Can’t believe it’s been over a year since I looked at this page.
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Red Velvet French Toast With Vanilla Bean Cheesecake Filling
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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One of my neighbours slipped this under my door while I was practising, I thought they were going to make a noise complaint but they just had a request. I played it with my windows open and I heard really loud clapping come from a balcony a few stories up which was super lovely. I’m in such a lovely mood now it’s so nice to be appreciated.
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Lobster and Shrimp Tempura Roll http://ift.tt/1NaGoDl
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Photo http://ift.tt/1NaGoDu
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Seared Peppers with Olives and Halloumi
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marguerites-et-football replied to your post “plumlena replied to your post “Does anyone want eight dirhams worth of...”
i stole it from my sister. please don't tell her.
It’s okay, it can be our secret. Your single euro is safe with me.
plumlena replied to your post “plumlena replied to your post “Does anyone want eight dirhams worth of...”
you went to morocco? :o
I did, I got dragged down there for a week to do some work.
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Cajun Popcorn Shrimp and Hushpuppies with Jalapeño Honey
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the private journal of aaron burr
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plumlena replied to your post “Does anyone want eight dirhams worth of coins?”
what in the world is a dirham?
Morroccan dollars!
marguerites-et-football replied to your post “Does anyone want eight dirhams worth of coins?”
i can add them to my pile of lira, canadian dollars and one euro
Please take them off my hands, they are all yours.
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Cake
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Does anyone want eight dirhams worth of coins?
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I leave you guys alone for one week and you break out into at least two fights and a horrible prank.
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I wish I was doing something as unexciting as groceries, I’d have been in a lot less trouble.
I ducked out for some errands at about eleven-thirty and didn’t get back until quarter to six, at which time one of the staff happened to be going on a morning run or something of the sort, stopped me in my tracks, escorted me back to my dorm and questioned me about where I’d been. I, of course, avoided telling him I’d been out in town all night, but my room mate didn’t seem to want to pick up on that and told them how long I’d been gone, and I got a trip to the office as soon as it was a reasonable hour.
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I ducked out for some errands at about eleven-thirty and didn’t get back until quarter to six, at which time one of the staff happened to be going on a morning run or something of the sort, stopped me in my tracks, escorted me back to my dorm and questioned me about where I’d been. I, of course, avoided telling him I’d been out in town all night, but my room mate didn’t seem to want to pick up on that and told them how long I’d been gone, and I got a trip to the office as soon as it was a reasonable hour.
So it turns out that the staff aren’t too fond of students leaving the grounds in the middle of the night and returning at half past four in the morning.
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And, of course, the one time my guardian decides to show up is when I’m being scolded in the supervisor’s office.
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So it turns out that the staff aren’t too fond of students leaving the grounds in the middle of the night and returning at half past four in the morning.
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