the-hand-of-vengeance · 8 years
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Apothecary 101
The Hand of Vengeance proceeded into Val’sharah for a study on the owlbeasts of the region, which seem to have been driven mad by their connection becoming severed from Elune! My my what curious things they have been up to....
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 8 years
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Torn Between Obligation And Purpose
The air in Silverpine was stagnant and consumed by the rolling fog as it always was, but this time it felt different. There was something off putting within the air itself and it could be felt even by those without strong relations to magic. The air itself even filled the home, which Seleste tried to shut off by closing the last window that allowed the smothering vapors to pass through but it did nothing. The feeling remained. It even worsened as she made her way to the study which she was drawn towards, seeing the light of what appeared to be a candle, flickering against the polished wooden door that was barely cracked open. As she reached the door and opened it, she was given a better glimpse of what seemed to be Ivan, not even sitting at his desk. No. Sitting on the floor among an assortment of papers, scattered about which added to the chaos of what was written on their surface.
Her eyes moved from parchment and to the next, studying what it could be he was even doing. Once her eyes had fallen on Ivan himself, she could be silent no more and parted her lips to speak in question. “Ivan. What are you doing? We do not have time for this. We are being -summoned- to address the orders of our new Warchief.” She paused to allow those words to sink in to his mind; it was not something even herself could believe. “We have been requested to start production of our formula again. We do not have time to waste on this. The -Legion- certainly is not going to waste any time so why should -we-?”
Her attempts to motivate him seemed to do the opposite, as he released an exasperated sigh from his gray lips. He looked unkempt, as his hair was in absolute disarray, matted with sweat and falling over his glowing eyes. When he shifted his eyes up to her own, it caused her demeanor to change, and her arms slowly uncrossed from her chest. Another sigh escaped him before he spoke. “I don't care, Seleste. I don't care about any of that.” With a gloved hand he reached down to pick up one of the parchments that contained the written ramblings of warning against the Legion; it appeared that he had collected -all- of the pamphlets that were handed out among the many doomsayers and people in fear of the demon's arrival. “Would you love me any less for confessing that I feel compelled to assist the Legion?” It was an actual genuine question, and as she watched him, as he waited for her answer she knew he was not joking.
She was starting to piece together why he appeared so distraught. He felt that his calling was with the Legion, but was tied by his duty as an apothecary within the Forsaken forces. As her eyes shifted around his study she noticed things that gave away he was about to travel -somewhere-. She even noticed his corruptor's regalia, the mask itself sitting on the desk as if awaiting to be worn. He was going to help the Legion. What was she to say? She was conflicted as well. The Alliance and Horde always at each other's throats. No one seemed to get along, and war was the answer to everything it seemed. Even in her line of work, she was never trusted by anyone and her work was -always- compared to Wrathgate; it was a problem that never went away.
Part of her wanted nothing more than to throw reason and caution to the wind and enjoy in the freedom that would come from assisting the Legion. But she was not a woman of impulse, and had a stronger hold on her discipline. After a few more seconds passing which seemed longer than they actually were, she spoke in response to his question. “No. I would not love you less. If that is what you feel is your calling, then you can not ignore it. But if you are discovered that could be ill for both of us. Come to this meeting to keep up appearances, and balance your time with the Legion as you can. But if you -are- discovered, it will be the end of us both.” Her words of warning seemed to actually give him comfort, as he was too busy relishing in the fact that she had pardoned his intentions. With a gloved hand, he reached up to wrap his fingers around her own, giving them a light squeeze.
After the light squeezing of her hand, he could not resist the urge to pull her down to him, and force a kiss against her lips; he was thankful for her acceptance, and for not rejecting his true intentions. She did not reciprocate the kiss as she definitely was not pleased, but after he had pulled away from her she repeated herself to make sure the words were forever memorized. “Do not ruin this for us both.”
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 8 years
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It is that time of year again!…..
Something is in the air in the major cities of Azeroth. Some call it love, and some just call it friendship and admiration. Whichever it is, many guards and townsfolks now spend their days giving and receiving tokens and gifts to other amorous citizens.
The more skeptical, however, are suspicious of the strange “love sickness” clouding the hearts of so many. Will this widespread occurrence be simply taken as a recent outbreak of amore? Or will our brave adventurers find a sinister plot behind the source of this plague of passion? Only time will tell…
The Crown Chemical Co. is in town! What does this mean? Why…it means that you have a chance to show that special someone you really care! Why not sign up for our super secret admirer mail orders? What is that you ask? Why…let me explain in better detail!
