thatsveryu · 5 years
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thatsveryu · 5 years
Kylo Ren: Control yourself. A lightsaber? Interesting.
Stormtrooper who's about to get promoted: If there's one Jedi left, it's not you
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thatsveryu · 5 years
I had a dream;
I had a dream last night.
I had a dream;
a dream where everything was alright.
a dream where you held me tight.
 I told you how I felt,
and you smiled.
you knelt,
caressing my hand, with nails neatly filed.
 But that’s all it was;
a dream.
and a dream it will stay.
 Because I know
you aren’t gay.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
I'm trapped
in a body that's not mine.
The bond snapped,
now I'm stuck in time.
I'm not she.
I'm not her.
I'm he, I'm him;
I'm your son, not your daughter.
I spread my wings - hopeful,
maybe I'll be accepted.
No, no, little girl, never.
Death is tempting, and I'm tempted.
Maybe a few pills,
downed in a gulp.
No; pills kill,
little girl.
Wash your mouth out with soap,
I'm not a girl!
You say I am, you trapped me!
My wings will never unfurl,
this is your fault, don't you see?!
I'm trapped
in this body!
in a female body, hidden behind one sided glass!
I can see out, but no one can see in!
Just go away,
let me hide behind the glass.
Please, don't make me stay.
I don't want to stay in this past!
It'll become future,
please don't make it my future.
A boy, I am;
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thatsveryu · 5 years
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Pixel Pride Bottles 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈
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thatsveryu · 5 years
A person with power to bring whatever they paint to life becomes friends with someone who can bring whatever story they write to life. Together they have to save the world. The catch? The painter can only do abstract, and the writer is dyslexic.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
“Who are you? ……. Death?”
“Sometimes, but not today love.”
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thatsveryu · 5 years
Everyone has a book that holds every lie you were ever told. Once you open it though, the book dissapears for ever. You met the love of your life, but you think that he is lying to you. You start feeling the urge to open the book.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
“If anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Five different people burst into the chapel from different entrances, each with a different objection.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
You have died a violent, untimely death and have become a ghost, doomed to wander the earth until your death is avenged by a living being. The other ghosts whisper of a person who can see and converse with the dead, who can enact the revenge you need in order to pass on to the next life…
Eventually, you find this extraordinary person. Turns out it’s a surly teenager who’s had just about enough of being pestered by vengeful dead people.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
You’re a silent protagonist. Your goal? Find yourself a voice and a personality.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
Have y’all seen this???? It’s an ad from the @shethinx Instagram about their period underwear. Look. Period sex isn’t for me. But the fact that they so casually showed a trans guy and mentioned that guys get periods too? Oscar worthy.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
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Be yourself. Love who you want. Be free.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Pansexual, Asexual, Aromantic aesthetics. Pride 2019.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
before you leave your house. ftm checklist.
- Can you breathe in your binder?
- Do you have a sports bra with you for the emergency?
- Phone charger?
- Water?
- Lunch (school/work)
- Money?
- ID?
and now something special.
you look so handsome today. i am honored to walk the same earth with such an attractive young man. i hope you have a good day.
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thatsveryu · 5 years
yes, just yes.
Petition to rename top surgery Teet Yeet
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thatsveryu · 5 years
I want to lose myself in you,
but fuck, it's so hard,
I can't tell if you like me too.
Please let me play my card,
I want my turn,
I want you to hold me,
is there gonna be ash in my urn?
I'm sinking under the sea,
but you don't understand which type;
It's the sea of sorrows and the silence I've kept.
I've stuck myself in this horrible hole,
I can't lift my arms or legs,
I think I'm losing my soul,
it's getting too hard to breathe.
Save me.
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thatsveryu · 6 years
me: i wanna cuddle
"curly hair": me too
me: uwu
"curly hair": *meme*
me: OkAy
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