#a single euro?
meowmeowmessi · 3 months
he birthed them
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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#why do you need this many legs sir#toedscruel#woah holy shit i just looked outside and it's super dark out. i'm queuing this up at noon why is it so dark#lemme look#yeah it's. dark. there's a bunch of dark evil clouds in the sky lookin like it's gonna storm oh i just heard thunder yeah it's gonna storm#uh oh. good thing i'm queueing this guy up before the storm so my power doesn't go out. this happens frequently#anyway toedscruel. it's definitely an evolution of toedscool. it definitely looks like tentacruel#if it's a different pokémon why does it evolve into something so suspiciously similar. i can understand wigglet and wugtrio being#different pokémon. just based on how different they are from diglett and dugtrio. even though their names are a typo away#but this guy is. it. really should've just been a regional form‚ i think#unrelated‚ but on random occasions seemingly whenever someone new finds the blog and reads my tags#i'll occasionally get folks asking me how i type commas in the tags#the answer is that this character → ‚ ← is not a comma. it just looks identical to a comma because of tumblr's font#it's actually a lower quotation mark. so for a language that does ‚this kind’ of quotation marks#and i use it as a comma because i have a fancy linguist keyboard that can type all kinds of fancy symbols. and it's easily accessible#some of my favorites include the single-character ellipse: …#the degrees symbol: º and °#small A: ª#fractions: 1⁄2 2⁄3 1⁄4 etc#and obviously IPA symbols and various diacritics‚ so that i can type the word pokémon without having to copy-and-paste the E#currency symbols‚ too. £¢$§¥ euro is on here somewhere but i don't know where bc i don't use that one really#i just like being able to type things the way they're supposed to be. like it's 80º outside. the stopwatch costs 15¢ in the shop#and‚ of course‚ pokémon. it's the linguistics and computer 'tism combining together i think#it's storming harder now but i found the euro symbol: €#oh fuckin hell my lights just flickered. this is gonna be rough..!
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mita-vittua-olivia · 7 days
i cannot wait to scream SEX MONEY SEKSI ON RAHAA with you guys in a week
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pedripics · 4 months
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Aughaug Sparrows is very pretty.
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Euros VERY much agrees. tho he's really not doing her any favors by yanking her head towards him outta nowhere While she's eating too. let a woman eat her instant noodles, man, she fuckin loves 'em
here have some bonus doodles i ran off to sketch out while workin on ur ask
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ranticore · 6 months
having had some posts get a lot of notes recently i'm trying this new thing where i put a massive series of paragraphs under every art post so that they don't travel so far. it's not a bad thing to get a bunch of notes (ofc) but i want full context to be there as well. this is the context blog after all, my other blog is the contextless one
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cyanide-rifle · 3 months
Im a completionist and i want every single thing BUT 2 weapon slots for TWELVE platinum are you kidding me? If i get lucky i'l get that from the daily tribute or from the battle pass but damn thats messed up
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larojauniverse · 3 months
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Final whistle joy
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captainaudax · 3 months
hey 🥰 this is just a suggestion but maybe nagelsmann could sub out these players? like i said just a suggestion but i think it could really help the game if following people never touched the field again 🥰🥰
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thiagodasilva · 4 months
happy euros, let us never forget our queen from the last euros
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cosmogyros · 8 days
Literally can't pay my rent until I get paid for September, which hasn't happened yet. Today is Friday, and Monday is the last day of the month. I'm so tired of being poor.
#i still cringe to call myself 'poor' bc i have my own apartment and can afford groceries#and even fun stuff like museums and cafe visits and public transport sometimes#but the reality of the matter is that after i pay off my student loans every month#i do not have enough money left to pay the following month's rent#and that's the way it's been my whole life#all my groceries and museum visits and coffee come from those few hundred euros left over#my whole life i've been choosing between 'having savings' and 'having even the smallest most humble life' and obviously i choose the latter#i never go to the movies#i buy all my clothes second hand (got some this past month after not having bought any new clothing in almost two years)#i have visited a museum TWICE this year#i go to restaurants like... once a month max#i am living the most frugal life that i possibly can without denying myself all pleasures#i don't even have netflix or anything like that! i only very rarely order delivery! i cook my own damn meals!#you get the picture#and yet still: one single missed paycheck is enough to potentially fuck up my life seriously#i've never missed a rent payment in my life but i'm scared it may happen this time#just wrote to HR of my former employer (who is supposed to still be paying me through october) to politely ask where my paycheck is#it's probably coming today (i sure as hell hope so) but if it doesn't... i legit don't know how i'm going to pay my rent#my rent is 673 euros and i only have 400 in my bank account#i probably have enough food in my pantry to survive for a month if i had to#but i've never missed rent in germany before (or ever) and i have no idea how long they'd wait before evicting me for non-payment#i'm scared. and i'm tired of being apparently the only fucking person in my social groups who is this poor#i am an over-educated 37-year-old professional who typically gets classed with the 'expats'#but one missed salary payment has me thinking about eviction and affording groceries#this is what i mean when i say i'm an immigrant. not an expat.#those people with their apple watches and co-working spaces and spontaneous trips to thailand or brazil are... a world apart from me#how come everyone i meet is so damn rich? where do i find fellow poor friends?#anyway i'm stressed. and i'm so so tired of spending my mental energy worrying about money#cosmo gyres#personal
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nic-coughlan · 3 months
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it's always us
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doinggreat · 4 months
cooking frozen pizza WITH pineapples as we speak so italians lose
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sarakiz · 2 years
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Deniss Vasiļjevs (LAT) - "Englishman in New York" by Sting (chor. Salome Brunner & Deniss Vasiļjevs)
2023 European Figure Skating Championships, Espoo - Men's Short Program
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charlespecco · 4 months
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Slovenia celebrate Erik Janža’s equaliser against Denmark, their first European Championship goal in 24 years 🇸🇮
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gouinisme · 2 months
i undertand that i use makeup as an art medium and a hobby so i shoudn't feel guilty for wanting to buy art supplies but also buying contour or an eyebrow pencil although i don't use those in my regular makeup feels like a fucking crime
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