This station is closed. It has never opened. We will leave soon But we've been waiting Our whole lives. And after we pass on. Pass away. Pass through. We will still be waiting. I wish beyond wish I could continue thinking in the term we - (To protect what I mean) - But we. Is just me. On a bench. Waiting for you. (9.12.24)
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My Ex
To live in this. In this body, to Open Life to the Possibilities is to Breathe. To in & ex-hale. Move again and Cells work, replicating, Dying, and on and off Again. It is to experience this body - On purpose. On absolute Purpose. To rise When tired, or sick, And fed up, in the Darkness, To fell pain, Collapsing in on itself, Seeing it as the key to the next and beyond again. It is a chamber with a chamber, Of good glory. (9.9.24)
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There is an idea I have - so false - That if someone holds Something in their heart - It will be expressed. So, there is nothing Unexpressed, then? A present internal idea & Vision - It must become real. It must. But. This isn't true. We walk past them daily. He holds a song. She holds a novel. They hold volumes of poetry. Lost smoke, now shadows. The wind. Pause to feel the wind on your face. (9.10.24)
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Dust Under the Fingernails
Alan Watts didn't have advice. Write. Just write he says. Write and you're a writer. We are not pardoned. We cling to the edge of A cliff by the tips of our Fingers. We are a flying bird, far, Far overhead. Writing for salvation. To be saved. And so others might be Saved. A message, A deep secret from God and King.
Or not. (9.11.24)
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Field / Open / With Shipping Container
My friend Victor has A friend in AA Who says SOBER stand for: Son of a Bitch, Everything's Real. And when we slow down, With playful curiosity, We notice our world, Our thinking, Our lives. We judge and create Crates of expectations, Stacked, organized, Spilling and broken. If only these Were not my crates. The art resides in spaces Between the notes says Rubinstein. And life Lived in pauses. (9.5.24)
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Wrists / The Wrists
Last Saturday I wasted my morning Some might say. How much do I subscribe to Their beliefs about Spending time? I didn't want to mow The grass, or tend the garden, Or repair the sheetrock, Or paint the bathroom, Or plan for next week's business, Or budgeting. I wanted to walk a horse Down an intricate pattern of Roots emerging from a cliffside To a black column older than All of us, And emerging from the sand, A golem, In her hand, A halberd, Wielding fire and streams of Cool and dangerous energy. The morning was clear and bright. A good day to traverse the cliffs Of strange possibilities.
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Not Another Holiday
Professor Tolkien wrote of The Battle of Helm's Deep And knowing the tale Never happened in real life Doesn't make the war Feel less real to me. For Christmas, Give them something they Want, Something to read, Something to wear, Something To read. But what of something to fight for? What of a Helm's Deep to protect? What of a deep hope to preserve With tenacious endurance? (9.9.24)
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You Will Never Guess
This world has a wildness Sunday's grocery has a Woman in front of us Holding a head of cabbage Yelling across the store "This rang up as pizza." My girls and I cannot stop Laughing. We hope she doesn't notice. She stands in the middle of The checkout lines Holding the head of cabbage Like the statue of liberty. "Pizza!" She yells. This world has a wildness. (9.8.24)
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She said whenever I'm
It makes her happy.
She said she loves all things
I don't know exactly
what that means or what that
But I know it helps
To solidify my heart,
To build a sense of self.
It helps me to like me.
On today, which is a difficult
(for some unknown reason)
A little more, a bump. Especially
when I see myself daily
And need a break.
It helps me be
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After Other Poets
I'm looking forward to My next meal. Forward to another quick Conversation. Forward to another mark on a page, that didn't exist before I did. Another glance in a mirror that calmly says, This is both absolutely all that You are. And Not all That you are. Another chance for a connection. To something alive, moving and True. Another dance across the Kitchen floor at dinner. A written line, sweat and Rhythm, an earned rest. (9424)
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The Boy Crying Under a Tree
I hear him from a distance. And at first I'm unsure. Maybe, I think. Then, yes ... he is. But I don't want to stay here And deal with someone else's problems. I don't want to ask. I want to leave. But I have to ask - Roll down my window. Hey, what's wrong? And he says, My mom should be here to pick me up. I don't where she is. I say, I just don't want you to be alone. (Honest) Let's walk to the school. And I pass him to a coach. Also a deputy, to let him inside. To call. Her arms over his shoulders (9.3.24)
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Pass It Down
Some days - Surprises get in the way. Detours and complications. I'm not sure what I did, (for example) On Monday - Besides going shopping for Groceries - And the bed needed moved Downstairs. They took it apart with an Ikea wrench. But this wasn't on my list. We lift and move it Downstairs. Too long for the curve In the stairs. So we lift it over the banister and they Pass it down to me. Walk it down the stairs. I remember that. (9224)
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Once you realize you're in Elswear, Do you leave or do you stay? Its not easy to leave. Its a place between places. Between the towns of Rite Nau and Naught Yeht And you imagine seeing others there. But these others are not there. They're ghosts of other times and places. I heard once that a girl fell in love With a boy that wound up in Elswear. By complete accident. You can never Make plans to get there. You just show up one day. And she went there to find him. And bring him home. (9124)
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There is a place called Neverland. And one called Wonderland. Is it close to Narnia? Is it found In Middle Earth? Is it next To Eventually or Someday? Maybe is too close and yet Definitely is too far away. Not Yet is out there by Out There. And then, what about Nau, on that distant shore? Familiar. What about Leightir? But the spelling is new. It doesn't Ring bells. It doesn't feel like home. Heere. Have you been? Its beautiful in the fall. Once I bought a coffee in a train station, much Like Gare du Nord in Paris. Un espresso, un croissant. Perfect. But it was the station in Elsware. And I have been there ever since.
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Casing for Suits
Maybe, just maybe, I'll pack My entire life in a suitcase, So its small - compact - Away, shoved into a closet Somewhere. And then only Enjoy the belongings on a Friday. Or. Saturday. Or. On a Sunday afternoon. And even then - Not comfortable - Not expansive - Because Sunday night Everything goes back in the case - Until Friday night. Maybe I'll move into my Own life on Monday. Or Maybe I'll just do it today.
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Just struggling with the
Gym today.
A slow run.
A slow climb.
A slog of a row.
Grinding wall walks.
On the bar –
But forever
To do ten.
Ten again
Ten again.
Line burpees.
That never end
Until they’re done.
The last one done.
But still done.
Still complete.
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Computer Time
We gather. To press these keys on A keyboard (Without music) At the same time. Open this tab here and here. From a link in the mail and You’ll just go back and forth Around and around like a Madman. Across this staff. He has a technical glitch and Makes us wait. And we talk. And then we together. Move on. Copy and paste from another Tab. Open the spreadsheet and Strikethrough / Talk through What doesn’t work. These are details and possibilities In a world of planning. Click here. Again and again. Click submit. But please remember: We breathe the same air.
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