Kirk & McCoy Star Trek Fanfiction Rec List
A rec list of Kirk and McCoy fics that I've recently enjoyed and thought I'd put out there.
BGM = Music I listened to while reading.
FF = Fanfiction.net
Ao3 = ArchiveofOurOwn
'Venom' by shoreleave (Friendship)
(There's also an extra part to this called 'Antivenin' written by Inhoe Publishing that tells of the recovery when they get back to the ship.)
Rating: T
FF, Word Count: 10,485
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Summary: Another away mission gone wrong. We can never have too many of those, can we?
Notes: The character development in this is skillfully written as it shows the friends working out their issues, and then implementing the solutions they had decided on at the end. (And it also answers the question of why Bones is up on the bridge for no reason at all at times in the series and perhaps even the movies.)
'The Basics of Primary Ed' by Caera1996
FF, Word Count: 136,062
Rating/Warning(s): M
Genre: AU, Family, Romance
Song BGM (for Crash): 'Floating Through the Wind - Claudie Mackula'
Summary: AU where Kirk is a kindergarten teacher and McCoy is the parent of a student. Now complete.
Notes: If I didn't laugh out loud at the opening image of Jim leading a class of small kindergartners with so much energy. I really like that in this AU Bones gets to be with Johanna, his daughter, who he almost never got to see while on board the Enterprise and in the academy. And the romance is sweet, already progressing pretty quickly.
By reading other fics author has written while reading this one, it's seen that they are really good at writing feeling and romance between two people, so much that it feels quite real.
There was also a prompt set in this AU called 'Crash' where Jim gets into a car accident, but has a phobia of doctors because of his past. There were a whole lot of feels as Bones had to rush over to the hospital from one of his medical lectures in order for Jim to calm down enough to give consent to treatment.
I usually don't prefer AUs in any form, unless they are very slight, as I tend to like the characters in the form the story originally had them in, but this story is really sweet and wholesome. I actually look forward to the progression of what happens next in this story. Perhaps this is a game changer for me and I'll start seeking out more AUs.
This has at least two sequels and a whole bunch of prompts that take place in the AU to read, and so I look forward to finishing this to see what happens next.
'No Man's Land' - A collaboration between shoreleave and Mijan (Romance)
FF, Word Count: 81,093
Rating: T
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mpreg
Summary: A mission gone wrong puts Jim at the wrong end of alien observation, helpless and defenseless. After his rescue, he slowly starts to recover, until one unrealized part of the Antosians' handiwork turns his life upside down and threatens to destroy him.
Notes: I was pretty hyped for this one as it was a collaboration between two authors that are really good at writing Jim and Bones together- whether that be friendship or romance. This one's pretty much an ocean of angst with a sprinkle of romance. It's definitely not your lovey dovey mpreg fic, as it was non consensual and all the angst that comes with this situation. It feels like Jim is suffering the whole way. This really wasn't a very happy fanfiction, but with the writing styles of both these authors, everything was really well written with an air of realism, and I thought it was a really good read. People might be put off because of the mpreg, but even so it's a really good fanfiction that's well worth it.
'We Two Alone' by shoreleave (Friendship)
FF, Word Count: 107,426
Rating: T
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Leonard McCoy thinks he has nothing in common with command-track cadet Jim Kirk, until a series of events forces them together. When a training mission derails into a seemingly hopeless situation, both have to learn to trust each other to survive.
Notes: This was one that blew me out of the water with how good it was. The character development, the slow and realistic friendship development, the survival situation that kept me on the edge of my seat when shit started to hit the fan, and the feels as it was rough going in the last few chapters made it all fantastically written and I don't have enough praises for it. It took a good many times to work up the effort to read past the first chapter, but from then on, it was smooth, 'page turning' reading.
This fanfiction also answered the confusing plot hole in the movie of why Captain Pike would make Jim first officer when there had to be at least one more experienced and capable officer aboard the ship that would be better suited to the task. As soon as someone pointed that out, it really made no sense to me.
