The USS Seeker
13 posts
To boldly go where no one has gone before... (in spacedock)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Will other crew members be able to participate in scenario creation?
Yes, absolutely!
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Under a cut? Does that mean if any NSFW occurs it must happen in private?
If by "in private" you're talking about within the RP, on the ship and such, then not necessarily (although I imagine there might be regulations about those things on board a Starfleet vessel). It's a courtesy for the sake of people who might be viewing the blog(s) in a public place.
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
How are scenarios and encounters going to happen? Are you going to plan them out?
Yes, somewhat. I suppose I'm technically acting as Starfleet Command, so I'll tell the Captain (once we get one) "okay, y'all have to go to this star system and talk to these people about the treaty" or something like that. But a bit more officially. And I might have to speak for the people on the planets. I'm not sure about that yet.
Sometimes I might throw a scenario out there for people to react to. For example, I might post a Red Alert where Romulans decloak off the starboard bow, and everyone has to be like, "oh well hail them because they are clearly not in the Neutral Zone and shields up because WHOA ROMULANS."
That's basically how it'll work. :)
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Will romance be allowed on the ship?
Yup! The only requirement I have as far as romance goes is that any NSFW content goes under a cut.
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Does that make it after the destruction of the Romulan homeworld?
No. According to the Star Trek wiki, The Romulan homeworld was destroyed in 2387 (in the reboot movie Star Trek XI). The last Star Trek movie before the reboot (Nemesis) took place in 2380, 7 years before that. This RP is starting around the same time as Season 1 of TNG, which started in the year 2364. I wasn't planning to go beyond Nemesis because we don't know much about the Alpha universe other than the fact that Romulus gets destroyed and Spock goes missing from his original universe. Sorry for not clarifying that.
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
What time period does this RP take place in?
During Star Trek: The Next Generation and the subsequent movies. :)
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
(This is my new RP account, I look forward to getting started!)
Go follow the First Officer! :)
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Name/Tumblr URL: Sylvia Crowe/Will make RP blog if I am accepted. Name, age, gender, and species of character: Age: 24, Gender: Female, Species: Human Face claim: Olivia Wilde
[Your picture was broken, so I put a new one in.] Rank/career track of character (Command, Engineering, Security, Medical, Sciences, non-enlisted careers such as teacher or bartender): Rank: Commander, First Officer Brief description of character’s personality: Slightly renegade, often takes situations into her own hands. It has earned her a slight record at the academy. She is very fair and reasonable, and will respect peoples decisions. Short writing example in third-person (3-5 paragraphs):  Sylvia smiled, the darkness of space illuminated in her iris. At last, the day she would be promoted to commander after her work exploring Arucanis Arm. She knew not what to expect next, but as a decorated officer she was hoping to see duty on an exploration cruiser.
She was lost staring out the windows of the spacedock. An expected message came through to her comm badge. She routed it to a small holographic screen that projected from her wrist. It was documentation of her new assignment. The title read "Exploration Cruiser: Transfer Approved. USS Seeker, Galaxy class."
She grinned heartily, even laughed in joy. It had always been her intention to one day serve on such a large vessel. She touched the holo-screen, scrolling down for additional information. "To be assigned as First Officer." This came as a slight shock, she had expected to be assigned to tactical or security duty. "Please report to dock immediately." Wasting no time, she got up quickly, and made proud strides towards her future, inspiration and investment radiating from around her.
(Hope this is good! It's been a while since I have RP'd, but I really think this will be fun!)
Accepted! Congratulations, and welcome aboard! :)
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Name/Tumblr URL: Ginnie/roleplay-monster
Name: Augusta Vaccari
Nickname: Gus (she hates her name) (I don't blame her)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Rank: Ensign
Career track: Ops; armory
Appearance (not on the application but it's nice for me to have a reference): 4' 9”, small and compact; gymnastics is a hobby. Dark, wavy reddish-brown hair that she usually keeps in a French braid or a ponytail. Very dark eyes that sort of twinkle when she's up to something. Delicate features; not stunningly beautiful and not even very striking, but pretty in an understated way. Italian descent. She has a sort of wide-eyed, innocent look that you shouldn't believe for a second.
