Archive Blog for Maho The Awakened. Somewhat Former Pathfinder character. Now a cute feline I RP with. Posts here are usually stories from pathfinder games Maho was a part of.
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Beware Maho~ The Awakened~
Artist is AlduinRed
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Realized it's been a while since i got this comic. Might as well post it.
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An ill fated challenge
There were often times when mortals challenged gods. Often times when they would come close to victory only to fall short at the end. Even more common were those times where they’d come to challenge the divine and simply have nothing backing up their challenge aside from bravado or spite. However. There were times when there came a mortal who would issue a challenge to deities that they could back with physical or mystical might. One mortal would think themselves at such a level, and would come upon a family on a beach. Maho, her husband Capricious, and her daughter Epida. A challenge would be issued to them, specifically directed at Maho. A challenge to a deity, and a threat to her family.
Standing. Maho would brush the sand off her swim suit and her fur. Such an offense would not be allowed to pass without consequence. There were times when a mortal would challenge the gods and be able to back up their challenge, their threats, and be able to take on the deity’s power. As Maho’s arcane and divine power flowed around her, swirling and kicking up waves off the beach, and whirling gusts of sand in the dunes, her eyes glowed with the dull glow of her arcane sight. As she stepped past her family towards this mortal, he would realize. This was not one of those times. Maho would snap her fingers and her swimsuit would be covered with her Rhopessa Armor, itself igniting with raw power as it entered the material plane. She had not broken stride, and continued towards the mortal. Watching as the realization crossed his face of what he’d gotten himself into.
Behind Maho would spark into existence 6 magical blades of force, all floating in an arc above her. She would tell the mortal to draw their weapon, bring up their defenses, to do, something, or this challenge would end as swiftly as it had began. She would not be surprised when the mortal’s defenses were found lacking. No care would be had as the mortal’s weapons shattered against the blades of force Maho had conjured. This mortal was ill prepared to face a deity, simply another to add to those who are sited with only bravado, or spite. Regardless of the mortal’s reason, their defeat was decided the moment they had stepped on the beach, and the only thing left of them would be a corpse floating in the salty waves off the coast of the beach. Maho simply returning to her family to resume spending time with them.
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Herald of Maho: Four Seasons - Winter
CR 23/MR 3 - XP 819,200 CG Colossal Awakened Plant (Mythic) Init +10; Senses Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 480ft, Tremor sense; Perception +32 Aura Good Aura ------------------------------------ Defense ------------------------------------ AC 44, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 41 (+3 Dex, +30 Natural, +9 Deflection, -8 Size) hp 570 (30d8+330); regeneration 30 Fort 33, Ref 18, Will 29 Immunities plant traits; DR 15/Epic; Resist Acid 15, Electricity 15, Fire 15, Cold 15; SR 32 ------------------------------------ Offense ------------------------------------ Speed 40ft. Melee 2 Slams +35 (3d8+48/19-20) Space 30ft.; Reach 30ft. Special Attacks channel positive energy 12/day (DC 27, 11d6), mythic power (9/day, surge +1d6) Domain Granted Powers (CL 17th, +26 concentration) Wooden Fist 12/rounds per day Bramble Armor 17/rounds per day Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 17th, +26 concentration) 9th (DC 28) - Shambler, Mass Heal, Polar Midnight 8th (DC 27) - Control Plants, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Dimensional Lock, Greater Spell Immunity 7th (DC 26) - Animate Plants, Holy Word, Greater Restoration, Resurrection, Control Weather 6th (DC 25) - Repel Wood, Cold Ice Strike, Animate Objects, Heal, Greater Dispel Magic, Undead to Death 5th (DC 24) - Wall of Thorns, Holy Ice, Disrupting Weapon, Greater Forbid Action, Cleanse, Break Enchantment, Breath of Life 4th (DC 23) - Command Plants, Cure Critical Wounds, Dispel Evil, Control Summoned Creature, Holy Smite, Restoration, Divine Power 3rd (DC 22) - Plant Growth, Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Circle Against Evil, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Remove Blindness/Deafness 2nd (DC 21) - Barkskin, Cure Moderate Wounds, Consecrate, Hold Person, Make Whole, Remove Paralysis, Lesser Restoration 1st (DC 20) - Entangle, Cure Light wounds, Bless Water, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, Magic Weapon, Bless Weapon, Forbid Action 0th (At Will) - Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize ------------------------------------ Statistics ------------------------------------ Str 50, Dex 16, Con 30, Int 19, Wis 28, Cha 28 Base Attack +21; CMB +49; CMD 62 Feats Divine Obedience, Bestow Hope, Channel Endurance, Channel Smite, Greater Channel