Secret Admirer Cards- Our secret admirer cards are items we will mail out to each name that is given or signed up. The secret admirer cards are left anonymous, so that beautiful lady or handsome fellow never has to know directly. Each card is written with care from the Crown Chemical Company to make it especially personal. As the days progress through the week, the cards will also include a complimentary gift! What better way to celebrate the festivities then with a Crown Chemical Company Secret Admire Card?
((You are free to sign up your own characters as well. Just leave a message in our created thread so that our members participating can take note and put you on the list! This is for both Alliance and Horde!))
Other Events:
The Crown Chemical Company will be assisting the other merchants in the major cities Horde side throughout the holiday. On Certain nights Rpers will be able to purchase holiday items from the CCC members, sample the products and even win prizes. There will be a perfume/cologne that is promotional and themed for the current city. Here are the dates for when the CCC out and about!
Warspear - February 17th @ 8:00 PM server time.That’s right! We are bringing the love to Draenor! We even have a few new scents to test out and they will be available at different times, depending on the employees who are working! Ask about our “Fel Fatale” and you will get a second bottle for half off!
Silvermoon City- February  20th@ 9:00 PM server time.
Women love chocolate. Don’t lie. We know you do and you know it too. But what is a Sin’Dorei to do with such a slim figure to maintain? Not to worry! At the Crown Chemical Company we developed a way to eat all that milk chocolate and keep that rail thin physique with our “Not so shuffle truffles”. Each box contains a hand selected assortment of chocolates. You’d almost think you were eating the real thing! OH and how can we forget our special featured cologne? “Belore’s Mystery.” We heard it makes your hair glisten and your features somehow become even more chiseled. Is that possible? With Crown Chemical Company, YES IT IS.
Orgrimmar - February 27th @8:30 PM server time. The CCC employees will be walking around and promoting their products, as well as monitoring for any strange “outbreaks” of any kind. Oh, and limited time only- “Dangerously Dabu” for only the most daring of roughnecks.
Crown Chemical Company products:
***New!!! Singing Telegrams!- Have something to say to that special someone and want to do it by song? Well at the Crown Chemical Company, we can make that happen. We pick the song unless otherwise requested!
***New!!! Stuffed Faction Leader Doll!!!- That's right! Give the gift that says you support your own faction. Each doll has three sayings. (Disclaimer; Garrosh doll discontinued for obvious reasons....)
Secret Admirer Cards- Series of cards sent to someone via mail. Will also include special gifts!
Dangerously Dabu Cologne- Cologne exclusively sold in Orgrimmar. Tough. Like iron. Sandalwood and pine musk scent!
Fel Fatale- Our latest scent to add to the collection! Inspired by the Burning Legion, now -you- can give your loved one the perfume she has always wanted. Citrus blends give this perfume the perfect amount of summer fruits. Disclaimer: Due to recent questioning, no it does not contain actual fel. Nor does it take your soul, or anything in relation to the real Burning Legion.
Belore’s Mystery Cologne-  An exclusive cologne sold in Silvermoon City. White lily musk and golden flakes.
Gloriously Grazing Perfume- Perfume inspired by the locals of Thunder Bluff! Will be on sale during specific nights! You have to RP with the CCC to know when!
Mogu for You Perfume- Perfume inspired by the Mogu from Pandaria. Special scent blended with orange spices and cinnamon.
Princess Package- (A Princess package is a sales product that consists of one lovely dress, bag of cookies/box of chocolates and a single stem flower.)
Gentlemens Giftbox- (A Gentlemen’s Giftbox contains one dinner suit, a box of chocolate/bag of cookies and a single stem flower)
Not So Shuffle Truffles -Surprisingly fat free!
Single Stem flowers- Will be assorted and random depending on employee.
Lucky Love Gift- A lucky love gift is a random gift given to the person who purchases it. Purchase with caution as the gift selected can be picked by the merchant!
Battlenet Moon Guard Thread:  tinyurl.com/CrownLoV
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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Horde Winterveil Celebration
Filthy Animal - Dalaran
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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It has been a while since the Felsorrows have gotten any love. I am not a fan of them in their armor so I cheated and doodled them in their daily clothes. So much green. Green everywhere!
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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The Strauss Twins
One eye closed tight as the skin wrinkled heavily around the bright blue orb, that was behind the lids allowed the one that was open to peer through a newly adjusted scope. Through the scope lens on the personalized crossbow, the seeing eye dilated as Ivan came into its view. A leather covered index finger hesitates before curling slowly against the trigger, causing the cured hide of fabric to strain around the digits of such a trained hand.