Brief description of character's personality: Very high-energy and a bit impulsive, especially if she gets bored, which happens rather often if she isn't being challenged physically and/or intellectually. This can get dangerous considering she has a fondness for things that go boom as well as a passion for martial arts. She's fiercely loyal and protective of her friends, most of whom she started out mildly disliking. It takes her a while to warm up to people, but her typical manner is casually affectionate. Mostly cheerful disposition, but she does have something of a hot temper and her default reaction to discomfort is snark, which can get her into trouble. Everything about her happens quickly; she's always moving, always thinking, and prone to making snap judgments. She's persistent to the point of obstinacy, which can also get her into trouble, but highly adaptable and able to attack a problem on multiple fronts.
Short writing example in third-person (3-5 paragraphs):
Final exams were a week away, final projects due at the same time, and Cadet Augusta Vaccari was out past curfew. She hadn't meant to stay out so late, but her capstone project (an ambitious attempt to safely boost the effective range of a handheld phaser by inducing a controlled state of near-overload) remained stubbornly incomplete. She was so close, but thus far, despite her success in simulations, whenever she tried to implement the modifications on a physical weapon, it blew up in her face. Well, in the lab, on the other side of a blast-proof wall, but the effect was the same. (She had managed to cause some rather impressive damage to the weapons lab and to herself, and as a result was now on first-name terms with most of the med students. Gus suspected they had started placing bets on how long she'd go between infirmary visits.)
That day, she'd been in the lab from the time it opened to the time it closed, and all she had to show for it was yet another blackened test chamber, a frazzled ponytail, and the lingering scent of scorched hair. Lost in thought, Gus paid no attention to the familiar route through the complex, so it came as something of a surprise when the front doors hissed open before her and she stepped out into a pleasant, breezy evening. The fragrance of some night-blooming flower teased at her nose, and it was so much nicer than the acrid smell clinging to her clothes that she pulled up short and took a deep breath, which she released in a stress-relieving sigh.
What I need, she found herself thinking, is a good workout; and as soon as she thought it, a manic giggle escaped her and she took off running, sprinting past a few startled first-year cadets and into the quad. The grass there was so invitingly springy that she simply couldn't help but do a few tumbling passes. Not having stretched or warmed up properly beforehand, she'd pay for it come morning, but that was tomorrow. For the moment, she didn't give a damn; not about tomorrow, not about next week, and especially not about the passing professors who smiled and shook their heads at her behavior.
Unfortunately, not giving a damn is not conducive to keeping track of time. And so it was that Cadet Vaccari found herself locked out of her dorm room an hour and a half past curfew, gingerly hitting the intercom in the hope that her roommate would still be up studying. Ten minutes later, she was still standing outside their door, hitting the button at intervals of three seconds and softly thumping her forehead against the wall. After the fifty-sixth thump, the door hissed open and she was met with a sleepy-eyed glare. “You officially owe me.”
“Darling, I am forever in your debt. Now go back to sleep.”
Fiona snorted, but settled back into her bed and was soon snoring softly. After a quick shower, Gus climbed onto her own bed, pulled the sheet over her legs, and groaned. Upon reflection, hitting her head repeatedly on a hard surface did not seem like such a good idea. The collective force of fifty-six rebounds was killing her neck. She was rubbing it ruefully when inspiration struck. Her eyes widened and she sat up straight.
“No,” she breathed, “It can't possibly be that simple.” But it was that simple, and all of a sudden Gus was smothering hysterical laughter.
“Rebound,” she whispered, still incredulous even after spending several minutes recovering her breath. “Fucking rebound.”
Three weeks later, Ensign Augusta Vaccari was unable to contain her grin as she stepped through the airlock and onto a spotless deck. Hello, Seeker. How about we raise a little hell?
Accepted! Congratulations, and welcome aboard! :)
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Want to explore the stars?
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The USS Seeker (A Galaxy-class ship) is nearly ready for launch, but it is in need of a crew.
Currently we need these senior staff:
First Officer
Second Officer
Chief of Security
Chief Engineer
Chief Medical Officer (currently reserved)
Ship’s Counselor
But any and all crewmembers are welcome!
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
I just realized the submit box was not actually turned on.
My apologies. The submit box is now turned on, and applications can  be submitted.
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
Want to explore the stars?
Tumblr media
The USS Seeker (A Galaxy-class ship) is nearly ready for launch, but it is in need of a crew.
Currently we need these senior staff:
First Officer
Second Officer
Chief of Security
Chief Engineer
Chief Medical Officer
Ship's Counselor
But any and all crewmembers are welcome!
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the-uss-seeker · 13 years ago
This is just a quick note to let you all know that the application form will be ready soon, as will the general rules and regulations. Mostly I'm hoping for a lot of fun and wacky adventures together! :)
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