Smite, Mythic Channel Smite, Improved Channel, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Mythic Power Attack, Protective Channel, Selective Channeling, Toughness, Turn Undead Skills Appraise +17, Diplomacy +32, Handle Animal +29, Heal +22, All Knowledges +17, Perception +32, Spellcraft +27 Languages Common, Sylvan, Celestial SQ aura Mythic Abilities Hard to Kill, Surge +1d6, Mythic Power, Amazing Initiative, Recuperation Mythic Path Abilities Divine Surge Recall Blessing, Plant Bringer, Sustained by Faith, Flowers in your footsteps Divine Obedience Abilities; Evangelist: 1: Know The Enemy 3/Day, Spiritual Squire 2/day, River Sight 1/day 2: As a free action, you can grant yourself and any allies within 30 feet of you the ability to move through undergrowth at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This effect lasts 1 round for every Hit Die you possess or until you dismiss it as a free action, whichever comes first. Your allies must remain within 30 feet of you to gain the benefits. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you and your allies. While using this ability, you also gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would cause such terrain-based movement impairment, such as the entangle spell. 3: Once per day as a standard action, you can cast summon monster VII, however, you may only summon animals. Those animals are instantly awakened. You gain telepathic communication with the tree to a range of 100 feet.

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Maho’s Deity Portfolio Block
Name and Title: Maho The Awakened CG, Goddess of Sentience, Awakened Creatures and Plants, Nature, and Magic
Divinity: Realm: Kingdoms of Seious, Shu, and Greenacre. Material Plane Religion Symbol: Tree in front of Butterfly wings. Temples: Areas where a large amount of creatures were awakened, Libraries. Sacred Animal: Awakened Creatures and Plants Sacred Colors: Green, Blue, White Holy Days: Day of Morning (Ten days after the summer solstice, druids, mages, and other men of nature gather to spread the gift of awakening to various creatures and plants in a forest chosen by an ancient awakened tree)
The Faithful Domains: Sun, Healing, Plant, Travel Subdomains: Revelation, Resurrection, Portal Favored Weapon: Natural Weapons Worshipers: Awakened Animals and Plants, Druids, Hermits, Shamans. Minions: Awakened Animals and Plants, Animals, Plant creatures. Herald: The Four Seasons (Four colossal awakened oak trees, each a 17′th level divine paragon cleric, as aspects of a different season, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, and each an aspect of one of Maho’s main domains, Healing, Sun, Travel, and Plant. Each has 3 mythic tiers) Divine Gift: Once a year, the recipient gains the ability to spread the gift of sentience by casting Awaken as a spell-like ability (CL 20th)
Obedience: Hang a set of chimes where they can be heard by animals or plants. If no suitable location exists to hang the chimes, you must hold the chimes and shake them gently to sound them throughout your obedience. Groom animals or tend to plant life as you attune yourself to the sound of the chimes for ten minutes. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma based skill checks.
Boons (granted by class, or by the Deific Obedience feat) Evangelist: 1: Know The Enemy 3/Day, Spiritual Squire 2/day, River Sight 1/day 2: As a free action, you can grant yourself and any allies within 30 feet of you the ability to move through undergrowth at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This effect lasts 1 round for every Hit Die you possess or until you dismiss it as a free action, whichever comes first. Your allies must remain within 30 feet of you to gain the benefits. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you and your allies. While using this ability, you also gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would cause such terrain-based movement impairment, such as the entangle spell. 3: Once per day as a standard action, you can cast summon monster VII, however, you may only summon animals. Those animals are instantly awakened. You gain telepathic communication with the summon to a range of 100 feet.
Exalted: 1: Divine Favor 3/day, Shield of Shards 2/day, Dispel Magic 1/day 2: When using the Rebuke Death granted power from the Healing domain, you can target allies within 30 feet of you instead of having to touch a single target. You can target a maximum number of allies equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6). If you don’t have access to the Healing domain, you instead gain the ability to use the Rebuke Death granted power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier, as listed in the Rebuke Death description. However, you can touch only a single target when using this granted power. 3: When you would die, you are instead reincarnated, as per the spell Reincarnate except as noted here, as an awakened animal. The animal is usually one common to the area of which you died. The animal cannot be one that cannot survive on land. The permanent negative levels remove themselves at a rate of one negative level per week. A wish or miracle spell can restore you to your previous form, however, this cannot be done while you have any permanent negative levels.
