like those beasts I have managed to glimpse. But worlds that were desperate for a better future and outcome while in its darkest era.” Corrupts tone did not change, there was no chipper beat.  “I am merely surprised it has gotten this bad, I would not blamed your loved ones for being worried...”
Ellie turning to him made him freeze as they locked eyes once more.
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As she provided a proper morale booster to the situation they found themselves in...that attitude-- the edges of his mouth started to creep up his face giving a smile once more. This was not only because of her words of course, it’s almost like he could feel his soul give a proper beat after the oppressive atmosphere of this struggling world tried to smother it with its sheer existence alone.
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He didn’t know how to handle that, that hope that stared right at his face.
the very thing he embodied that he had lost touch with.
“As... I have heard many a time, in the darkest hour hope is what guides the way to the light beyond. So to keep with such an attitude despite these circumstances is quite the admirable trait.”
He gave a pause before looking away from her once more as the words “Thank you..” poured out of his mouth. Before she could respond however he cut the silence once more “How long until we get to snowdin?”
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years ago
❝  You could say that . ❞ Darkners can be extremely problematic if one doesn’t know how to handle them . While not all share the same mentality , It’s something to be aware of regarding those who’s method of sales rely on cornering passerbys that are just going about their day .  The arm drops back to her side , taking note of his spindly fingers .  ❝  Word of advice , don’t set yourself up . Poppups are incredibly desperate and if you want to avoid having your code scrambled , I’d avoid them at all costs .  ❞
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“Sure could, couldn’t I?” he replied in a rather chipper tone.
Corrupt crossed his arms getting somewhat comfortable besides his new acquaintance. Giving a little wince and a glance behind him for a moment before putting his attention back on Eileen “That is...very good advice to keep. I’m sure to take that and lock in my brain, so I can keep that in my memory. Scrambling code sounds rather uhh...unpleasant? Or well, I could only assume as such as I’ve never had it happen to me, the only thing that’s been scrambled really is my expectations for this place.”
“And here I was thinking it was going to be rather boring despite how colorful the crowd is here.”
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