thay-of-midgard · 11 months
Good Omens 2 feels like fanfiction not because of its contents but because the author is here on tumblr posting things like "hehe not sorry >:)" and getting hate anons
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thay-of-midgard · 11 months
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
the "came back wrong" trope except like... they didnt. like this mad scientists wife died, and so he studied necromancy, brought her back, and she came back and it all worked. like she came back exactly the same as she was before with literally no difference. but the scientist guy is like "oh no... what have i done.... shes Different now!!!! she came back Wrong!!!!" and shes just like. chilling. reading a book. cooking dinner. shes just so so normal but in the guys mind hes like "oh shes soooo weird" but shes just normal
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
any song can be abt you’re favorite characters if you’re insane enough
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
Would be asleep right now, but there are Fictional Characters to imagine in emotional situations. You know how it is.
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
today on ao3 tips, here's a quick follow up to this post about the ao3 "mark for later"/TBR/save for later function! ive seen some stuff going around lately lamenting that there's no easy way to filter out "character x reader" or "character x OC" fics from search results, but there absolutely is!
very quick and simple fix, just add "-reader" and/or "-original*" to the "search within results" bar (not "other tags to exclude", which might be where the confusion is coming from). it looks like this:
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here is what it looks like with both filtered out:
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the "*" after original is an indicator for the filters to catch the "original female--", "original male--", and "original character" tags, which is why is should be included! as a caveat, this also removes anything that has the word "original" in the summary or tags, so do be aware of that. (meaning this will also grab anything that has original characters tagged even if they AREN'T in a pairing, plus anything that uses the word "original" in the normal sense)
also, || designates "OR" for the filter search, so it is optional (and can be replaced with just a simple space) but i like to include it to be extra sure. i have checked and both results work.
anyway, happy reading, everyone!
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
god this tickles me
(OP's tiktok here)
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
This is an adorable thing that cardinal couples do. Most birds only feed their young this way but cardinals feed their mates as part of their bonding rituals.
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
I’m a social vampire u gotta invite me into ur conversation or I cannot enter
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
yall with your ugly celeb man crushes
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
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The 3 important B’s
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
traits turned sour
honest - insensitive
persuasive - manipulative
caring - overprotective
confidence - arrogance
fearless - cocky
loyalty - an excuse
devotion - obsession
agreeable - lazy
perfectionism - insatisfaction
reserved - aloof
cautious - skeptical
self loved - selfish
available - distractible
emotional - dramatic
humble - attention-seeking
diligent - imposing
dutiful - submissive
assertive - bossy
strategic - calculated
truthful - cruel
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thay-of-midgard · 1 year
I wish that ao3 had an option to filter warnings (and tbh certain authors) out like I will never ever want to read it and just seeing it puts me off so much that often I end up closing my browser because that content upsets me so much lmao
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thay-of-midgard · 2 years
brazilians: we hate argentina so much
also brazilians, seeing argentina winning the world cup: *cars honking* *people screaming in the streets* *fireworks*
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thay-of-midgard · 2 years
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