#◈No such lightner ◈Deltarune ver◈
grouptale-bits · 9 months
How do you imagine your Grouptale AU Characters as in Deltarune?
Would Harper and Caleb look like teenagers like Kris while Frisk, Minette, Adien, Fin, and Lumen look like pre-teens?
They would be darkeners! Well, everyone except Frisk, who remains a lightner human. They're all based on the flowers in the Asgores shop.
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With the exception of the middle one, they look like children since they havent wilted a day since the being cut.
darkworld ver of frisk for funs
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cube-cumb3r · 2 years
i have a bonkers fuckin theory about deltarune and that is like. nobody said that all that talk about "the knight" is necessarily inherently The Same Knight like whos to say the knights that the different dark worlds speak of arent different people. Theyve only been in One dark world so they wouldnt know of any different knights anyway.
Thats not even the bonkers part of my theory, right. You know how many chapters there are in deltarune? Seven. ( = 7 different dark worlds). you know what else theres seven of? thats right.
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It doesn't necessarily have to be the same people (or like alternate universe ver of the same people) since it seems different characters can have the same color soul (chara and frisk for example). And kris has a red soul so they don't have to necessairly be chara or frisk.
THAT BEING SAID. the red soul PROBABLY ISNT KRIS' SOUL! maybe one could SPECULATE that kris originally had a DIFFERENT colored soul. especially since save points in deltarune no longer mention "determination".
in fact i think kris could maybe be the light blue soul! this is a huge stretch especially since theres no mentions of patience in deltarune. HOWEVER. consider: toy knives, faded ribbon (theres ribbons in deltarune), attacks with spinning knives, AND. kris is light blue in dark worlds.
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so whos to say the dark worlds werent opened by the other fallen children, who are all the different knights of those worlds. since its implied in dt ch2 that any lightner can be a knight with enough Determination. (AND its implied in undertale that only HUMANS can possess determination. this maybe isnt true in deltarune BUT STILL)
anyway. this is kind of 3 theories in 1. id be happy if i get just one of these outlandish theories right.
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years
Starter for @hxzelwallflower​​ )
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A red and white blur ran through the streets of Cyber city with neon bright colors following him. If looked at very closely if only for a moment it seems like a rather big group of poppups  following him. All of them clamoring for more attention and happy as ever though, he himself was not at all in the same attitude.
Seeing he was going to be outrunned by these darkners, he called out “Sorry! I need to be places I cannot stay anymore!” only responded with a multitude of loud ads. With that he gunned it, ditching his walking entirely to quickly burst into a speedy levitation from the ground.
With this newfound speed he jumped onto the hood of a nearby car then started to leap frog his way to the other side. Of course this drew a slight crowd  and cause several jams, but he wasn’t thinking much.
Slamming into the nearest building wall right in front of a citizen trying to play it casual regardless of his current wreck of a look.
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Forearm resting on the brick wall besides him with his other hand on his hip. “Hello ma’am, so sorry to bother you can you act like you know me for a moment?” he asked in a hushed tone but didn’t exactly wait for an answer from her. Ignoring the sounds of the chaos behind him completely almost, only giving a little wince at the honking of horns.
“OH, I’m so glad I got here in time! I thought I was going to be late for our little get together but wouldn’t you know!” he exclaimed though still out of breath.
“So how’s your life been? I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other last.”
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thecorruptedhope · 3 years
Corrupt wakes from @dreamingyou​
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Corrupt laid there on the grassy hill outside his place of stay in town, eyes fluttering as he could barely keep awake. It was one of those quiet nights, the type that didn’t feel real with how calming it was. With these moments after being awake, moving, meeting, greeting, repeating he always yearned after a while to rest. He knew he didn’t need it, he could function for days, weeks, months, years without having an ounce of it.
Those were the perks of being a higher being after all, you didn’t have to worry about those mortal dependencies on sleeping or eating. But, there was an allure to the concept of sleeping that always comforted him. To let your mind drift to nothingness, to not be busy with thoughts within a devils workshop...
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Darkness slowly filled his vision as what could be called “unconsciousness” took him gently.
Visions came and went, catching onto a blurred color of blues and whites dazzling in the moonlight. Hopping around in a haze, vague implications of streets, homes, buildings, cities... Each movement seeming weightless yet traveling so far, time melting into an abstract concept.
Excitement fluttered within as they drew near to somewhere, something.
Then within a moment he felt himself ripped from a DEEP, DEEP, sleep. Barely alert he slowly picked himself up from the ground. He rubbed his eyes, only to look up to see the moon hanging in the air still. Corrupt put his hand on his chest trying to calm his heart beat, he didn’t know why but the words “Are you there?” softly came from his mouth.
The bright yellow of his eyes dulling to void “why did I say that, Dear E I already talk enough to ghosts. Now I’m talking to the wind?” his grip on his chest tightened ever so slightly before giving an exasperated sigh.
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thecorruptedhope · 2 years
❝ Salut mon ami ! ❞ The familiar chime of her accent delivers her presence , appendages fluttering as the angel casually greets him . She spotted the other exiting the local tea shop and figured it'd be a good time to visit .
Tea, one thing he always had a soft spot for.
Never could he deny a good cup of tea nor could he go without at least perusing for some from the worlds he would have visited in the past. Those days were gone, but he was in luck to see a tea store around the block that he had overlooked before, taking the immediate turn from his routine to look over it.
So hard to choose one thing to buy when he had so many options, and yet he settled on one regardless. A black tea or at least from what he could tell...the labeling of the product escaped him. Payment of such a product also escaped him as well. He had no dark dollars on him from the lack of well, a job and anything to give of monetary value.
The ex guardian observed his surrounding before spotting a camera, giving a soft curse under his breath. No matter the nudging from the apparition. "it'd be so easy to take a tin." It would say to him "What? Are you going to be a coward?" Corrupt ignored the copy as he pushed his way out of the little shop. "I'm not going to get trouble for a tin of tea, you may think it's worth it, but I do--"
❝ Salut mon ami ! ❞
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Corrupt froze completely, a double vision effect behind him as the apparition was only slightly out of step with Corrupt. "Would you look at that timing~" it commented with a small chuckle before vanishing from view.
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Corrupt scrambling to regain his composure, putting on a smile. "Oh,Eileen! I didn't expect to run into you again...or well you running into me this time! "
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