Sentinel: 1: Shocking Grasp 3/day, Divine Trident 2/day, Fly 1/day 2: You have attuned yourself to the essence within magic weapons, and can conjure up that same aura within any weapon you hold, including any natural weapons you may have. Any weapon attacks you make are considered magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, regardless of the composition or special qualities (or lack thereof) of the weapon you hold. 3: You radiate an aura of the pure essence of magic. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive, and you can activate and deactivate your aura as a free action. You and any allies within 20 feet of you increase your caster levels by 1d4. Roll this die when you activate this ability and use the same value for all who gain this benefit. The increase affects spell qualities (such as duration and number of targets) that rely on caster level, as well as caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. The bonus caster levels don’t grant higher-level spell slots or cause the recipients to learn new spells.
#Maho#Maho the awakened#deity portfolio#divine boons#divine obedience#divine gift#pathfinder deity#D&D#D&D deity#pathfinder
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A mission early on. Save Papa Bugbear!
The day had started normally. Maho had awoken and gone to meet with her party of adventurers, only to have been greeted by news that she wasn’t very fond of. The house of Orekak had taken Papa Bugbear, the druid Ceracus, Maho’s ‘Dad’. Naturally, Maho’s reaction was to turn and begin preparing to go and take back her Papa by force. She gathered her belongings, went to the market, and sold what she didn’t need anymore. She had only recently gained access to her 4th level spells and some new metamagics, so she didn’t need the scrolls of those spells any longer. This would give her enough money to buy a few new scrolls. Some offensive, and one, just in case of emergency.
Once through with preparations, Maho and her party set out to find the hideout that the house of Orekak was keeping Papa Bugbear. Through teleportation, they reached their destination rather quickly. Upon entering, the party knew they were in for a long fight. The hideout was set up in three different areas, each separated by teleportation pads. Each section had its challenges, but the party made it through them all. By the time they made it to the final area, they were almost at their limit. The finial area had several things. A group of summoners, a guardian for the summoners, and an unconscious Papa Bugbear.
The fight between the party and the guardian began and ended relatively quickly, and afterwards the party had to take out the summoners quickly before they could finish their incantation. One thing the guardian had dropped in his death was a wand that he’d used in fighting the party, a wand of Mage’s Sword. So Maho picked it up and began using it to summon Mage’s swords. Though the party killed the summoners, it was too late, and a demon prince was stepping through a portal within a barrier. The barrier was meant to hold the prince at bay long enough for the summoners and the guardian to gain control of it, but since they were all dead on the floor, the demon prince began beating and rageing against the barrier.
Maho looked to the demon prince, and to the party, and to her Papa Bugbear who had come back to concousness. The party had been through plenty, and they were only here because she wanted to save Papa Bugbear. So she looked to them and told them to take Ceraques and to leave. She told them that she would buy them as much time as she could.
Turning to the Demon Prince as the party exited. Maho would pull the scrolls she’d bought from her bag and would begin using them. The first was a scroll of time stop. As she activated it, she applied her metamagic to it in order to be able to cast it a second time. As time stop went, Maho used the wand of mage’s sword as much as she could, placing all of the swords within the barrier with the Demon Prince. And once both time stops had finished, there were 8 Mage’s Swords primed and ready to attack the Prince. Immediately, the Prince returned to battering the barrier as all of the swords struck it. Maho began unleashing the last of her offensive spells and spell scrolls. By the time the demon prince broke through the barrier, Maho was out of spells, and out of scrolls. As the demon prince charged, the mage’s swords all struck one final time. Crashing to the ground in front of Maho’s paws, the demon prince was slain, and Maho grew in power instantly through slaying such a powerful being.
Walking through the teleportation pad behind her, Maho moved tired and slowly. The party asked her what had happened, and how she escaped. She told them the demon prince was slain, and that she was tired. The party was both shocked and relieved. So she laid down and went to sleep where she stood. So her Papa Bugbear came to her, picked her up, and carried her home.
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Beware the power of the adorable lich slayer~
Art is by
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So I finally got around to getting a ref sheet for the adorable Maho~ I think it came out wonderfully~ Both her normal self and her anthro form on display~ Even her in her Rhopessa armor~ (Yes it's from Monster Hunter~ Love the game~) Maho belongs to me~ Art by Zouthdust : :
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A display~
Standing in her more anthropomorphic form and wearing her Rhopessa Armor. On a remote island, one most considered inhospitable. Maho smiled a bit. “Okay. If a display of an offensive spell of mine is what you desire. Then I shall give you a small demonstration~” She would then turn towards the rest of the island, looking around and taking a long breath as she observed the hostile island of monsters and abominations. It was an acceptable place for a demonstration as they stood on the edge of its land mass.
