The Rosenburg Archives
48 posts
A ask blog for a tma au with me and some friends! You can ask the mods (see below) and the characters! (Daiso/Dash/Castel, Matt/Doc/Dockbawn, Dan/Raye/Knox and Ash/Hawkins)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
hey guys, sorry for being inactive
i’ll try to jump start this thing again but a lot of the other mods have bigger things that they’re a part of, i’m currently running a few blogs by myself but they’ve died down
so send us a ask if you want some answers and thank you to those who have decided to stick around 
- mod dash
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Hey guys! Doc here. Long time no see!
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I know a lot is going on and some of you might be having a rough time but we're gonna get through this!
This is a gentle reminder that you should wash your hands and stay home if you're feeling sick. Stay hydrated and get enough rest! This will be over before you know it!
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Please take care of yourselves yall!!
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Daniel looks so sleepy and stressed, give this man a break
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Who's the one always effin' n jeffin'
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he swears more than anyone else in the entire building
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Body: Mr. Knox is currently too busy to give you the weekly report so I will be doing this for him, he did give me a list on what to type out.
- Statements of Mark Berry, Irish Mazur and Maya Jenner were transcribed onto paper, statements of Anthony Cirillo and Natasha Elvins were recorded direct from subject.
- Mr. Dockbawn has gotten a pet rabbit that now accompanies him to work, not that I'm complaining.
- Ash caught me, Dan and Doc crawling onto the counter to reach the snacks that they hid on the highest shelf.
- Mr. Dockbawn also got a new book (no idea why Dan asked me to add this)
- Artifact NED-AMS-04122015 has been rerecorded and transferred back into storage after some testing
Signed, Daiso Castel
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Why does Daiso give me Tim vibes
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
how are you guys doing on asks? are there no asks which is why there isn't much updates or are you guys busy?
For Blue, she has a full time job so she isn’t able to answer much. As for me and Mat, our school semesters started back up, so I don’t have as much free time. But I personally am trying to get some asks out for Dan, plus a new weekly report. So we’ve still got a few asks to answer, just time sadly hasn’t allowed it for most of us. Dash has the most free time as of now, so he’s able to answer more often then the rest of us. But rest assured, we’ll be doing our best to get some asks out as soon as schedules will allow!
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Do you guys ever do team-building exercises? If you do what kind of exercises do you do?
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we sometimes have bake offs n such on top of the bi-weekly dnd sessionsash usually making mugcakes and cookies and castel almost always making his great grandmother’s doughnuts
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Subject: Ros. Weekly Report
Body: I understand that these help with record keeping, Oliver. It's the mundanities that you need info on that confuses me. You need the info on the statements and artifacts, I get that. But the basic archival life seems a little much.
- The statements of Brendan Jin and Jessica Law were transcribed to paper. The artifact regarded in June Robberts' statement was marked into storage. The statements of Arthur Camelin, Lance Knight, and Gwendolynn Pendil were recorded directly from the subjects.
- Doc did follow up on June Robberts' statement, getting information of previous owners of the vase, and any previous deaths on the premises of her flat.
- The team's biweekly D&D campaign went well. We had a full table for the first time in a month.
- Scrap informed me of a slight mouse problem. It was a long, drawn out conversation that I'll spare you the details, as it just boiled down to "cat like to eat mice nom nom" to paraphrase.
- Doc has placed a taped over box stuffed full of neon colored worms in the lead lined room, claiming they are "cursed".
- Magdalena almost blew up on Ash. I think it may be time to get the microwave a tune-up.
Daniel Knox
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
for anyone or everyone :^Dc uhm,,, if you didn't work at the archives what other occupation would yall pursue :Oc?
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this started as a quick doodle whoops
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Hey Ash, What are the pink marks on your face?
They're burn scars! I'm not the only one in the archives whose got a little souvenir from the big fire, as you may have noticed. I got caught by a big burst of flames suddenly bursting through a door I opened when trying to get down to the ground floor and out of the building. My right arm, side and shoulder are also visibly burnt. The scars honestly make for a pretty good reminder of why I'm in the archives now.
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Doc: Theres been multiple sightings of neon fuzzy worms and they are everywhere
Doc: It sounds stupid but it feels like they're watching me...
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
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fluff time! aka hugs from the local monochrome shortie
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Daniel you sound like a baby, why is your hair grey
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I used to dye over them, but when it covers most of your head it just was easier and more cost effective to let them show.
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
I was looking for a new cassette to use for a trouble statement, and stumbled on this year old recording. After dealing with... that, I was actually able to record the full statement, but I guess this tape got misplaced...
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
Subject: Ros. Weekly Report
Body: I still don't exactly see why you still have me do these, Oliver. You know what's going on; I know you do. But, I digress, all that follows are the week's proceedings. Forgive me if most of them are a bit too mundane for your "refined taste", Mr. Hallewell. Not a lot of import happens below.
- The statements of Henrietta Lacks, Ryan Clodwal, and Jameson Hunt were transcribed to paper. The statement of June Robberts was recorded directly from the subject. The statements of Wayne Martin from 1972 and Antoinette Nikos from 1951 were transferred into an audio format.
- Doc was scared by Daiso's worm fueled pranks again, at least three times on Monday and twice on Wednesday. One incident involved him almost choking on a worm, as it was put in his tea.
- Daiso claims to have set up many "traps" around the archive. I nearly fell for a water bucket trap while holding a box with a few statements, including one from Albrecht von Closen. I had Daiso remove it promptly.
- On Thursday, the slowest day we had, the archival staff got together and played a game of Super Smash Brothers. It's a video game, for your information.
- Sam's shoulder and arm started acting up on Friday an hour before the end of their shift. I sent them home early so they can rest and work their PT.
- One of the interns from the chemical lab upstairs brought Artifact CAN-BRC-04122015 back to the archives on Tuesday, which Ash noted was now missing about four fingers. I would suggest looking for them.
- Daniel Knox
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the-rosenburg-archives · 5 years ago
As a tall person myself, Ash how do you take advantage of your tiny friends or tease them about it
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