'The broken clock is a comfort (it helps me sleep tonight)' by Mellaithwen (Romance)
Ao3, Word Count: 11,683
Rating: M
Genre: AU Book/ Movie Fusion, Romance, Tragedy
(Song BGM: The Time Traveler's Wife Soundtrack and Lifehouse - Broken 'Cover by Mike Cerveni')
Summary: James T. Kirk first meets Leonard McCoy when he is six years old.
Notes: This one is an AU of the book/movie "The Time Traveler's Wife", and it's quite interesting to see all the confusing time travel being done. Beautiful Romance. A heart wrenching ending, and I was reeling with sadness by the end, but so so worth it.
'One Little White Lie' by laughter_now (Romance)
Ao3, Word Count: 71,768
Rating: M
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marriage, Amnesia
Summary: One little white lie never hurt anybody, that's what they say. But apparently they are wrong, because even one small lie can spin out of control and change a life forever. Jim only wanted to be by his best friend's side after an accident. Nobody could have known that the lie he told to make that possible was going to come back to haunt him.
Notes: Jim has to pretend that he's married to his best friend, due to a misunderstanding with the natives after Bones gets amnesia and drama ensues.
Although a lot of it was awkward with cringey moment and lots of tension due to Bones not knowing Jim anymore, and watching Jim struggle to keep their fake marriage from being found out by Bones, there were a whole lot of heartwarming feels with the romantic moments, and the ending was quite smile inducing. I really liked this one.
'Alter the Ending' by IsmayDeVain (Friendship)
FF, Word Count: 8,267
Rating: T
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Drama
Song BGM: 'Claudie Mackula - Destroyed'
Summary: Leo watches Jim die twelve times in one day, and no matter what he does, no matter what he changes, he cannot save him.
Notes: This one goes pretty much like other mass death plots, like Dean from Supernatural and Mayuri from Steins' Gate, where the character dies in a different way each time, while another character tries to stop it but is helpless to do so and it resets from the same point in time every time it happens. It was pretty hard to read Jim just dying over and over and feel Bones' helplessness and suffering as he couldn't do anything. Happy ending, lots of angst.
'Morphine' by Tashilovet (Friendship)
FF, Word Count: 14,581
Rating: K+
Genre: Academy, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The more McCoy tried to fight it, the more he wanted to help the stupid kid. A McCoy/Kirk friendship fic.
Notes: This is a fic set when Bones and Jim were still in the academy. There's more to this than there would seem, a whole in depth and satisfying plot that caught me by surprise by the end given that it seemed more like a drabble fic.
'Mixed Signals' by Mijan (Romance)
FF and Ao3, Word Count: 5,997
Summary: Jim Kirk finds himself stranded on a planet's surface when an unpredictable ion storm cuts off transporters and, apparently, communications. The ship can't hear Jim, but he can hear their transmissions... and then Leonard McCoy starts sending him messages, believing that Jim can't hear any of it.
Notes: I found this one really amusing and sweet, pretty lighthearted and relaxing after reading a bunch of angst filled fics.
'Visions of Sleep' by ElegantGhost (Friendship)
Rating: T
FF, Word Count: 12,598
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Summary: Jim hasn't slept for days. When the ship is attacked and he gets a concussion, it's up to Bones to keep him alive and awake until they reach sickbay.
Notes: While there were some confusing parts while Jim was out of it with delusions and blurred vision, and because there wasn't another perspective you couldn't tell what was happening at times, but I found the concept interesting and it was a good read.
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GTA RP - Stan Wheeler/Jimmy Bending
Disclaimer: I don't own GTA, but man I love this pairing.
Brenda had completely rejected him.
Stan sobbed as he drove further down the road in devastation.
But he couldn't talk to Jimmy. He had said that he would be ‘unavailable’, out of town, for a couple of days.
Stan called Lucas in emotional turmoil for a race with the car he had recently been ‘loaned’.
Stan and the two others got into a crash.
Stan struggles to reach his phone and manages to get a sentence out to Jimmy on a cracked screen before losing consciousness. A text back arrives and Jimmy rushes to get back as soon as he possibly can.
“Stan, Stan! What happened!?”
“...J-Jimmy?” Stan said dazedly, then proceeded to ramble the entirety of his woes in a tearfilled voice.