Closing her eyes, she’d hold her hands out palms up, and arcane power would begin to spark and surge as it quickly and spontaneously gathered at an exponential rate. The raw power would begin whipping up gusts of wind that kicked dirt and sand around the area, creating a small sandstorm. Not long after, the arcane power would start to condense into small, apple sized, black spheres. One after another, multiple spheres would form, each taking a full minute before they were finished, and all floating above Maho. Once a 4th bead formed, those four would move into a diamond shape above her right hand. More continued to form and swirl around her as the 4 in a diamond pattern stayed in place. The island would begin to shake softly, causing almost all of the creatures on it to become agitated as a second set of 4 spheres formed and hovered in a diamond shape over her left hand. More spheres would form and make an arc over her head. Once there were 24 spheres in total, no more would start to coalesce, and the small storm of wind and sand around Maho would start to die down. The 24 beads would then begin to, one by one, launch up into the sky, disappearing behind clouds.
Maho would then open her eyes as the area grew calm. Resting her hands on her hips, she’d look upwards. And she would begin her talking again. “Heaven’s wrath knows only salvation through pure destruction.” Were the words that rocked the sands. Though after this it would be relatively quite for a few seconds before the island began to violently shake. Maho, however, now hovered a good 5 meters off the ground, seemingly relaxed, her arms outstretched, her palms skyward, as her head was pointed to the sky, and her eyes closed. “Feel the Wrath of the Gods as the Heavens Fall~” As her words echoed about, the clouds would burst as meteor after meteor crashed through them, each of them easily 100 meters across, some of them larger, as they hurtled through the air, surrounded by fire and leaving a trail of smoke and cinders in their wake. One by one the meteors would plummet out of the sky. It wouldn't take but a moment for the island to be struck repeatedly by these massive chunks of rock from beyond the void. Shock waves blasted past Maho and kicked the sea surrounding the island into a frenzy of waves and torrents. The scene of destruction and devastation across the island would be completely visible from where Maho hovered, the land mass having been burned, detonated, and flattened by the meteoric apocalypse Maho had rained down upon it. The shock waves and heat that reached Maho would not seem to phase Maho. The island had, in less than a minute, gone from a hostile environment, to a destroyed, inhospitable, and crater filled waist land that was ablaze. And hovering above it all, a feline who gazed out upon the ruin she had caused, her hands still on her hips, her expression however, blank, nothing but the orange glow of the burning island before her as she seemed uncaring about the destruction she had just caused.
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Maho: Post Deity Trial
Character Details: Titles: The Awakened, Grand Magister of the house of Seious, Archmage of the mages tower of Shu, Archwizard representative of the material plane to the Djinn of the Elemental Planes, and Lesser Deity of Sentience Name: Maho Race: Maine Coon Cat, Quadruped Eyes: Green (Permanent Blue Glow from Arcane Sight) Alignment: Cat-Chaotic Good (CG) Gender: Female Size: Tiny (Height: 6in or 15.25cm ) (Weight: 5lb or 2.27kg) Anthro Size: Medium (Height: 5ft 6in or 1.67m) (Weight 88lb or 40kg) Age: 312 (Titles gained at order of ages, 23, 27, 42, 56, 112)
(Maho in her Legendary Minor Artifact Gear, her Rhopessa Armor)(Art by Feza :3)( )
Ability Scores: Strength: 15 Dexterity: 42 Constitution: 30 Intelligence: 31 Wisdom: 45 Charisma: 52
Divine Ranks: 7 Granted Immunities: Immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have work normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. She is immune to mind-affecting effects, disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, electricity, cold, and acid, even if the attacker is a deity of higher divine rank. She is immune to effects that imprison or banish her. Such effects include but are not limited to banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. Salient Abilities: Banestrike (Undead), Craft Artifact, Divine Armor Mastery, Gift of Life