“Why are you pointing that at Uncle Ivan?” 
Suddenly the other eye that was closed tight opens so that both can look up at the person in which the voice came from. A long drawn out sigh escaped the man that was so eagerly awaiting a moment to press the trigger of his crossbow. Instead, he replied. 
“I don’t know...why are you spying on me is the better question?” 
The woman scoffed and positioned herself right beside the man she was speaking to so she could get a better view of what he was doing. The two of them remained laying down, peering over the ledge as they looked down to the Felsorrow estate. She glanced over to him again and lightly nudged his shoulder with her own. “Really though...why are you looking to shoot Uncle---” 
“We aren’t kids anymore. You can call him just Ivan now.” 
She scoffed again. “Just because we are adults now, that doesn’t mean he isn’t our uncle anymore.” 
He returned his gaze to the scope, closing one eye while the other became focused and trained on the forsaken in tailored robes, who remained oblivious on the other end. 
“Whatever. You know how papa says we should always do what is right? Well...wouldn’t killing Ivan be what is right? I feel guilty for letting something like him walk around freely. But at the same time...thinking about killing him makes me feel just as guilty.”  
A frown came over her face as she listened, but she herself could relate to him entirely. Her frown furthered as she questioned out loud once more. 
“Do you think he would hesitate if we were in -his- way? Even though...we are related?” 
His sister’s question caused him to open his closed eye and lift his head away from the crossbow so he could look over at her. Though his face was mostly hidden from the large over sized hood she could still see his expression beneath it. 
“No. I think he would kill us and not feel bad about it.”  
“I don’t think he would. He has to love us at least a little....right?” 
He shook his head from side to side as he glanced back down over the ledge they were laying against. 
“I honestly dunno. I can’t answer that. But if anything happens to us you know papa will kill’em.” 
She scoffed again as she rested the side of her head against her palm that was propped up by her arm. 
“Oh, please! You think Ivan could kill us? We grew up in that house down there. We -know- what he is like. First he’d give us a speech about how amazing and powerful he is, and then probably get a demon or two to do his work for him.” 
He couldn’t help but smirk at her description as he found some humor in it. That was one thing that she was right about; Ivan always let his pride get the best of him which was his downfall. 
“Well. I just can’t sort out how I feel I guess. I don’t want to be responsible for him getting around if I could help it...knowing he was going to do something dreadful. What do you think dad would do, if he was in our situation?” 
As he looked over to his sister, she reached down and took the crossbow in her hand and aimed it to Ivan once more. As she pretended to pull the trigger, she pressed her lips together to create a sound effect of the arrow being released. 
“Y-..you’re right...he wouldn’t even think about it.” He reached up to take the crossbow from her hands as they both looked back down towards the patio in which Ivan was still sitting on. 
While on the patio that connected to the garden, Ivan was sitting with his legs crossed while sipping on a freshly brewed cup of spiced black tea. A soft grunt from his demonic companion was made in hopes of getting his attention. 
“Sir...you do know there are two people watching you right now, correct?” 
Ivan opened his eyes as he peered over the top of his cup to glance in the direction of the demonic creature. 
“Hmmn? Oh...yes. Those two tend to watch me from a distance all the time. It isn’t anything to worry about.” 
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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Finished commission for sibblesnbits and kandiskosplay. ~Ivan and Seleste Felsorrow~
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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“It’s too bad that you’re gonna miss... the panty raid.”
Image by Parthene/Antumnbryn
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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I SEE U, FUCKBOY sibblesnbits
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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Story Telling RP event, hosted by the Stonewind Tribe in Thunderbluff! 
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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The struggle.
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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Listen up, ingrates. 
Whoever keeps sending me blank sheets of parchment really needs to cut it out. 
You are wasting my time. You are wasting your own time. You are wasting the courier’s time. 
Enough of this game. I’ve had enough of this game.
If I receive one more blank sheet of parchment in my mailbox, I will organize a search party and hunt you down personally. 
So cut it out. 
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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Seleste and Ivan Felsorrow appreciation. Because.
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
What is this? Oh. Nothing short of amazing of course. Thanks to the talented Tendael from Dominion of the Sun, LoV has a wonderful recruitment video that he used his own time to make for us. Not only are we honored, but excited to get this around. Be sure to tell him how AWESOME he did! 
Moon Guard’s longest running Forsaken only guild.
For the Forsaken!
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the-hand-of-vengeance · 9 years
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Something that happened.
kandiskosplay …hope this is the right one o.o
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