Brenda didn’t want to go on a date with him anymore. Brenda didn’t even want anything to do with him.
“Drive away, Stan,” he could still hear her sweet, beautiful voice, like the singing of angels, rejecting him.
For the first time, he got into a car race, shortly after discovering that the expensive and fast looking car that Kelly had ‘loaned’ him had a great possibility of being stolen. All three participants had crashed, and in his last moments of fading consciousness, Stan had texted Jimmy. He might have been a little out of it for that part, it might have also been the pain meds afterwards.
“I could tell, it was almost all typos. I could just barely understand what you were typing,” Jimmy said in monotone.
“That’s rough, buddy,” Jimmy said later, and patted Stan on the shoulder where he wasn’t covered in bandages.
Jimmy found himself found himself leaning in to kiss Stan, interrupting a self deprecating rant in its tracks. It was only a quick peck on the lips, but Jimmy could taste the salt of Stan’s tears- as long as he had known him, Stan seemed to be leaking fluids unabashedly from every orifice- and his lips were soft and smooth. The skin of Stan’s cheek was baby soft as Jimmy left a hand to it- as Stan had proclaimed a few times, the insane amount of water he drank a day seemed to hydrate his skin better than any lotion could.
Stan was stunned as he looked at him, not moving an inch.
“Stop, Stan, stop. Don’t say things like that,” Jimmy said. There was a pause as he let out a sigh, turned away for a moment, and then looked back at Stan. “I like you, okay? I was going to wait to see how things turned out first with Brenda, but now it’s like this. I like you, Stan Wheeler.”
“...Wait, what!?”
It was a dangerous city. Stan Wheeler had entered with the very thought that the city was going to eat him alive, swallow him whole. But then Stan met Jimmy Bending. He schooled him in the ways of the dangerous city, of his line of work, how to deal with the ladies, and taught him how to stand up for himself more. They were completely different, Stan had a job delivering water, and Jimmy dealt in more unsavory work. They came to a merging point, a compromising of their views and accepted each other.
During the day, Stan ran a water business and at night was Jimmy's work.
On one night, they were caught by the police.
"That bastard, Mel! He ratted us out!" Jimmy yelled, panic on his face at the flashing blue and red lights through the window. He never was good with confrontations, and the police were even worse.
"I thought he was such a nice guy!" Stan exclaimed, crossing his arms, "He bought so many bottles of water!"
"Stan. Staniel. He only did that to get on your good side. This was a trap!"
The doors burst open to the ground at Jimmy's last word, swats coming through. They were pushed down to the ground the sides of their faces digging into the floor, as handcuffs were placed on their wrists.
They were put in the back of the police car, handcuffed, and instructed to remain silent. Jimmy had his head leaned back against the headrest, his eyes closed in resignation, but Stan was looking around curiously. How would he text Brenda if he was in prison? he wondered. Oh well, he thought that they got phone calls from time to time, and visitation. He would have to ask Jimmy, Stan thought he had heard him say he had been to prison once.
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Fran's Bad Ending: Shukufuku no Mirai
Disclaimer: I don't own the Code Realize series, but I do have all the games.
A concept I came up with while playing Fran's route in the Code Realize sequel Shukufuku no Mirai. What if as a bad ending, Fran became twisted and corrupted after not being able able to find a remedy for Cardia's immortality, or been able to to be completely rid of the poisons in the Horologium. Fran fulfills Omnibus’ prophecy, surpassing Isacc Beckford in alchemy, and becomes an even greater threat as he falls into darkness. Cardia and the others have to fight Fran, and not only is he a stronger and smarter enemy, but one that was once their friend.
For if it was to protect Cardia from spending eternity alone, suffering and wondering when she would turn back into a monster, he would do anything.
(Ten years after the game)
There was a twisted smile that curved the lips of her beloved husband's face. There was a dark expression in his green eyes, that she could only describe as cruel. A wretched laugh left his lips as he watched the familiar faces lined up in the room. Chemicals surrounded them in the expansive place, the sound of hissing steam, creations that seemed as if from another time. Atrocities had been happening all over London and even the world, and this was their source.