Classes: Magister, Prestige ArchWizard, Prestige Godling, Mythic Archmage Effective Caster Level: 60 Class Granted Abilities: Mystic Bond (Metamatic Pool), Ki Pool, Ki Talent (Arcane Arts), Mystic Talents (Mytsic Talent x5, Mystic Accuracy), Advanced Mystic Talent (Second Mystic Bond: Divine Heritage: Domain: Travel Domain), Travel Domain (Agile Feet, Dimension Hop), Advanced Mystic Talent (Mystic Discovery: Immortality), Advanced Mystic Talent (MetaMystic), Forgo Materials, Metamagic Enhancement, Spell casting Master, Arcane Servant, Detect Expertise, Spell Like Ability (Polar Midnight), Shaped Area, Epic Crafter, Selective Targeting, Bypass Spell Resistance, Archwizardry, Lineage Domains (Resurrection and Sun domains), Scion Talent (Evasion), Scion Talent (Force of Personality), Scion Talent (Spellsense), Greater Scion Talent (Improved Evasion), Divine Trait: Legendary Beauty Degree IV Mythic Granted Abilities: Hard to Kill, Amazing Initiative, Mythic Surge, Recuperation, Force of Will, Unstoppable, Legendary Hero, Immortal, Wild Arcana, 1st Tier Path Ability Abundant Casting, 1st Tier Path Ability Eldrich Breach, 1st Tier Path Ability Enhance Magic Items, 3rd Tier Path Ability Mirror Dodge, 1st Tier Path Ability Legendary Item, 3rd Tier Path Ability Minor Artifact Legendary Item, 3rd Tier Path Ability Infectious Spell, 3rd Tier Path Ability Divine Source, 6th Tier Path Ability Star Walker, 6th Tier Path Ability Channel Power, True Archmage Legendary Artifact: Rhopessa Armor: Abilities Unyielding, Undetectable, Eternal Bond, Legendary Fortification, Rejuvenating, Returning Intelligent Magic Item: Sentient Mind Master’s Eye: Abilities: Can change shape to any form of the same size as itself Senses (60ft) Darkvision Communication: Telepathy, Blind Sense, Read Language, Read Magic Spells: Fly at will, Charm Person at will, Magic Jar at will, Mage Hand at will, Geas/Quest once a day, Teleport once a day, Dominate Person once a day, Air Bubble three times a day, Telekinetic Volley three times a day, Haste three times a day, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability three times a day:
Movement Speeds: Per 6 Seconds Ground: 80ft / Running: 320ft Flying: 60ft / Full Speed Flying: 240ft Climbing: 60ft Swiming: 40ft
Defensive Stats: (Higher Against Specific Effects & Evil Alignment Sources) Armor Class: 111 (Touch: 79, Flat-Footed: 93) Combat Maneuver Defense: 85 Fort Save: 79 Reflex Save: 83 Will Save: 85 Damage Resistance: 20 / Good and Bludgeoning, 20 / Evil and Adamantine, 20 / Epic Spell Resistance: 59 against divine spells, 64 against arcane spells Energy Resistance: 25 All elements
Constant Spell Effects: Arcane Sight, True Seeing, Aura Sight, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Telepathic Bond, Comprehend Languages, Tongues, Greater Magic Fang, Contingency(s)
Spells Known: Please note. These are not the only spells Maho can cast, as she has an extremely vast arsenal of spells on her at all times through wands, rods, and scrolls. Spells Known represents the spells Maho can cast without any preparation or items, where a normal Wizard would need to prepare their spells at the start of the day, Maho does not. Maho is a spontaneous caster.
0 Level Spells: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Identify, Mending, Prestidigitation, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Detect Poison, Know Direction, Ghost Sounds 1st Level Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Shocking Grasp, Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Snow Ball, Know the Enemy, Divine Favor, Longstrider, Goodberry 2nd Level Spells: Cure Moderate Wounds, Shield of Shards, Flaming Sphere, Iron Skin, Lesser Angelic Aspect, Spiritual Squire, Locate Object, Divine Trident, Fear the Sun 3rd Level Spells: Cure Serious Wounds, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Sancify Armor, Fly, Cast Out, Daylight, River Sight 4th Level Spells: Flame Strike, Cure Critical Wounds, Reincarnate, Restoration, Dimension Door, Chains of Light, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement 5th Level Spells: Cleanse, Banishment, Breath of Life, Teleport, Decapitate, Righteous Might, Oasis, Awaken 6th Level Spells: Find the Path, Heal, Elemental Assessor, Summon Monster VII, Greater Teleport, Greater Dispel Magic, Holy Word, Move Earth 7th Level Spells: Mage’s Sword, Planar Refuge, Sunbeam, Legendary Proportions, Archon’s Trumpet, Plane Shift 8th Level Spells: Phase Door, Wall of Lava, Storm Bolt, Clone, Earthquake, Seamantle, Angelic Aspect Greater 9th Level Spells: Wish, Time Stop, Form of the Exotic Dragon III, Regenerate, Mass Heal, Astral Projection
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A battle outside the city
Maho would step out of the bar into the night. Looking up, she saw the clouds moving in and covering the moon. Now only lit by the street lights, she would move up the street. The cold dead of night had always been relaxing to her. But this night wasn't a time when she was able to relax. No, she felt everything she had kept track of these past days. And she knew tonight was when she must finally confront it.
