the-chemtech-medic · 10 months
Did you know ashe came back? She doesn't seem to rp or be in the league fandom but shes back
//No I didn't I've been gone a while and while I still like the person we haven't spoken in a very long time I hope she's doing well
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the-chemtech-medic · 4 years
Aurora smiled at the little girl that she was assisting, very carefully balancing between using her magic to awe the child into not crying as well as making the medicines to give to her mother to help cure the child of the illness that she fell under. She was a sucker for children, so when she heard the young mother trying to hush the sick child Aurora was the first to ask if she needed assistance.
Leo had been helping all over today and he was ready to call it a day when he noticed this odd woman helping a mother and her child. She looked like she had her hands full and he was willing to help.  The medic walked up and set his medicine bag down gently. “Would you like some assitance? I’m a trained doctor.”  He gave a gentle smile after he spoke kneeling down to help keep the childs attention
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the-chemtech-medic · 4 years
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the-chemtech-medic · 4 years
He relented as he finished dressing her wound. “You know I worry, beginning to get pretty used to seeing you around.” He chuckled as he reached into his bag to pull out the usual pain killers he gave to her, they were mild at best nothing to numb the pain just ease it.
“Well I suggest staying the night, to much movement will just open it up. I’ve got a spare room and I’ll treat you to dinner how’s that sound?” He looked to her after closing up his medical bag, a soft smile was on his face but his eyes had that worry in them, like evertime he watched her come in with a new injury.
“You know Flippz I tend not to ask how you get theses injuries, but this time.... how did this even happen?” Leo looks at the yordle in disbelief these cuts looked so odd nothing in the city coulda done this, so he thought. (the-chemtech-medic)
"You know, Leo, I usually don't hold back explaining, but this time, I think I'll keep it to myself."
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the-chemtech-medic · 4 years
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This blog has been around for a while haha.
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the-chemtech-medic · 4 years
I wish more then just me and and a handful of people liked Leo
He is quite literally my most thought out muse yet he has no traction in this community 
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
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i’m taking halfbody sketch commissions via ko-fi!! ♥
visit my ko-fi page for more info - i have other comms available there, too!
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
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“Jeez, what does a girl have to do to have some fun around this city, been dead for far to long.” She huffed and stretched as she sat on the bench.
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
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“Jeez, what does a girl have to do to have some fun around this city, been dead for far to long.” She huffed and stretched as she sat on the bench.
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
He shook his head and have her hair a few pets. “Alright alright, come here.” He kneeled himself down to her level and pulled her head into his chest. “I missed you dummy.” Leo leaned his head into Poppy’s hair.
Just hugs the boy's waist. No rambling, no noises, just, tight Yordle hugs. She misses her boy.
Leo looked down at Poppy kinda confused, but he put his arms around her and squeezed lightly. “H-hey Poppy you, alright?” He asked as he looked down to her.
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
Just hugs the boy's waist. No rambling, no noises, just, tight Yordle hugs. She misses her boy.
Leo looked down at Poppy kinda confused, but he put his arms around her and squeezed lightly. “H-hey Poppy you, alright?” He asked as he looked down to her.
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
“I love the tune of this song but hate the gross lyrics. What should I do?”
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“But I like both old and new songs”
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“I also like polka?”
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
His ears flicked around her fingers and he let ou a long sigh. Serra wa now just a pink blur and he couldn’t tellhow close or far she was anymore from sight alone.
“H-hey they are ticklish...” Leo mumbled still a little shy of his new form he didn’t like, it was so hard to get anything done like this. “They also help me get around.
Leo chuckled as she laid down on his sofa, she was like a stray cat he brought in. excitable and curious about everything. “Well… is the month that the Harrowing starts and for some reason it affects me in a weird way probably because of my metal bits.” He said and scratched his head. 
He would talk as he made his way over to her and leaned his elbows on the back of the couch. “The past few years it’s change my body and I get a little… Batty is a term I could use.”
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “I love you.” He said softly and kissed her forehead. “Well why don’t I get that bag I packed up and we can go after you relax a bit. I’ll carry you there.” Leo rested his forehead on hers, he a fear of losing her during this, but he wasn’t going to voice it.
“Hey Aurora? Would you be mine?” (The-chemtech-medic)
Aurora gasped soft at the answer, her eyes already tearing up as she held her large pregnant tummy with one hand. “Of course I will, you silly man.” She choked up.
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
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Made an icon for @the-chemtech-medic because I love his dumb face.
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the-chemtech-medic · 5 years
He shook his head as he helped her to the the couch. He would even help ease Rora down to the coushins. “You look exhausted hun, it’s starting to worry me.” He said and put a hand on her cheek and thigh as he leaned forward.
“I know I worry about you alot but lately this pregnancy has been bad on your body.... Im thinking about taking you to the hospital tonight...” he said as he starred into her mismatched eyes.
“Hey Aurora? Would you be mine?” (The-chemtech-medic)
Aurora gasped soft at the answer, her eyes already tearing up as she held her large pregnant tummy with one hand. “Of course I will, you silly man.” She choked up.
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