“Welcome," Frankenstein said, spreading his arms dramatically wide behind him. “It's about time that you all arrived. Took you long enough."
They all stood in shock at the transformation of the man that had once been their friend, who once wouldn't have even wanted to hurt a fly. They had heard the rumors of course, and this confirmed them with the awful view before their eyes, surrounded by chemicals, machinery, and inventions that they could only guess the use of.
Lupin was the first to step forward, “What happened to you Fran!? How could you do this, this isn't like you!”
Frankenstein laughed at him. A sound that set them on edge and made shivers run down their backs. Cardia stood beside him, looking as expressionless and blank as the day Lupin had first met her, as if she had turned back into a doll.
'Ah, he must have fallen into madness', Lupin thought, 'the suffering of everything that had happened must have twisted him.'
(Or, a different version)
The Apostles were coming at them now.
At them, and most of all Fran, to end this mess before it started to affect the world. And that was all they cared about. Not if a life could be redeemed for what they'd done, not even if what they'd seen doesn't come to pass, not even the lives they kill in order to spare a great many other, to 'direct history to its correct path’.
Cardia stood in front of Fran, back to him. Though she didn't look, she knew a twisted smirk still marred his face that didn't belong, and eyes narrowed in a dark expression.
And none of that mattered. Fran had loved her even if she would become a monster, when all others treated her as such, and she would do the same. He was a monster now, he had lost his humanity. They were going to kill him now.
Omnibus’ words were final. “The vision has come true."
Before it hit, Cardia stepped before it. Pain and blood stained her side.
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The Artist and the Mechanic
A word prompt I did to get warmed up for writing.
Word Prompt: Oppressed artist. Gets Stranded.
The artist pressed himself against the cool stone of the building alleyway, his skin feeling flushed and heated. He could hear the sounds his pursuers, footsteps coming closer and closer. He was trapped and there was nowhere left to go, his body exhausted from running and the fever beneath his skin. In his hands he clutched something wrapped in white cloth, something he had to deliver. He lived in an age where it was against the law to create something.
"Over here!" A man whispered, a door opening near where he was, and the artist was hurried inside the door with it closed behind him.
He was now in a simple garage with numerous cars and tools, and beckoned to sit in a chair.
"Who are you, and why did you save me?" The artist asked with confusion.
The man standing in front of him shrugged. "I'm the mechanic, and I'm the same as you."
The mechanic pulled a white cloth from a large object on the ground, and unveiled the most interesting thing the artist had seen in his life. It was some sort of metallic contraption that the artist didn't know what it did, but it looked cool.
"That looks amazing!"
"I've been working on it in my spare time, regular work gets boring sometimes, you see. Now who are you?"
"I'm the artist." The artist said simply, and unwrapped the white cloth from around his painting. "I couldn't just content myself with painting the twenty standard works they force us to make everywhere."
"...It's beautiful. I've never met someone willing enough to break the rules for their dreams like I do." The mechanic said, glancing back to his own illegal work.
"Do you need a place to rest? You look quite a bit ill."
"Would you mind?"
"There's no one else that lives in this house. Here, take my shoulder."
The mechanic placed the artist's arm over his shoulder and pulled him to his feet. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, he felt exhausted, shaky, cold, and sweat coated his face. There was another door that connected to the house and they went inside. The mechanic turned on the lights and led them to his bedroom. It was a simple house, mostly clean, although there were things scattered in some places. They reached the bedroom and the mechanic gently deposited the artist onto the bed, pulling the covers over him.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I'm a criminal. You could be caught and found with me."
The mechanic waved a hand. "I've been waiting to be caught my whole life, I could at least help you out."
The mechanic brought some standard illness items back to the room, such as soup, wet cloths, medicine, and the artist appreciated it greatly. For the first time in a long time, he fell asleep content, and with the satisfying feeling that someone understood him.
When the artist woke up he felt better, but a bad feeling washed over him. The mechanic was gone, nowhere in the house, and so were both their creative items. In its place was a note that said: 'I have your illegal items, and the mechanic. Unless you want me to turn them into the government, you need to do as I say. I want you to create a painting to my specifications, or else.'
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