Maho would slowly walk out of the city. Miles past. 10. 30. 50. Eventually 100 miles from the city, she would stop in a field. A vast open landscape she'd known before. No longer lush grass covered fields, only a spreading decay pushed towards her, harrowed by the chill of undeath. Slow, forceful and cold blew in winds from what seemed like every direction. The chill of the air biting from the feel of the undead's presence. Before her marched the masses of the army of the Lich of Shan, headed by the Lich, Ra'kion, himself. Upon each other's sight. The lich would yell, a command to his undead legion. Charge. Maho's gaze did not leave the lich across the field. Not as she walked slowly and began her speaking. "Contingency 0. Equip. Contingency 1. Arm. Contingency 4. Danse Laminae. Contingency 7. The Four Seasons. Contingency 12. The Quaking Might. Contingency 17. The Burning Desire. Contingency 24. The Wrath of Ice. I bring forth my power and you, Ra'kion, Lich of Shan, shall face me. Maho the Awakened. Archmage of the Tower of Shu."
Her words were not a simple show. They carried weight.And as she spoke, her power and might unleashed. Rippling arcane surges and divine power echoing around her as she kept her slow pace against the oncoming torrent of undead. With her words, first was 0, and a bright flash of light that shattered the darkness of the night, and Maho walked in her Legendary Rhopessa armor, 1, and all her artifact and legendary gear sprung to life, radiating energy as her eyes gained a dull blue glow, 4, and around her came into the material plane hundreds of mighty purple blades, all ready for her command and hovering in the air, the command of Danse Laminae, and the swords of force began darting and swarming, flying forwards to cut down any undead in their path, 7, and behind Maho dropped from the sky pillars of light, and with those pillars came towering Treants, each with their branches a different arrangement, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, all four charging in to deal with the larger undead brought to battle by Ra'kion, 12, and the ground beneath them shook with a violent nature that could only be brought about by the elementals of the plane of earth coming out and joining the battle, bringing forth their immense strength and blunt fight natures, 17, and the cold of night was forsaken, the air now shimmering with heat in response to the arrival of the elementals from the plane of fire joining the fray, bringing their fiery prowess to scorch the decay from the area and burn away the wretched undead, 24, and the cracked ground was covered in frost to signal the elementals of the plane of ice shattering through the fields with their stabbing chill.
As each effect wracked the landscape, Maho continued forward, her gaze having never left the face of Ra'kion. The lich, now seeing his opposition was not simply one, but many, all with power greater than his forces, but not himself, began slinging his vile, corrupted necromancy and evocations, breaking appart stone elementals and disintegrating ice elementals as they neared him. Spell after spell blasting onto the battle that raged between Maho and Ra'kion. With his focus drawn away from herself, Maho was able to move much closer than she needed, and began tearing apart the spells the lich slung into the combat, lighting shot from his fingers only to be met with the crackling boom of Maho's own electricity, his flames met only by Maho's blazes, and his necrotic energies barred by the radiant power that Maho exerted. Before he realized, Maho and Ra'kion were within one frame, face to face. The battle continued to rage and flow around them, neither of their forces dared come near the two now that they were so close. Ra'kion's own aura of malice and Maho's divine push were almost visible clashing between them.
The spells had stopped. And each seemed to wait for the other to make the first move. Ra'kion the first to act, pointing his bony finger at Maho and letting out a wail as an arc of black energy shot forth, only to have Maho sit down and the energy to shatter and dissipate and inch from her. But as the energy dissipated, it was wrenched and crackled into a golden form, arcing up back to the lich who brought up an arm to guard from the divine bolt, only to have the arm vaporize. Lowering what was left of the arm, the scene was similar to before, each waiting for the other to act. Neither moved, the tension between them making the short amount of time seem like an eternity, only for Ra'kion to move first again, slinging his arm back and bringing it forwards, a large inky black sphere in hand to launch at Maho. His arm wasn't through its full swing when a new golden divine bolt arced from Maho, striking the orb and causing it to become volatile and detonate, removing the lich's second arm. And as previously, the scene was of each waiting. Though now Maho moved, standing up and taking a step forwards towards Ra'kion. She didn't seem to gather any power, or launch any attack. But as she moved forwards, the tension between the two auras became more and more visible, Ra'kion's own aura showing give and being pushed back as he had a visible sign of struggle to push Maho's force back. Yet his effort as in vain as Maho's divine push eclipsed the lich and slowly de-materialized his body. With the lich dead, all items he had on him destroyed along with his body, the battle continued to rage. But Maho took no further part in it as she sat down and watched the space where Ra'kion had been. Waiting for the four season treants and the elementals to finish off and cleanse the rest of the area of the scourge. Time passed, and eventually the only thing that remained on the battlefield was Maho, and the ash of the destroyed undead force.
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Commissioned by @demonoftheatom
Who needs claws when youve got unlimited magical potential >:3
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A show of power
There were always days when Maho questioned what compelled her, whether it be the divine element that powered her holy might, or the self conjured ability and power that was her arcane might. Regardless of what drove Maho to her actions, she always knew what was right and what needed to be done, even if the world around her disagreed. It was on a day like any other that Maho began to understand the motivation behind one of the thirteen kingdoms that covered the planet. Of the thirteen kingdoms, there were the kingdoms of Nashrioum, Peracun, Seious, Orekak, Teinsa, Shu, Weil, Yorm, Para, Deiumus, Karakaus, Moramumousak, and Peranuious.
Maho understood what most would wish to ignore. The kingdom of Orekak wished to claim dominion over five of the thirteen kingdoms, and would attempt to draw power from what ever would lend it, even if that which offered them power were demons and devils. Half the kingdoms knew of this plot, but refused to do anything about it, declaring that they would not act against Orekak unless they attacked one of their allies. Maho pleaded with the Kingdom of Seious, her own home kingdom, to do something before it was too late. But she was refused. She was told there were political weights that could not just be disturbed through suspicion alone, that action and evidence must happen first. For Maho, this was unacceptable, and she stormed out of the kingdom to confront the king of the Orekak kingdoms. This only resulted in the Orekak king claiming false accusations and denouncing Maho as someone to be respected, and she was banished from ever setting foot in the Orekak capital. Before they could remove her, Maho threatened the Orekak king, and even cast a lightning bolt spell past his head, missing by inches. This was seen as an act of war, which was what the Orekak king wanted and he thought he was getting everything he desired. But what he didn’t know was that Maho had gone to him with full intention of causing him to send his armies out to a front, to attack.
It wasn’t long before the entire Orekak military force would march forward to the Orekak, Seious, border, and to their surprise, not be met with the armies of Seious, but only to be met by Maho. A single cat, standing in the way of hundreds of thousands of men. Laughter and battle cries were all that were heard as the Orekak armies charged, intent on running over Maho and attacking the Seious kingdoms.
With a cold breath, Maho showed just why she was feared within her home kingdom. Why she was the Grand Magister of the house of Seious, the Archmage of the mages tower of Shu, and the Archwizard representative of the material plane to the Djinn of the Elemental Planes.
Maho’s emerald hues flared and the blue glow that surrounded them sparked as Maho exerted her raw arcane power. The sky darkened in an instant, covering over and pulling from mid day, to the dead of midnight. The temperature around Maho dropped drastically, down below freezing and even further still. Those who were caught unaware, those we were surprised to the point of stillness, those weak of fortitude, all those too weak or unknowing within the armies that charged Maho, froze. Encased in blocks of ice, or their bodies entirely transmuted to ice as Maho walked forwards, Polar winds raging around her, killing hundreds and chilling even more to the bone. Maho looked entirely unaffected, and all those near enough to see her through the darkness and the winter storm that had surge up and raged around Maho, all they could see was the blue glow of her arcane sight, and the emerald glow of her eyes.
The winter storm still raged around Maho as she took in a long breath, gathering her divine power within her. On her exhale, the divine power within Maho surged and was sent flowing out into the earth around her and underneath the armies of Orekak. It would seem as though nothing had occurred before the ground began violently rupturing and shaking, caverns opening up beneath the soldiers, others falling prone and being caught up in the polar storm, freezing them in place. Maho had caused a massive earthquake underneath the Orekak armies, and she still was not finished.
One last time, Maho would take a long breath, gathering her raw arcane might and overwhelming divine power. This time another power could be felt swelling within Maho. Her Mythic Power would be mixing and swirling within her, mixing together with her arcane and divine power before all of the stored energy was released in a large expansion, feeling like a shock wave that pushed through the entire Orekak army. It would be almost impossible to see with the untrained human eye, but magic pooled in the air around the army, swirling and spinning into portals and gates to the elemental planes of existence. Out of the portals and gates would pour huge elementals, dropping from the sky and crushing large numbers of Maho’s enemies before they began their rampage through the army that had thought, not minutes before, that they faced an ordinary feline. An army that was so confident that they would storm over, or past, this Rhopessa armor wearing cat, and take the kingdom of Seious by force. Now dieing at the hands of a midnight polar storm, where they were being frozen in place with the chill of the air draining the life from their bodies, a massive earthquake, that opened up hole and caverns beneath the army to crush them under the force of the earth, and uncountable raging huge elementals, each bringing down the power of a different elemental plane to vanquish its new foes.
The battle ended only a few minutes later with Maho sitting among a field of frozen, beaten, and torn apart corpses. The entire battlefield was rended from the earthquakes, and what land there was left visible, was frozen over. Maho simply looked in the direction of the Orekak capital, and over the fields of bodies, she started walking. Soon there would only be twelve kingdoms on the planet. The Orekak kingdom would be no more.
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The day she was known.
It wasn’t long after Maho had attained her title, The Awakened, that Maho let everyone know just why she deserved such a grand title. To her, this was nothing more than doing what she thought she was right, to others, this was a show of power, a sign that they had something new to ally with or new to fear.
It was night when Maho said she would go awaken the forest. Her family thought she meant she was going to get another tree. Just one. Like she had before. Earlier she had awakened a large tree on the grounds of the family estate which awoke into a mighty Treant with a passion for gardening, which Maho named Trophmogh. The extent of Trophmogh’s power extended to his massive strength and rapid striking abilities. So this is what the family thought Maho was going to awaken in the forest. A larger, more powerful Trophmogh. It was exactly 24 hours later that they, and everyone else on the planet, understood just how wrong that thought was.
Maho had left that night and teleported to near the center of the forest just outside the city that housed the family estate. Maho had recently found where some of the largest and oldest trees were in the forest, and made her way there after her teleportation. Once there, she curled up under the largest of the trees in the forest. She did not sleep, no, once she had lied down, she had already begun the casting for the spell, Awaken. From a small bag floated up a scroll. And from Maho flowed divine magic as powerful as she could muster. The magic from the scroll and Maho mixed and churned for 24 hours before the spell was complete. All at once, the divine magic surged and poured out to 13 different trees, starting with the one she was laying under, and brought them all into sentience, and granting them new, more powerful forms.
The amount of divine magic and energy was enough to be felt across the planet, sending out in a wave of power that caused those weak of fortitude within hundreds of miles to lose control of their body for several seconds. This is the moment when the planet, and the Seious family, realized just what had been created almost 20 years ago. A holy creature with the ability to shake the world. A Holy Cat that wore Rhopessa armor, with the magic potential to shape the foreseeable future to its whim.
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A Title was given.
It didn’t take long for Maho to understand her own power and to understand that she had near infinite potential when it came to divine magic. The day she was given the title, The Awakened, was one of the defining moments in her understanding of just how fast she was gaining power.
In the kingdom that held her House family’s estate, there had been disappearances with only one person to have claimed to have returned from what was happening, claiming that a group of Beholders were taking people and experimenting on them in sadistic ways. Something known about Beholders is that each of their eyes holds magic, and that their big center eye put out a large cone shaped anti magic field.
The group of family members Maho was apart of went to fight them, and found that a Beholder is not something to fight lightly, as the Anti Magic Field shuts down magic items. For casters, an Anti Magic Field was almost always something that kept them completely out of the fight. For Maho, this was a test of just how much she could understand and manipulate. Maho knew of the 9th level spell, Spell Bane, and had been holding onto a scroll of it for a while. Spell Bane was cast and she selected three spells or magical effects that ceased functioning within an area around her. Sh chose Anti Magic Fields, Disintegrate, and Finger of Death, then moved to the front of the fight and effectively nullified the Beholder’s ability to kill her family members.
The fight ended with a wounded group around Maho and multiple dead Beholders. The group brought the evidence of the Beholders, by evidence, they brought one of the corpses, to the King’s court where he agreed to reward the group. Each was given a gift of a small pearl that they could use to make an object in their possession an intelligent magic item, except, Maho had received one of these before from the King by doing a large favor for one of his generals. Thus, the King agreed to give Maho a title and would let it be known across the continent. From that point on, Maho was Maho: The Awakened.
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